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Latest revision as of 00:54, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 27 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Black Canary

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    It's a few hours off the coast, out into the open ocean. Compasses go haywire first, and then it comes into view. Just a speck at first, before the PC-12 draws all the closer. Then the details begin to resolve. The volcanic "walls" surrounding most of the island, the black sand beaches. The ancient pines, and once the plane gets closer? The camouflaged runways, blended skillfully into the forest. From there it's a short taxi into the mountain.

    The main hangar is, well a cavern and then some. Decorated with a mixture of national flags, including captured battle flags mind you. Another PC-12 sits silently within, then oh hey a Black Widow! From the Saab 105, to Zinda's neat black painted F-15. Tools and parts arrayed neatly, floors swept. This isn't any casual adventure then, it's military in it's obsessiveness. "Alright, thankyou for flying Blackhawk airlines. Please remain seated, until I say otherwise."Zinda pauses, cranking off the various switches and knobs upfront. "Oh hey, no foolin you hungry or anything?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah leans forward in her seat as the plane starts to descend, whistling a bit. "Nice...volcanic lair, really?" she teases, leaning back against her chair just before the wheels hit the tarmac. She quiets a bit as you enter the hangar however, her eyes widening in appreciation at the aircraft inside, and the display of flags, her sass restrained for the moment.

    But not for terribly long. As the plane stops, she grins a bit as the other woman's comment. "Pilot and stewardess, truly a woman of many talents." she quips. "Hmm, I could eat." she admits, undoing her belt, though not immediately making a motion to rise.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well, welcome to blackhawk Island. The one we had in the pacific was bigger, but its also overrun by rats like seriously fourty pounds. Mutant cannibal rats, so I just decided that island is dead to me. I dont need that shit in my life."Zinda offers a smirk, before stepping past to pop the door and climb down. "Anyway there are no bugs, no rats right now but it's an island. So rats are kill on sight, no joke. Outside, we've got beaches and the fishing is great. We have no boats right now what with the submarine pen collapsed, so I'd be careful with your swimming as there are gnarly currents."

    "This place was originally built during prohibition, old man Blackhawk bought the place and just went crazy. So the facility is pretty extensive, unfortunately large portions are in disrepair and dangerous. So exploring is fine, but do so carefully, because we got no doctor out here. You feel me honey?"And a pause for Zinda to set down her little travel bag, and snag the shotgun within before she continues. "So first...we have the primary armory through here..."

Black Canary has posed:
    The other blonde hops up to follow, snagging her go bag as she does to sling it over her shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind. Rats bad, rats dead." she returns. "Wait, you've got a sub pen too? Neat!" She strides along behind Zinda as she takes in the report on the island. "Got it. No extreme city spelunking without a buddy. Sounds like there's a lot we'll have to clean up ourselves here." she adds.

    As the tour begins, Dinah absently sets her bag down next to Zinda, clasping her hands behind her back as she follows her into the base proper. "Modern weapons?" she asks, unsure of how much restocking has been done of late.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And through a trio of heavy submarine doors, and into the armory. "Some. Enough for the time being."This is clearly mostly for the aircraft, judging by the 20mm cannons, missiles, bombs and the lot. THere are also racks for firearms. From M1 garands, to M16s, SiG 553s, some AKs, it's a totally respectable sampler pack of modern assault rifles honestly. There are however a bunch of Hudson H9s, a ton of P90s and a veritable cornicopia of shotguns. Fighterpilots love shotguns, so that makes sense. Zinda locks in her own ancient Auto-5, before hoisting whats left of her bag. "Guns are cheap, I haven't been too motivated honestly. You need or want something though, just ask it's not that big of a deal."

    From there, there are machinery rooms, workshops, offices, a gym, a hospital, rooms for the storage of maps, flight helmets, it's like an entire military base had once existed here. The halls are broad and the floors polished, but theres evidence they'd been heavily trafficked once upon a time. Now, the blackhawks were...Zinda and Elliot and perhaps Dinah.

    The quarters are, more like little apartments lacking only a kitchen. Fully furnished and, well plain but they're large and comfortable. The tour then circles around to the common area, which is set on an interior balcony overlooking the little museum set up below. Couches and a TV, pool table, a full kitchen. "Well anyway, thats the base. It's not what it used to be, but it'll get us going."

Black Canary has posed:
    "Honestly, I don't usually have to resort to them." Dinah says, a bit cryptically she she follows along, her eyes running over the areas they pass through. AS they reach the end, Dinah nods thoughfully. "It's true, we'll be rattling around like peas in a pod at the moment."

    She glances Zinda's way, as if mulling something over in her mind. "Soooo...I probably should fill in a few blanks on my end, huh?" she offers. "Since we didn't exactly trade applications and CVS."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "You're former mil, but it was shady and probably on the complicated end of the moral balance sheet. Since you got out you've found you can still fight just fine, but you're a little hollowed out and restless?"Zinda glances towards Dinah, as she slips towards the kitchen and starts digging out the goods. "But please, lets hear the story either way. One thing's certain, you ain't no fucking clerk."It looks like, burgers because well time is a factor here. She does at least set out a bottle of PBR for Zinda, if she fancies.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah raises a brow, then smiles faintly. "Good eye. Special forces, actually, mostly infiltration training. Though I got a lot of my pilot training there too." she admits freely, not feeling like she's giving anything classified away there.

    She saunters over to snag the bottle, popping the cap, then finds a seat. "...well, not immediately." she continues. "I found some...purpose after I left." She wanders over to one of the windows, looking out with a little smile as she takes a sip from the bottle, then looks back over her shoulder. "It was a special unit, so it left me with some more unusual gifts, honestly. And I put those to use with a team of my own. Vigilante work mostly."

    Her eyes go a bit distant. "...some good friends, some solid people...or at least I thought they were." Another longer tilt of the bottle.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "This is a very simple outfit Dinah. Take care of each other, don't lie. Stick together, fight the bad guys and get home."And well hey, Burgers and beer! Zinda's content to leave it at that, before hopping up on a counter to have a seat.

    "Some of us aren't made for peacetime, myself included. It's a special hell for a real soldier, makes me glad I missed out on all the shit after the war was over."She settles back, peering after Dinah somewhat lazily. "You don't need to worry about me and Elliot honey, We don't screw each other over here. It's why we're being more particular about you as a person, than a pair of fists."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah smiles a bit, though there's a faint shadow in her eyes. "I'm not saying you would. It's just..." She pauses. "...I miss having people watching my back, and not having to figure out everything alone." She waves her bottle slightly. "Call it a family, call it a team, call it whatever you like." Her blue eyes meet Zinda's. "....I just want to know what it's like to trust somebody again."

    There a pause, then she mutters, looking at the bottle. "...damn, I'm getting maudlin now." She takes another swig and walks back over. "But, that goes both ways, so..." She walks across the room, setting the bottle down against one of the walls, away from anything else breakable, then walking over to stand between Zinda and said bottle. "...so, there's also this." She looks back at the bottle, inhales slightly, then parts her lips.


    There's a loud crack as the bottle shatter explosively...as does the wall plaster around it, leaving a slightly cracked spot behind.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Jesus christ!"Zinda gasps, pressing a hand to her chest as she bolts upright. "Hol...well."She inhales deeply, peering at the bottle and the plaster beyond. "Well, we were gonna get John out here anyway."And a snort, before she fishes out another bottle and whips it across towards Dinah. "Well, honey."She shifts, again digging for cigarettes that don't exist.

    "Augh, well. Right now, I dont think of you as family. Right now Dinah Lance is my friend, and I like her. Right now though, she's not family. Family takes time, and we ain't had that yet."She finally snags her seat oncemore, looking over at that shattered bottle. "Friends, is gonna have to be enough for us to start with. I'm willing to put in the effort if you are though, alright kiddo? Just yaknow, stop breaking shit?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah catches it easily. "That's fair. I'm not expecting more than that right now." she says simply, then grins. "And I'm very good with my Cry. Which brings me to the other thing..." she says, popping the cap off as she walks over then flops down. "I usually go by a different name...Black Canary. And I do have, ah, a membership that means I might sometimes have to take off for a little bit to deal with a problem." She gestures with the bottle. "Which usually doesn't take long and I'm not going to take off int he middle of a mission or if you need me, but if we've got downtime and I get the call, well..." She shrugs a bit. "I did promise to the League before I met you, and I take that seriously. They don't need me generally for most stuff though." She holds up her fingers very close together. "I'm a leeeetle lower power level than most people there."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Not a problem, but I don't want nobody on the island just because you're in the club. You can see how much of a security nightmare this place is for just three of us, well meaning or otherwise. We'll hook you up with something that flies once we get around to it, so you can come and go at your leisure."Zinda eases back with a sip of her beer. "As for how we're doing as a unit? Well we have a contract with Shield, which is securing us combat aircraft. We operate on a very -thin- profit margin though, so we're nearly broke at the moment. Until we can clear some of these upcoming contracts, that means no fucking around with training you to fly right this very minute. So for right now, things are going to be happening kind of slowly."

    "Neonazi types are not fans of us for obvious reasons, neither are most pirates. Most recently we've been seeing some bizarre activity with our Mexican clients, cartels are bagging them before they can hire us."She shrugs, and lets het gaze drift. "And somone told me that Killer Shark is still alive, and out there."

Black Canary has posed:
    There's another nod from the other blonde. "It's fine. I'm still up on my pilot training. I'm not as much a fighter pilot as you, but I've got a pretty wide range of things I can fly without embarrassing myself." She shrugs. "Besides, not a lot of aircraft to practice on, especially when we don't have a ground crew yet to keep things working. With just three of us, we're not exactly going to be taking the big contracts yet, I undersatnd that."

    Dinah raises a brow. "Killer Shark?" she says. "Don't know him, what's his thing? Other than, I mean, presumably being sharky." She sips from her bottle again.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Zinda lets the question hang for a moment, shifting her gaze back towards Dinah. Those blue eyes are sharp, but they're also as old as her birthdate might suggest. "Pirate, very cruel. Lots of subs and planes, eccentric guy who has a shark theme. We fought his goons three or four times, I slaughtered them. Then we got a hot tip, big island. We got seperated, and I ran into him on my own."And a shift as she clears her throat. "He shot me full of, something. The term back then was "menticide", turned me into somone else like a lightswitch. Ended up beating half the squadron into the hospital when they came for him, bout finished the job when they tried to rescue me the first time."

    And another cough, and a sip of beer. "He made a mistake in his formula, dilution was too low. Got free, so I field dressed him like a deer. Alive. Fed what was left to his pet sharks, thought that was end of it. Well, rumors suggest otherwise."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah leans back in her chair, tilting her head at that, her eyes steady but serious now. "...harsh." she murmurs. "But can't say I blame you. Mind fuck stuff like that..." She shakes her head. "Sure it's not someone taking the name, family member or something? Cuz that sounds pretty damn permanent."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I don't know, but I will find them and kill them. Hard. There are lines which were crossed, and there is no making it right."Zinda's not an evil woman, sure she fights like an animal but she does not rush towards strictly terminal solutions. She's soldierly, she has ROE she follows. Still, even Zinda has lines. "Theres no reforming that, you either stop it or you don't. I find him, theres gonna be no beautiful come to jesus discussion about compassion. I'm killing the sick fuck, and there is no deviation to discuss. We clear?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah frowns a a bit, then nods slightly. "Clear." she murmurs. "I'll tell you straight, I'm not as much of a killer these days. Rather beat the crap out of someone and turn them over to the police, or whatever authority is around." She meets Zinda's eyes honestly. "So, there's a line there I won't cross generally. I will if I have to, but it's not the first thing I reach for, understand?" She sighs. "...that said, fuck pirates and anyone who believes the romantic crap about them, so I'm not going to stop you if you've got a beef."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I'm the fourth highest scoring ace in history, and that doesn't cover to what I did to ground targets. I do not enjoy it, I do not seek it out. However it is a frequent consequence of aerial combat, and close air support. If somone shoots at me, I am going to shoot back. I am what I would consider, blood thirsty but I have made my bed and I will lie in it."She sips her beer calmly for a moment. "I will only require you to use as much force as is necessary to achieve our objective, we're not paid by the body count. However torturers, rapists, that kind of stuff? Sorry honey I'm going to kill them when I find them, because that shit don't track with me."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah nods a bit, looking thoughful. "Me neither...just I'd sooner hand them over for hanging, outside of a fight. In a fight.." She sips from her bottle again, crossing her legs. "...if they're trying to kill me, I'll use what force I need to to stop them."

    There's a pause, then she says honestly. "It doesn't track with me either...just I'm not up for being the executioner there, outside of a fight anyway. I'll have to think about that." she admits. "It'd be different here. We're not exactly where we can hand them over if it's just the three of us, and I'm not going to put a teammate in danger to do so."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well I dont condone the shooting of a parachuting pilot, nor the execution of somone otherwise restrained. However I have exceptions, you don't need to be apart of it. I won't even ask you to like it, just to respect my point of view philosophically and the chain of command in the field. I don't wanna freak anyone out either, because that's a real quick way to end the squadron. Not the kind of thing I want to teach Elliot either, and she's just getting into this."And a shrug. "We're soldiers, we conduct ourselves professionally. We dont do murder safaris."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah raises a brow. "...murder safaris..." she repeats, sounding faintly amused. She nods however. "...sure. As long as it isn't gratuitous...and I'll let you know if I feel it's going too far. Otherwise, I'll respect your point of view. Fair?"

    She offers a hand over to the other blonde.    

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And a reach across to shake, firmly. "An old OSS term we used to hear, thats what they called hunting down HVTs. It's kind of awesomely theatrical, right?"She offers a faint smile. "We need to get you a partner for ground work, and we'll have two elements. That sounds like the basis of combined arms, doesn't it?"