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Latest revision as of 01:39, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 28 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Batman

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's a fine and fair weathered day here in Metropolis Park. There may be those that want there to be a different set of circumstances but for the moment everything is calm. There is absolutely no reason at all that there should be two hulking Amazon women standing in Metropolis Park and keeping a very close eye on every other person that has entered or exited the park.

Except for, of course, the fact that Lex Luthor is standing in the park, near a bench and waiting with an arrogant impatience that proves just how much he doesn't want to be here at this moment. There are so many other things that he could be doing right now but he's going to have to wait here until certain parties show up to talk about things that probably could've been sent in an e-mail.

Lex Luthor's time is precious and he intends to make that clear to anyone that looks in his direction.

Batman has posed:
From the side of Lex he would hear the people first, "Is that Bruce Wayne? Someone asks, and a small crowd head towards where a smiling man in a buisness suit is walking up. To his side the only thing with him is a dog, a Doberman looks like it is in perfect form walking next to him like he was well trained to do so. He does growl at some who get too close, and Bruce speaks up. "Oh, I am sorry.. He doesn't like new people. Thank you for your attention, but I am just a normal guy out for a walk" rubbing a hand through his hair with a light chuckle. Though he does continue walking some just take photos and walk away, some ask him to sign something for them (Nothing document wise, but hats stuff like that). A few of the ladies try to sneak him their number, but the dog growls at those a bit too pushy. Eventually when he comes to you most except for the truely desperate are gone.

With a larger smile Bruce looks at Lex.. "Lex is that you?" he walks forward a bit, and holds a hand out. "Glad you made it out here! I figured that office of yours had to be stuffy by now. Walking around down here is good some times." He looks over at the people behind him shortly after. "Listen I will take your number, yes.. I know you really need to talk it is okay." he turns them around with a flourish of kind words, and reasurement that makes them walk away with a smile.

Turning back he shrugs, "I didn't think they would notice me over here." he adds as he releases his dog from the leash. It doesn't run, or really move just standing there next at attention next to Bruce watching for any dangers.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"My office's air is vastly superior than what we're breathing out here, I can assure you, Mr. Wayne." While Bruce seems to be as casual as there ever is, Lex Luthor is putting up the walls that are as clear as day that he's here for business. Not to have conversations about life and air.

There's a small moment where Lex looks down at the dog and just takes it in as a bit of an observation. He doesn't show any signs of fear or curiosity. He's just wanting to make mental notes about as much of Bruce Wayne as he possibly can.

"Now then, if you're quite finished being a spectacle of unwarranted proportions, perhaps we can get down to business. I have a global economy to stabilize before dinner." That's either a joke or Lex Luthor really needs to learn how to relax.

Batman has posed:
Bruce looks at him, and smiles. "Lex.. Lex.. It isn't about the quality, is about the nature of it.." he gives a chuckle with a shrug, "But fair enough if you wish to talk about buisness I understand." he reaches in his pockets, and that might get the ladies a bit disturbed, but if it does happen he ignores it. For some reason the natrual fear of those ladies he just brushes away like he trust Lex wouldn't let them do anything it would be bad for buisness. Though that is only a theory, who knows why really.

Pulling out an electric notepad, a decient one with all the bells and whistles that one might ask for, and hands it over to Lex. He didn't expect it back, it was just the price of doing buisness so really it was more a write off then anything. "You see Wayne Tech is making some big moves into space tech. We have had some great improvements in technology that will survive harsh climates." he pauses letting Lex look at the information. The information in the device he was handed was technical... Lots of things Lex might of never though of before towards just those goals he mentioned earlier. Bruce continues, "Of course that is all owned by Wayne Tech, but you see we don't have the factories to build some of the finner parts that we would need to bring it into reality."

He turns to face Lex with a smile, "But LexCorp does, so I come to make a suggestion. Let us both work on this, we will from a development standpoint, and you from a engingeering, and mechanical stand point." he waves his hands infront of him. "The Lex, and Wayne our names will ring through the stars.. though this project is mainly for Mars exploration.. of course."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex almost doesn't want to touch the pad but doesn't want to seem as though he's the same as some other eccentric billionaires and chooses to take the pad. He reads over the information, swiping when he needs to, committing it all to memory and not missing a beat as he stares at it all with a single raised eyebrow. He doesn't seem to be impressed but he doesn't seem to be bored either. He's clearly just keeping a simple facial expression to make sure that he gives nothing away. Business faces are almost the same as poker faces in this day and age.

"Interesting." Lex replies after hearing and reading as much as he wants. To show just how much he doesn't need free technology, the pad is handed back over towards Bruce and Lex continues with his own words, "I can see you've done your homework. LexCorp, however, already has quite a few projects that involve space exploration. So I'm wondering exactly what, besides using my company to perform all your hard labor, would be the benefit for LexCorp."

Lex doesn't expect an answer. He seems as if he's just musing aloud or something of that nature. There's a moment where he shrugs slightly and looks off in the direction of those that may still be gathered due to the presence of Bruce Wayne. None of these people in HIS city ever come out like this for him.

"What are you looking for on Mars?"

Batman has posed:
Bruce just smiles, and pets his dog not seeming to be disapointed by his reaction at all. He looks out at the park and is silent for a moment before he continues. "You know the people at the lab had a bet.. Some thought you would be so impressed that I wouldn't have to sell you what came next. Though, me... personally.. I think I know you better." he looks away like he is focusing on a memory, "You remind me a lot of my father. Sure around us I would neve speak bad of him, but to the world of science, and medicine he was ruthless." Bruce chuckles a bit, "You needed to be ready when you delt with him, because if you were not he would have no time for you... Always said if they didn't put the effort in why should I.." Bruce shakes his head.. "So..." he hits a button, and the screen changes to show more information that was hidden on it.

"This was gathered by me.. personally so that you can know that I mean buisness. It is a layout of the plans, and the parts that you will be making. It is also the parts you will be selling to these companies." he adds showing him a list on it. "The profit margin will be serious for both of us, because we will be deviding the profits, with a guarantee of at least one new project space related per year." he shrugs, and steps back.. "You see Lex, you are the kind of buisnessman I want to join.. Your efficent, to the point, and ruthless a lot like my own father. We can make lots of money, but what is money really.. This is bigger then that, I want to expand Wayne Enterprises... To mars.." he says a bit lower voice.. "Though that might take a few years."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex just looks at the new information and also commits all of it to memory because that's just what he does. It makes it very difficult for him to just glance at things but with his memory being what it is, he can't help it. It all goes very well when he needs to do things like recall information and shut down people in the boardroom. Other times, it just ruins his dreams.

Once he's finished looking at the new information, the pad is once again held out for Mr. Wayne to take. Lex refuses to keep this technological marvel. Just refuses.

"Funny. My father always said that there are two types of men in the world of business. Luthors and Everyone Else." Lex looks off for just a moment. "I was, apparently, Everyone Else." With his own one-upmanship attempt thrown into the mix, Lex nods along with the thinking of what has been said to him about the project.

"If you want to keep your reasons for wanting to see what's on Mars to yourself, Mr. Wayne, that's fine." Lex grins for just a moment. He'll find out what Wayne's after some other time. He has other ways.

"I'll think about this for a couple of days. Perhaps we can find a more mutual benefit than money, which we both have in abundance." Lex's eyes light up a moment as he may be getting a bit of an idea on his own. "I'll be in touch."

Batman has posed:
Bruce listens, as he just pets the dog, his face that same smile as before.. It doesn't break." He stands, and holds out a hand, "Well Lex, if we do this it will be Lex, Bruce, and everyone else.. Because they will be so far behind they won't even know they are racing yet."

He holds up his hands, "I get it, its hard to take this all in under such a short time." he turns and starts walking away if you shook his hand or not he would still wave. "Just remember Lex, we are not the only people out there, you will want to move on this to get a headstart." He doesn't add any threat about going to others, or any thing like that, but you would know tech like that doesn't stay unproduced for long one way or the other.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Believe me, Mr. Wayne, I know exactly how much time we have."

Lex's comment is said with just enough of a sinister hint to it to make sure that it looms there in the air. It's almost as if he's already decided to be up to something.

With that said, he turns to look over his shoulder and towards his two bodyguards that have been stationed and positioned for the longest time. "Mercy. Get the car." His voice is normal at the moment but somehow she hears him and is off to fetch the ride.

"Be careful out here, Mr. Wayne." Lex almost sounds like he's giving a threat but the nod towards the various women still nearby may be a sufficient cover for his intentions. Lex finally turns completely away from Bruce and starts to head off towards Hope. "You'll hear from me sooner than you think."