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Latest revision as of 02:26, 27 October 2017

No more evil doing for you, little akuma.
Date of Scene: 30 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 142, Mister Fantastic, 143

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Midmorning. Four Freedom Tower. Building scanners alert Reed to guests on the roof: One Chat Noir and his very own Ladybug.

Where Ladybug looks calm, Chat looks like a cat pawing at the door trying to get in from the rain. His ears are flat against his head and his tail lashes against the inside of one leg as he's running his clawed hand over the outside of the elevator that they used the last time they were here, as if looking for the DOWN button.

"Come on meow! Where's the door bell?" he's chattering, in French.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    The intercom hums as it turns on. "Chat? What is it?" Dr. Richard says on the other end, his voice sounding concerned. "Hold on, let me unlock the door." There's a click, then a hum as the doors smoothly slide open. "I'm down on floor 73 currently. Do you need me to come to you?" he asks immediately.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"There's no need. We'll come to you, sir. Chat is simply... Anxious. If you wouldn't mind having something with you that could, possibly, hold a thing from another dimension though?" Yes. Ladybug sounds very calm as she motions Chat forward.

"Calm down, Chaton. Everything's fine." We won't ask how she can say that. "Panicking only leads to accidents." Her free hand reaches out for his and she offers a smile. "Silly kitty."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"How can you SAY that!?" We won't ask, beclaws Chat will ask for everyone! His voice is aggitated even as he steps into the elevator with Ladybug, leaving her to push the buttons now as his clawed hands are motioning at her.

"You have an akuma in a jar and.. I KNOW we want to get it to Reed to study but... still.. They used to creep me-out before, but meow?" Chat shaking his head, a cat shaking off water. His hand takes hers as its offered, fingers interdigitating.

Chat uses dictionary.com mobile app and greats all the best vocabulary!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Like evilize and akumatize! Also great words. The elevator doors slide shut once they're inside, starting to move, as Reed's voice continues. "You...have one?" he sounds suprised, but also quite pleased, even a bit eager. "I'll meet you at the elevator, we can take it down to the dimensional lab. I've got a field generator that can hold just about anything there.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Yes and what do you think climbing the walls will do? Other than scratch the walls up? And does Mister Richards deserve to have that happen? No. So be calm." Button pushed, she pulled the backpack off her shoulder and nods her head. Not that Reed can actually see the nod. But that's not the point.

"I appreciate that. I'm afraid Chat is getting just a little... Uncomfortable.. at the moment. Even as she responds to Reed, Chat's hand is given a squeeze.

"There? See? He has a way to hold it. It's okay."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"but we don't know if it'll hold it!" Chat counters, worry pushing his voice up a few whole tones. He squeezes back, careful to keep his claws from digging in.

"And I am not climbing the walls, thankmewverymuch," Chat pouts faintly, managing to calm enough for his ears to lift a bit and his tail to relax away from his ankle. It's still straight and still, but it no longer looks like it's tucked out of the way. He sighs, forcing himself to still a bit more.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Luckily for Chat's well being, it's a short and quick elevator ride, a soft ding announcing their arrival as the doors slide open. Dr. Richards is on the other side, dressed in his lab coat much as last time. "There you are...this way, let's get your akuma into containment." He waves them after him as he turns and strides quickly down the hall, turning at the third door on the right as the doors slide open in front of him, unlocking ponderously then sliding back. "In here!"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Yet, Chaton," is said of his climbing the walls before she leans up to kiss his cheek. "If it can't hold it, I'll cleanse it immediately, I promise."

When the door opens, she smiles and nods, stepping out first and following him down the hallway. Best to get the akuma into containment and away from Chat as quickly as possible.

"Thank you, sir," is said as she steps into the room. "The sooner we can get the akuma into containment, the sooner Chat will calm." It would be somewhat humorous, the Cat's reaction, if it wasn't so...justified.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat lets out a long slow breath at the kiss to his cheek, eyes starting to want ot flutter closed only to snap open again as the doors open. His ears perked forward then flatten out alisghtly again. He steps out with Ladybug, holding her left hand with his right, but that is the best way to contain that want to Cataclysm the bag and tear the akuma's wings off.

Metal tip of tail shudders in nervous aggitation. Because, really, he wasn't ever so freaked out by them before. It's like he can feel time counting down until this thing starts multiplying.

Stop thinking about countdowns.

Chat shudders, tail quivering again, and his grip on Ladybug's hand tightens.

He's so worked up, he can't even pun straight!

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Truly a Chat-tastrophe in the making! When the two enter, Reed is already heading for a panel attacked to a clear orb of some sort of strange crystal structure, that hums to life as he touches a few controls, a crackle of energy running across the outside. After a moment a part of it irises open. "Here...put it inside, I'll seal it once you do..." Reed says distractedly, adjusting the containment field.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Put it insi-- Okay then. It takes a bit of doing but Mari is eventually able to get the jar up and opened in such a way that the akuma has to fly directly into the containment unit and then she steps back and put the lid back on the jar, breath being held as she waits to see if it'll work. No one pay any mind to the way her free hand is slipping down to the yoyo around her waist and her body is tensing 'just in case'.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat is back to tense and combat ready the moment the jar comes out of the bag. His ears flatten tight against his skull. His tail goes straight behind him. His eyes never leave the jar as the tiny creature, a delicate looking butterfly of black and purple, fluttering sinerely in its clear prison.

Ladybug tilts the jar just so and the butterfly drifts into the containment and...

...another butterfly drifts into the containment. Another one flutters free.

Energy crackles as the creature of magic comes head to head against science. The sphere it's in whines as it bumps against it, turning to bump another side, moving as if blindly searching for the exit.

"We've run out of time," Chat Noir moans, voice like the moaning-hiss of an alley cat warning another. Out of time. Out of time.

"Ladybug! You've got to get as many as you can," he shouts, ignoring the dangers as he rushes forward to grab the jar and clamp it back against the opening of the containment field where she had it. The one free akuma, fluttering so peacefully over head, looking for someone to infect.

Mister Fantastic has posed:
    Reed looks up at the sudden alarmed tone from Chat. "...uh oh." he mutters, backing up a bit as he eyes the akuma warily. "I might have something..." One of his arms stretches out, winding over to a nearby cabinet that he pops open, grabbing one of the many odd looking...rifles?..inside. "The iris is one way, as long as you can get them inside it won't be able to get back out!

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Ladybug has the yoyo off her hip almost immediately and is swinging it, ready to lash it out and catch the akuma when Reed reaches for a .. "What is that?" She's more than a little curious and it halts her movements for now. Since only one got out and she's certain Chat isn't about to take that jar away from the iris until Reed says it's absolutely pawsitively okay, she isn't worried about anymore getting free.

"What is that?" is asked of Chat. He's the science nerd.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat looks at the rifle thing, tail rembling in his effort to keep the jar where it is as the swarm flutters fro mjar to containment and back.

"A stupid high-tech butterfly net?" Chat offers, because he really doesn't know and he's too aggitated to think about it and..

"Can someone please feline up to catch this amuka meow? It's freaking me-out!"