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(Zinda drops by Chaney's while Grace is getting off shift. The two end up talking about Ares, and getting to know each other.)
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2017/07/02
|Date of Scene=2017/07/02
|Location=Chaney's, Metropolis
|Synopsis=Zinda drops by Chaney's while Grace is getting off shift. The two end up talking about Ares, and getting to know each other.
|Synopsis=Summary needed
|Cast of Characters=994, 817
|Cast of Characters=994, 817

Latest revision as of 22:28, 27 October 2017

All About The Guy With Dad-Vibes or Holy Ares, Batman!
Date of Scene: 02 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Grace Choi, Lady Blackhawk

Grace Choi has posed:
    Chaney's. Around midnight. The bar's steady flow has slowed. A few more hours, though, until it's closed. A few tables are empty. Others, full. And, groups are segregated, people mostly talking with friends, or those people like themselves, and generally behaving themselves. And because this is a meta bar? There's certainly some oddities in here. A woman with devil-horns. A man with pure snow white skin and golden eyes. A reptile-like woman. A man with a prehensile tongue that seems to be grossing out the other people at his table with. And, a telekentic who appears to enjoy opening his beer bottles with a very big knife.
    Grace is standing against one of the support beams, arms crossed, ankles crossed, looking around and making sure everyone is behaving themselves. Which, they seem to be.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Zinda slips into the joint like a ghost, sweeping by the bar to snag a pair of old fashions. She does chance a sip of either glass, to check for poisions obviously. This most vital and selfless act complete, she sweeps off towards Grace. Zinda may or may not be you're typical clientelle, she's not meta of course. Not that it's easy to pick that up just by looking at folks, but well It's a bar as far as she's concerned.

    "Hey Honey."She's dressed down for once, a distinctly workplace appropriate length skirt, blazer and a brilliant gold blouse and funeral tie. Looks like somone was at the office, perhaps maybe? "Sorry it took me so long to swing on by, work and all. Fancy a drink or am I going to have to dispose of -both- of these things?"And well, with a smirk she offers a glass over.

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Long as I'm out here and watching," Grace says, slowly, "I should be alright. These are all regulars, they won't cause any problems." She gestures Zinda over towards a table, near the front of the bar where Grace can still watch the entire bar. "Two dark ales, Chad," Grace calls to the bartender. "And yes, one of them's for me. Live with it."
    The bartender, a very human looking guy, begins to sling the drinks accordingly, and, two beers teleport from the bar directly onto the table. "Best bartender in Metropolis. He can't teleport anything larger than a case of wine, but, the lack of wait time makes the clients happy."
    She uncaps her ale, and looks at Zinda, "So. You drop by to try and pick me up? Or, you just in to chat?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Thats enough to get Zinda grinning before she's even settled down, but she does with a sigh. Pounding that old fashioned away before ales are produced, hunching foreward to rest her elbows against the table. "Naw darlin, ya'll plenty fine to look at but I got a thing I'm workin on with somone. We'll see where it goes, but for the time being I am sadly spoken for."And a pause to imbibe with a cautious sip, before offering a faint nod of approval.

    "Anyway naw I just figured I'd see what's up, us being damn near neighbors in the scheme of things. Also wanted to chat a little business if you're interested, well potential business anyway."And finally a steady pull on that beer, goodness where does she even put it? Z's not even getting her buzz on yet, or so it'd seem. "Oh and before I forget, thanks for the call with Johnny boy. Sorry to call you drunk as a skunk and all, wasn't very classy of me I know."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace seems to take her time more, with the ale. Though she doesn't give Zinda a second glance as the blonde pounds hers down. She leans back in her seat, glancing briefly to make sure there's no trouble when someone new comes through the door. She watches the aggressive looking punk for a few moments, while commenting, "I've had worse calls, trust me. Just try to make more sense, next time, yeah?"
    Her eyes swivel back to focus on Zinda, "Business?" She seems to focus on that. "What's the proposal? This have anything to do with - John?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well, no. I mean sure John does some carpentry work for us, base is a mess."And a shrug as Z settles in with a roll of the shoulders, reclining in her chair. Well it's more of a slump, if we're being honest here. "No I need another ground pounder, somone who's a heavy hitter. I don't get the vibe you're in a rush to join the Blackhawks, but we could certainly make use of you on a short term basis if you're interested. Exotic locales, assholes who need their attitudes adjusted. Violently."Eyes finally lifting to study Grace's reaction.

    "Pay is cash and depending on the situation, potentially salvage. If you like the work, we'd see how well we mesh up and decide if coming onto the team formally would be in our mutual interest."Zinda rocks that beer back for another pull, before sliding the emptied glass onto the table. "Plus we'd be an all girl team, which would be kind of cool if you ask me. Looked around, most Merc outfits are sausage parties these days."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "How much cash we talking about?" Grace asks, curiously. Zinda has her attention. Grace? Likes money, it would appear. The bar, momentarily, is forgotten. "I got a good gig here. Soft job. Easy money. But, I'm not above expanding my horizons. If the pay is good enough. And the job interesting enough. Who else you have on board? Anyone I know?"
    Grace finishes off her own ale, and signals Chad for two more, which appear a few moments later on their table. "Usually, I work alone. Prefer it that way. I can let loose, and not have to worry about others. And, well. I tend to be a bit too blunt, for a lot of people. Also? Not really the hero type. So there's that."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "You're Mercenary, that doesn't mean the opposite of Hero. No shame in wanting a little compensation for your work, just means you appreciate money right?"And well, Zinda herself here has been widely hailed as both right? She offers a plaintive little shrug at that. "Depends on the contract we get, but a small job would be good for oh. Twenty five plus expenses, small jobs open the doors to bigger contracts though. The Hawk's don't generate much profit, but there is a salary if you wanna sign on down the line but that's another discussion entirely."
    "As for working alone, no. That exposes both the 'hawks and you to entirely too much liability, we don't need some jackass accusing you of some shit. It's tactically and financially best to have teams of two or larger, in your case? I got somone who won't slow you down, damn sight better fighter than me or Ellie. Skilled,adaptable, smart, Meta. Not many folks I'd want to saddle you up to, but I don't expect you'll get in each other's way."And a pause as she finally laces her fingers over her stomach, slouching to an almost criminal degree by now. "I don't know all that many Meta's honey, especially not on your level. Theres you and, well this other chick is in your zipcode. Everyone else is long dead, Gutter Rat just died like last year I heard."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Surprised you didn't ask John," Grace allows, "But, sure. I'll try it out. I like a good fight." She pops the top off the next beer, considers it as she again checks out to make sure that no one is causing any trouble. Slowly, her attention drifts back to Zinda, "But whose this other girl you got in your pocket? Still haven't told me that."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "She's not a Blackhawk yet, we need to run a few ops with somone to make sure we all get along. So until she is, I ain't going to name drop. You might know her though, and she's not going to slow you down. If you disagree, nothing to stop you from walking right?"Zinda pauses, flagging down the bartender for another old fashioned before offering Grace a raised brow. "Jo-, aha. I knew that fucker was a cape, capedar I tell you what sister. I've tried to recruit the guy, but he doesn't seem over eager to saddle up. Not sure if he's just nothing special or, yaknow he's out of our league or what."

Grace Choi has posed:
    Grace looks at Zinda as if she'd grown a third eye, then smirks. "So, he never told you? He's a God. Not sure which one. But, he's a God. Crashed my party, the other night in Manhattan. Was fighting some guy with an electrical shield, strong enough to stop me and then some. Think I broke his leg though, with the hammer John summoned for me. Still got it. Then they disappeared. Haven't heard from him since. Hope the bastard's alright. Owes me a fucking beer."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Zinda blinks, before casually swirling her drink for a moment. "A -god-, alright. Tell me, was he with a chick in fishnets when this all went down or was that a seperate scuffle I only stumbled over -after- the fact?"Finally hunching foreward. "Christ a god, hah...christ."And finally she belts that glass in a single go, before setting it very gently down. "Well, I knew he was a -something-. Had a notion he was a heavy hitter, but not quite a god."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Heard about them, growing up. Never met one, until now." Grace shrugs, noting, "No. No girl in fishnets. Just him, some other armored guy, and me. Guy we were fighting was pretty badass. Probably would've taken me out if I was fighting him solo," she admits, frowning at that admission. "But, yeah. An honest, and true God. Of Olympus. Like, Zeus and shit."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "An Olympian god, well he -was- a soldier so.."Zinda frowns, letting her gaze shift over towards nowhere in particular. "Mar, no wait thats the other one. Ares, I think was the god of war. I mean, it'd make sense right?"And a tap-tap-tap before she snaps back to reality. "Alright so, ok a god. I'm going to have a very stern lecture with him later, but for now can I count you as potentially interested? In business, as a Blackhawks subcontractor I mean?"

Grace Choi has posed:
    "I'll take a shot at it," Grace agrees, without missing a beat. "Yeah. You can bet I'll tell you if I'm in or out, afterwards, for more. Depends on the cash flow, and how much fun it is." The overly tall woman grins, some and chugs back the rest of her ale. "So who do the Blackhawks fight, anyways? Just anyone?" Grace, apparently, hasn't paid much attention to that.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well, Mercenaries get a bad rap these days honey. Back in the day, the industry was vastly different. Plenty of good folks with money, living and working in bad places. You got NGA's working in war zones trying to keep people from starving, to big corporations looking to provide security to researchers in the field. Now like, ok example. Mexico, The entire government is corrupt as fuck, right? Capes get hung from lamp-posts down there, right?"And a pause as Zinda flags down another drink. "Well if somone needs help, who can they turn to? SHIELD and the like, create an international incident. You don't want like, rando-assholes trading money for blood. You want professionals, and thats us."

    "So we fight pirates, criminal organizations, fight on behalf of small nations who don't have the bling to make a legit military and maintain it. It ranges from baby sitting, to you know. Hunting down chemical weapons labs, tank formations or rescuing hostages. It's everything, and the Blackhawks do it just above cost. Just enough to keep our people paid, and put a little in the bank. You focus on the people, not the cash. Right now, I've got a few potential clients in South America, but there's somone killing the people sent to meet us."Zinda offers a little shrug at that. "I'm going to go hurt their feelings in a downright terminal kind of way, but that's not paying work for you. Every contract is different though, but you wanna see serious action? This is the way to see the most action, and make a profit at the same time."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "You got my number," Grace tells Zinda, apparently not detered by the possibility she might be pissing off warlords, and other folk of that sort of ilk. She cracks her knuckles, "I'll have to show you the hammer that John gave me. Said it came from Hephasteus' forge. It's pretty badass. Might be able to put it to good use."
    She leans forward, "So. Whose the lucky guy? Or, girl, that you're not going to flirt with me because of? Or is that a secret, too?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    And a coy little grin, as she leans forward to offer in a most conspiratorial tone. "Blackhawk two, Elliot is her name. She's a cute little thing, and she does very right by me. See, aces the real ones? You don't make aces in flight school, you have to be born a little off. A little unhinged, a little oddball so you're in the appropriate frame of mind. Those kinds of people are rare these days, burried under medications and diagnoses and shrinks. Elliot's got it, and that makes her as good as gold in my book."

    And finally a little shrug, as she polishes off what little remains of her drink. "You have to be very cold, very clinical in your killing. You have to be comfortable with it, enjoy the victory without getting some kind of murder boner out of it. Get too blood thirsty, and only thing you're going to accomplish is to expend enemy ammunition. Know how many Aces are still flying these days, none but me. Most of the meds they give folks to make them happy, or sad, or what-the-fuck-ever will fail you're medical eval for a pilot's license. So you get a bunch of glorified switch flippers now, not like my girl Elliot. She flies like a knife."

Grace Choi has posed:
    "Have to meet her, sometime, then, if she's all that." Grace considers, admits, "I like fighting. Pushing myself, seeing how far I can go. But killing? I tend to be more the kind that prefers snapping your bones in half. Killing folks is easy. If I have to do it, I will. But, don't find much sense in it." She shrugs, mildly, noting, "Never been to South America. I'll pack my bags, in case we leave anytime soon."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "I like winning, and I always win. In aerial combat, that usually means fatalities. Just an occupational hazard."Zinda shrugs, pitching a few bills on the table before rising with a stretch. "I'll let you know, might be a fair shake. I'd try to brush up on your spanish just in case, oh and pack a swimsuit and some sunscreen. If it ain't jungle down there, it's a beach and alot've those beaches are amaaazing. Now hey, keep safe alright honey?"