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Latest revision as of 00:13, 28 October 2017

Rec Room Chats
Date of Scene: 03 July 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Polaris, Tendril

Professor X has posed:
    Retrieving a book from the shelf, Charles flips open the cover to skim a few paragraphs. His eyes narrow a smidgen at what he reads, before he closes the book and looks at the back. "Hm." He murmurs, before sliding the book back into place. It's at this moment where Lorna makes her presence known, Charles turning in his chair to face her. "Good evening, Lorna." He greets in a friendly enough tone. "I see you're back from your latest expedition. I assume it all went well?" Obviously he's careful about how much detail he's throwing down there. With students watching TV and studying not far.
    "You don't have to tell me what how everything ended right now, Lorna. Why don't you go to bed for the night?" Clearly he had observed the tiredness in which she is carrying herself with. "You look weary."

Polaris has posed:
"All is well." Lorna nods to the Professor and flops into a chair near him. "Too tired to take on the stairs. I'll head up in a bit. How are you? All quiet here?" Lorna's always walked a pretty tenuous line playing diplomat and heir to Genosha as well as teacher and X-Man. She of many hats. "Have you met Alexia?" She asks, missing the girl is in the room. "Her paperwork should have been forwarded along, all in order." She adds quietly. The teen being a ward of the state and boarding here as a new student.

Tendril has posed:
    The sound of her name is enough to attract Alexia's attention. Her first reaction is to slide down reflexively, hiding a bit from view, before she catches herself, cocking her head, then twisting around on the couch as she sets the book to the side, before peeking over the top. Lorna, she recognizes from when she was brought here. The other...is that...the headmaster? She's heard about him, but she hasn't seen him yet. With it being summer intercession, she hasn't had to attend a lot of classes as of yet. Which she's been taking as having free reign in the library in the meantime.

    That said, she's been really unsure how he'd take her arrival. I mean, not every day that a student gets dropped off in the backseat of a police car....

Professor X has posed:
    "Don't wear yourself out, Lorna. You're a young woman of many talents and jobs. Burn out is a real thing." With confirmation that everything is well however, he nods in agreeance. "Good good. And yes, delightfully quiet really." Charles smiles at that notion. "Sometimes it's good to hear naught but the sound of silence. Well, near silence." He glances to the television. It was on low, at least! "I confess I shouldn't be up this late myself given my schedule tomorrow morning, but there are some nights where sleep just eludes us all unfortunately."
    To the question he narrows his eyes a bit. It takes him a few moments to digest the name. "Ms. Nemo? No, not yet. I've seen her paperwork yes, but not yet had the pleasure." Frowning at that, he taps his chin in some thought. "Gone are the days where I can meet every student upon their enrolment. There was some commotion regarding her arrival, I believe?"

Polaris has posed:
"She was dropped off in a squad car, seems an officer was looking after her." Lorna answers. "I like her. She's sharp. Reminds me of Rogue when we first had her in the school. She's come far. Our field trip was exemplary, top marks for performance." She smiles wanly and rubs her head.

Tendril has posed:
    Those gold eyes continue to peer over the couch, a little ripple running down the braided hair behind it, almost an invisible breeze runs over the strands. A bit more of her face surfaces over the couch at Lorna's words. It's not been something she hears a lot lately...being told she's sharp. She does wonder about this Rogue girl...people keep telling her they're a lot a like. In her experience, that means they'll either be friends or frenemies almost immediately.

    There's a moment of hesistation, then she speaks up. "Um...I can explain that....really. Mr. Headmaster, sir." She sits up fully on her knees, so her arms are resting on the back of the couch.

Professor X has posed:
    "Yes, quite right." Charles nods, the story coming back to him with some reminding. "Oh really? It's been a little while since we've had a student like Rogue walk these halls." Resting hands on his lap, the Professor bits his lower lip. "Good. Sometimes I wonder if these field trips are a bit much, but I'm happy to hear the students adapting to complicated situations around them. Each new generation seems to take on more and grow more than the last. It's a credit to your guidance too, Lorna. I've noticed you growing in this space lately. Is leadership something you are planning to develop more?"
    When Alexia finally speaks up, Charles turns his head. There is a slight twinkle in his eye as he looks right at her, a wry smile on his face. "I was wondering when you would speak up, Ms. Nemo." Wait. Did he know she was there the whole time?! Spooky. "I see my reputation precedes me. It's good to meet you, Alexia. You can call me Professor Xavier. I hope you've settled in alright?"

Polaris has posed:
"Oh! Alexia! Come over, meet Charles Xavier." Lorna smiles and looks over. She was surprised. Looking back to Charles, she sombers. "Magnus is focused on Genosha for now, but it might not always be so and now that he's invested our family in it, I have a duty to lead those people too."

Tendril has posed:
    Yesssss, that is...spooky and would be worrisome if not for the smile. She plants her hands, up, gracefully pushing up to full extension so she can pull her legs up close to her body and bring them over the back of the couch, dropping to her feet gracefully on bare feet as she walks over to join the pair. She glances at Lorna, looking curious about this Magnus and Genosha...but it would kinda be prying.

    She turns her attention back to the man in the chair. "Nice to meet you, professor." she says agreeably. "Yeah, it's...nice here?" she admits. "I haven't seen my roomie yet, but she's apparently home for the summer or something. I'm supposed to take some placement tests, but other than that, just been exploring."

Professor X has posed:
    "We can speak of that another time, perhaps." Charles offers, keen to delay any discussions of Genosha. It being so late for one, but there being students around another. "But I am happy you have taken this responsibility upon yourself. I think it suits." Stroking his chin despite having no facial hair, he turns a little in his chair to allow Alexia access to the discussion.
    "It's always encouraging to hear that the campus is nice." He remarks with a chuckle. Sometimes the blunt compliments are the best! "It is a big area to explore though, but take your time with it. During the hustle and bustle of semester you'll be expected to know the corridors inside and out. Have you given any thought as to what electives you will take yet?"

Polaris has posed:
Dropping the subject, Lorna nods and looks to Alexia. She lets the two speak and get acquainted as she rises and places a hand on Charles' shoulder. "I'll put some tea on." She murmurs and walks over to the counter to the electric kettle.

Tendril has posed:
    As Lorna steps away Alexia follows her with her gaze, before returning them to Xavier. "Miss Lorna was really helpful. welcoming me and stuff." she says, a bit softer. She's of the school that when complimenting people, you do it when they can't hear as well, because...well, otherwise they might think you're just buttering them up. More honest, right?

    She clasps her hands behind her back, tilting her head. "Well...um, Miss Lorna, she said you can maybe get into a college from here." She fidgets a bit. "I'm really interested in archeologly and history, actually." she admits. Something she has been mocked for where she was previously, but she would guess here...probably not so much? "So if I could get into classes for that, maybe. I mean, like world history or stuff. Stuff outside the United States, at least." she corrects.

Professor X has posed:
    "Thank-you, Lorna." The Professor replies to the older female of the group. "No sugar for me tonight, thanks. While sleep has evaded me thus far tonight, I am keen to catch it at some point. Sugar won't help me there." Adjusting the turtleneck that he wears a smidgen, he listens to Alexia keenly, leaning forward to take in her every word.
    "Absolutely you can." He addresses the first point. "Our curriculum has been passed over by the relevant bodies that govern these things, meaning that you will be eligible for college should you meet various prerequisites, just like any other school." When Alexia reveals the subjects in particular she is interested in, Charles raises a brow. "Ooh? Those are very interesting topics, Alexia. While I lean towards physical sciences myself, I can attest that our social science subjects and teachers here are very strong. Some of our graduates have gone on to do great things all over the world. Some of them have even become a modern day Indiana Jones', even."

Polaris has posed:
Smiling, Lorna shakes her head at the Indian Jones comment. "I think her concern comes from being a more visible mutant and getting accepted into schools." She pitches in form the counter and looks to Alexia. "You drink tea Alexia?" She asks.

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia positively perks at the mention of Indiana Jones. "R-really? Yeah, something like that! I want to travel, I want to be like that...finding lost relics, bringing them back, finding the truth of things y'know?" She looks over to Lorna, blinking. "Oh, sure, with sugar please?" she says to Lorna, smiling a bit. "Thank you."

    She looks back to Xavier, bouncing on her toes a bit. "I mean, I know it's maybe silly and stuff, but I've always liked that sorta thing. Just...couldn't really do much about it. I mean, I've read stuff, picked up books, but not, like, real training." She looks sheepish. "I'd love to be like Lara Croft or someone, I think she's incredible with discovering Yamatai and all she's done already!" There's definitely a tone of fangirling in her voice.

Professor X has posed:
    "Ah," Charles gets out, nodding a bit at what Lorna reveals. "Well. We're working on that every day." The Professor heaves a heavy sigh, a hand coming up to rub the top of his eyebrows. Likely in some sort of frustration. "I do know of more progressive colleges though. Some even have direct affiliations with us. Places where your physical gifts won't prove a hinderance."
    The excitement from the student earns a warm smile. Ah yes, the excitement of youth! "It's not an easy field to break into, I should warn you. I suspect everyone at some point in their lives have wanted to become Indiana. Or Ms. Croft. But if you're truly invested and have interests in world history and recovering artefacts from eras past, and you work hard? I'm sure there will be nothing to stop you."
    As he settles back into his chair, he looks to the teacher brewing tea. "Take Lorna, for example. I'm sure that if you told her younger self that she is where she is now? She'd probably die of laughter. But she's worked incredibly hard and is now a valued teacher and leader here at the school. Isn't that right, Lorna?"

Polaris has posed:
"Teacher was never the dream, but neither was princess." Lorna nods and looks to Charles and Alexia. "I know some people from different dig schools, for down the road. Occasionally people with my degrees and Alex Summers consult with Archeologists." She offers more quietly. Three cups are set out as she talks, two get sugar, one none.

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia gets a serious look, folding her arms under her chest. "I know. But I'm going to try my best." she says simply, firmly. "And that means lots of study, and college, and being..serious about it, you know?" She looks down. "I'm...I'm really grateful. I never thought I'd have a chance to do that, where I was. I thought it was just a, a dumb dream, you know?" She inhales, then lets it out, looking over to Lorna. "Really? I'd love to meet them, if they don't mind me, um, pestering them with questions and stuff." She takes the offered tea gratefully, sipping a bit, before what Lorna said catches up to her. "...wait, you're a princess?"

Professor X has posed:
    "Some of the students here certainly think she's a princess, I know that." Charles muses with a smile. "Only two days ago I overheard someone rave about her lessons!" Collecting his tea, the Professor takes a few sips from the liquid. Immediately he starts to feel more relaxed. His shoulders sag a bit as a slow exhale escapes his nostrils. A happy sounding noise.
    "There is also the option of the school contacting Ms. Croft herself." Leaving that hanging for a moment, he considers while taking another sip. "Alexia isn't the first here to bring up Ms. Croft. I know she has a full time job with SHIELD, but if we could organise a visit from her once in a while and boost peoples interests in social sciences, that could be a large boon." He shrugs an honest shrug. "I might look into that when I have some time."

Polaris has posed:
"I am." Lorna nods and looks at Charles with a shake of her head. "So you've heard the nickname Anne-Marie started?" She asks, a dry amusement in her tone as she hands Alexia her tea and settles in with her own glass. "I think that'd be lovely. Visits from some remarkable professionals to inspire the students."

Tendril has posed:
    Okay, if those gold eyes weren't shining before, they are both wide and shining and vaguely kittenish in their intensity and focus now. "REALLY?!?" she says, before she catches herself. "..I mean, yeah, that'd be really cool, if she'd want to come. She's got lots of stuff...is she really with SHIELD now?" She totally needs to catch up on LaraBlog apparently! Also, so trying to play it cool and not quite succeeding.

Professor X has posed:
    "Only three dozen times." Charles replies to Lorna with a short laugh. Finishing off his tea with some more quiet thought, the Professor wheels over to the bench to put his cup back. The colossal amount of excitement from Alexia isn't enough to distract him! Though it does draw the gaze of a few students who are trying to study.
    "I certainly feel like she would appreciate it here, to be truthful. The school here is heavily influenced by British architecture and themes. If nothing else she might enjoy just walking through a place that feels like home for her." With another heavy breath he lifts a hand. "That has done me just fine, I think. Thank-you for that, Lorna. I might finally be able to get some sleep." Another smile. "Good night. Please be sure to get some rest, you two." And with this, he starts to wheel away. Back into the main foyer area and likely to his quarters.