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Latest revision as of 00:31, 28 October 2017

Portal Aftermath
Date of Scene: 03 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Power Girl

Ares has posed:
    Several days ago during the late evening hours, there had been a series of quantum events that caused a ruckus. Booms and shakes that would sound across the cities of Gotham and New York, straddling the river at times. Sometimes the sounds would be followed up rapidly, seemingly miles and miles away. Other times the time apart from explosions would be longer and at those points, when whomever had been making those quantum gateways had been present in our universe, there had been property damage as one often sees with super powered individuals brawling.
    It might have been enough that one could try and track those explosions, flitting from one point to another seeking to try and catch whomever had been flashing from one reality to the next, appearing and disappearing. Until the explosions ended late at night in front of the Triskelion.
    From afar one could have seen the SHIELD personal tending to the damage, trying to clear the area. But after that last explosion there hadn't been anymore, no further evidence to follow up.
    Until today.
    Distantly there was another sound, just one of the loud whoompf-kabooms that signaled the creation of a portal somewhere in New York. All it would take would be a quick flight and scan to find that place that it had occured and it would be there at a tall work site atop 30 Park Place, the highest points of the building an iron structure of scaffolding and support. Whomever must have created it is not obvious as no one is there at the moment, save for one tall man in a hard hat.

Power Girl has posed:
    Explosion. Three miles out, corrected for muffling through buildings. Faint ripples of high-band EM making their way even through the concrete of STAR Labs, in the gamma range, like an oil slick in the air, but only in blacks and greens. Alright. Karen excuses herself from her station (no one pays attention to her work anyway, just to her, and that gets tiresome), making her way to the parking lot and then to the sky, her lab clothes left in a bundle on the roof. Three miles. She can be there in a minute. She could be faster if she had Superman's ability to speed without causing sonic booms, but she's decades away from having those kinds of power reserves.

Ares has posed:
    Fifty seven seconds later and she's there where she can tell the sound came from, the source was elevated so this would be it. But there's nothing here beyond the scaffolding on the side of the building and some of the iron work that's been set for expansion. Only thing that might draw her eye would be the crane that lies unused for now some small distance away, the big 'LEXCORP' banner that hangs from two sides of the scaffolding, and the one tall man in the hard hat.
    He straightens up and slings a canvas satchel over his shoulder, turning his head towards the floating woman some distance away surveying the surroundings. John steps towards the edge of the support structure, turning his eyes one way, and then the other, as if trying to espy what she might be looking for. But then he lifts a hand in a small wave, should she look his way.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl isn't just looking John's way, she's looking into him, and through him. She hovers her way to within speaking distance, and without preamble, says, "I know what gamma rays look like. This area has residual traces of the kind of energy I'd expect from an O-type star collapsing into a singularity, and you're not human." She's speaking quietly enough, at least. "You want to tell me what's going on here?"

Ares has posed:
    Resting his hand on one of the I-beams that marks a part of the structure, John looks at Power Girl levelly and quirks an eyebrow. "How can you tell?" He asks first, but then he looks sidelong towards the elevator shaft that the workers use to ascend to this part of the site. Nobody coming, nobody around either as he glances. But then he looks up at the floating woman and says simply, "That may have been me, however I do not know of gamma rays. I at times am able to move myself through space should I wish it."
    He pauses and then asks, "You could sense this movement?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "I can see a modification to every eighth Angstrom of your DNA," Power Girl explains, arms folded under her chest. "And yes, I can see it and hear it when you move. You're collapsing space to do it. So?" she challenges, letting the question hang.

Ares has posed:
    The tall man pushes away from the iron beam and folds his arms over his broad chest, expression level on her. He cocks his head to the side and addresses her calmly, "Curious, I've been told my DNA isn't too different when examined." He steps back and gestures towards the surface of the work site and then says, "If you would be so kind as to land, I do not entirely wish my co-workers to think other of me than as but another worker. And of late I have drawn entirely too much attention."
    He then gestures to himself, "My name is John Aaron," He refolds his arms, "My family has some gift with magic. I can teleport myself, others, but I have no idea how this occurs save by will."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl has a red half-cape fluttering in the wind and is wearing a glaringly white, legless onesie, so she privately wonders how much attention she'll avoid by landing, but she can't think of a reason to be stubborn about it, so whatever. She obliges, landing her boots on a nearby beam. "So what do you have to do with all the destruction down there?" She doesn't seem afraid to interrogate John about this; as if even if he's such a force of destruction, he has nothing she can't handle. She might even be right. Who knows?

Ares has posed:
    "The matter's been resolved." John looks to Power Girl, then down towards the reconstruction. "There had been a battle, but if you seek further inquiry perhaps you could speak with SHIELD. I believe they're handling most of the questions regarding it." He takes up his satchel again and moves towards the elevator.

Power Girl has posed:
    "One more thing," Power Girl calls at John's retreating back. "If you're so worried about your coworkers, why did you teleport up here in the first place?"

Ares has posed:
    "Didn't know it left a signature, interesting. Something's changed." He says as he pushes the button and awaits the elevator, hands on his hips and his back towards her.

Power Girl has posed:
    That leaves Power Girl in a predicament: she can either repeat the question and look weak, or she can accept that the conversation is over and she's not going to get her answer. She doesn't like either option, but the first one hurts her pride less. "Have a safe trip down," she says, and takes off into the air again, a pinkish blur as her whites and reds run together with her speed.