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Latest revision as of 01:15, 28 October 2017

A Museum Meeting
Date of Scene: 05 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Professor X

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had just returned from a travel abroad at the behest of the museum here. She'd gone to oversee the safe return of a large shipment of recovered items on-loan from another museum out of China. There was a new exhibit opening up in the Chinese History section of the museum here and these items were to be the crown jewel of the displayed pieces.

Lara was now located near the front main lobby, she'd finished meeting with the curator and was now finshing her paperwork in a public location by herself. She'd gotten a drink from a nearby foodcourt and was just sipping on her drink while casually enjoying her afternoon before needing to return to the Triskelion (SHIELD's headquarters) here in Manhattan.

Professor X has posed:
    As a man of education, there are few places in the world that Charles like to visit more than museums. And the American Museum of Natural History is nearly as good as it gets. Granted it's not /quite/ his field of expertise, but he enjoys looking at all the exhibits as much as the children. He'll often tag along for school excursions, simply to immerse himself into history and lore.
    That said, Charles is here for quite a different reason today. With a focussed and determined glint in his eye, the Professor manually wheels himself up the disabled ramp and through the large front doors. While a tinge of excitement shoots down his back at simply being here again, he forces himself to suppress it. He was here on work. Not for leisure. He wheels himself through the foyer and into the main lobby. With an idle glance around he spots what he's looking for, changing direction and wheeling towards the modern Indiana.
    "Ms. Croft?" He greets politely once a few meters away. "Good, I was hoping to find you here. I was hoping if I might have a moment of your time. I'm Charles Xavier." Politely, a hand is outstretched from his seat in the wheelchair.

Lara Croft has posed:
The museum was a hotbed of positive human emotions too. It was a bustling hive of eager and excited human beings, especially the younger ones, that traffic'd in and out of the facility throughout its daily business hours, and considering its around 3:00 pm in the afternoon, in the middle of the summer... the museum was packed!

Charles was no slouch at finding specific people in a crowd though and when he found Lara, she was reading from a tablet computer that she had resting on the side of the table while she was sipping from the clear plastic container of ice tea she'd purchased about 15 minutes ago.

When Charles spoke, Lara looked up, she was young... probably not even 25 years of age yet... but she was a woman with a wealth of experience in those few years... even had a visible scar on her face near her left eye to prove some of said experience.

"Oh. Uh... Why yes." Lara said to Charles, seeing him there surprised her... she didn't recognize him and he could probably tell. Lara was well aware of the issues mutants faced in the world, and she was sympathetic toward them, but she herself was not a mutant... she was a boring old normal homosapien.

Lara turned to face him and she reached over to offer her hand. "I'm sorry, I don'tk now your name." She said in her thick British accent.

Professor X has posed:
    Charles smiles widely at Lara's comment, giving her hand a firm shake and grip. "I know. That's why I introduced myself." Pursing his lips, he takes a glance to the iced tea, then to Lara herself. The scar that she brandishes near her left eye gets a curious look itself. "I'm sorry to suddenly come so out of the blue like this, but I know you're a busy person."
    Adjusting himself in the wheelchair, Charles spins around on point for a moment so that he isn't looking directly at Lara. Seeming more casual, allowing himself opportunities to look at the many other people visiting the museum on summer break. "I'm the Headmaster of a School right here in New York. In Salem. A school for those who possess gifts. Mutants, some people call us." He waves a hand, almost dismissively.
    Turning to face Lara again, his head tilts a bit. "This might sound quite forward, but would you be interested in hosting a lecture once in a while? I know you are busy with many responsibilities and jet all over the world. But I believe your experience in archaeology and history would craft some very interesting topics for the students. Some of them are very big fans of you." While presented, he seems sincere and honest. There is at least a semi-smile on his face the entire time as he explains the situations. "You would be well compensated for your time, of course. You would not be expected to do anything permanent or routine. Unless you wanted to, of course."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had been so distracted by her work and the commotion of the museum around them that she hadn't even realized he'd said his name. "Right. Mister Xavier." She said with a soft nod and a light smile at her own gaff.

She watched him as he reoriented himself and ssat on the edge of her seat with her elbows down atop her jeans-covered thighs. When he started to talk, she listened with a respectful attention.

"Salem... Center?" She asked then. "That is in Westchester, isn't it?" She knew that because SHIELD had a training facility in Westchester south of Salem Center, half way between there and here. "Lovely little town, I spent several weeks at the SHIELD Operative Training program near there."

A soft and faint smile was afforded to Charles then at the rest of what he said, she did have a few 'fans' out there after the story of what happened to the SS Endurance hit wide media attention, which is what lead Nick Fury to recruit her into SHIELD in the first place... and... there was actually a movie being made about it all... which she had only a vague amount of involvement in, THAT was a major concern for her.

"A... relaxed lecture invitation to your school?" Lara asked, then smiled more widely. "I... I'm humbled by the offer. I would have to, I suppose, come out and see the place sometime?" She posed it as a question for him.

Professor X has posed:
    "That's correct, Ms. Croft. Right in Westchester. A beautiful part of the country, to be fair. Especially during this time of the year. And please. Call me Charles." Folding hands in his lap, he nods in understanding. "Absolutely. You're more than welcome to come and visit the school whenever you like." His hands raise, fingers steepling together. "I'm sure you're more than aware of the situation that surrounds people like me. There are large sects of the community that wish to purge mutant-kind. My school is a safe-haven for those that want to control their powers, as well as have the freedom to learn in a safe environment. You can imagine that as a result of the... uniqueness of the situation, finding guest lectures can sometimes be difficult. I'm thrilled that you are keen to give it a chance. But not surprised."
    His smile falters a bit. "...Forgive me if I bring up a raw emotion, but I knew your father: Doctor Richard Croft. He and I were both at Oxford. Studying different fields to be fair, but I always enjoyed hearing about his perspective of life. I was... greatly saddened to hear of his passing." He heaves a sigh. "My understanding is that you picked up a great deal of his research?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would nod when he told her to call her Charles, she'd flash a quick small smile to. At the topic of mutants and what his school is offering them she'd nod yeet again. "I admire that beyond mere words can express, Charles." She said, punctuating it with a larger smile. "I have met many mutants in my travels, and most of them have been very helpful and agreeable people. One of my closest friends, of late, is a mutant who's mutation has changed him... on an outward physical appearance. And he has simply embraced it and uses it to better his own life. Its inspiring, I believe, at least."

On the subject of her father, Lara would sit a little more rigidly in her chair and Charles would likely feel the surface emotions present within her mind at the very least, a great deal of sorrow, a part of her life that felt like her heart had been replaced with a black hole. But, she was a tough young woman who hid her emotions well. "Yes." She said. "I have picked up much of what he'd spent his life working on. Some of it is... quite eccentric, and I know that he was looked down on by man because of this. But, I've experienced enough in recent years that I believe in everything he was after. Much of it, I am now after as well." She smiled softly again then. "When I'm not rushing around to the places that my employers need me to be, that is."

Professor X has posed:
    "Both Richard and I were laughed at when sharing our dreams and ambitions for the future." Charles recalls, tying his fingers together again and lifting them to rest under his chin. He looks to be a man in thought. "My dreams were to always found a school. But his were perhaps far greater in scope. It takes true courage to really follow what you want to do, Ms. Croft. In the spite of all the public noise, to follow your heart. Or your gut. Your father was an amazing man in that regard. You have certainly inherited his sense of adventure, if what I read is accurate. And his sense of purpose to seek out the truth. I hear they are even making a movie based on your exploits?" His smile returns faintly.
    "If I'm being honest, I never quite got my head around the circumstances surrounding Richard's passing. It never made any sense to me, as a person who knew him quite well." In other words, Charles is suspect of the whole 'suicide' thing. But he doesn't say it so plainly.
    Heaving a breath, he shakes his head. "My apologies. This has become quite personal very quick." A hand lifts to put a halt to his own chatter about Lara's father. "Regardless, I'm happy to finally meet you, Ms. Croft. And ecstatic to hear your thoughts about mutant kind." His warm smile returns, creases around his eyes deepening. "Your friend sounds like a brave man to embrace something that some find difficult. Who is he, if I may ask?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara smiled at him after he spoke of his similarities to her father. "I think it sounds like you both had the same goals in mind... a better world for all of us, ultimately." She'd pause then and dip her chin once in a nod toward him. "And please, call me Lara, first name basis' are much more tolerable, especially for friends of the family."

At the topic of the movie, she'd shake her head and grin.. while sighing about it. "A woman, came to me about a year and a half ago and she wanted to write a book. I guess that book has been adapted into a screenplay now and they're both set to release at the same time. I... I fear that its going to drag my name through the mud and turn me into something that I'm not. I'm, more afraid of it than I am of most anything I've come up against, to be honest."

A sharp exhape and she shook her head side to side once. "He is is a mutant from China, he was homeless when I ran into him. He came here to find a man who killed his mentor. I've been trying to help him accomplish this goal, but its been a difficult task, to say the least. The man who comitted the act, appears to be a member of the Chinese mafia here in Manhattan. Which is certainly out of my element."

Professor X has posed:
    There's an amused sounding chuckle that escapes from the Professor's lips when Lara reveals the story about the movie. It looks like he's trying to hold it in, but seems unable. "That is unfortunate, but you know what they say. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I'm sure your name will remain intact to those that matter, Lara. Have you thought or considered going to the production studios and giving them any advice? Help steer the ship?"
    Changing position once more, Charles' wheelchair pivots and turns a little. The smartly dressed man appears to have little trouble fine tuning his position. Despite his age! "That sounds like you've stepped into quite the puddle." He intones, stroking his chin in some thought. "Organised crime plays an unfortunately large part in the day-to-day actions of New York City. Be careful, Lara. Making enemies in this space would be very dangerous indeed." Pursing his lips, he considers. "If you want to suggest my school to him, then you are more than welcome to. While I do not condone his ideas of thoughts of vengeance, my school can offer a safe place if that's what he needs."
    Turning about then, Charles opts to start making his leave. "I should probably leave you to it. I don't mean to ruin what little time for breaks you have. Heh. Feel free to visit the school any time you wish. I will likely be there to welcome and tour you around."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shook her head gently at the production studio visit and advice. "I was invited to the set, but I wasn't able to make it. I knwo that I'm supposed to see a screening of it later this year, and then... of course... be there the night of the premeire. They tell me that the Director has made great films in the past, but I've never much been one for movies or television. So I'll just have to have faith... I guess."

Lara would take a breath and then nod on the subject of the Mutant friend. "I'll mention it to him, but he's... a Monk... of sorts, you kno whow their Willpower can be, I'm sure."

When Charles would move to leave again, Lara would move herself to stand up. "Do you need assistance getting to where you're going?" She'd ask him then. "I... know you probably hate being asked that, but, I have to offer it or I'll never forgive myself."

Professor X has posed:
    "Yes, quite." Charles replies with a smirk at the comment about monks. "It's fine, Lara. I appreciate your concern and politeness. I get asked that often, but it's fine. I can manage just fine. It's something I've grown accustomed to now after decades."
    With a final wave, the Professor starts to make leave of the museum. Much as it pains him to do so, really! He would have very much enjoyed to glide through the halls and see the exhibits, but there are many more pressing matters to deal with.
    "~Goodbye, Lara. See you soon.~" Those words are not said verbally. They are made telepathically, directly into Lara's head! She will likely hear him as if he were directly there, but... not quite. It's a bizarre sort of experience to describe.
    And then he's gone, wheeling out the front door.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would simply smile to the man and then re-seat herself back upon her chair, reaching out fo rher tea once again. "I will call ahead to your school when I'm able to come up to Westchester." She told him. "Thank you again for the invitation, I'm really looking forward to it."

The young Brit would offer a soft wave of her right hand to him before moving to sip her drink and then there-after, return to her paperwork for the museum.