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Weird Tales of the X-Men:
Date of Scene: 06 July 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Iceman convinces Doug to try to get into SHIELD HQ to play a practical joke on Logan. Instead, they get to have a talk with the Black Widow.
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Gambit, Iceman, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Cypher has posed:
The zombie-kid... Doug, is resting quietly. It is apparently completely of his own will. He got up awhile ago... spoke to the security system in binary, and it then proceeded to let him outside. Then, after taking a walk, he came back. He's dressed in a loose gray Xavier's School T-Shirt and a pair of gray sweats, and an iPad sitting next to him on the bed.

And he's staring at the ceiling, seldom blinking. His skin is still chakly and pallid, threaded with black veins, his eyes still have that faint red glow.

He's watching a spider spin a web in the ceiling above, utterly fascinated.

Gambit has posed:
Remy drew the short stick so it seems, as he walks in, wearing a pair of flip flops, some black work pants covered in grease and stains and a white shirt, just as dirty and oily. He dusts off his hands as he closes the door with his heel. "'Ow's it goin' Doug?" Remy asks, stepping in and claiming a seat on one of the chairs against the wall.

Iceman has posed:
As Remy kicks back against the door he would hear an .."Ow. Dang it Remy.." He spreads a little ice down the back of his shirt, as he rubs his shin. "Carefull Remy.. He if he bites ya you might become a zombie also." he adds warning Remy about getting to close, though he grins a bit. He walks in with a cross, and a wooden spike as he watches Doug. "He was dead man.. I mean remember that gerbal that died a little back I buried him in the same spot, and he didn't come back yet." he eyes Doug, "Yea... Where were you, and how long will it take to get Bubbles back." and grins at him. Taking a seat by the bed he looks at his injures, "Ah this isn't so bad."

Cypher has posed:
Doug turns his head and cants a look at Iceman. "I'm fairly sure in the course of restoring my body the Techno-organic virus used whatever organic matter was handy. Roots. Bugs. The wood from my coffin. Worms." He turns to look back up at the spider, "So you might say Bubbles lives on in me." Then he pauses, and says, "That was a joke." He sits up again, and says, "I am actually very discomfitted. But the jokes help."

Then he says, "Is it true that Jean Grey once implanted the telepathic impulse in Cyclops to lick your arm on a freezing cold day? I always wondered about that one."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby takes a seat, and nods to him, "Interesting... though wierd.. I mean could be worse, could of had Logan by ya when it happened. Would of had Side-burns that grew back every day," and chuckles to him. "Aaanyway, despite what you may or may not of heard.. You did sneak out, what were you up to out there." he does seem relaxed when asking though. "I mean, believe me I have done it a few times myself, but ya got to have fun out there not beat yourself up like this." he shakes his head.

He grins again, "I promise won't tell the Prof, just wondering what is up out there that is sending back beaten up kids.." you note he really isn't 'that' much older then you. He wags his finger, "Like did you at least go to the club or something." he shrugs, "So much to do out there.." he adds thinking about sneaking out again soon.

Cypher has posed:
"I went to the horse barn." Cypher says. "And I met Rogue." He grins, wide. "I think based upon my interpretation of my own language I may have a small crush, but it's nothing I can't handle--" Then he turns his head. "I am concerned about Graydon Creed. Can I tell you a secret, Iceman?"

He pauses. "Do you promise not to tell? I think it could do more harm than good at this point."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby listens intently as he speaks, "I got ya.. so you went to meet Rogue, and is that where you met this Creed guy?" he just sits quietly to listen to the story. He does kick his feet up a bit carefull not to touch him he just watches him carfully. He wouldn't be a little cold to be around so he must not be using his powers, though it is just his natrual state. He is wearing a normal shirt without a pattern on it lookin over at him.. "Go on I am listening."

Cypher has posed:
"No." He says. "I was reading the news, so I looked at Creed's website." He holds up his iPad. "And then I looked deeper. I broke into his personal server." From an iPad. "Don't worry, I covered my tracks. It's easy to delete signs of your intrusion if you know the language. I persuaded a private server on Genosha to give me space, encrypted it, and then downloaded his personal files to it. All of them."

The kid did that in the medbay. From an iPad. As if it's no big deal. "He's planning full-on gene-war, Iceman. A mutant holocaust. And he is specifically hunting for two mutants -- Sabretooth and Mystique."

"Iceman... I believe based on his language that they're his parents."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby nods to Doug, and he does note that away to bring up to the Prof later, but for now he just hears what he can do. The more he explains the more Bobby's eyes light up, he didn't mind that he looked like a zombie he had an idea.. A great... No Stupedious idea. The grin that crossed his face might worry Doug for a moment but then he explains. He speaks as he helps Doug stand, or get up he chuckles, "Oh this is going to be one for the ages." Helping him up till he can stand on his own, "This is going to be so much fun, just stay on the sled we will get there soon... Believe me this is going to epic. Though.. wait." Bobby hands him a shirt without a giant X on it.. "Listen we aren't mutant, you are just good with computers okay." Then he leads him out picking up a coat that might be a bit big, and a hat that is also.

It takes a while, and it isn't a warm trip though you finally get there, of course when they get closer they take more conventinal travel. Now standing outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. building Bobby waves a hand, "Tada! Comon man... This is a once in a life time opritunity! We go in and change Logan's file, cause you know he has one, we change his sex to Female." he winks. "It will be an easy in, and out.. Comon... this will... be awesome." and he puts some sunglasses on, as it is the middle of the day. It is as busy as it normally is in shield, and he is wearing a shirt that has a mad scientiest on it with a word bubble on it that says.. "I was Frozen today!"

Cypher has posed:
Doug is wearing slippers. And sweatpants. "This idea is highly dubious, Iceman," He says, his voice uneasy.

But what can the kid do? He bows to peer pressure. There's just too much New Mutant in him, and the New Mutant in him says stupid ideas are the best ideas. "Let's see." He walks into the lobby, and looks around, scanning the room. "Tense language. Very tense. Armed guards out of sight. Cutting-edge computerized security. Scanners, RFID tags... hm. Okay. Iceman, create a distraction."

He waits for a distraction, whatever distraction, and then he has a quiet conversation with the computer-controlled voice-activation system at a security door. In binary.

The door opens. No alarms go off. "I can play with the security systems, Iceman, but the guards won't be so forthcoming, and I have empirical proof I'm not immune to bullets!"

Iceman has posed:
Bobby smiles, patting Doug on the back, "Oh true, but we can do this!" and he follows Doug across the bridge looking around at the people around him, he smiles at some though frowns when he is ignored since I mean most of them are just busy doing work. He follows Doug past the outer scanners holding his breath on the first one, but moving through after him. He goes inside, and the things he is looking for really doesn't occur to Bobby much, so he is just walking around taking it in. He talked to Doug as they cross the room. "Wow.. we are here. It is like we are secret agents." he chuckles, just looking up and around at the place.

He looks out of place, as does his friend, but if someone asks if they can help them Bobby would speak up, he would talk to them and be his best warming person talking to them, by name if they have one. He would reassure them that they are needed here, and to please just check the computers. When they did it would return that were. So as they were approaching the door Bobby was walking backwards towards him.. "Wow this place is awesome, look at all that.. I mean did you know they get badges, always seen it from the outside though."

Cypher has posed:
"I did not know they get badges," Doug says, perhaps unhelpfully, "I've been dead remember?" He frowns. "Which reminds me, I was fifteen when I died, but my body matches my chronological age... another time. Another time." He keeps going. "You're really here to change Logan's gender in SHIELD's files? All this for a prank?"

He whispers to another security panel, and a set of reinforced doors ahead of them open with a hissssssssssss and a blast of cool recycled air--

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the door opens, there is someone standing less than two feet on the other side.

Natasha is wearing her usual black bodysuit. A belt at her waist as the red hourglass buckle that goes with her Avengers costume. Holsters are strapped to both of her thighs and within each holster rests a Glock model 26. On both wrists are the gauntlets that hold all her favorite toys. Her red hair is loose, falling around her shoulders.

"Gentlemen, I was beginning to wonder if you were coming."

Coming toward them from the lobby side are four agents in body armor carrying assault rifles. They fan out, blocking the pair from exiting.

Natasha smiles, her green eyes not refecting the friendliness of the expression. "If you will please follow me."

Cypher has posed:
Doug lets out a noise. If you were a master of language like he was, you'd translate it as '*CROAK*!'

"Bobby," He says, in a hand-covered whisper to the X-Man, "Her language indicates that if we don't comply with her she's going to beat the tar out of us until we do."

Then he looks up at Black Widow, and switches to impeccable, speaking-it-all-his-life Russian. "Yes ma'am. I, ah, don't suppose you'll tell me how you were expecting us and where we're going? Please don't shoot me, that's not an experience I'm in a hurry to experience again. I mean, you're the one with the guns, and I'm not going to compromise myself, but if given a choice... I would prefer not to be shot."

Iceman has posed:
As Bobby almost trips over Doug, he turns looking up at Nat, "You know if you wanted me to folow you, all ya had to do is ask." Bobby grins at her, though slowly puts his hands up, "Your not supposed to say my name.... Doug." and shakes his head with a sigh. "But you know who that is... that is a real Avenger.. They fight like really bad alien stuff, and Molemen stuff, and.." he seems to get the point to hurry and stops.. "Okay.. Okay, Don't shoot. We surrender.. I think you are right."

He does offer a hand to Doug to help him get up. "I am just helping up a friend relax.. it is okay.." looking at Nat again.. "Lead the way, for I shall follow you anywhere." shifting his attention to Natasha. He then would go wherever she leads him off to, though not quietly. Everytime they pass doors or anything Bobby reconizes from a 'story he has heard' he points it out to Doug as they follow her. His Shield knowledge is so-so to Natasha, but he seems into it at least. Still maybe the whole thing hasn't sunk in yet, but Bobby is still just looking about.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the young man lapses into Russian, the smile never wavers. She speaks back to him in Russian, leaving Bobby out of the loop. "No, you will not be leaving until a few questions are answered. Shooting is unlikely at this point." That's about as reassuring as she's going to be.

Bobby's enthusiasm is noted. She turns, leading the way down the hall. It's only about twenty feet then she touches a panel by another door. It opens and she leads down the new hall which is bare of anything worth seeting. There are a few doors but none have windows nor signs indicating they house anything worthy of shock and awe.

Finally, she stops at a door, opening it with a normal seeming handle. "After you."

When the enter, it's a sparse room with a table bolted to the floor and three chairs. Two one one side. One on the opposite. The two chairs face a large mirrored wall.

Cypher has posed:
"I've seen this procedural before," Doug says, in Russian. "Don't I get a lawyer?" Still, he pads inside, and has a seat. His skin is pallid, gently threaded through with black veins, and when his sunglasses slip his eyes have a faint red glow.

He laces his fingers together, and then says, "I would ask for some water, but I can tell from your body language you would consider that giving us a weapon and so it won't be forthcoming."

"My name is Douglas Ramsey. I am the son of Phillip and Sheila Ramsey of Salem Center, NY. I have been dead for the past two years. I am not completely up to speed on why I am no longer dead and cannot be counted on to give you accurate answers about that."

He looks over to Bobby. "This is my friend. Uh. Roberto. Roberto da Costa. He's a Brazilian billionaire, and he has very good lawyers."

He glances up to Natasha, and then runs his fingers through his hair. "No? No. I didn't think that one would work. Okay."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby, taps Doug.. "You hear that.. unlikely could be worse right?" and he follows her down the bare hallways. "So you have to walk through this everyday to get to work.. You must leave way earlier then you have to be in.. yesh." he turns seeing her stop at a door, opening it. "No please after you.." though shoved or not he goes in, "Comone I had to try.." and sighs again. He looks at the room.. "Whoa.. look its one of those mirrored walls, they are supposed to be all one-sided." he tries to look at it in a wierd angel.. "They say you are supposed to be able to see through them if you look at a wierd angel." moving back to the table he looks at it.. "Ha they really have bolted tables.. Though I mean, look at the size of those things." he chuckles looking at Doug, "Oh... don't do that my friend.. Look at her, sure people may see her physical stature, but no.. she is smart, really smart. Though cold I can not even imagine so close, I have seen her in action she is part of a team that knows compasion more then killing." he holds takes a seat.

"I am Bobby, this is Doug we are just here to look around a bit.. I dragged him into it, made him unlock that door by my unresistable charm." he sighs, and shrugs.. "He had nothin to do with this.." he puts a hand on his friends side to be calm. "How bout I answer any questions you have... I like long walks on the beach, and my favorate holiday is christmas."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Looking from one young man to the other, Natasha nods to the men at the door. They exit to the hallway but are likely just outside. This leaves her alone with the pair of suspects. She cresses her arms as she looks from one to the other, reading every nuance of their body lanuage, microexpressions, voice timbre and so forth as they throw out information without even being asked.

First clue these are not exactly hardened criminals.

As their names are offered, she glances to the mirrored wall and nods. It would seem she is having someone verify the information and she is making sure they know it. Then she is looking to them again, arms crossed. Doug gets the longest assessment considering he's admitted he's dead but not dead.

"You only need a lawyer if you are being arrested. You are merely being detained due to your accessing a secured government facility without authorization." Fancy talk for 'you opened the wrong door'. "Why are breaking into our facility?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug laces his fingers together, and then lets out a sigh. A soft 'buh'. Then he glances at Iceman, and he gets punched muppet-face.

"...I..." He says, reading Natasha's body language and trying to discern what he can say that will let them walk the heck out of here and not wind up in a Helicarrier cell. "I..."

Iceman has posed:
When she looks at him he smiles back at her, his body language, and expressions shows curiousity, and relaxness about him. Though he is sitting back there is a certain readiness to him, though he his it well in relaxation. He doesn't look like he is going to attack, the opposite he looks like he is in too much of a relaxed state to, but experience, and training left him in a ready state still. He just listens to her, and grins.. "So what can you see?" he asks her looking at his friend. "You are scaring him, that isn't very nice. Hey Doug.. Relax this woman might be strong, but when you face people really after you.. Really coming for your blood. You will realize that if your not doing anything wrong... well too wrong. People like this are not scarry." he sighs, looking at Natasha he shakes his head at her in mock disapointment.

He looks at his friend in the eye, "You died man.. what are they going to do send you to detriot? Live a little bit, you have this chance.. Look where you are." he points to Natasha, "Look.. who that is.." he grins again. "You got a second chance, not many get that.. live a little okay? But lets start that with a deep breath.."

He turns back to look at Natasha, and smiles.. "Listen we were just looking around, we had never been in a shield facility before and we were curious! I mean we didn't want to harm anyone it was all in good fun!" While each word of that is true as far as Bobby knows.. Each word was slightly off because it was a half truth.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I'm not even being close to scary," Natasha points out simply, looking from one to the other. "If you find this frightening, you shouldn't be breaking into secure locations."

Alright, the smart mouthed one put the dead one up to it. She's got that much down. They were looking around but they were looking around for more what is being revealed.

Natasha sighs and looks straight to Doug. The body language he is trying to read shows she is reserved and disbelieving and that's about it. She can fool a lie detector so whether her body language is a true indication of her mental status remains to be seen.

"Doug," she says in a more gentle tone. "So far I have been treating you both with the utmost respect yet your friend thinks he should make light of things. I need the truth. The longer it takes to get that truth, the longer you are both stuck here." She shakes her head, expression and body language showing an openness as she leans toward the young man. "Will you please make this easier on all of us by just telling me the truth? Why are you here? What were you trying to access?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug Ramsey laces his fingers together, and he looks up at Natasha. He glances at Iceman. He looks back at Natasha, and then he lets out a soft sigh.

"...We were going to change Logan's gender in SHIELD's database to 'Female'."

He drops his head onto the table with a thunk. "Well, it was nice to get a second chance at life. I don't really have any regrets I guess, I wish I'd gotten l-" He cuts himself off. "...Lunch."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby gives a nod to him when he glances over to him with a shrug. "Ah.. You what.... For shame!" and then chuckles, "Really.. I just came to see the place, that was kinda secondary. I mean this place has all the cool gadgets, and secret agents.. I mean I ask Logan about it at times, but he won't tell me anything." he glances at Doug, "It really is my fault he is here, just let him go he is fine.. Just some kid with skills.. or is that skillz now a days glancing at Doug."

He glances at Natasha, she was the only real risk he had seen, but he wondered if he could get Doug out if he really had to. He counted the steps, remembered the path as though he jokes a lot he was good with details which is why he liked numbers. He wasn't sure how it would work out, but before he saw him jailed he knew he would get Doug out, He looks at Natasha, his smile still there though more of a work smile. "I appreciate you being kind to us, but I think it is time for my friend to go, or get his lawyer."

Cypher has posed:
Doug chimes in with, "...Iceman is my friend. If he's in trouble, ma'am, than so am I. I won't flinch from this. When your friend co-opts you into a dumb idea you're honor-bound to stick it out with them." He clasps his hands together. "That's what friends do."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"And I remind you that you only get a lawyer if you are under arrest. I have yet to determine if I feel charges should be pressed," Natasha points out, turning to face Bobby. AKA Iceman.


Logan could've been any name but once X-Men comes into it, she knows precisely who they are talking about. It's a lesson in discipline that she doesn't laugh.

"You're free to go." She reaches up to her ear, tapping the communit there. "Escort them out of the building. Ready in two." Then she lowers her hand and looks at the pair. She reaches into a spot within her left gauntlet, taking out a card. She lays it on the table between the pair at an equadistance from both.

"And the next time you want to play a prank on Wolverine, call me first."

Cypher has posed:
Once outside, Cypher grins, ear to ear. "She thought I was *adorable*." He says, to Iceman. "You she was a little chilly toward." He pauses. And then he snap-points.