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Latest revision as of 22:33, 28 October 2017

World's Finest Team
Date of Scene: 08 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Batwoman

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl isn't high up, just perched on the corner of the roof of a twenty-story apartment complex. Barely even a hop up off street level. Her half-cape flutters in the breeze, and she pays it no mind as she scans down into the bank across the street, her attention focused up the EM scale into the X-ray range, watching the goings-on inside.

Batwoman has posed:
    Normally Batwoman is invisible but twenty stories is too high to scale comfortably even for her. The batarang placed the crimson-haired hellbat of Gotham City ten stories up, on a fire escape next door to the bank itself. She's staring quiietly down at the building, watching as people come and go. Briefly, Kat'es vision magnifies. She checks her belt for the pistol she carries on every mission, and then for other tools. A signal finder, to see if they're communicating by radio. A small tablet on which she checks the publicly filed blueprints for the bank one more time.

    Unlike Power Girl Kate has no real hope of noticing another hero is on the scene. Not at this angle.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl hears the clank behind her of batarang striking metal. Normally, that wouldn't even be worth investigating--metal on metal is nothing unusual in any city, and her hearing is only powerful, not radar-specific--but the sound of a rope creaking and footsteps against the side of the building... That's more unusual. Power Girl lifts off the roof an inch or two and hovers silently over to the edge, to find... Batwoman?
    Her cape flapping in the wind gives her away even as she slowly lowers herself down toward Batwoman's perch. "What are you doing?" she asks, but quietly.

Batwoman has posed:
    "By my estimation Elias Howard and the Roughneck Boys-" Kate makes a face at the name, her red painted lips forming a faint grimace. Half of the woman's face is covered, fo course, hidden by the stylized mask that is her hallmark. That and the crimson bat emblazoned across her chest like a blood stain fallen in impossible specificity.
    Kate looks up at Power GIrl now, briefly pursing her lips when she studies the woman lying in front of her. She shifts her weight slightly and then carefully stands from her kneeling positioned. "-Are going to burst into that bank in about three minutes, armed, and take the tellers hostage." She takes a deep breath. "Unless they get cold feet." For a second Kate is biting her bottom lip.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl seems surprised. "Robbers? Okay." She hadn't been looking for robbers; she'd just been watching the people do the things they do, in a setting a superhero can stare at without being too suspicious-looking. "Alright. I'm bulletproof and faster than sound. What's your plan?"

Batwoman has posed:
    "You're bulletproof and faster than sound," Kate responds in a wry tone. She pauses for a second. "If you just fly down there and wave they'll probably scatter. They'll head back to their hideout and I can trace them back there. We can probably get the police to take care of the rest." She shrugs at this, studying Power Girl's features with a careful intensity that somehow comes across when most of what can be seen are deep blue eyes. "Or we can let them go in and do it ourselves. They haven't commited a crime yet so we can't just call them in. Unfortunately."

Power Girl has posed:
    Rapidly, even tersely, as if aware of the time slipping by: "Would it be better to catch them now while you have intel than to let them go and hope for the best?" Her X-ray eyes are on the bank again, scanning people for guns.

Batwoman has posed:
    "...Better off sending them packing the easy way. I'm more concerned about the innocent people out here. If we stop them from going in then we're the ones who look like criminals." Kate sucks in a sharp breatt and holds it before sighing. "I mean, unless you can pick them out of a crowd and scoop them all up before they start shooting at anyone?" With X-Ray vision it's possible to tell there are already three armed men in the bank, psoitioned at key locations where they can cover the two security guards and the teller. They seem to be biding their time for the moment. As promised.

Power Girl has posed:
    ...Oh, there they are. Stupid, Karen. Power Girl has no time to waste kicking herself, though. "Three of them inside. Being indoors limits my speed: I go too fast, people get hurt in my wake. Can you take one while I get two?"

Batwoman has posed:
    "I can if that's your play." It's clear why it was missed at first, really. Unless Karen happened to be staring down their trousers when she first started looking around the guns were hidden. RIght until the moment they started quietly withdrawing them into their hands. It's not a difficult to thing to miss even for a Kryptonian. Kate nods slowly now and takes a deep breath. "They're going now. I'll follow your lead." Kate is already reaching for another batarang. This one is a little bulkier than the last and sits comfortably in the woman's palm. She's preparing to leap into action already. Because to follow Karen's lead Kate has to already be in motion. THank you, super speed.

Power Girl has posed:
    Time's all used up, and there's no good done insulting Batwoman by asking if she needs assist. If she'd needed it, she wouldn't have been on the building in the first place. Power Girl is moving, gauntleted fists extended before her, soaring to the bank in a white-red flash... that has to end at the front door, to enter it at normal speed, unless she wants to reduce the glass to shrapnel that would tear holes in every human body unlucky enough to be near the door.
    Karen swings the door wide, and gives it a kick for good measure near the base, bending the hinges to hold the door open for Batwoman to follow. Then, before the thieves can collect their wits, she's rushing them. She can only go so fast, but it's fast enough to cross the lobby in a tenth of a second and seize both of one robber's wrists in one hand, her fingers as yielding as handcuffs as they cross his hands and pin them to his chest while she rushes the next one. People are starting to scream at this point. Panic is setting in, and the customers are milling about in confusing patterns as Power Girl drags the detained criminal to his cohort and grabs him by the shoulder, spinning him roughly to face the wall, and planting an immovable foot against his butt to pin his gun between his own pelvis and the marble wall.
    It's been four seconds. The last gunman has had enough time to take a hostage. But he's out of Power Girl's control. She can only trust Batwoman.

Batwoman has posed:
    Batwoman dropped from her perch ten stories above the New York Heritage Bank on 4th Avenue a half second before Power Girl began her descent. Her cape unfurls behind her, a fluttering background of crimson on which the black clad Bat descends toward the bank. SHe's moving faster than she appears to be. The door springs open as Kate is dropping through it, just behind Power Girl. Two robbers are on the ground in an instant and Batwoman herself is already running toward the third. Then has his gun to the head of a young woman who had been just in front of him talking to a Teller, and everything seems to slow down.
    "Drop the gun." Batman growls. Batwoman has a voice that is closer to the velvet that clads the iron glove. Soft, husky, darkly rich... and utterly chilling. "Now."
    "N-no. Back off! I'm leaving now .If you follow the girl's dead!" Elias drags his hostage toward the front door by the shoulder, two fingers laced into thick curly hair. He doesn't get very far because Kate flings the batarang she was holding to the ground. It explodes in with a cacophonous crash and a bright flash of light. More than one person cries out in response.

A second later Elias is on his back on the floor of the bank and Kate is pressing down on his neck with the heel of a knee high crimson boot. Hostage situation over. Apparently.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl grunts. The flashbang can't really dazzle her--it's all well within her tolerances--but it is a little upsetting. Well, upsetting is fine. She can take upsetting. She ignores the flailing, thrashing perps she has contained, focusing instead on the approaching security. "Both of these men have firearms concealed in their beltlines," she informs them. "Only one each; I don't see any back-up pieces in their ankles or anything. Disarm them before I release them."
    ...And so it goes. The drama is done in five minutes, if only because that's as much procedure Power Girl is willing to put up with from a rent-a-cop. The police will be by soon.

Batwoman has posed:
    Power Girl accepts the cross of actually dealing with security. Batwoman simply disappears. She takes away the gun Elias was holding and just fixes him with a quiet glare asshe removes the magazine and tosses the pieces to the floor. Then she stalks out and disappears into the city.
    When Power Girl retturns to Kate's previous perch she'll find Batwoman there, though a couple stories further up, watching as the police storm into the bank to find the hostage situation already resolved. Kate doesn't look up as Karen approaches, blue eyes continuing to study the people who go back and forth further down.
    "That worked out well," Kate murmurs, not quite to herself. "No one got hurt."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl shrugs. "Mine will have bruises, but they can take them," she agrees. She pauses, then adds, "I'm glad you were here. If it had been left up to me, someone probably would have gotten hurt."

Batwoman has posed:
    "If you hadn't been here three people would have been," Kate responds seriously. She straightens then and slowly turns to face Power girl. Crimson tresses frame her face and shouldes as she turns. It's a far less harrowing thing tosee Batwoman in all her glory when the sun is in the sky behind her- even when it is slowly descending from view. She's tall, athletic, and quietly statuesque in a way which would never put her on a runway. Not that the woman wants to be, if the body armour styled Bat bodysuit is any indication. The only skin she shows is the lower hal of her face.
    "Plans from here?" JKate asks then, looking Power Girl over from head to toe as she does. Now is when she would usually disappear entirely. ...But not this time.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Didn't have any," Power Girl replies, obliviously. "Do you have some kind of post-conflict ritual? Something you do to decompress after engagement and to restore your morale?"

Batwoman has posed:
    "I go home and take off the costume," Kate responds slowly, arching a brow as she turns slightly to better see Power Girl's face. "...Sometimes I hit a club," she admits then. "If it's early enough in the night."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl glances over Batwoman's shoulder toward the setting sun (Kryptonians, am I right?) and observes, "Guess I know what your plan is, then. You're not local; do you have a club picked out?"

Batwoman has posed:
    "I had it narrowed down to two," Kate responds, arching a brow as she does, "I figured I'd just swap venues if he music wasn't loud enough." She leans back into the building behind her and takes a deep breath, slowly. "I'll probably hit Club Typhon around 8:30." With that Kate apparently intends to go. She steps up onto the edge of the fire escape and pulls her grapple gun from her belt to aim at the building across the alley. Given three more seconds Katew ill be gone.