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Latest revision as of 00:02, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 12 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Cypher, 1118

Gambit has posed:
It's early evening in Harlem, and Remy finds himself in the predominantly spanish district, following his nose as he pauses at a corner and looks up towards the orange, yellow, blue and purply sky of the nearly set sun. He whispers something to himself, stuffs his hands into his pockets and continues to walk down the side walk with his duster catching the soft breeze just flapping against his calf.

Up ahead there's a worn down building, windows have bars over them, and there's minimal lighting coming from inside the rusty, delapidated structure. The whole thing looks like it would collapse if a big enough pebble hit it.

Cypher has posed:
Why would Remy take Doug to a place like this? Simple -- because Doug's super-power is that he can always talk to restaurant owners in their native language and get you the special they don't cook for people who don't speak the language. That's a joke, even though it's totally true.

So here he is, plodding along and flipping through a little book in... Urdu? Yeah, Urdu, before he looks up and then at Remy. "...What are we doing here?" He asks, inquisitive. Fortunately Cypher's real secret weakness is adventures... he's just crazy about them.

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Lee stalked through the many alleyway's in Harlem, he was currently after Ortiz González, The fat bastard bailed out of jail after he busted him in that drug lab and was planning on fleeing the city before his trial date, Lee was here to make sure that was not going to happen. His red overcoat got caught in a loose branch which he would pull free in a slight jerk. He then saw the fat fuck walking down the street in his Leisure Suit and lee swore he smelt a Cheap Colgne on him. Lee continued to follow him while pulling out his pistol in preperation to strike....that is when he steppped on the bottle. Ortiz would turn around and shout in a panic," Red Devil estancia manera de mí! and made a break for it. Lee would fire his pistol and shout," You are not going to leave this city Ortiz"! Though he was unaware that a group of spanish gangsters would here Ortiz screaming and near an old buliding that looked very uneasy would prepare to ambush the Avenger by grabbing a couple of shotguns and motioning Ortiz to hide in the building.

Gambit has posed:
"We're here to take care o' some bidnis."

Remy's interrupted by gun fire not more than a few blocks away and he hunches his own head and ducks just slightly. "Keep yo head down and we gonna make it outta t'is."

That's when a certain criminal on the lamb ran inside the same building Remy was approaching with a re-lifed student in tow.

Remy looks over to Doug and explains. "T'ere's a girl 'ere. Generationally trapped and also a mutant. She's scared and none of us can blame 'er. So we're 'ere to offer her a way out an' up." He says, turning back towards the old apartments and stepping towards the front door, touching the buzzer without an feedback that it works at all.

Cypher has posed:
"I understand." The wind ruffles Cypher's hair, and he looks around, before he says, "Don't worry about the gunfire, Gambit. I can..." He thinks about it, "Read the city's language. It shouldn't be headed toward us." He pauses, and then regards that grim, rickety building, "On the other hand," He says, before he makes a little square with his fingers and examines the architecture, "...Huh."

He glances to Gambit, and says, "Let's go in the back."

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
As Lee saw Ortiz run into the building he would whisper to himself," Clever son of a bitch, Still either way i got to get to that fat fuck before he finds away out of the city". He then decided to take the back entrance of the building. He then readjusted his fedora and loaded his pistol with a gas bullet, He was going to need it. He would then carefully begin to approach the back of the building, he knew one slip up or loud noise would attract the people inside and would cause him to be shot to death or have them barricade the building. What he was unaware of was that Ortiz was shouting at the gang members inside that man in the red overcoat that fucked up the drug lab was on his way to the building and to get ready for him. Ortiz would then stare at the girl...his daughter and say," Stay there Kamila'!

Gambit has posed:
"Non, I t'ink de fron' is a much easier way in, plus we're already 'ere." Remy says with a wink towards Doug before placing his hand over the metal cage like door and with his fingers against the knob he pauses until a puff of purpleish grey smoke puffs out of the key hole and he twists the knob and grants them access. "C'mon." He says, holding the door open for Doug.

"Bu' papi!" Says the teenage hispanic girl. "Don' do thees. It will be so much worse for ju." Kamila tries to plead and reason with her father, likely without success.

Cypher has posed:
Doug Ramsey tilts his head at Remy, and then he says, "There's something about the language of this place..." But he slips inside, and then moves to get out of the way, following the angle of the room to try and stay out of the line of fire. "Let's see..." he rubs his chin, as he begins to examine the room. "The language of architecture is one of function and flow, foot traffic is directed by the way the building is constructed, as are the areas where people will congregate. So if you didn't want to be bothered, where in the building would you be?"

Gambit has posed:
"Eit'a de basement, o' de top floor. Usually de hardes' places t' get inta." Remy says as he looks over towards the stair case room, and ponders. Up, or down. "I'm not gonna say split up, cause t'at's always a bad idea." Remy says, lifting his hand to his chin and brushing at the stubble there. "Any ideas?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug strokes his chin again, and then he says, to Remy, "I think I have one. Get somewhere out of sight." He waits, and then he calls out, "¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien aquí? ¿HOLA?" He has his hands up and everything, as he continues to call out in Spanish.

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Lee carefully opend the door and scout the entrance, it was empty, to empty, this was usually for him a sign of a trap, that or they where in a different entrance of the building. So following his usual tecnnique lee would slip on a gas mask and then pulled out the gun that contained the gas and fire it, he knew that in about 30 seconds that the gas would spread across the first floor knocking out anyone unprotected. He then loaded his pistol and began to stealthily walk across the old rickety floor. A thug would greet the calls from outside by saying to them,"

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Estamos cerrados los fanáticos de la velocidad tienen que volver más tarde! But they would notice a strange green gas coming from the window would soon envelop the man who would cough and go limp in unconciousness falling out the first story window where he was yelling. "Maldito sea, ¡está aquí!" Ortiz would yell as he saw the gas from the first floor," Hold him off, do not let him up here". He would then grab his daughter by the wrist and say as he led her up the staris to a more safe space," Remember if anything happens to me, that your Papi loves you". He would then grab a shotgun from a locker and lock Kamila in her room

Gambit has posed:
Remy followed Doug's plan and was moving somewhere to be out of sight when a greenish gas starts to spread out across the floor and the man's face and stomach dropped. "Move! Up o' out, but GO!" Remy says, charging up the stairs, his duster flapping against the wall and trailing behind him.

The girl follows her father up stairs, starting to have tears well up in her eyes, but fighting them, trying to be strong for her papi. "I know papi. But please, stop this!"

Cypher has posed:
Doug has already started moving. Good thing he crawled out of the grave in such good shape, because he grabs the balustrade and is vaulting over it before he says "I wasn't expecting the gas attack." He admits, mildly, before he reaches the landing and then wrinkles his nose, before he says to Gambit, "There's another conversation going on here. Someone else is here -- but I don't think they're after the girl..." He shakes his head, and says "¡Deja de disparar! No estamos aquí para pelear, ¡pero nos defenderemos!"

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
The gas worked better that he had anticipated the whole entire floor was taken out by it. He would walk through the gas infested room walking carefully over knocked out gangsters who must of been waiting for him seeing as they where heavily armed with combat shotguns. He attempted to walk up the stairs but he would be greeted by a heavily tatooed muscular man with a machete who would shout", Tendré tu cabeza en mi pared"! And swung at him causing a gash on Lee's arm. Lee would then aim for the mans croch and stomach which would connect, as the man lurched in pain lee would throw him down the stairs and towards the first floor infront on the main entrance to the kitchen,"Have fun with the gas". Lee would say as he opened fired in the second floor towards the gangsters who lee was aiming to wound not kill. Ortiz was about to respond to his daughter but he heard the gunfire approaching the second floor he would say," Kamila be a good girl and...control yourself the last thing we need is for you to lose control and blow a hole in this place". Ortiz would then load the shot gun and began to barricade the entrance to the fourth floor along with 4 other gangsters

Gambit has posed:
"What are t'ey talkin' about?" Remy asks as he presses his back against the wall of the main hallway on the second floor, three to go to the top. He sighs as the poor lighting, a few flickering flourecents and that's about it. Until flashes of gun fire bounce off the walls and around the corners. "Oh. We got us a lone gunman." Remy says as he starts to move closer down the hall towards the shooting, a hand opens up and motions for Doug to stay back. He really doesn't want the kid to get hurt again. Maybe brining Doug along was a poor idea.

Gambit has posed:
The girl moves to her deemed 'safe place' and slips into a closet and slowly sinks down to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest and praying for safety for everyone in the building as she rocks back and forth.

Cypher has posed:
Maybe it was... or maybe it wasn't, because this is the moment when somebody comes out of a side door, with a knife--and when he slashes at Cypher, the kid, who was never known as a great fighter, jukes to the side when the knife-slash comes in for his face, and then grabs the guy's arm and twists, dislocating his elbow with a sickening POP--and then Doug kicks him in the stomach, doubling him over. He's wide-eyed, stunned, as he says, "...Did I just DO that--" Then he looks up to Remy and nods, moving to get out of the line of fire in the doorway the guy came out of.

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Lee continued his advance through the second floor of the building, but as he advaned a man with a ak-47 attempted to ambush him but lee saw him quick enough to shoot both of his legs out which would cause him to collapse in pain and scream dropping his gun as he fell. He then approached the stairs but he turn on a voice distorter and would shout up it," Ortiz, i know you are here, every act of resistance adds moreto your punishment, surrender now or i will make you a vegetable,". The response was gun fire from the third floor as Ortiz began shouting at the men who where at the 4th floor with him to prepare to fight the avenger off

Gambit has posed:
Remy turns after hearing Doug's cry and moves towards the door the door the man came out of, again with his back to the wall and rushes in, a trio of playing cards held in his right hand, charged and ready to explode. However, there's nothing in the room and he turns around to shrug at Doug. Suddenly, the floor creaks and then gives way, dropping the cajun ten feet to the first floor, still thick with the knock out gas to which Remy succumbs rather quickly.

Cypher has posed:
Which makes Doug give Remy a shrug in turn, but just when he was about to say something, he hears the floor groan -- "Look out!" Too late. He reaches after Remy, and then he says, in the Unspeakable Language of Limbo, <Fuck NUTS!> Then he looks up, and narrows his eyes, and says "Looks like it's just on me, at this point." He pauses, and then he moves to reach down and slap the man who he knocked out. He's still speaking in Spanish. "Is there another way to get to your boss? If you want him to get out of this alive, you need to tell me."

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
The gangster would look at him and say," There is a staircase on the left of here, hurry some Noir want to be is shooting up the place..he is after the boss". He would then fall into uncociousness again as Doug would notcie the gas from the hole would start to be spread. Meanwhile Lee would slowly make his way up toward the third floor while occasinaly shooting at the legs of arms of any gangsters that go in his way

Cypher has posed:
Doug nods, once, and then he bolts, up the stairs -- and he calls out, "Don't shoot! I'm here to help." He grabs an old American flag bandana and ties it over his face, before he comes in with his hands up. "Don't shoot!" He repeats, in Spanish. "I'm here with the X-Men... we've come to help your daughter. We know about her gifts. I don't know what your beef is with that vigilante, but if you want to get her to safety, let me help you." He shakes his head, marveling at how unbelievable this all is, "You can call me 'Cypher'." He looks around, and then says, "When I was looking at the building earlier I noticed there's an access stair out the left side that'll take you up to the roof, where you can get to the next building over and get away. I can get your daughter out of this. She's innocent of the whole thing, isn't she?" He looks around, and says, "Look... you can trust me." Then he's just got to figure out how to get Remy out of that gas before it kills him. "Please, we don't have a lot of time."

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Ortiz would look with surprise when he saw cypher coming up from the hidden staircase and was prepared to shoot him but when he referenced the X-men he would lower his gun and say," I am not sure if i should trust you right now but....i have heard your school could help her but i thought it would be like those camps, you know what". But then at that moment a gas bullet would hit the 4th floor and gas would start filling the room as a man with a red overcoat and fedora along with a suit and gasmask would walk in slowly and say," Ortiz, i have come for you". Ortiz would shout," Take her and get out of here"! before being shot in the leg by the avenger whose gas masked face would look at chypher

Cypher has posed:
"You don't have a choice." Cypher pauses, and then says, "If you get out of this, there'll be an e-mail at this address," He jots it down on a scrap pulled out of his pocket, "With photos of your daughter showing she's safe. I promise." Then the vigilante barges in. He moves to grab the girl by the arm, and says, in Spanish, "I'm a friend. Get on my back." Then he stands up, and moves to go out the fire escape and down with her in tow. "I have to go back for my friend." He says, directing her "Curl up here. *Don't move*, please. I'll just be a minute." He looks around, and then ughs. Then, finally, he spies a mud puddle, and with a grunt of disdain, he soaks his hoodie in the grimy water before he presses it over his nose and mouth and ventures back in to pull Gambit out, hoping the gas downstairs has cleared enough to make it possible.

Lee Travis (1118) has posed:
Lee would see chypher making a run for it possibly in an attempt to save gambit, ofcourse lee had no idea who either these men where, to him they where gangsters that needed to be punished so as he ran he would shoot at his leg and it would hit, causing a large amount of pain but was would still be able to be walked on, though it would hurt, he then turned to ortiz and began to beat him, not to kill ofcourse but to disable untill the authorities could arrive

Cypher has posed:
Doug grunts, when the bullet grazes his thigh, but he soldiers on, leaving the girl with the request that she 'Wait here' until he could pull Remy out, which he does, his eyes watering, and him choking. He shakes his head, and then squeezes water from that filthy soaking sweatshirt on Remy's face to try and revive him so they can get away.