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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/12 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=89, 295, 259 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:89|Daredevil...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:11, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 12 July 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Karen Page, Foggy Nelson

Daredevil has posed:
It was a bad night. Daredevil is nearly superhuman in his ability to get in over his head, but not so far that he ends up seriously hurt or killed. Still, in a city full of metahumans, it's difficult to always have a slight upper hand.
The details of the altercation aren't important. What's important is the state he finds himself in afterwards. Normally he'd stumble to Claire's apartment and crash in through her balcony to collapse on the floor. But this time, the altercation took place mere blocks from his apartment.
He managed to get himself home, but barely. His face is swollen. He's cradling a sprained wrist. There's a knife wound that cut through his leg. His ribs are bruised. And there's a scorch mark across the whole shoulder of his suit.
He's lying on his couch, helmet on the table, one arm gently resting across his torso. The other hand holds his phone. He just texted Karen a very simple note with text to speech, "come over please."

Karen Page has posed:
It doesn't take Karen long to knock on Matt's door. It's unlike Matt to ask for help in such a way and so, she is both incredibly concerned and curious as to what has happened. The blonde haired woman calls through the door, "Matt, it's Karen!" Then, there's the sound of a key in the doorway. Glad that Matt gave her a key for an emergency, she opens the door and then swiftly shuts it behind her.

"Matt, what's wr---" her words catch in her throat as she makes her way down the entranceway and then sees Matt laid out on his couch in the Daredevil suit. She stops. There's a war that crosses her face in a way that she knows that Matt can't see. Matt is Daredevil? Daredevil is Matt?

Her voice is solid, confused and a bit angry as she asks, "You're fucking with me, right?"

Daredevil has posed:
The apartment would be dark were it not for the flood of light from the billboard across the street. That light is fairly sufficient to show him in decent detail. He stirs, tries to sit up, coughs painfully, then lowers himself back down. "I didn't want to tell you like this." He stares vacantly up at the ceiling.
If Karen moves forward, she'll find something slick and dark on the floor. It's blood.

Karen Page has posed:
Despite herself, Karen does move forward. Matt is hurt, he called her here because of it and she can't help but step in to see to his wounds. Ignoring his intimations that he didn't want to tell her like this, she looks at his wounds, his bruises, the blood on the floor. At this, she moves into an almost war-nurse like mentality. "What happened?" She moves to the kitchen and grabs both paper and hand towels. The tap runs as she fills a bowl with water and then moves back to the couch. "Stay down," she tells him. The order is nothing like Claire's medically authoritative commands: hers are more laced with concern and unsure tones.

Daredevil has posed:
"In over my head," Matt grunts. "I was..." he shifts. He does try to sit up again despite Karen's order. He stops after a moment and relaxes back against the couch. "Karen, I'm...I'm sorry. I've been meaning to tell you, but not like this," he repeats.
He tries again to sit up. This time, he makes it, though he winces in pain. His eyes are still unfocused and inactive. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to pull you into this. And then you got shot..." he winces again and clutches his leg. Blood dribbles between his fingers.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen gently pushes Matt back against the couch. "Matt," she tells him, firm but worried. "You're going to hurt yourself more." For now she does not address his apology, the fact that the entire time that they've known each other that he has lied to her. Right now, she is worried about his wounds. "We should really---" she pauses. She was going to say 'call Claire'. But, now she realizes that Matt was the one who barged in on them after her narrow call where Jessica brought her to Claire's.

Seeing the blood pooling from his fingers, she takes a breath. "You're going..." she frowns. "You have to take this off. Is there...a zipper or something? I don't know how vigilante costumes work."

Daredevil has posed:
"That's why I was sitting up," says Matt with a tight grin that is completely at-odds with the situation. He tries to ease himself back up again. "It's on my back. I'd say just cut it off but this suit is kind of hard to replace," a beat, "...and hard to cut into."

Karen Page has posed:
There's a roll of her eyes. "I see." Helping Matt upward, she moves around him to try and maneuver his suit off of him. There's a joke to be made here, but this is not the time. "I'm not about to cut your armor off of you, or whatever this is." Instead, she tries to undo it and get to his wounds as best she can without hurting him.

Daredevil has posed:
That's not really going to be possible, considering moving in such a way that allows Karen to remove the armor means he's going to bend in ways he'd rather not. He hisses as he moves his arm in such a way that allows her to remove the sleeves. The sprained wrist is especially painful.
Beneath the suit are the beginnings of very bad bruises, especially around his rib area. "I made the mistake of engaging a gang of metahumans. I can usually tell the difference." Through heart rate, scent, or the like.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen does what she can to remove the suit from Matt without hurting him too much. However, she is still insistent. The sprained wrist, the bruised ribs, she winces as she attempts to bring them out into the open so that she can care for them. "So, you've been doing this for years?" she finally asks as she starts to wrap and clean Matt's wounds.

"//How// can you tell the difference between metahumans and humans? How can you //do// this? You're blind! You fought a killer in front of me. How did you do that?"

Daredevil has posed:
"I //am// blind," Matt repeats, stress on the second word. Once his jacket is off, he relaxes against the couch again. There's still the matter of the cut on his leg. The fabric seems to have stemmed the bleeding for the moment. He takes a deep, bracing breath. "I can...I can smell them." Those words are quiet. "Like I can smell that you last showered yesterday morning and that you went to the hair salon last week."

Karen Page has posed:
"You did not fight as if you were blind," Karen tells him. The tone is slightly judgmental, but her attention is entirely on his wounds. His sense of smell and what he knows about her because of it is met with a look of annoyance. That all seems rather personal to her. As the suit is off, she starts to wash off the blood from his chest and wrap it with bandages. "How long have you been doing this?" she asks.

Daredevil has posed:
"Fighting? Or fighting while wearing a red suit?" Matt smiles again. It's his attempt at disarming Karen, though he seems aware that it's a lost cause. He inhales, but winces when he does. "Years. I'm...I can see in a...different way. Sort of. It's difficult to explain."

Karen Page has posed:
"I was talking about throwing yourself into situations where you need couch triage," Karen tells Matt with a frown. She realizes now that the man who bailed her out of jail is also the guy who saved her life from the men who attempted to kill her for gathering a flash drive from her apartment. "A different way of seeing?" she asks, unsure of what that means. "Okay," she accepts. She wraps bandages about him. "Sure, I guess I get that."

Daredevil has posed:
"I still can't...see your face," says Matt, quietly, "Or...watch a movie." He waves a hand in front of his face. His eyes don't react. If he could have faked his eyes not reacting for all these years, that would be almost as remarkable as his actual abilities.

Karen Page has posed:
At this, Karen listens. It's a lot to get her head around. He is actually blind, but he has other ways of seeing. For awhile, she's silent. The only sound in the room is her wrapping his bandages gently about him. Her heartbeat is fast, her breathing agitated. It's hard to tell whether that is due to anger or worry.

"So, it was you who saved me in my apartment when we met." That's not a question. "You saved my life. Twice. First by taking on my case and then when that guy with a knife tried to kill me."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt purses dry lips and lets the silence fall. He tracks her heartbeat. The corners of his mouth twitch down into a frown. When she speaks, he doesn't deny it, Instead, he nods, once. "And I thought I was saving your life by not telling you, by not letting you get dragged in to this..." he grunts, "...life. But when I saw you at Claire's, I couldn't justify keeping it from you. I was just...waiting for a good time."

Karen Page has posed:
"A good time?" Karen can't help but laugh softly a bit at that. "'Karen, it's Matt, remember that time a guy in black jumped into your apartment to save your life and then fell out of it again? That was me.' Yes, I can see why it took awhile." There's still a bit of a bite there, an annoyance she can't push out of her tone. She blinks, then nods. "That's right, that was you. I should have recognized your voice. I guess my journalistic instincts are a little off."

Daredevil has posed:
"The cane is...a better disguise than you might think." Matt coughs and he winces, grabbing at his ribs with his good arm. "You had no reason to think it was me. Why would you? You thought I got black eyes from doorways."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy has taken a bit of time to get to Matt's apartment. Apparently, he did not get a sense of urgency in the text message he receives, and instead stopped off at the corner Chinese food place to get some take-out and grabbed his notes from Jessica Jones's latest case. He knocks a warning knock at the door and then comes right on in without thinking twice. "Alright, I got the Sesame Chicken -- which I know you say has way too many sesames, but I think tha--" And then he blinks. "Uh. What."

Karen Page has posed:
"I should have known you didn't walk into that many doorways. You never did it around me or Foggy." Speaking of Foggy, he appears behind them. Startled, Karen pauses in her bandaging of Matt and sits up straight, blinking a few times at Foggy. "You knew?" she's startled, though perhaps she shouldn't be. Matt is Foggy's best friend. If anyone would know Matt's secret identity, it would be him.

Daredevil has posed:
It is a very incriminating tableau. Matt is laid out on his couch, the top half of his suit around his waist so Karen could bandage him. The billy clubs and the pointed helmet sit on the table. There's blood on the floor. He actually gets tense a good few minutes before Foggy actually pushes open the door. He could hear his heartbeat and smell the food from a half block away. After Foggy does arrive, there's a long, long pause. And then?

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Knew... what?" Foggy stands there, blinking owlishly with the tightly tied plastic bag around about six Chinese cartons -- far more than two grown men would actually eat. What? You need a variety. No one ever was happy with just //one// type of entree. It Is Known, man. He blinks at Matt now. "It isn't even my birthday." The words spill out without thought as Foggy is still processing what he's seeing. Blood, Matt looking like Tyler Durden, and Karen in total firecracker mode. He finally steps inside and lets the door swing shut. "Uh, excuse my French, but what in the fuck is going on?"

Karen Page has posed:
So, Foggy doesn't know. Karen gives Matt a look of intense disappointment that she is unsure if he can even see. The comment if Foggy didn't know is a little much. Turning back to Foggy, she looks at the take out, looks about at the scene and sighs. "That was pretty much my exact sentiment," she tells Foggy. "But, it looks like Matt has been doing some pro bono work and finally decided to tell us."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can't see that look, but he can feel it. It makes his facial muscles tic in subtle ways. After another moment of awkward silence, he grunts out, "I need your help filing some paperwork to trademark the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Gotta protect my brand."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy sits in the awkward silence for a few moments before he steps forward to deposit the Chinese food down on the coffee table. He frowns at Matt as he shares that sarcastic tidbit, and he glances to Karen. "You? Matt... that's impossible. You're... you know." Beat pause. "Blind." He looks at Karen, his frown still in place. "I don't get it." He looks back at Matt then, and something in his brain clicks. "You've been lying to me?"

Karen Page has posed:
As for how Matt can do what he does, Karen does not comment. She doesn't exactly understand it herself and she fears whatever she says will come out a bit too sarcastic. As for the lying, well, that isn't something she's about to let Matt off the hook about, either. Instead, she looks back at Matt and gently ties off the bandage she stopped wrapping when Foggy walked in.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt takes several deep breaths and stares up at the ceiling more blankly than usual. "You know...when I went over this in my head, this isn't exactly what I pictured. For one, I was hoping there would be less blood and...pain." He swallows. "Foggy, I //am// blind. I've told you as much of the truth as I could and still keep you both safe. I didn't want you falling into this world."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"And what world is that, exactly?" Foggy sounds a touch exasperated. "The kind where aliens attack New York? Or the kind with Avengers? Or what about crazy strong women who leave me veggie trays all the time? That world? Because, dude, I'm already //in it//." He looks at Karen, and his expression darkens a bit. "You could have told //me//. What the hell do you think I was gonna do? Brag at Josie's about how I'm paling around with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen?"

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"And what world is that, exactly?" Foggy sounds a touch exasperated. "The kind where aliens attack New York? Or the kind with Avengers? Or what about crazy strong women who leave me veggie trays all the time? That world? Because, dude, I'm already //in it//." He looks at Karen briefly before looking back to Matt, and his expression darkens a bit. "You could have told //me//. What the hell do you think I was gonna do? Brag at Josie's about how I'm paling around with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen?"

Karen Page has posed:
Straightening from the last tie on the bandage, Karen turns back to Foggy, expression immediately defensive - even angry. "What is that supposed to mean? I live in the same world that you do, Foggy, I'm not in some alternate universe where there wasn't an alien attack. Remember that time you met me when I was framed for murder?" Because she certainly does. She turns back to Matt. "Well, you should have thought about that before tossing yourself into all this without anyone to help you. What were you thinking? Why is it okay for //you// to be involved in this and not me or Foggy"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's lips twitch. He tries to sit up and has more success at it than when he tried before. He grunts. "Yes. You are. And I've realized that. Which is why I'm telling you now." He lifts a hand, then lets it fall. Then he adds, "Both of you."
He tenses when Karen goes on her tirade. "I'm beginning to think even I shouldn't be involved, even with what I can do. Because there are people out there who could break my spine with a flick of their pinkie finger." Then unspoken rider to that is, 'so what would happen to you?'

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"That's what I'm saying," Foggy replies to Karen. "We live in the same world //Matt// does." Then he breathes out a slow exhale, running his hands back through his hair. "I'm gonna get a beer. Karen, beer?" He points at Matt then. "Not you." He pauses on his way to the kitchen to get a beer -- and probably stand there, chugging it. "Isn't that the whole plight of humanity... there's always something that can kill us?" Then he continues his retreat to fetch himself something to drink.

Karen Page has posed:
"Whiskey, Foggy. I believe this conversation calls for something stronger than beer. Though, if all they have is beer, I will certainly take that." Karen sighs. Though Matt is now completely bandaged, she has not stood up from the couch where she still sits next to him. "Maybe you shouldn't," she agrees with him after a moment as she takes in the sight of him. "Or, you shouldn't do it alone. You didn't answer my question, though, counselor. Why did you think that you belonged in this world but we didn't? You know how we met."

Daredevil has posed:
"Because I thought they were different worlds. And I thought I could protect you both from seeing too much of it." Matt sighs and bangs his head back against the couch. "But they're the same world, aren't they?" He turns his head a little towards the kitchen. He calls out, "The whiskey is in the cupboard by the fridge, towards the back. It..." a beat, "It might be almost...empty." Ahem.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen raises an eyebrow. Thought they were different worlds. There's a smirk at the fact that the whiskey bottle is almost empty. Then, her expression turns more serious. "You already did protect me, Matt," she tells him. Sighing, she looks down at his wounds and shakes her head just slightly. "I never did get to thank Daredevil for saving my life. So, thank you for that." There's a pause. "I guess late is better than never." For the thanks? For the confession? It's hard to tell.

Daredevil has posed:
"I didn't want you two to just...find out. You deserve better than that." What Matt doesn't say is that he thinks they were pretty close to finding out anyway, and so it was, in a way, getting ahead of the story. He is after all, a pragmatic man almost before he's a moral man, not that he'd admit that to himself, let alone anyone else.
He tries to sit up a little more, but suddenly his head is swimming. If he could see, he'd be seeing stars. He turns pale. "I think...I should lie down again."

Karen Page has posed:
There's a bit of a raised eyebrow as Matt tells them that he was wanting to tell them before they found out. A part of her is wondering whether it had more to do with the fact that their circles were closing in on each other, but she does not say that out loud. He could have simply let it linger, but he decided to tell them. Though she is still upset, it's a step in the right direction. "Yes, we do," she agrees about them deserving better than that.

As he tries to sit up again, she frowns and pushes a hand to his bare shoulder in an attempt to hold him back from sitting up entirely. "You just turned white, you definitely need to rest. Just, lie down."

Daredevil has posed:
"I've been told that I'm already quite white," Matt says with a grin. But that bit of humour is covering up the nauseous flips in his stomach. He leans back slowly, then makes a half-grunt. Then he drops the short rest of the way and closes his eyes. Suddenly, he's out.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy has stayed in the kitchen, drinking half a beer and securing Karen a tumbler of whiskey. If it wasn't empty before, the bottle is certainly empty now. He reluctantly returns from the kitchen to spot a passed out Matt Murdock and Karen. He silently hands over the tumbler, takes another deep swallow of his beer, and drops heavily in a chair adjacent to the couch. "Well." He looks from Matt to Karen.

Karen Page has posed:
As Matt makes his quip and then passes out, Karen leans back a bit against the other end of the couch and studies the man unconscious in front of her for a few moments. It's only a few before Foggy is behind her and holding out a tumbler of whiskey for her to take. Finally, she stands and turns to the other man, allowing Matt to have the full couch should he need to shift. Dropping into the other chair, she takes a very long drink of the whiskey. It's almost gone in seconds.

"Yeah," Karen agrees as she rests the glass on the arm. "So, there's that."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
The Nelson half of Nelson and Murdock breathes out a slow breath as he sinks heavily into the chair. He glances up to Karen, and he frowns deeply. "Yeah. Who knew?" He remains silent for another heartbeat before he adds, "Could be worse." He takes another sip of beer. "He could be on drugs, and wanting to sell our mini-fridge for crack." He looks at the cooling Chinese food, and grimaces. "Want a fortune cookie?"

Karen Page has posed:
"I guess no one." Karen looks at the injured Matt and shakes her head, going back to the glass until it's empty. That was quick. There's a sharp, quick laugh at his statement. "That's worse than our friend tossing himself into danger and lying to us about it?" As for the fortune cookie, she looks a bit surprised that he asked. However, she nods. "Sure, why not?" Standing up, she goes for the bag and pulls out two fortune cookies, tossing one to Foggy and then moving to the fridge to grab herself a beer now that the whiskey is gone. This certainly calls for more drinks and she has absolutely no qualms about drinking Matt's.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"I'm not entirely sure which is worse, to be fair..." Foggy is about to get up when Karen beats him to it, and he catches the second cookie. He cracks it open and pries out the fortune. He reads it aloud, "'Now would be a good time to take up a new sport.'" He eyes Matt before he crumples up the fortune and starts to eat the cookie. He glances after Karen. "He's going to get himself killed, that's for sure..."

Karen Page has posed:
"You only say that because you're attached to that mini-fridge, Karen gives Foggy a half smile as she pulls a beer out of the fridge and opens it in the kitchen. As she makes her way back to the chair, she glances at Matt and his bandaged chest before dropping down into it again and takes a swig of her beer before resting it between her knees to open the packaging of her fortune cookie.

"He does seem to be taking quite a lot of risks and getting himself hurt." Karen frowns, remembering the night he saved her from the man with the knife. "If we help him, though..." she trails off, shaking her head and shrugging. "He saved my life, Foggy." Breaking open her fortune cookie, she reads it and snorts. "'Follow your heart's strong desire.'"

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"I'm very attached to that mini-fridge. It holds all my hot dog condiments perfectly." The humor is a defensive measure, but is delivered with the same casual Foggy demeanor. Then he regards Matt once more, listening to Karen until she gets to the crux of it. He grimaces. "You want to help him, in hopes we're any better in helping him stay alive." He considers this, and then offers a half-shrug. "I mean, I guess every hero needs the back-up crew." He then rubs his hands back across his hair, slumping down into the chair. "Why didn't he tell me." Beat pause. "Us. Why didn't he tell us."

Karen Page has posed:
"Yes, us," Karen tells Foggy a bit deadpan at his slip. Though, she understands. Foggy and Matt were best friends since law school. She is a recent addition into their duo. She understands why he would be most upset about the idea that Matt didn't tell him first - or at all until now. The mini-fridge comment is met with small laugh as is its due, but her focus returns to the issues at hand. "He helps people," she says. "Maybe with us we can keep him safer." As for why he didn't tell them, she frowns. "I don't know, Foggy. He said he wanted to protect us." But, by her tone of voice, she's not sure she believes that to be the entire reason.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy frowns slightly at Matt's unconscious body. Then he looks up toward Karen with a smaller frown. "Yeah, well... that's all bullshit. Heroism bullshit." Foggy sighs as he finishes his beer, rolling the bottle between his palms. He stands, setting the bottle on the table. He rubs his hands down his thighs and then shoves his hands into his pockets. He looks around the room, tracing the blood. "I wonder who beat him up." He looks to Karen. "Did he tell you before I barged in?"

Karen Page has posed:
Unable to help herself, Karen laughs, seemingly agreeing with Foggy about Matt's reasoning being bullshit. Taking another long pull from her beer, she settles against the chair and pops half of the fortune cookie in her mouth and chews it thoughtfully for a few moments. The question of who it was that left Matt in this state is met with a blink. She didn't ask. Again a knock on her journalistic instincts. "I didn't ask," she says sheepishly. "I got a bit wrapped up in the fact that he was bleeding and..." she gestures at the mask still on the table.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy seems to relax a bit when Karen laughs, as if he may have some company in all this madness. Then he picks up the mask when gestured to it. He stares at it, looking at it with a deep frown settling into his brows. "Well, that's how we got to help him first... figure out who beat the crap out of him and see if we can get some information on them. I sure can't punch someone," not very well, "but I know people." He glances to Karen. "You up for this, Page?"

Karen Page has posed:
If anyone knows people to talk to, it's Foggy Nelson. Karen also relaxes slightly as they move from disbelief to planning. That seems to be their way through this. "Sounds like a plan. Maybe we can dig up information before he starts tossing himself through windows at people." Because, how are they kidding, this is Matt and he will be tossing himself through windows at people no matter what. As for if she's up for it, she laughs and takes another long drink of her beer. "I guess well see." It's a noncommittal answer, but by the way she sounds, she is up for it.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"It would be good for him to, you know, tactfully toss himself at windows, yes." Foggy smiles a bit to Karen before he tosses down the mask on the table and resumes his slump in a chair. He glances to Matt, and then back to his partner in crime. "Alright. We eat the Chinese food, and make sure to not leave any for Matt, and then I'll go snoop around to see who was crossing fists with the Devil of Hell's Kitchen tonight. I bet there's people who want to brag about it." He flexes his fingers. "You tell him when he wakes up that I'm still really pissed off at him."