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Latest revision as of 00:19, 29 October 2017

Breakstone Boat Float
Date of Scene: 12 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
For once, they're not in the boat house, and having woken up finally from his ordeal earlier, Remy has cast off from the lakehouse, in the small boat and is using the trolling motor to put about the lake casually.

He's quiet, laying down on the front of the boat, his shirt off, and just in his trunks he keeps an eye up on the few stars that peek out from the cloud cover and savors a quiet, calm night.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is sitting on the boat with her legs crossed under her and her face on her phone's screen she's watching a Youtube video about a guy falling out of a boat after a fish landed down the back of his shirt and its making her laugh.

"What a dummy." She said softly then, smiling nice and huge.

Gambit has posed:
"Beg your pardon?" Remy says, lifting his head from his hands and turning his ruby eyes towrads Rogue. "I like t' t'ink I'm one of de smartest men 'ere." Remy says, his tone playful as he sits up and moves to sit beside Rogue on the boat.

"Why'd you brin' t'is t'in' out chere? What if it gets wet or ya drop it in de pond? I ain' goin' in aftah it."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced up from the phone at him and she smirked. "Weren't talkin' about you, Dummy Numbe'ah Two." She said back at him with a little sassy headshake to emphasize her words. She would then glance back down at her phone in her ungloved hands and then look back up at him. "Why the heck would it end up in the water?" She asked him then. "I ain't gonna get in there, not at this hour... this is when the sharks come out t'feed in the lake. Ya know, lake sharks... they love eatin' people at this time'a night." She'd glance toward the sthore. "Or, ya know, the hockey mask guy. He's probably watchin' us from the shore right now!"

Gambit has posed:
"Or, de hokey mask shark!" Remy says, his finger lightly dancing up Rogue's back in a teasing try and scare her kind of way, his grin from ear to nose as he has that crooked thief smile of his. "Ah'm pretty sure neit'er o' us haveta worry about a shark or lake monster comin' t' get us."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at the fingerplay on her tanktop covered back, her hair was draped down back there too down toward the small of her back. "Guess if I put on the hockey mask, I'd pretty much be able t'do all the stuff that ol' Slasher guy did in the movies. I got the strength, the durability... the hatred for teenagers havin' sex!" She grinned over at him and shook her head side to side slowly. "Ya'll bette'ah hope you don't upset me, or I might go all evil."

Gambit has posed:
"I'm pretty sure I'd be your firs' victim mon ami." Remy says with a knowing wink and switches his fingers to rub at her back through her shirt. "T'at or I'd be de one to save you by remindin' you about all de good times and somet'in' somet'in' humanity." Remy says with a shrug before he pushes back and lands back on his laced fingers looking at the clouds some more.

"You like surprises don'cha?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at him and his words. "Screw that, Humanity is the worst." She jested... at least partially jested anyway.

When he leaned back and looked up to the sky, her green eyes followed him for a moment and then looked back down at her phone. "No." She said. "I hate surprises." She said while thumbing at the phone's screen. "Why? What did you do?"

Gambit has posed:
"On t'at we agree." Remy winks and then rolls to lean on his side, waiting for Rogue to paint him like one of her french girls.

"I mighta spent some mo'e money on ya instead of savin' it for t'e house." They're saving for a house? He spent MORE money on her!?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looked back up from her phone and then over at him... her green eyes were narrowed and the black eyeliner around them made them look even more sharply intent on staring a hole through his head. "What money?" She asked him first. "What house?" She asked him second. "What are you even talkin' about?" She asked him lastly.

Gambit has posed:
"Look unda your seat." Remy says with a smirk and points with his free hand.

Benath the seat in a plastic baggie taped there, is a pair of plane tickets Remy must have bought recently and with a future date after her graduation with a destination of Paris.

"Oh, I was just tryin'a save up for a place to get when we get married mon ami, but if you don' like t'at idea, we'll figure it out."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue pulled the plane tickets up after looking around for a moment and she studied them closely before she turned to look at him again. She stared at him with a somber expression and then cracked a smile after about five seconds of just staring.

"Why do you do this stuff for me?" She asked him then. "I can't even have a normal relationship with ya. Nobody even understands why you're with me. I mean, y can't touch me... I can't have kids. I ain't gonna eve'ah be a good wife as all'a those things are kinda part of the package deal, aren't they?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau says, "Non, cheri. I'm wit'cha cause of how you make me feel. An' how I can be myself wit'out worryin' t'at you'll judge me or whatevers." Remy says, plucking up a pebble from the bottom of the boat and tossing it out to the water where it pops like a small fire cracker.

"Cause ya deserve it, Rogue.""

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stared at him as he said thes things, she watched as he tossed that rock out to the water and then watched it 'pop' like that. AFter he said the rest, she slowly swept her green eyes back over at him. "Do I?" She asked him then, the wind on the water casting her brown and white hair back behind her shoulder that she was looking over at him from above.

"I'm a bad person." She told him then. "I've taken people's lives away from'em. Like the boy I first kissed, 'nd then all the folks along the way afte'ah the Brotherhood took me in..." Rogue's youthful face twitched a little and she looked back out at the water. "I don't think I deserve t'be happy."

Gambit has posed:
"Would you kill today? Right now?" Remy asks rather abruptly, his ruby and blacks locked onto Rogue's greens. "Could ya kill someone right now?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue thought about the question for a moment and she glanced at him, then down at the plane tickets in her hands and then back over at him. "Yes." She said to him softly and quietly. "I don't believe in the stuff that they do here..." She glanced back at the school. "They all mean well... but they think peace is gonna happen if we just act happy all the time. 'nd I don't believe that. I think mutants are gonna be hardcore screwed ove'ah someday, 'nd we may not even see it comin'." She nodded her head. "So yeah, I'd kill. Rapists, pedophiles, wife beate'ahs, mutant hate'ahs."

Gambit has posed:
Remy listens to her words and slowly sits back, his bare feet hitting the bottom of the boat and he leans forward to put his finger and thumb on the tickets and slowly pulls them away from Rogue.


Is all Remy says, his eyes not once leaving Rogues. He knew she has, he knew she was physically able. He didn't know she was so prepared for it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue snatched the tickets back as he swiped them from her and she smirked. "Heck no." She said. "You just gave me a graduation gift. Ya can't take'em back just cause you proposed to a murderer!" She said, going to stand up with the tickets and clutch them to her chest!

Gambit has posed:
Remy doesn't fight her and stands up not inches from her face and mentally says F**K IT, and leans in for a kiss. The shock is sharp, painful and draining. He endures as long as he can until he drops from her face and lands back on his butt, eyes unable to focus and he shakes his head a few times trying to numb the pain. "Wow."

Rogue has posed:
The kiss isn't want puts him on his ass, its her non-gloved hands! She shoves him back onto his butt and then glares down at him. "Ya can't do that!" She shouts down at him, waving the tickets at him. "Thats what I'm talkin' about, ya big dumb swamp rat!" She glares daggers at him. "Ya do that kinda shit and ya ain't neve'ah gonna wake up! Where's that leave me then? Married to a body in a god damn hospital bed?" Rogue leaned up then and she looked around, she swiped up her phone and then went to the edge of the boat to put one booted foot up onto the edge, looking like she was about to fly off.

Gambit has posed:
"Y'know it's cause I love ya. And I'll put up with a bit o' pain to keep up wit' ya." Remy says, his hand reaching out of her. Not sure how much of him she got in that moment, but who knows. That's always up to the author. "I ain't wanna end up in de sick bin, Ah jus' wanna show you t'at I love ya, an' in my own way, I agree wit' ya."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would've gotten memories from him, for sure, stuff he hadn't ever told her, stuff that seemed quite odd to her, but she wasn't sure how to process them right now.

"It ain't about gettin' hurt by touchin' me, Remy." She said back at him then, paused where she was, with those tickets still in her right hand. "Its about you endin' up dead. -THATS- what I do. I kill people. I'm the grimmest god damn reape'ah."

And with that, she floated up into the air and then looked back at him. "I wanna marry you, ya jackass. But I just don't see how a marriage'a you 'nd me can go anywhere, except with you in a coma for the resta your life."

Gambit has posed:
"T'en ya need ta stop lookin at ya feet, and in de shadows and look up, look to the light and the possible, and even de impossible Rogue! You're too busy dwellin' on ya pas' an' feelin' sorry fo' yo'self to look to de futcha, and to de brigtha horizons." Remy says, still catching his breath and slowly realizing she'll leave him alone on this lake anyways.

Rogue has posed:
Anna-Marie would sigh and she'd drop back down onto the deck of the boat and move to pilot it. "I ain't worried about my past. I'm worried about my future." She said back at him. "Look at my fiancee... tryin' t'steal a kiss from me while he good'n damn well knows he can't go'n do that sorta thing." The boat would come back on and she'd turn them around toward the boathouse a good ways away.

"What happens if ya touch me and ya don't wake up?" She just shook her head after muttering this, she picked up a bottle off of the deck and she threw it up into the air after igniting it with that bright glowing power of his and a moment later the bottle burst into a firework display of his own mutated powers.

"I'm supposed t'just inherit your shit, huh?"

Gambit has posed:
"I wouldn' say t'at. I don' have ya in mah will sugah." He winks and lifts his hand to protect from any raining debris even though there wont be. "I get it, fine. I won' touch ya. I like bein' able to breath wit'out a machine and wiping my own backside." He winks playfully and moves to lay back down on the front of the boat, to enjoy the night quiet a bit more. He draws in a deep yawn and shrugs. "We're not normal Rogue. Ah get it, but t'at don' mean you don' deserve to be happy."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steered the boat like a boss while he laid down all lazily like a bum. "Yeah..." She replied to him softly. "If you say so... But how many people have you taken the life of?" She asked him then. "Maybe poor Cody was an accident, but the othe'ahs, I did by choice... t'get things I wanted, or just t'get the hell away from'em if they were afte'ah somethin' I wasn't interested in givin'em. This school is a paradise, but its also got its head in the damn sand."

Gambit has posed:
Remy looks up to Rogue and nods softly. "You're right Rogue. Do ya jus wanta leave?" Remy asks, sitting back up and watching Rogue drive the boat towards the boathouse with a shrug of his shoulders and blinks as he looks back in his past. "I lost count..." Remy admist softly.

Rogue has posed:
"Can't stay for forever." Rogue said back at him then and looked over at him before putting her eyes back on the boathouse ahead. "Don't pay attention t'me though. I'm just upset cause ya tried t'kill yourself just to get your jollies off, -right- after I told ya that thats the kinda things I can't do as a wife, let alone... as anything else."