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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/13 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1028, 13, 23 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1028|Jessica Drew (...")
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Latest revision as of 00:41, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 13 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), 13, Gregory Stark

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It's a nice summer day, pushing evening in New York, and Coney Island is hopping, folk who were out for a day at the beach are starting to make their way out, and folks coming in for the evening carnival entertainment making there way over as the lights for the rides and various vendors and games start coming on in earnest. All in all, an average day on Coney Island.

Jessica Drew is there, having made her way over to enjoy a bit of evening festivities at the Island, and is just stepping out of one of the Icecream shops, carrying a cup full of icecream, strawberry syrup and chocolate sprinkles topping it, with a spoon stuffed into it for aid in eating. Icecream, also a regular sight in Jessica Drew's hands.

Ditko (13) has posed:
From the dark shore, several figures slowly start to walk up from the depths of the ocean, each armored with rusted bits of old sunken ships and armed with swords and spears furnished from the same metals. The twenty figures march up the beach in towards Coney island and thankfully there's no one on the beach to halt their angry march in towards the city.

The head figure motions towards the glowing ferris wheel and attractions that is Coney Island ammusement peir. "Take it!"

With those words the 19 other mermen rush the peir from the beach.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     On such a lovely day, it's no wonder that people would be out in full force. The screams of joy from the coaster, the sounds of merriment in all directions, it's a lovely moment even with that cool breeze. Is it any wonder either that such beautiful conditions would garner the attention of men of higher standing?

     Gregory walks along the beachfront shade encompassing him from a bright neon white umbrella held aloft by his rather generic looking assistant. The mans facial features beyond the natural layer of forgettable as he walks closely behind the man of means.

     "Look at them all." Gregory starts, looking arround at the display of his mirrored pure white sunglasses which compliment his all white attire down to his very shoes, blond hair catching the light. "Blissfully unaware of the dangers around every corner." His expression turns disgusted for just a moment as he steps over a wad of discarded gum, a shudder down his shoulders. "So many disgus-"

     But he's cut off by the sounds from the shore. Attention snaps back up to look about as he moves forward lifting up his sunglasses so those deep pools of baby blues can look towards the waters and the advancing mermen.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Amongst the many differences between Jessica Drew and the rest of the Spidergang, is her lack of a spidey sense, so she takes a spoonfull of her icecream and begins delivering it to her mouth, so far unaware of the incoming denizens of the deep emerging from the beach, her path bringing her along the walkway as she starts to move along. Her senses are keen, however, especially her hearing, and the wierd creaking and groaning ofr rusted armor shuffling along does start to tingle in the back of the highly super powered, superspy's mind as she goes along, causing that instinctive state of heightened awareness.

Ditko (13) has posed:
"You know what to do." He says in his native tongue, the fellow Atlanteans understanding him and the plan they came up with perfectly and start to rush up the beach closer to the peir.

Greg thankfully isn't close enough to be endangered by the underwater warriors as they find a couple hidden within the small forest of support beams holding up the park and ruthesly slaughters the teenagers with a piercing cry comming from the couple as they are run through with nasty blades.

Quickly the rest of the invaders rise up to the stairs and climb up to the park.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The cry, however brief it may be is what finally keys Jessica Drew in that there is something afoot, and another bite of her icecream is stuffed into her mouth before she tosses the entire thing, with a sigh, into one of the park's trashcans several yards away.

Towards the beach Spiderwoman starts to go, keying in on some of the sounds the otherwise stealthy group of submariners make that her keen hearing is able to pinpoint, she too starts to move stealthy as she hunts for a position to observe the Atlanteans from, and ambush when it proves necessary.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Five of the attackers rush past Jessica as they move deeper into the ammusement park with devilish ends on their minds. Seems they split off into four groups. Two groups are moving inwards on the park from the beach, and the remaining ten soldiers are flanking the park towards the road, and each are leaving behind a trail of carnage and blood in their wake as they hack, slash and maim their way onto mainland America.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"SHIELD Command, this is Agent Drew. We have a situation at Coney Island, need immediate high threat response. I will be engaging, innocents are being attacked." Jessica Drew says into her SHIELD communicator before she launches at the five that rush past her, the *ZZZZZOOT* of her bio-electric spider venom discharging at the lead Atlantean as she launches into a flip that will culminate, ideally into a kick to the head of the rearmost of the Atlanteans, "You guys really know how to crash a party, you know that??" she says, if her kick is succesful, Spiderwoman shall vault off of the head of the kicked individual into a backflip towards the front of the gang of 5.

Ditko (13) has posed:
The rear most attacker is sent flying by Jessica's enhanced strength and pounds his head into one of the guard rails and is down for the count. The four others she lept over fan out and attempt to rush the avenger as one unit. She doesn't speak Atlantean, they don't speak English so there is much lost in translation as they gargle and rush towrads her, three with short swords, one with a long spear like weapon, thrusting at her body to kill.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     It's a long pause from Gregory, as he scans the horizon. To any onlooker he would simply seem to be unable to act, as he slowly adjusts the pure white leather gloves covering either hand to touch down on that filthy railing before him.

     Yet behind the glasses a wall of information passes right before Starks own eyes. Vitals basic heat signatures, and general vitals as eyes rapidly dart flying from one side of the screen to the other taking all of the information in.

     With advanced mathematical calculations made, checked and rechecked he finally holds up a single hand to his side.

     The completely bland bodyguard of his moves up expression emotionless as he places a single wet nap into Gregory's hand. "Thank you." Spoken before he quietly vaults over the side of the railing, body stock straight as he rubs hands together with the disinfectant wipe several times. His feet touch the ground and he begins to walk towards the group.

     "Don't worry, the Situation is well in hand." Pure white dress shoes clack out against the ground with every step, not a run but a cool collected walk, as he speaks into a small Bluetooth device. "Of course not, it's not my style anyway."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Taking on four men at once was certaintly one of the skills that the Taskmaster drilled into her during her extended stay at Hydra Highschool, and when the armed men take up positions to come at her only brings a little grin to the face of Jessica Drew.

Jess steps into the stab from one of the shortswords, cutting her pivot a little too close as her shirt gets a nice cut in it, though it thankfully avoids the skin. That man's arm is grabbed, and she hefts up into the second, using him as a weapon of blunt force while she bends over improbably far to avoid a thrust from the spear, while bringing her foot up towards the face of the third man with a shortsword.

"Aren't you a little overdressed for Coney Island?" she asks the man in the crisp white outfit who's just landed nearby.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Could say the same the same about you." Gregory offers with a smile, as one of the atlanteans comes up behind him. "It's quite outfit."The figure is wielding a small dagger and dressed in pure black. All along the blade is the blood of fresh kills. The figure moves fast and with determination, as hands sweep onto either side, the dagger ran right across Gregory's jugular.

     There's just one problem.

     The Dagger doesn't cut, not even a single drop of blood spilled. Eyes of the man widen, as he looks around the side of Gregory Stark's head to check the dagger. "You know." That friendly smile fades from Gregory's face. "I had such high hopes for you." Not even a beat is skipped before he speaks.

     His face turns a somewhat disappointed expression as he slides his elbow backwards into the merman sending him flying hard into a group of two figures sending them all back to the ground like bowling pins.

     "So hard to find good help these days." As he rubs his hands clean sounding a more posh Tony stark. Very much the upper crust sort of cadence to his speech as he wipes down that elbow with the wet-nap.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"That's a nice trick there." Jessica says as the dagger just slides off of the Stark's neck, her hands reaching to grab the spear from the remaining Atlantean in the group she has attacked, yanking it from his hands then hitting him aside the head with it, sending him sprawling and unconscious.

"14 more of them in the park." Jess says, keying her SHIELD radio as well, "12. And I'm dressed just fine for kicking a little face." She retorts to the man, as she launches herself into a big leap to grab hold of the nearby ferris wheel, letting it elevate her a bit as she starts off towards the other group that split off to head into the park!

Gregory Stark has posed:
     There's a slight smirk that comes across his face, as Gregory moves his way down the walkway. No super speed, no flight, just a man walking with a bit of pep in his step to get there in short order.

     "Picked it up in college." His only retort as Jessica makes her move for the Ferris wheel. "Lovely party trick."

     As he moves along his own voice goes out over the Shield Radio. "Just lucky they didn't bring any heavy equipment with them." As he cuts through a collection of tents moving through to make sure and avoid stepping in any of the mess left behind by the fleeing masses.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Once suitably elevated, Jessica pushes off from the structure and extends her glider wings to let her cross the park with ease as she nears the remaining pack of Atlanteans, "They're over here near the hotdog stand." She calls over the radio, coming to land atop said stand before doing a forward flip down into the midsat of them, starting to throw punches, kicks, and acrobatic dodges as she takes the bulk of the group's attention with her violent antics.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "I'll have some backup there shortly." Gregory calls back over the radio. As he pushes a younger fleeing man off to one side, he vanishes right into the thick of the network of buildings lining the pier.

     The man in question drops his snowcone to the ground tumbling right into another guest of the park, and then a third causing a pile up of fleeing people trying their best to escape before they wind up chalk outlines.

     The panic builds as people cause more damage to each-other then the mermen do. Their own fervor showing the true nature of the men and women in the pack as only a few stick back to save their fellow man from the threat that could lurk anywhere.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew is quite in her element it would seem, surrounded by a group of folk with an intent to cause her harm, she body blocks one into another, wheels around with a swift kick to a third, and does a backlfip back to the edge while discharging her 'spider-venom' into a fourth which sends him to the ground in convulsions. "Any time now." She calls over the radio.

Gregory Stark has posed:
     There's a low hmmmm that breaks out from the sky as something takes off from within the park. Soon after the sounds of Wagners Flight of the Valkyries drifts through the air. It starts off quiet before lifting louder and louder as something bolts out from the collection of tents.

     Wheels spiral and spin as it comes just inches from slamming head on into a fleeing civilian. Just moments before impact the vehicle pulls up off the ground starting off into the air.

     Lifting up from the middle of the junk food alley it's a Hudson Commodore, painted pure white with white. White rimmed wheels are pointed down towards the ground kicking up air to propel it along.

     "How about now?" He asks over the radio, clearly visible in the drivers seat of the classic car. A short pause is made before the craft swoops down hard towards the ground, plowing right through a small collection of mermen, before swooping over to one side to hover in place. "Of course I could come back later if it's a bad time."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"No, I was just saving some for you." Jessica Drew retorts to the old Stark fellow, pausing in her backside beating to survey the area, if any of the Atlanteans are not incapacitated, they've certaintly been sent fleeing for the oceans again it would seem, her hands coming to rest upon her hips as she looks over the car a little, "You sure have a thing for colors that stain easily, don't you." She observes as she looks over the car just a bit before shaking her head. "What the $^@! were these guys after??"

Gregory Stark has posed:
     "Whatever they were after" Gregory comments while putting something into his back pocket. "Looks like it's gone now." His attention shifts back towards the running figure who is making very good time for being in a matching white suit.

     As the figure makes a landing and walks over towards the door it becomes clear that figure is the bodyguard from earlier, with a number of new cuts in his uniform, and a single slash right across his face.

     "Ah, fifteen, glad you could finally join us." A quick pause for Gregory to pull off his aviator sunglasses and clean them off with a small piece of cloth from his pocket. "Gregory Stark, by the way." He finally introduces himself.

     Despite the pure white paint it becomes clear that there's not a single stain on the cars surface, the blood of the mermen just slides right off. A nonstick paint for the modern age covering the entirety of the car leaving behind nothing to wash

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It isn't long before the sounds of a pair of Quinjets can be heard on the approach, nodding her head at the white clad stark, "Spider-woman." She replies to the man before she starts to make her way towards the sound of the arriving aircraft, "You'll want to make yourself available for a statement on what happened here, Mr. Stark." She calls over her shoulder.