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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/19 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=105, 48 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:105|Suzanne Reinhardt (1...")
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Latest revision as of 02:09, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 19 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sister Reinhardt, Kid Flash (West)

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    It was one of those lovely days in New York. One of the rare days where there are no traffic accidents, no construction, no need for police. Yeah, one of THOSE rare days. It's here that Suzanne is simply sitting at a cafe sipping a hot chocolate. Too good of a day for a latte. She also has a sandwich, which is great for someone like her. While she's eating, she simply reads something on her phone, at least for now.

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
Wally was in New York because it always looked like a nice place to visit. When someone had superspeed it was easy to become a tourist anywhere. While trying not to look too much like a fish out of water, Wally made enough sublte motions to show a sense of wonderment. Sometimes it was looking at a building or sign too long. While he wasn't pulling out his camera at every turn, stopping at the people dressed as Iron Man-Knock Offs and all the other huge Halmarks. There were buildings and things that should have been background noise, were he a native or resident for some time, but they weren't. A keen eye could have spotted them before he stopped near a Cafe outside the window.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne happened to look up as Wally was coming near the cafe. Thankfully, she was done with what she was doing. "You have got to be new to New York." She says with a smile on her face. "I'd call this the coty of Wonders, but Metropolis as New York beat in many ways, except for Times Square."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"What gave it away?" Wally asked as he was dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans, shoes that looked so new all they needed was a price tag, a Gotham City Knights's shirt, the one that was all black with the team logo in yellow with matching striping on the sleeves, and a red and white baseball cap that said "High Voltage" as if someone imprinted the electrical warning sign onto a hat. A friendly smile was given to the person that figured him out, "Wally," he extended his hand to the woman.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Suzanne." She said, taking Wally's hand. "And...gee...I wonder." She says pointing to the shirt he had on. "You practically stand out." She says with a grin. "I can give you a good place to get a sub and a drink if you wish. And they're all nearby."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Hey, New York has some sucky teams. Many people could just be a fan of different places while living in another. The Home team isn't always the best team," Wally grinned at her as he nodded to the seat across from her. "If you want company, that is. Even if that company does stand out."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I don't mind company, Wally. I used to live here. I don't really follow sports all that much though, except football. And even then, I don't have a team." Suzanne then chuckles. "So it's hard to follow a team when you don't have one."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Just means you can pick one of the Superbowl contestants. It's a smart strategy," Wally smiled softly as he was looking at Suzanne. "What do you recommend from here?" he asked leting Jade eyes look at the woman for a moment. "Where do you live now?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "The sub shop across the street makes great subs, and has milkshakes. Great for a day like today. And I live in Metropolis now. I'm just visiting New York now." Suzanne smiles at that....

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
Something Wally couldn't put his finger on. It was the smile. Something about it was telling, but what it told the man was clueless on. Honestly, it felt like coming into a play at the second act and trying to piece together the story. Some vital details were missing. "My treat if you escort a 'Tourist' to said place and show him the ropes?" Wally offered witht he hopes of just being shown around a little with the perspective of a native. "Tell me more about yourself, Suzanne."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Nah. I don't mind. If you don't mind me finishing my food first." Suzanne says as she starts to eat the rest of her sub. "And...well...it takes a bit to get the feel of a deli shop around here. One that makes subs is rare. One that makes good shakes is really rare."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"What is the best shake, your expert opinion?" Wally asked just seeing if New York had something similar to Chicago's infamous cake shake. "Tell me about yourself Suzanne," he was just curious about his escort today.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Just someone that works with music for a living. Sound system expert, and went to Metropolis U for it." Suzanne doesn't seem to be willing to explain beyond that. "My personal favorite is a strawberry shake. Though Vanilla and Chocolate are good too."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"No Red Velvet shake? Nothing odd, he knew that Staten Island had a burger place that had a Red Velvet shake." Wally knew she wasn't willing to say more about herself. "Where do you work? Tell me about the place," he figured talkinga bout places rather than herself were safer topics of conversation.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Freelance really. You'd be surprised at how many bands don't have a sound technician. That's where I come in. I LOVE music, but I can't sing and have never touched an instrument. So.....there ya go." She says as she finishes her sub and throws out the wrapper. "Come on." She says grabbing her shake and walks right across the street at a red light. Someone honks at her, and she yells 'I'M WALKING! I'M WALKIN!'

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Favorite Genre and song?" Wally asked then was given the means to move. Wally just let Suzanne do the talking at the Honkin'. He even pointed at the white cross-walk sign. "We got the light!" he said firmly and kept moving with Suzanne. "It shows you're a native."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Mostly 80s pop and New wave. Some rock, but all 80s." Suzanne says as they get to the sub shop, walking right on in. The cashier waves to Suzanne. 'Hey! Weren't you just in here?' "yeah, but i'm bringing someone new in." She then gestures tot he subs. "Order what ya want."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Duran Duran, got it." Wally moved into the shop and he looked at the storekeep. "What's the best sandwich you got?" Wally asked. Every place had one they pushed forward. The one they called the best or signature. He wanted to hear it.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "More than Duran Duran. A-ha, Madonna, Johnny Hates Jazz. All of them." Suzanne says with a grin. The girl behind the counter just shrugged. 'well....we have the ham and cheese, toasted with bacon.'.... "Which is the one I just had, Wally."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"I'll go with that," Wally nodded thinking that actualy sounded good. "Biggest size you have that's not a party sub." Where do the calories go? Wally was a lean young man and here he was asking for the biggest sub they had. Someone must have worked out. "Favorite 80s band, then?" he asked very curious by this answer.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The cashier nodded and went to fix it. Suzanne laughed. "That's a tough one. it's difficult to pick just one though. Duran Duran is one of my most favorite, but I can never get tired of Madonna's 'Holiday'." She then shrugs. "it's why I said '80's', cuz I can't really pick a band."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"So, I wasn't really wrong with Duran Duran," Wally grinned at Suzanne as he waited for his sub to be picked. "Chocolate shake, too. Large here, too." He waited for a moment and set down his cash. "The eighties had a lot going for it. The music was very expirimental."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Not far off, no. If I HAD to pick a favorite band though, it'd be Hall and Oates." Suzanne said with a snicker. "I mean.....millions of records can't be wrong. Then there's Journey." She then chuckles. "Just a large. There's a supreme that'll make you miss a meal."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
Wally looked at Suzanne and declined, "Large is fine. Supreme might kill me," in reality he was thinking "Challenge Accepted!" for a future date. "I have a soft spot for Beatles. I like fast music. There's a lot really. Music is like potato chips. Can't really stop with just one," Wally nodded as he waited to see how his sandwich was coming along.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The sandwich was being made pretty fast, but the girl had to come up front. "What sort of condiments do you want, wally? And yeah.....The beatles are a good band too, for their time." She says softly as she looks out the window passively....

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"I'm simple sometimes Chipotle Mayo. Sometimes nothing. Sometimes Ketchup. I just usually try whatever comes on sandwiches unless it's vinegar based," Wally looked to the window just to make sure everything was kosher. IT was an old ht and one that wasn't coming off anytime soon.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The girl finishes it rather quick and gives Wally his sub...which is a foot and a half long and loaded. 'Here you go.' Then she gives him his shake. Suzanne smiles a bit. "New York can be fun, but you have to be careful too. This is one of the rare good days."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Well, crime is everyone. New York is a big city. Plus with Mutants, Super Power People. Tights, Gentrification, Politics, sometimes the big places are just a big powder keg," Wally was grinning ear to ear over the sandwich before he looked for a place to sit down. "A lot of places are like that, though. It's sad."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Back to the cafe. One Strawberry milkshake for me." Suzanne says before they go...and they head back over to the Cafe. "I know Grayson Creed seems to be going after mutants and powered people...."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"It's a shame. Most of them didn't ask to be born with their abilities. Others didn't ask to become it, but a few probably did." Wally was speaking all of this with experience since he was so exposed to it all. "Still, they're doing more Good than Bad in this world. If you ask me."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I know, but Creed seems to be going after Powered people because 'they could do harm'. Uhm....so can normal human beings. The Joker......He has no powers...." Suzanne says softly, then sips on her shake.

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Joker is debatable. So is Batman. Are they normal humans? In a convential sense, yes. They're just the best of humanity applied in positive and negative ways. They're the exceptions. They both could run circles around Creed in the Political arena if they chose to be Politicians. Something happened to each of htem that set them on their pahts. Powered people are no different. Those that put on tights and want to save the world, a good example. Those that want to enslave it, not so good," Wally explained and nodded with approval after taking the first bite of his sandwich.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "That's what I meant, Conventional. Creed's going after people with powers. Joker, from what I've seen, has no powers. I've never seen the Batman, so I don't know if he has any powers or not." Suzanne says softly. "Something tells me Creed has more of an agenda than just the mutants though...."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Well, some speculate there's three to hundreds of people all putting on mask. Some think Batman is some kind of Vampire. They're trying to explain it all. Right now, my theory is jsut working off they're only one of each and both are straight up human with no augmentation," Wally just wanted to clarify before taking another bit bite of the sandwich.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Just have to be careful of Creed. Fear isn't really something to mess with. Nor is false hope." Suzanne says softly. "I mean, you can't tell what a criminal is going to do before he does it, and if you could....he still hasn't done it. So...stopping a crime before it happens it nearly impossible......man...I'm all over the place today."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Well, that's punishing criminal before the crime is done. You're just punishing a person that's innocent," Wally said softly. His eyes looked toward the woman. "Why so interested by a politican that's a slimeball?" another bite of his sandwich caused a nod of approval.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "A twitter war that I've been following. Plus there are a few peowered people that have helped people in Metropolis and New York. There's a bunch of them in New York. Part of New York was built by them." And Suzanne gestures to the Four Freedoms Plaza. "Case in POint."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Yes, I know of the building." Wally knew of the Plaza. He saw the changes heroes brought first hand. "Well, you're passionate about it. I thought you had skin in the game," he figured she had a relative that was a hero.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Mmmm.....Not really a relative, but a friend I know well." Suzanne says softly. "Plus Creed is using fear and only reinforcing it."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Well, fear tactics are effective. They prey upon people's worst thoughts, get reactions. You galvanize people by giving them a common enemy or fear. It's how he gets support. It's not right, but effective," Wally shrugged and was nearly half-way to two thirds done with the sandwich now.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "it's not the way it should be done." Suzanne is a little passionate about it. Thankfully, Wally doesn't have any sort of sight detection upon him, or else he might notice the reason why. "But then.....I've seen people get into office doing worse, and thrown off the ballot for doing less."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"I didn't say it should be done. Just that it is effective," Wally tried to explain himself. By no means was he endorsing or approving of the methods. He just understood why people relied on them. "Love trumps Hate. Hope trumps Fear. Just keep those in mind dealing with guys like Creed."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Exactly." Suzanne says as she covers her left hand with her right. "and, obviously, I don't endorse his methods at all."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"Makes you good people," Wally nodded to her. Another bite of his sandwich and he chewed on it. After swallowing, he asked, "What do I owe you for helping out a fish out of water?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Don't worry about it. If you come here in the future, go to that deli. They're friends of mine, and got me out of a couple of rough spots in my life. So I'm trying to keep them afloat by giving them business." Suzanne then stands up. "Enjoy your sub, wally."

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
"How do I find you again, if I'm in the neighborhood. I don't have a band," Wally smiled at her. Emerald eyes looked at her. His gaze just stayed on hers.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne smiles. "Suzanne Reinhardt. And I'm usually in Metropolis in school or working." She says turning and walking her way down the street, apparently satisfied that made someone happy. Also glad that wally didn't notice the blue glow in her left hand.

Kid Flash (West) has posed:
Oh, the glow was noticed. However, he didn't know what it was. Honestly, he thought it was just some special ring that had some cool LED lights. Like Suzanne either got some prototype or was going to market it off. He didn't make any connections to what Suzanne did. "If I'm in metropolis, I'll see you around."