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Latest revision as of 02:11, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 19 July 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Natasha teaches Scott Lang a bit about fighting
Cast of Characters: Ant-Man (Lang), Black Widow (Romanoff)

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Stepping into the Foyer of the Triskelion Scott can't help himself but look up towards the highly vaulted ceiling as he's already dwarfed in stature anyways, especially when he's activated his pym particles. He lets out a low toned whistle and then speaks to no one. "Why does a place so spartan in design have to be so vastly grand when you walk in?"

The man wears a white button up tee, and a pair of black work pants with a blue apron on with a pink logo saying Baskin Robins on the front. Seems he's is coming in to grab his costume that was left here for some reason and is going to do his avenging thing after his shift at his day job concluded.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha was just coming out to the front desk, dropping off some paperwork to the agent manning the reception desk. Something from Director Fury and she happened to be going that way or she would've told him to delivery it himself. Her mood has been a bit volatile the last week or so, something only a handful who know her well would recognize as being different from any other day. Passing over the papers, she glances in surprise as the Baskin-Robins man. Who really shouldn't be in that costume from her experience.

"Please tell me you have some Butter Pecan hidden in that apron?" she says in a soft tone as she turns to fall in step beside him, heading for the hallway back into the more secure areas of the building.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott shakes his head once to Natasha's quesiton as he keeps walking towards the locker room and smirks. "Nope, just a handful of chocolate chip cookie dough scoops. Freezing my pelvis and melting in my pockets." Scott says before sticking his tongue out at the fellow avenger. He has no idea of what kind of mood she's in as he isn't able to read the super spy and even if he could, she's someone he'd rather not be in a serious mood around. She's somehow scarier than Fury.

"What's been going on? My personal life has been awfully busy and I feel like I'm out of the loop, Nattie."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The name earns a look. One of those that could kill a man in his tracks. "Nat or Natasha," she corrects just in case it isn't obvious why she's looking at him that way. "Only one person gets to call me Nattie." She doesn't elaborate. As they continue down the pathway, she pushes open the door to the locker room. A few males agents go diving for cover behind locker doors and around corners as she just walks in like it's no big deal. For some reason, none of them point out she shouldn't be there either. Strange.

"When you come back out, feel free to tell me about it. I'd like to know someone's is worse than mine." Then she lets go of the door and remains in the hallway outside, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
A few minutes pass with a few metallic bangs and smashes as Scott gets into his Ant-Man get up. He steps out with the helmet under one arm and held agaisnt his waist. His gloved hand slips through his hair, officially messing it up entirely. "So, Natashie, is it Fury, or Rogers?" He teases, before lifting his empty hand to protect is face from any blows she might throw at him, thoroughly exposing his lack of combat skills.

Taking a breath and sighing once as he marches deeper into the Triskelion. "It's just Cassie is... I'm not seeing her as much as I'd like, and the ex's new husband is just... too damn... great. And an asshole at the same time. Y'know?" Scott says looking to Nat and shruging an answer for her, "Yeah, you know."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:

At least she actually answered the question even if she didn't answer the question. She doesn't even push off from the wall as he moves his hand up to his face, earning an arched brow for his efforts instead of a punch to the solar plexus. Which, while entertaining, would just be mean. As he starts to move, she listens quietly then she does nod at the question. "You want to hate him but he's hard to hate which makes you hate him more? Got it." Maybe hate is a strong word. She's tending toward black and white mentally instead of the gray zone in between where she usually treads. "Need to work off some of that annoyance? You look like you could use it." A nice way of saying he doesn't look like he can fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
"Hey, come on, I beat ... ugh... that one guy. He had the yellow lasers and went PEW PEW BRRRRRRRROM!" Making sound affects and using his free hand to mime the weapon system one of his foes once used. This before he realizes what she meant. "Oh. OH! No. Noooo, I can't fight you... you're..." He starts to say it but catches himself and swallows hard enough to see his adams apple flex forcefully. "You'd kick my ass fifteen ways to sunday."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She pauses and looks at him, frowning a bit. "Yes, I would. And you better not have been about to say what your body language says you were about to say because then I may just kick it here in the hallway to prove the point," she says in a conversational tone. Like she didn't just threaten him. Just chatting. "You can't get better if you don't train. How much hand-to-hand training do you actually have or do you rely on the suit? Because tech fails. If you can't do fight without it, you're a sitting duck in the field."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She pauses and looks at him, frowning a bit. "Yes, I would. And you better not have been about to say what your body language says you were about to say because then I may just kick it here in the hallway to prove the point," she says in a conversational tone. Like she didn't just threaten him. Just chatting. "You can't get better if you don't train. How much hand-to-hand training do you actually have or do you rely on the suit? Because tech fails. If you can't do fight without it, you're a sitting duck in the field."

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott Lang says, "I wasn't about to say nothing, Natasha-ling!" Seems he can't stop with the nicknames, but would you really want him to, he's so endearing with that crooked nose and blue eyes that MIGHT rival Steve's on a good day.

"I have like a montage's worth of training. I know how to throw a punch and I bit of judo, I think, but dang it I don't know. I scoop ice cream and shrink at bad guys. I'm not you or Captain. But I try.""

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"You don't have to be Cap or myself. You should be you. I'm willing to help train you, if you would like," Natasha offers, stopping in the hallway and looking at him closely. The nicknames have not been protested since that first one so they must not be annoying her. She's already proven she isn't shy about pointing out likes or dislikes. "We could go down to the gym here or, if you prefer, we can stick to practicing at the Avengers facility instead." He is an Avenger thus he deserves the respect due one.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Getting braver, he starts playing with her name further. "Nitishi... just remember I'm a weak little man, don't beat me up too much. I don't like having to make up stories about where I get my bruises." Scott winks and steps up to the elevator and presses at the button quickly, missing twice before hitting the button correctly.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Why would you have to make up a story? Tell them a villain beat you up. Technically, I was one once so it isn't a lie," Natasha answers with a smile as the elevator arrives. She steps inside first, moving to the back right corner and letting him handle the control panel. "Or should I leave your pretty face alone and stick to areas where it won't be so obvious?"

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
She's cunning, devious and very dangerous, which again causes Scott to swallow his fear. "See, that's a story already." Scott says with a wink before pushing the button for the avenger's floor. "I don't think there's anywhere that wont be visible." Scott says with a momentary frown before slipping the helmet on, not sure when she'll begin the training.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That causes her to hesitate, head tilting to the side slightly. There are places where the bruises definitely wouldn't show, even in is work outfit. Unless... "Spend a lot of time in a bathing suit or just naked?" she asks bluntly.

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott Lang says, "There's a difference?" Scott says with a smirk before the door dings and allows a way for him to escape this death cube with a bit of hustle though Natasha could quickly incapacitate him swiftly as she likes.

Stepping onto the main Avenger's floor and moving quickly away from the elevator and still it takes his breath away to see that large A up on the wall and knowing he's one of them. Clearing his throat first. "So, uh, when do we start Natalia?""

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Gym. I'd rather you not hit the hard floor without some sort of padding," Natasha says. She apparently feels he will be hitting the floor. He probably thinks so too. Despite the sound of that, she actually plans to teach him without beating him to a pulp. She leads the way through the floor, heading directly to spacious gym that has been giving all sorts of toys for all skill levels and powers. A very different sort of setup from the SHIELD gym although certain things hold true such as the mats and the punching equipment.

Padding out to the center of the mats, Natasha turns and regards him with her arms crossed. "We start when you try to take me down. I just want to assess what you can already do so I have a starting place for our training."

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Stepping into the gym and looking against upwards and around, Scott eventually spots Natasha who had kept walking when he stopped and he catches up with a quick jog as she speaks. "Yeah, yeah. Okay." And he lowers himself, his legs bent at the knees, coiled slinkies ready to strike as he jumps weakly in and grabs at Natasha's wrists to try and toss her over using his hip as leverage, but in the most awkward sad way possible.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She allows her wrist to be grabbed but as he steps in for the hip throw, she sidesteps, ducking under his arm, coming behind him and pulling his arm across his own body. He will be in that awkward position or he will be forced to turn toward her. She twists his wrist into a pressure hold, folding the hand backwards and having complete control of him without having to hit him. "Judo you mentioned. Have you ever been taught pressure points? It's a good way to control your opponent without having to use fancy techniques."

Ant-Man (Lang) has posed:
Scott drops to his knees, his other hand holding onto his wrist as he groans. "Ow, ow, ow ow..." Just like that he's incapacitated until he nods once and his red tinted eyeglass reconnects with Natasha's eyes. "I haven't been taught! No. Yes. I mean it's a great way to control people. But that's something you mastered long before I was an avenger." Not a diss on her age, as he doesn't know a thing about that.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She releases the wrist and frowns a little. Not at the comment although he might think so since she is just looking to him. "Then we start with the basics." She starts through a list of pressure points that are the easiest to access in a fight. Wrist, neck, if ground fighting even the back of the knee. From the top of the head to the feet, working through them. The first hold she teaches is that wrist hold she just used on him. Beating on him won't teach him anything, although there are some people who don't seem to understand that. It's a process from learning to throw a proper punch with the correct stance and balance to the most deadly of techniques. It all starts at the beginning and is built upon.