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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/18 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=813, 14 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:813|Morgan (813)}} has p...")
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Latest revision as of 02:17, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 18 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Morgan McNally, Gambit

Morgan McNally has posed:
The lights are sweeping over the crowd, the usual scents of bodies, sweat, smoke and alcohol. There are plenty of people on the dance floor, and still more at the bar. You have your vultures, circling and looking for someone weak or drunk to prey on. Then you have your paladins..watching the vultures. Tonight, Morgan is neither. She is out to enjoy herself, not to hook up or bail out.

Summer blonde and broze streak through her dark hair, hanging in loose waves over shoulders. The dress is going out wear - black, tight, and strapless, paired with heels and minimal accessories with a glint of gold along her ankle, a thin chain at the base of her throat. She'll push her way to the bar, a smile for the bartender as she orders her usual bottle of water and a belt of bourbon.

Gambit has posed:
Remy, is already seated at the bar, wearing a brown sports coat, likely twead, it's hard to tell in the dim lights, a magenta pink silk shirt on underneath and a pair of black dress pants over some simple comfortable tennis shoes. He is seated at the bar, his hand around a glass of whiskey, resting on a napkin as he turns back from looking out at the dance floor and his ruby eyes linger on the lip of his drink before lifting it and taking the faintest sip.

Looking to his right he spies Morgan and gives a soft wave with his left hand, recognizing the girl from some time ago, but not recalling her name just yet.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan notes that wave as she sips at her water. That wave has her sliding over, a glance at his drink. "Well hello again, Remy. Not playing pool this evening?" She will look at him, wink, and then turn to look over the crowd. "Do you like to dance, or just people watch?"

Gambit has posed:
"I like t' do a bit o' bot'." Remy says with a smirk towards Morgan, and shrugs, "But righ' now. I'm enjoyin' my drink." The thief says and then smiles as he watches Morgan turn to face the floor from over his drink's rim. "What about yourself, what're you doin' 'ere?"

Morgan McNally has posed:
"Dancing, drinking, blowing off steam." Her bottle of water faithfully downed, Morgan starts sipping at her own glass. "Working the firehouse, you need to decompress on your time off." There's that lingering grin, her elbow bumping his. "I'm pondering looking for a partner, if you're interested."

Gambit has posed:
"A partnah?" Remy asks, brushing against that line of flirting and playful ignorance. "I ain't a very good Clyde to certain Bonnies cheri." The cajun says with a smirk on his lips before he tosses his drink down his throat and sets it down, tapping the bar twice to get the bartender's attention and lifts his fingers indicating he wants two more and stands up afterwards. He bows to Morgan and extends a hand towards her. "Shall we?"

Morgan McNally has posed:
"A wingman, is that more your style? Just looking for someone to dance with, drink with.. you seem to enjoy that sort of thing." She will tip back her bourbon before she will slide her hand into his. "Let's, then. I think this could be fun." Morgan's grin slides sly, eyes alight with mischief.

Gambit has posed:
Making their way out to the dance floor, Remy's eyes are softer in the dim lights and despite that, thanks to his mutation he sees everything just fine and begins to move with the beat, a simple swaying of his hips and feet as he gets a feel for the music and his partner. "So tell me miss. What is your style?"

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan tips her head back, shaking out her hair as she smiles up at him. She will chuckle and press close, moving her body with his, brushing against him now and again. "I have my own personal style. I like to mix it up. Is that all right with you, sir? You seem like a man who can play along."

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand softly move to her hips and gives enough freedom for her to move how she pleases and smirks. "I can certainly play alon' quite well. I t'ink I'm awfully good at mos' games." He says and allows his eyes to flit around the floor before finding their way back to Morgan's.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan looks over his shoulder, even as they move together. "So tell me, are you a teacher like Mister Summers? He said you all work for a school?" She looks back up at him, into those unusual eyes, and smiles.

Gambit has posed:
"Do you t'ink I'm a teachah?" Remy asks rhetorically and smirking at the soft woman before him and awaits her answer to his own question.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan smirks, her left eyebrow arching. "Only if teaching teenaged boys how to dance and pick up ladies is a reputable profession, now." She laughs softly. "Summers, I can see it, you not so much. You're all.. not quite the expected."

Gambit has posed:
"I'll take t'at as compliment." The x-man says as he moves a single hand to the small of her back and holds the woman close to his body. "I do try to be the unusual, unexpected type."

Morgan McNally has posed:
"You should. You're smooth, and I noticed." There's a grin for him then, a wink. "I spend enough time around men to know when one has the touch with the ladies. But I meant you, your lovely female friend Cherry Jubilee, and Summers. Your eyes, his glasses.. " She shrugs. "It's good to be in like company."

Gambit has posed:
"It's more like family, it's hard to be friends wit' t'em sometimes, but t'at's how family is." Remy says with a wink and then focuses on the dance for a moment. "I'm sure your firehouse is similar to t'at, right?"

Morgan McNally has posed:
"I know exactly how it is. There's a couple of guys I'd like to smack in the head more often than not, but if someone else came at them.. well.." There's a glance up from under lashes. "I'd have to get ugly. And no one wants that. Not even me." She slide against him, tip her head back a little further. "So tell me.. is this a show me yours, I show you mine kind of thing"

Gambit has posed:
"I don' t'ink you wanna see mine." Remy says with a playful wink and a sudden move as he gives her a twirl out over the floor before pulling her back close to his chest. "Are you de type to show off?" Remy inquires.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan laughs as she spins out, laughing as she slides back in. One arm slides up to let her hand hang over his shoulderblade. "No? You blow shit up or something?" She jokes. "I don't show off. No one knows."

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan crows in victory, throws her arms up in the air.

Morgan McNally has posed:
Morgan slides down off Gambit, sweeps him off his feet and carries him around.