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Latest revision as of 02:25, 29 October 2017

From Whence We Came
Date of Scene: 19 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Vector, Dragonfly (Arazello)

Vector has posed:
    The two women are sitting together after dinner and Liz is fidgeting, as she does. It's been a bit more pronounced hte last few days though otherwise Liz has seemed to be pretty much normal. A little anxious, occasionally. Nothign that isn't top be expeced ofher really. Right now she is taking a deep breath.
    "Nancy, you've never really told me anything about your family.Do you get along with them or talk to them? ...Do you have any?" Liz asks earnestly, in a quiet voice prepared to share a bit of sympathy. She worries her bottoml ip while she conisders the question.
    Nancy isn't the only one who has something to share.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy sets down her glass of cranberry-and-soda on an impromptu coaster of folded tissue and ponders a bit. "There really isn't much to talk about. Ken ..." There's a pause as some emotions flicker. "... well, let's say he was a bit of a dividing force. Most of the family didn't approve of him. He wasn't Catholic, you see. And they definitely didn't approve of our 'living in sin' either. Mom and Dad are in Washington state right now. We talk, mostly around Christmas time where I give excuses for not going to visit. And I call on birthdays and anniversaries and the like too." An evil grin crosses her face. "Man are they going to freak out now!"
    The glass materializes in her hands again and she takes a sip, savouring the cool, slightly bitter drink.
    "I have a sister. We were really close, in fact. My little niece was the light of my life. Dragonfly got between us, though." Face darkens. "I showed Dragonfly to her. My niece came down while I was Dragonfly. I went to hug her and my sister freaked out. Kicked me out. Never talked to me again. She actually moved without telling me, taking her niece with her!"

Vector has posed:
    "..." Nancy nods slowly and briefly licks her lips. She reaches out and snags her own drink from the table. Orange and soda. She liks cranberry too but will alternate juices just because she can if no other reason presents itself.
    "Ah," Nancy finally concludes, nodding her head as she does. "Does that mean we're putting off the meeting your parents thing?" Liz asks in a somewhat sheepish tone. her expression is one of wry amusement. The young woman takes a deep breath and hodls it for perhaps a second.
    "I'm sorry. I just- wanted to know, I guess. I wish it hadn't gone that way for you. If it helps you can tell them I was born Catholic. Super Catholic. Most of Brazil is Catholic still," Liz offers with a smile of wry amusement. She swallows hard afterward.
    "Truth is, I've don't really... remember my dad. My mom broke up with him when I was really young and then moved to the states with my stepdad, who is pretty cool, and that was kind of that, I guess. She really doesn't like him." Liz bites her bottom lip for a second before finishing with, "I've been kind of thinking about going and finding him..."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "I'm sharing you with everyone at the right time, Liz," Nancy says reassuringly. "When I go visit my family for ANY reason I'm dragging you along, kicking and screaming." She practically crushes Liz against her. "If they disapprove, they can go to Hell. Life's too short to worry about what people think of the love you've found in a life that's kicking you in the teeth."
    That's ... pretty specific imagery right there.
    "No, we're not going to ever play the denial or concealment game. I'm not going to go out and advertise like some people do; that's just gauche, no matter who you're paired with. But there's no way in HELL I'm ever going to be ashamed of you."
    Her rant runs out of steam.
    "You want to meet your dad?" she asks gently after a while. "We can do the trip to Brazil thing again if you like. But I've gotta tell you, I'd suck as a PI. I really wouldn't even know how to start tracking a person down in a whole country."

Vector has posed:
    "I've always wanted to go meet hin," Liz replies honestly in a quiet voice. "I just didn't want to have to go do it alone." When Nancy drags her close Liz flattens herself agaisnt her, slender arms wrappign around the woman's abdomen, her head on her lover's shoulders. She relaxes visibly after a few seconds like this.
    "I'd never hide you either. are you kidding? I'd be more likely to brag." A beat. "But, you knwo. Classy brag. If that's a thing. If not I'd probably still brag..." Liz gives a faint rueful laugh and then shakes her head slowlly. "To my dad too. I want him to meet you and know I'm doing okay. And someone loves me... And that whole thing would probably go terribly.
    "Plus side, my mom and Marcus are both super Catholic and will probably be as disgusted to meet you as your parents will be to meet me. But you're a lot more presentable, should be fine."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Do you want them to meet Nancy or Dragonfly?" Nancy asks with a naughty grin. "I mean picture their faces when you bring not just a girl, but a girl who isn't even human!" Left unspoken: a girl who is the avatar of an insect god/demon...
    "But seriously, if you want to meet your father, I'll be there for you. And I'll be there for you still if your family flips out."

Vector has posed:
    "Tempted to introduce them to Dragonfly just so it'll be screaming instead of shouting," Liz mumbles, squirming slightly in Nancy's arms as she does.
    Then Eliza takes a deep breath and nods slowly, tilting her head as she does. "Okay. We'll do that sometime. In the mean time... Is there anything else we haven't talked about we kind of should?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Birth control," Nancy says with a straight face. "I have one of those implant things, but it's going to run out in a couple of months. And I'm not sure what we should be doing about it. Do you want to go to more manual means? Should we try the rhythm method?"
    Nancy dissolves into giggles and then loud, whooping laughter.

Vector has posed:
    Liz manages to restrain her laughter barely but she's grinning as the woman beneaht her starts to tremble with mirth. Instead the Brazilian girl responds seriously, "We shouldn't. We should have a kid someday. You'r make an amazing mother. In vitro, maybe."
    Wait. Did Liz counter humour with a serious answer? Dirty pool.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Nancy's laugh suddenly stops as she realizes that Liz has taken this unexpected directions.
    "Wait a second, you think a child? You? Me?" Her eyes widen. "But ... how ... Insect-woman. Twitchy. What would the baby be like? The fastest cockroach in the world!?"
    She's babbling. She tends to do that when surprised and stalling while her brain tries to catch up.
    "No, but seriously," she says as her thoughts catch up with the topic switch, "how would this work? Who'd carry? What would happen if you carried and go fast? What would happen if I carried and changed? I'm ... not sure what would go on."

Vector has posed:
    Fortunately, it isn't possible to lose Liz by babbling along so long as the words are there. The brunette's eyes widen slightly while she considers Nancy's words for a moment and starts to realize what it is he actually said.
    "I-" There's pause while Liz collects her thoughts. About a microsecond, perhaps a bit longer. "I guess there's really only three option." She seems to be considering it carefully. "It's almost guaranteed that the, um, Speed Forceo r whatever it is would keep the baby safe. I mean, biologically----- I can force myself to slow down when I have to and it protects people I touch, as well s my own body'n stuf..." She considers this for a second.
    "I have no idea what happens when you transform while, um, pregnant. So probably not that either," Liz continues in a measured way, those grey eyes studying Nancy's features while she does. "It might be safe. How could we know? Which leaves one option..."
    The silence is palpable. A full second for once, a lifetime when dealing with Eliza. "Could adopt too."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "That's the frustrating thing with Dragonfly," Nancy says. "I don't know anything at all about her. Where do I go when she's here? I mean my body. I know where my mind goes. Where did that boy go that was grabbing me when I changed? He vanished. He's never been seen again. How? Why? Why do things Nancy was carrying go back and forth with her, but the boy didn't?"
    Nancy furrows her brow with annoyance.
    "I mean don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to have a child of our own. I just ... don't know how to do it without it being really dangerous. For someone."
    She looks over at Liz. "So yes, maybe adoption is possible. But that ... you know they check up on adopting parents, right? Really intrusively. Can we hide what we are in the face of that?"

Vector has posed:
    "That's... The hard part. I mean, you're a great candidate on paper. My drug abuse isn't exactly common knowledge and I know I can come up with something that will at leat fool a fucking drug test," Liz grumps. She's shaking her head for a moment but then grey eyes snap upward toland on Nancy's face while she considers it for a moment.
    "So we can deal with that. And there aren't actual laws preventing metas from adopting, right. We have LexCorp backing and can get affidavits that certify our powers are safe around children and all of that..." Liz takes a slow, deep breath. Buying time to think. It must be quite the internal discussion to take so very long.
    "So obviously," Liz continues. "It would take some work. But there's a shot. I think. "

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Well, I'm not sure I want anybody outside the pair of us and a few trusted friends..." She winces at thinking about the Superbuddies. "...to even know that we're metahumans. That's the hardest part. How do we keep it secret?"
    She tousle's Liz's hair.
    "But it's something we can definitely work toward. That's definitely true."

Vector has posed:
    "I was a lab experiment, basically. My secret is already out if people really want to know," Liz replies. She leans her head into the fingers brushing through her soft, dark hair. "But it isn't public at least."
    Liz is worrying her bottom lip now, twisting slightly so she can shift herself closer to Nancy once more. "ANd if no one knows..." A beat. "Then we can definitely pull it off. Just one more thing to think about, I guess... But for right now I think I am going to grab ice cream. Want some?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Are you kidding?" Nancy asks incredulously. "After that bombshell you dropped?" She looks down at herself. "If I'm going to be a mother I have to watch my figure. So ... two tubs of the Regal Rich line: one death by chocolate and one spiced vanilla." She grins over at Liz. "I'm sure you'll think of plenty of exercises to burn any excess off, right?" she teases. "I think I worked off two pounds last night alone; you and that damned finger trick of yours!"

Vector has posed:
    "...Mmmhmm. Just wait until I show you the next trick," Liz responds with a sly grin. Then she sits up- and vanishes. The wind following in her wake proves she ran and didn't teleport. This is followed by two minutes or so of silence. Then the ice cream appears, with two spoons. "Sorry, there was a line at the first two shops I tried," the brunette offers helpfully. "ALright. Now. Any OTHER big things we need to talk about? There always seem to be more." Liz is grinning at least.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Laundry," Nancy says. "You can do it so quickly, but ... uh ... last time you did laundry the clothes caught on fire. Stop trying to be faster than the washing machine, OK?"
    Nancy suppresses her grin. Badly.
    "And on work nights, no more 'exploring' until 4AM."

Vector has posed:
    "3:30," Liz compromises quietly, raising both brows as she does. "But not 4AM. You're right. That's too much." Liz opens up one of the tubs of ice cream now, spoon in hand. "Just means we need to start earlier in the night," the brunete observes, canting her head slightly to the left as she does. "Okay." Liz takes a deep breath through her nose and exhales through her mouth over the course of several seconds. "... Wow. Enough talking. More ice cream." She moves to take a spoonful of iced vanilla.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "You're right," Nancy says, digging into her death by chocolate. "Mmmm! This is really good!" she says around the frozen lump in her mouth. "You should try some!"
    She shares. Without using the spoon or the tub, the latter being placed on whatever flat surface is nearby as she presses herself on Liz to share the ice cream, the spoon just dropping to clatter on the floor.