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Latest revision as of 03:04, 29 October 2017

Day in the life of Strange
Date of Scene: 23 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Traci 13, Doctor Strange

Traci 13 has posed:
    It had been a week, maybe two, since Traci had first visited the Sanctum after she had been sent the mysterious note and over the course of just a few days figured out the enigma and the magics hiding the request for her summons. Presumably, it was some kind of test to make sure Traci was ready. But, one can never know some Sorcerer's intents. She'd met Artemis, on that occassion, who'd told her that she would need to start honing her physical body, as well as her mind; something which Traci was not altogether opposed to, but certainly had a hesistancy towards. She'd been told she could continue to visit the home as she pleased, and of the major rule of the house: Bring no evil within.
    Lastly, she'd been told that Doctor Strange would only visit her when -he- was ready. And the library was off limits, until she was accepted as a pupil of his. So Traci had visited, once every two or three days, waiting around for a few hours here or there, sometimes going out to eat and returning. But the girl showed a remarkable amount of patience.
    Always she had visited with her lizard, whom she'd told Artemis had the name of Leroy. Even today.
    Today, Traci was waiting in the Sanctum as she always did, studying one of her books from her mother's collection, sitting on the floor; the book about the methodology and theory behind summoning.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The door to the inner sanctum finally opens for Traci and Leroy, but it's not Doctor Strange that allows her entry, but his faithful servant Wong.

"So nice to finally meet you." He says as if he's been waiting for her. "May I tell my Master why it is you've come to his house these many days?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci starts at the sound. It'd always been so quiet, in the Sanctum, and she'd started to grown half-accustom to the idea this might be the routine for several weeks, months, before she was given entry. This causes Lerory to shift slightly on her shoulder, the iguana digging himself in deeper, to which Traci doesn't seem to mind. "Oh. Oh." She gets over her start, quickly enough and closes the neatly, climbing up to her feet and she sucks in a breath. "It is nice to meet you too," she offers to Wong, nodding to the man.
    She pauses, "I'm sorry. I do not know your name. Artemis never told me." She moves towards Wong, then, with a measure of confidence. She knows she should be here. She has the skills to be here. She only hopes The Sorcerer Supreme also thinks so.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I am Wong. Servant to the Sorcerer Supreme. I also make a wonderful cup of tea." Wong says with a bow of his head and yet he holds the motion of his arm to invite Traci in as he awaits an answer to his first question, that he asks unsilently with his eyebrows lifting up on his head in anticipation.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Perhaps I'll get to sample that, then, Wong," Traci offers with an honorific of a smile. She inhales, then answers, "You may tell your Master that I believe understanding magic, where it comes from, and, how it is used is paramount to be able to use it aptly. I - cannot get much further on my own. I have earned his attention, and invitation at the very least by being almost completely self-taught. I wish to know more." There is a brief pause, "I need to know more. I want to know what happened to my mother. I want to realize my potential. I want to help people."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Wong doesn't speak again but steps aside, allowing Traci to enter Strange's inner sanctum.

Strange himself is seated, sort of, he wears a dark blue gi with his wrists and ankles bound in a golden yellowish rope ad with a yellow sash around his waist, but the oddity here is he's floating about two feet off the floor with his legs still crossed and a third eye set in his forehead and open while his normal eyes are shut loosely.

He does speak as if he's aware of Traci's presence. "Is that the order of your desires?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    The girl in the goth-like clothes, the skirt, and striped leggings and white top moves to where Stephen is seated. She moves to sit across from him, in a mantra position so she does not disrupt his energy flow with a familarity to the position. She answers honestly, "I started to learn magic because I wanted to know what happened to my mother. The more I learned, the more I learned what I was capable of. And the more I learned what I was capable of, the more I wanted to help people. I am not sure there is an order of my desire. They are all related," she explains, quietly. At least, such is how she sees it.
    Still, the girl watches Strange, with both respect, and undisguised interest. She's heard of the Third Eye of course. But only that. No books in her own possession describe fully the potential, or the power behind it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"A quest for knowledge fueled by family is a noble one." Stephen says. The one eye looks out at and through Traci, revealing truths and secrets unasked, the wizard refusing to budge from his meditation. S

Doctor Strange has posed:
"A quest for knowledge fueled by family is a noble one." Stephen says. The one eye looks out at and through Traci, revealing truths and secrets unasked, the wizard refusing to budge from his meditation. Strange slowly opens his eyes finally, his feet reaching out to prevent his fall and helps him stand at his full height. The third eye actually floats out of his forehead and lowers down into the amulet at his chest and seals back up. "What is it you think I can teach you?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    Okay. -That- was an interesting trick, to be sure. Traci's entirely uncertain what sort of magic Strange is using, now, but that's not the question at hand. Nor a question he would likely field. She knows as much as the invitation was a test, this, too, is part of that same interview.
    "I believe you can teach me a great deal," she says, sincerely. "I seek knowledge, Doctor Strange. Knowledge that surpasses my capabilities to find, to understand other things. Other dimensions. Worlds. To understand the deeper context of the Astral Plane," suggestive she can, and has gone there already. "I seek an understanding and knowledge how to draw upon power outside of a city. Presently, the city is what gives me my abilities, drawing on it's latent, dormant power. I have never had a mentor. And, because of that, I suspect, there are many things that you can teach me that I am yet unaware of. Things I don't know I need to learn. Or could learn."
    The iguana seems to consider Traci, then the Doctor, almost lazily. Slowly, it begins to climb on top of Traci's head, without any dispute from the girl, where it now stares curiously at Doctor Strange with a measurable intellect in the creatures eye.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange regards the iguana momentarily as it moves about the girl and blinks. "I hope you will clean up after him." Strange says, meaning so much more than the simple words he said.

Strange then makes for the door and steps out of his study and towards the kitchen. "Shall we eat and discuss what you'd like to learn and how I'll go about teaching you to be a better witch?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Leroy and I take care of each other," Traci conceeds to the Doctor, without so much as a hesitation. "We always have." She unfurls her legs and moves to rise with the Doctor, "I would like that very much," she conceeds. She then moves to follow him towards the kitchen, doing a fair job of not figdeting.