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Latest revision as of 03:23, 29 October 2017

An Ambushing
Date of Scene: 24 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Black Adam

Ravager has posed:
Ravager is ducked behind a cactus and a rock, as the wind blows up some sand and dust across the lonely highway. She peeks over the rock and looks at a large LOG in the highway, which has fallen over and no longer holds the electrical wires straight and sturdy.

Ravager is clad in her trademark black and orange outfit, and she seems clad in a lot of weapons at the moment. No less than four grenades hang on her vest, accompanied by ammo clips, knives, throwing stars, and a sword at her hip. Two automatic rifles are slung on her back, like she's imitating Rambo.

A convoy comes down the lonely, one-lane road. Honk honk. Convoy! It is a small convoy of three Hummer vehicles, each with a large anti-something machine gun position mounted at the back. The nondescript men stop in front of the large LOG and peer at it strangely, "Dammit! What's this LOG? Move it, now!" the driver shouts, pointing incessently out his window, speaking in Swahili to the others, "Get out there!" he adds.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager is ducked behind a cactus and a rock, as the wind blows up some sand and dust across the lonely highway. She peeks over the rock and looks at a large LOG in the highway, which has fallen over and no longer holds the electrical wires straight and sturdy.

Ravager is clad in her trademark black and orange outfit, and she seems clad in a lot of weapons at the moment. No less than four grenades hang on her vest, accompanied by ammo clips, knives, throwing stars, and a sword at her hip. Two automatic rifles are slung on her back, like she's imitating Rambo.

A convoy comes down the lonely, one-lane road. Honk honk. Convoy! It is a small convoy of three Hummer vehicles, each with a large anti-something machine gun position mounted at the back. The nondescript men stop in front of the large LOG and peer at it strangely, "Dammit! What's this LOG? Move it, now!" the driver shouts, pointing incessently out his window, speaking in Swahili to the others, "Get out there!" he adds.

Black Adam has posed:
It had been a somewhat long day for Black Adam. Hours of pointless discussion with ineffectual bureaucrats, all trying to secure the same promise that Kahndaq would take no part in their petty squabbles. The King had lost his temper several times and managed to scatter them each time, but like roaches more would come skittering up looking for the same promises or offering useless gifts. When finally he had made it through, Teth left the palace in the hands of his Royal Guard, sure that they'd be able to defend it and keep the hounds at bay until he returned to solve yet more of their mortal worries.

As he traveled lazily through the atmosphere, easily outstripping the most advanced war planes active in the region, he spotted the ambush and began to smirk. As a warrior with hundreds of years worth of experience he recognized it for what it was easily. The aerial vantage didn't hurt either, of course. For now he seems content to simply watch, not knowing or caring who was involved or what their purpose would be.

Ravager has posed:
As about three of the soldiers get out of the Hummer to move the LOG, a large man at the back trains his machine gun over the landscape, completely at the ready. Well, not really, because the Ravager shoots him between the eyes and he slumps down like a big sack of potatoes. The three men don't have their weapons ready, so it takes them another three seconds to pull and draw their handguns, which Ravager has already anticipated like she's a clock-obsessed assassin or something.

"4....3..." Ravager mutters as she turns her aim from the gunner to the three men, picking them off one by one, "2...." she continues. The man inside the first Hummer now has a gun out three seconds later, and he hops out of the van and uses the door as a shield to aim at Rose. In those two seconds, Rose has her rifle firing loudly, clipping the man in the head and neck, busting the door's window. "1...0...."

Now the two other cars are on high alert and one of them opens up with its machine gun. The other backs up wildly and begins to turn around, which may or may not be expected.

Black Adam has posed:
There's a thunderous crack as the sky opens and ejects Black Adam forcefully at the machine gun bearing car. With a screaming crunch, he lands on the hood -- feet first, arms crossed, smirk lingering -- and the whole thing just tips upwards as the engine is pulverized with the majority of the innards splintering up and away from the Kahndaqian Regent's legs. He does nothing else, however, just watches Rose to see how she'll adapt. Even if he comes under fire, he calmly ignores it as he slowly lifts back up out of the twisted metal that marks what used to be the car's hood and hovers imperiously over the road.

Ravager has posed:
The last soldier has escaped from one of the two cars, but Rose intercepts him and stabs him with his own knife before he can stab her in return. The third car is getting away however, and she looks somewhat smirkily upset that it is taking off in the opposite direction, "I hope you're not here to ****** interrupt me," she wonders, "God ******* dammit, now I gotta blow **** up and ****** make a mess," she complains swearily, taking a grenade launcher from the flatbed of the Hummer next to her. She loads it as she calculates how many seconds down the road the Hummer is.

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam still just hovers over the scene, watching Rose swear and move to retrieve the grenade launcher with the sort of detached amusement most would reserve for watching a sitcom. "You seem to have already made quite the mess," he offers as he drifts back down towards ground level, angling his descent well out of her firing arc, "What was your purpose, exactly?" He looks about at the carnage left behind with a raised eyebrow. Besides his own destruction of a car, everything seems to have been done with accuracy and precision. "Impressive," he mumurs, primarily to himself, "Especially for one so young."

Ravager has posed:
"I'm ******* workin', Rose explains helpfully, as she aims her grenade launcher, raising her arm until it's at the precise angle. The launcher goes pop and so does an explosive, which skies across the air and rips into the fleeing Hummer. It explodes. "I guess you're ****** right about that. A mess," she mutters, "Who the **** are you anyway?"

Rose reaches into lead Hummer and pulls out a briefcase, "I was hired to deliver this dirty laundry," she explains cryptically.

Black Adam has posed:
"I am Teth-Adam, Ruler of Kahndaq and Saviour of her People, Son of King Ramses II, Rightful Inheritor of the Gods' Might," Black Adam recites as he finally puts boots to ground. He glances at the briefcase as she retrieves it, but since it means nothing to him, he ignores it and turns back to Rose. "A sellsword, then?" he asks with a disappointed shake of his head, "A shame. You have potential. Do you not hold allegiance to any country or ideal?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose doesn't even open the briefcase, just holds it at her side like she's going into the office and watches it, "Yippee," she mutters about his many titles. She glances up from the briefcase and puts a hand on her hip smirkily, "What gave you that ****** idea?" she asks, "Well not really, I need money and this is money. Simple. No biggie. What's it to you, anyway?" she wonders.

Black Adam has posed:
"You said you were hired, yes?" Teth reminds her with a lazy wave of his hand, "You do not hire a soldier. You give them an order. The only one who fights for money is a sellsword." He lifts off the ground again, but only hovers an inch or two upwards before he loops casually about the scene of the short-lived battle and then once around Rose, "As I said, you have potential, and my interest in potential is two-fold. For one, as the ruler of Kahndaq, I have a vested interest in seeing to it that capable warriors in the employ of my enemies are rooted out and destroyed." As he says this, he smiles and drifts away from her, leaving the hint of a threat to linger for just a moment before he continues, "Secondly, I have a need to find an cultivate talent to fight on my behalf. I am all-powerful, but not all-present or all-seeing. Capable agents are worth quite a bit to me."

"However, for now, it seems you are neither a threat nor an asset. Perhaps in time you'll develop into one or the other, but I see no reason to interfere in that path. Yet."

Ravager has posed:
"Sellsword or soldier, I ****** get the job done," Rose explains, "You need the job done right? Okay, well you could take a chance I guess. Or you could hire the Ravager. ******* badass Ravager, yeah that's right," she adds.

Rose then shrugs and takes one of the ammo clips, "Okay then. Bug off. Later," she comments. She takes her things back to the badass motorcycle she's hidden in the rocks.

Black Adam has posed:
"I wonder about that," Black Adam offers in response to Rose's insistence that she always does the job right. He floats upwards even higher, taking one last aerial look over the scene with amusement. "The Ravager... Perhaps I'll keep that name in mind."

When she tells him to bug off, though, his grin grows a bit tight. He tilts his head, consideringly, then lets out a sigh as he looks back towards the horizon and where Kahndaq resides. "Perhaps the next time we meet, you will have learned respect," he mutters, then flies off like a shot, a sonic boom thundering across the sky in his wake.