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Latest revision as of 03:25, 29 October 2017

You've Got a Friend In Me
Date of Scene: 24 July 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Foggy and Matt have a discussion after the big reveal!
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Foggy Nelson

Daredevil has posed:
Matt wasn't supposed to come in to work today. He was supposed to be taking it easy as he recovers from his injuries. It's been about a week and he's been working on active cases from home. He shoulders open the door to the office. His cane is in his hand, and he still uses it as he moves forward, out of habit.
His wounds are healing, though there's still a stiffness to his movements and healing lacerations on his feet. He looks better than he should after only a week, though.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy is only just back from his own lunch break, having gotten a sandwich and a bag of those little donuts from the street vendor a few blocks down. He ate his sandwich, but saved most of his donuts for what he thought would be an afternoon snack. When Matt enters, Foggy is just settling back into his chair, stopping half-way into his seat when he hears the door open and then close. He pulls himself up out of his chair, stepping out into the lobby with a prepared apology that dies quickly on his lips when he realizes its Matt. His expression is a mix of surprise and apprehension, and it takes him a half-second too long to offer a small, "Uh, hey, Matt. Aren't you supposed to be at home?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Hey, Foggy. I was going stir-crazy," says Matt with a twitch of his lips. He tilts his head a little and sniffs. "Donuts. They don't smell as fresh as they usually are." He folds up the cane and sets it on the table. "Also, I needed some files if I was going to get anything else done." He stands there, slightly awkwardly. He seems to be waiting for the inevitable questions.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Uh, yeah... I got them an hour or so ago." Foggy frowns slightly. "You can really smell that?" That probably wasn't the question that Matt was waiting for, but its asked all the same. Then he takes in a breath and thinks about his request for files. "Something about why you got the shit kicked out of you?" The Daredevil's friend looks seriously at him now, and there's no mistaking the concern in his voice.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt just smiles a little at the question of whether or not he can smell the donuts. He moves towards his desk with more purpose than Foggy's used to seeing him move. "Maybe. I obviously got close to something big if I ran into a whole gang of metahumans. Usually there's only one or two, but this was practically a team of them."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Metahumans," Foggy repeats. He rubs his hand back across his head, breathing out a sigh. "Metahumans." He then looks up at Matt, brow furrowed. "Same as inhumans? I ran across that reference a few times while looking into stuff for Jones."

Daredevil has posed:
"It's uh, it's kind of a catch-all term for people who have...abilities." Matt makes a half-gesture towards himself. "Mutants, inhumans. People who are augmented in some way." He clears his throat. "Did Karen tell you about the man with a metal arm in Claire's apartment?"

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy grimaces, and shakes his head. "No." He sounds exasperated by this. "Apparently, I'm pretty much last on everyone's list when it comes to knowing things." There's a bite of irritation in his voice, which he tries to rub out by brushing his hands back through his hair. He tugs once and then breathes out a sigh. "What about this guy with a metal arm in Claire's apartment?"

Daredevil has posed:
"He was fast. And strong. And...had good...hearing." Matt almost sounds sheepish. "A friend of hers, apparently. But an example of what I'd call a metahuman. Cyborg, and maybe something else."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Better than yours?" Foggy smirks. Then he settles heavily into his chair. "Alright. Was this the guy who beat you up a few nights ago, or was this someone else?" He takes out his notebook like he's preparing to take client notes.

Daredevil has posed:
"No, not this guy. Like I said, Claire's friend." Matt pulls out a chair and sits, with some grunted effort. "There were four of them. I was investigating a warehouse. I had a lead that it was a pickup spot for local drug dealers."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Four." Foggy writes something down that seems a lot longer than the number he just repeated. He looks up at the mention of a drug dealer, and he frowns. "Metahuman drug dealers?" Then he shakes his head and gestures for Matt to go on. "Why did you go by yourself to something like that? Don't you have some kind of back-up? Like, I don't know... the Avengers?" He pauses. "Dude, don't tell me you know the Avengers and kept //that// a secret, too."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt smiles and shakes his head. "No Foggy, I don't know the Avengers. I doubt the Avengers care very much about Hell's Kitchen. Normally I can handle myself. But normally there aren't four powered people." He leans forward in his chair and cocks his head. "Are you taking notes?"

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Of course I'm taking notes," Foggy says while his pencil scratches out a few more notes. "I've currently got 'Matt is super dumb.'" He looks across the way at his friend. "And I doodled something like a donut being eaten by Pac-Man." He then shakes his head, ruffling up his hair again in a kind of nervous, anxiety-ridden gesture. "Alright, so... four super humans were at a drug deal. Why? Why do you need more muscle at something that happens all the fucking time?"

Daredevil has posed:
"That is the question," says Matt slowly. "Hence why I didn't think I'd need backup. Drug dealers aren't hard targets for the most part." He rubs the side of his neck, around a healing cut. "I'm guessing these might not be ordinary drugs." Then, belatedly, he adds, "Just dumb? You're being kind."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"I was going to add 'fucking dumb', but I decided that you're probably not entirely deserving." Foggy then taps his pencil repeatedly on the notebook, expression thoughtful. "So. You went to a drug deal... why? You trying to stop the drug hustling in the Kitchen? I mean... what's your motivations, Matt? Why the hell are you even doing this?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Why do we do this?" says Matt, gesturing around to their office. "The answer for why I dress up and prowl the streets at night has a similar answer. Sometimes...the law can't get justice. We both know that."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"To help people." Then Foggy grimaces. "Matt, this kind of stuff gets you killed... vigilante justice." His words taper off, and he leans back with a heavy sigh. "Karen and I want to help... we're not going to let you get yourself killed."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt reaches up and pulls off his round red glasses. He tosses them on to the desk and rubs his face carefully. He turns his head towards Foggy, his eyes as distant and unfocused as ever. "Help?" He shakes his head. "No, I don't want you two to be in danger. I told you about this to help you stay away from it. And so you know I can help if something goes down."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Too late, you have no say," Foggy says in a voice that is almost sing-song. "That's what you get for lying to us." There's a small cloud that settles over Foggy's head. "For lying to me. You don't get to say what I do, and whether or not I do it to help you."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt hangs his head. That hits right in the Catholic guilt bullseye. "I'm sorry for not telling you. I wanted to keep you out of that world. But that world..." a pause, "...has gotten too big to avoid."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"I'm not accepting your apology," Foggy says flatly. "But, I am going to help you... because I'm your friend, and I care... and fuck if you're leaving me in the dark anymore. Got it?" He points a pencil at Matt before he settles back into his notes. "Alright, start from the beginning... I need to know everything about those four... metahumans."