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Latest revision as of 03:35, 29 October 2017

Every day a new devil
Date of Scene: 25 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Molly Millions

Lucifer has posed:
Lux. Place of light, by name, though tonight that isn't the case. The fires of conversation and people choosing to dance when the moment takes them supplies the radiance. The low incandescence invites shadows to gather in close, lapping at the bar and the booths, saturating every niche. Privacy is on tap here, surreptitious deals and dealings plucked from every corner. Watching over it all, Lucifer swills some amber concoction from a cut glass,; a look of tremendous and profound normalcy for a man who isn't.

He's listening. The argument by the couple two booths over is full of poisoned kisses and not particularly interesting. The discussion full of inappropriate legal and financial disclosures is much more interesting to him, naturally, though he's listening with great care to the apparent arms deal going down. Nothing really misses his notice except those immediately around him.

But who would be fool enough to knock into the proprietor in his own domain, where half the staff originate from other planes?

Molly Millions has posed:
A month ago, when Molly first found herself in a strange place and a strange time, she'd cut a deal with the owner of the place for an unspecified future favor in exchange for access to a charity event. And since then, she's occasionally shown up for work related purposes.

Tonight she's here because one of the club's regulars, a man with dealings in illegal trafficking of all kinds, wanted to hire her. And it's a conversation that didn't quite go as he expected. Less money in Molly's pocket... but she does have an ethic or two left to her name. Thus it is that she's prowling in the vague direction of the bar in her totally-not-designer gown and even-less-designer stiletto's. Because if she's here anyways she might as well buy a wallet-denting drink of some extraordinarily good whiskey before she heads out.

Lucifer has posed:
The patrons don't exist entirely within the same spectrum. Arms dealers, charitable fundraisers, and pretty young things all have their place. Not usually side by side except at the bar to gain a libation of choice, sweet on the lifeblood that make places like this go 'round. Perfection and elegance act as a fine veneer over varied dealings that Lucifer himself needs to keep an eye on. Thus the need to begin to circulate, one of those idle walks that take a man where he needs to go at no particularly great speed. The beast slouched to Babylon; he does it with a faint smirk for those assembled.

Angling to the bar invariably brings out the more interesting sorts, those with the brass pair to hide nothing or the other lesser predators hoping for something to chew on. "I have it on good authority the Manhattan is worth the time," he murmurs in passing behind Molly. Beside. It's hard to say with how smoothly his voice slides through the din of the club.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions stirs at the sound of that voice, pivoting on a heel without any particular haste before she inclines her head,"So I've heard." there's a vague smile from her,"It's... been a while. Not that I've forgotten that I owe you, just I haven't... caught up with you when I've been by." there's the barest shrug of her shoulders, evidently content to stick with her whiskey for now given that she doesn't endeavor to change her request.

Lucifer has posed:
Day in, day out, a gentleman of a certain station won't really change. The suit can be charcoal, black, navy, maybe even a bolder choice like deep burgundy or indigo. French cuffs or standard? It won't make much of a difference given the choices presented; a man in a suit still cuts a certain atmosphere, even when he's bothered to leave his jacket open and fetched up something a touch more casual by an open collar. Lucifer faintly smiles. "I am not here to collect yet, madame." The shades afflicting his gaze leave those eyes hazel more than any other shade. "I'd rather you enjoy your time and the company than feel obligated. Lux isn't a bank. We aren't precisely in the business of tallying up the balance sheet, other than tabs. Even then, there are exceptions." Mercy cases with the Devil. Imagine.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Pity. Normally I like to get the details sorted beforehand but..." there's that shrug again as Molly turns a little to collect her whiskey,"Granted... I got the impression the first time that you were just the bartender... only to find out that this is your place." at least her silver lenses provide ample opportunity to see his own reflection.

"Not my scene, honestly. Quality, yes. Having owned a casino for a while your success is something to be admired, but. I'm not a fan of heels when I can avoid them."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer raises his shoulders slightly, letting the assumption the woman makes stand without any clarification otherwise. It might be maddening, and perhaps not. The jacket slides open a little further, nudged aside. "Yes, well. Gentlemen get the better of that, not having to wear those particular methods of inventive torture. Every woman subjected to cramming her toes into a box and standing on reinforced sticks deserves a measure of sympathy." And possibly concern about her mental health. Regardless. He swirls the contents of the drink, bringing it up for a taste.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a toothy edge to the smile that Molly gives, taking a sip of her whiskey,"At least generally it's only for interviews." she offers drily. Easing to one side slightly to make room, not that he particularly needs it. The obliviousness of the ignorant.

"So what are you up to tonight? Just... keeping an eye on the clientele?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Using Lux as your venue for that? I ought to charge you extra for it," Lucifer muses on the point. The corner of his mouth tugs into a smile broader than the one before. No one really presses too tight, in part because the confines of the club are large enough to manage clubs. In part it's also the fact he exudes some low level presence that tends to divert others.

Indeed, what is he doing that night? "Waiting for the skies to open," he replies.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions raises a finger on the hand holding the glass,"Perspective clients pick the venue. Some of them are your regulars." she corrects,"But if you want me to include a house fee on top of my consultation charges... I've got no problems with that."

She gives a low laugh,"Inside? You'd have better luck with that outside. Unless you're planning on a sprinkler system test for the entertainment of watching people run?"

Lucifer has posed:
"What, don't you think it's worth it to teach people the value of life isn't in the price of their clothing? Being clean and refreshed means ever so much more than having a two thousand dollar pair of shoes. It rather changes the game when we raise the stakes." Another swig of the alcohol, though in limitation. Lucifer doesn't act like a frat boy with his first bottle of vodka. "You must admit it's a fine way to see who might rise to the occasion. Always worthwhile to know which discriminating individuals respond valiantly, to be all the more appreciated when the chips are down. See? You have me using all these lovely casino puns."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Oh not at all... I'm your guest, after all, and if you want to rain on their parade... I'll be the one laughing over by the bar." Molly elects to lean back against it with a laugh,"You'd have been better off saying it was a fine way to cut the deck, but you're a sharp card that knows the value of a big blind." she offers in respond.

Moderation in drinking, in Molly's case, certainly has more to do with cost than concern about being on her best behavior. The sip she takes of her whiskey deliberately small to justify lingering.

Lucifer has posed:
"If I have need of recommendation for a dealer or a card shark, you'll be the first person I go to." Lucifer doesn't have ambitions or designs on owning a temple of Mammon, but the thought briefly snags his thoughts. His head tilts after watching the bickering couple head on their way, their gripes and serenades of anger radiating from every inch of their posture. She crosses her arms over her chest, clutching her purse. His shoulders hunch forward. Someone else in the club watches them with jealous eyes. The drama is already on the uptick, and the air carries a certain charge of trouble.

"They ought to be reminded I don't welcome violence here." His drink is cast aside on the bar where the dusky skinned tender sweeps it away, her practiced gestures speaking to an equal alertness for trouble at hand.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Oh no, I was just the money behind it." Molly offers with a slight shake of her head,"It was a nice retirement." her lenses follow his eyes to the couple, observant, but she makes no move to get in their way,"Too many witnesses, they'll keep until they're out of here at least." is her dry opinion about it.

Lucifer has posed:
"So one might think." Witnesses; hundreds, dozens. Not many are committed to paying that much attention other than jealous suitors or those hungry to sup on the miseries of others. He blows out a little breath and shakes his head, half turning, but the spark of green in his eyes settles a moment after. "With any luck, they'll find a cab and settle their differences the old fashioned way."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly points in their direction with the little bit left in her glass,"Defensive posture. She's angry, but that she's clutching her bag like that says even if she's got a gun in it she's aware enough of the social consequences to make sure there's no witnesses."

The whiskey gets drained, then set on the bar and given a small waggle in silent request for another when the bartender gets around to it,"Shoulders hunched forward. Fifty-fifty on aggressive, defensive. He's less concerned about his image. If she pushes him too far, yeh. But she's going to wait until they're in private." she predicts. The third party? She hasn't spotted, to judge from the lack of mention of them.

"What's the old fashioned way, then?"

Lucifer has posed:
"Proper reading, madame? Though it might be worth noting the object of their discord is at two-o-clock, probably measuring how long he has to wait before he can get to the street. Probably too late. The traffic today." He shakes his head as though it's totally normal for this to be a problem, a situation. His shoulders creak as he leans back against the bar." How exciting." Not.

"How else? They'll most hopefully shout and make up in bed or say things they shouldn't. She seems more likely to do that. He might want to bed her and be done with." He chuckles.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions doesn't bother pretending she's not looking at the person he indicates, assessing before she dips her head,"Relationships are just a polite word for ownership." she grunts with a grimace, laughing a little for the explanation of the old fashioned way as she turns towards the bar to collect her whiskey.

"Don't you find it exhausting? Whatever they do... it's their concern at the end of the day. Worrying about it overly is going to put you into an early grave."

Lucifer has posed:
"Are they?" Lucifer's faint grin slips away a fraction. He is comfortable where he is, balanced between watching everything. "Oh, I have to know exactly what I'm about. It's the essential quality of a good bartender, reading the crowd and knowing who might be prone to violence, depression, exuberance. How else am I supposed to react when they speak? When there could be a threat, too. I need to cut back the drinks early for those who could be prone to explosive behaviour, after all. It's not good for Lux's reputation to have the police coming in and out. "

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes." Molly insists as she takes a sip of her fresh whiskey,"Jealousy. Control. Consider this... why should either of those men care whom that woman spends her time with? If she wants to spend her time with both... why not? The same true in reverse. People start to feel a monopoly... a... right... to the time of another. They start to put aside their desires to make their partner happy... and where they don't...?" she gestures with her glass after the couple.

"You have a point." she concedes regarding the necessity,"Reputation has to be maintained, after all."

Lucifer has posed:
"Reputation is sometimes everything. A good name may be the rarest thing you can possibly find, and perhaps ephemeral at best. But one does the best they can. A bad story can do more damage than a year can repair." Lucifer runs his hand through his blond hair and the loose state of it is terribly casual. "The woman might be married and therefore financially and legally obligated to the interests of that one gentleman. Dallying with another disregards those financial obligations."

He almost smirks. "Though forgive me. I will need to take my leave for a few minutes and assure everything is sorted. I have a feeling about those ones."