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Latest revision as of 03:39, 29 October 2017

Fancy Meeting You Here
Date of Scene: 25 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Sapphire, Thor

Star Sapphire has posed:
    The people of Kansas are properly grateful for the rains Thor called that extinguished the wildfires threatening to completely destroy the corn crops. A little too grateful, honestly. More than a couple of the people who show up to thank the Odinson wear long, bushy beard and carry what one hopes are ceremonial mallets on their belts; Thor-worshippers, who loudly cry the praise of the god of thunder, and say things like, "Behold the beneficence of Lord Thor, in whose mighty uru is carried equal measures destruction and mercy!" It's frankly a little embarrassing--middle-aged white Americans doing cosplay in the name of religion--and it kind of puts Thor in a position that, as an Avenger, it's best not to be in, so... yeah. Thanks are accepted politely, offers of reward are turned down, and Thor launches himself into the stratosphere on a parabolic arc toward New York. Toward the Avengers. Gonna have to talk about this one sooner than later, verily.
    Thor's rain-wet clothes and hair crackle as ice begins to settle into them at the height of the flight, but the process of coming down always generates enough friction to break the ice off and dry him in the process. Nothing to worry about there. As Manhattan soars ever-closer to Thor's feet, he spies the landing site he's chosen. Half a mile up from the ground, he spreads his feet to brace for landing...
    And his right foot slams into something soft and yielding. There's no time to wonder what, only to confirm there's nothing to be seen for his foot to have struck. Now he's cartwheeling through the air and there's some invisible mass tangled up in his legs, something groaning like a woman, something--
    --Something that's generating an immense violet light to create a simulacra of a duvet floating in midair, one which you and the invisible woman slam into three miles off-course from New York.
    "Ow," groans the invisible woman, scrabbling at the couch to extract herself from Thor's legs, and as she does dropping her invisibility to reveal a slight, Caucasian woman in purple latex, her back bent oddly under the mighty Thor's knee.

Thor has posed:
Thor doesn't mind helping. He's always glad to be able to do little things like that for Midgard. Even moreso, if it means that they're grateful and it keeps the Avengers on the good side of PR (because they have been on the bad side as well) then so much the better. But still, when it starts getting to that Midwest, Deep South, bible thumping sort of deity type praise, that's when Thor does a very nice smile and wave for the camera, hefting Mjolnir and giving a thumbs up like he's doing an Orbitz gum commercial, and then a few twirls of his hammer in his hand and he's up into the air, making his way back home.

Flying is peaceful. It's one of those things that is awesome because you just never have to worry about things like someone sneaking up on you, or traffic, or not being able to see for miles, because everythign is just laid out right before you. No people to worry about, no interruptions. Flying is just smooth, easy....thunk. Immediately, as you drop the invisibility his hand goes to your hair and he asks in an aggreesive tone..."Who sent you?" But then, after only half a second or so, he chuckles and lets go, rolling off of you? Is that the right word? If he puts his feet into the cloud does it sustain him? Or is he too fairly couchlocaked, at least for the moment, as he looks about and tries to let you extract yourself, adjusting around the latex-clad lady and her floaty...sitting room? "I...truly didnt' see you there. My apologies." Today, since he was working, he's dressed in his armor that you've seen in recent movies, the full body scale that moves, fitting him like a track suit yet movign with incredible flexibility while providing protection. You will have all of his attention, being the glowing woman atop a purple cloud in the middle of the sky that no one could see. "Are you alright?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star grabs the arm of the holographic couch in both hands and pulls as he rolls, until she's out from under the Thunder God's leg. She looks like a cat stretching, except with none of the grace, a fact not lost on her as she chuckles ruefully. "I'm Star Sapphire," she explains with all the dignity she can muster. "No one sent me; I live in New York, so I try to be invisible when I fly here. I... really would have said the odds of hitting someone were impossible. Thank god my ring-aura caught the worst of your impact." She slides off the couch into mid-air. Gravity has no hold on her inside her violet aura, it seems. She flicks her gaze over Thor and says, "No introduction needed on your part, of course. Hi."

Thor has posed:
He just laughs slightly. Not quite sure he wants to test the rest of this area yet. The couch seems safe, and well...solid...so he relaxes there for the time being as you stretch and then get up, well...rise up? He watches the little display as it were, knowing it would not be quite as easy for him to just hover though - he's more of a 'pick a direction' and slam towards it kinda god. "Thanks. I don't usually get that. Usually I get 'you look just like him.' Of course, I'm in street clothes and walking New York, not flyign through the air. That might convince a few more people but then there's the whole unneeded attention and abuse of our powers...." you can almost hear him echoing Tony Stark's comments and his right hand even makes that up and down gesture like he's flapping someone's lips. "So...Star Sapphire...if you live in New York, why are you up here?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Well, your colors are much darker than they look on the news," Star Sapphire admits. "Must be the TV camera lighting washing you out some. But I don't really think it's enough to make a person question your identity. As for me? I was just on my way home, hence the cloak." Hovering in midair, she shows her palms to the sky in a fairly shrug-like gesture. "I'm surprised my ring didn't warn me you were incoming. We could have avoided this altogether."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson looks around. For a cloak. He has one. Well it's more of a cape, and so he turns over a moment, looking back behind the couch before looking back to you. Cloaking technology is not a common phrase - especially when it's magic cloaking. "Maybe your ring likes me," he says as he notices it, giving it a bit of a lookover. Does it have a stone? Is it just violet in color and emitting the light but itself just a band? That would be the most ideal. "You know where I come from....rings that grant power usually have a price as well. You are not the first I've seen, though the first of your color scheme? Are there differences or reasons for the different colors, or do you just like purple?" It's a fair question, especially since it distracts from him still trying to find the cloak you reference - clearly it's not on you given your costume.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire agreeably extends her hand for Thor to examine (or possibly to kiss; the gestures look pretty much identical). "That's actually possible," she admits seriously, and gestures toward Mjolnir with her chin. "Does your hammer have thoughts about the people you meet? I ask because I'm curious and because the answer to your other question would sound really silly, so I'm slyly changing the subject and hoping you won't notice. I'm very crafty like that."

Thor has posed:
Considering he's a Prince and a God....he actually does. Cuase perhaps you're royalty amongst your people. So as he captures the hand there is a press of lips to the back of it before he sits up and takes a look at the ring. "It...certainly has its opinions on things. I can't say it's shared them with me too often - it has a way of expressing its sentiments though. Displeasure, anger...come to think of it, it doesn't do very much that's nice at all - I suppose that's the part I'm there for," he says, letting go of the hand after looking at the ring, seeing light within but not an actual jewel and he lets go, before looking back up at you, trying to not notice the particular angle it takes to make eye contact with you as he chuckles a bit. "Clearly. I will have to be on guard 24 and seven when thou art about."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire looks equal parts pleased and amused by the admission of wariness. "See? That's all a woman wants, a little respect." She's grinning, but drops the comedy bit and answers the question seriously. "There are seven emotions that all life in this universe is subject to. They exist as psychic emanations on a spectrum, like how visible light exists as a spectrum of seven colors. Violet corresponds to the energy of love, which my ring channels. Like I said, it sounds silly."

Thor has posed:
He grins a bit as you explain the ring then and he nods. "So....I'm floating in a love bubble," he says, taking the words literally and so it's time to test things out. He holds onto Mjolnir as he steps off the ocuch and onto the 'cloud' as it were, onto your little bubble-shell thing. He shifts though, walking towards you. "A ring of love...tis an interesting thing. Is that how it influences people? Are you a personal cupid? Do you the opposite emmotions then such as jealousy and anger? Or does it work another way? You have me curious now as I would not expect there to be a ring of power based upon emmotion only because they are so....fluid."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire conjures a throw rug beneath Thor's feet, letting the couch dissipate to spare herself the concentration. It's a simple rug, thick cables strung together in increasingly large ovals, the kind you might find in any middle-class living room twenty years ago; and it's floating on nothing at all, but it's as solid as if there was a genuine floor beneath it. "The ring can provoke love in people," Star agrees seriously, "but I don't use it that way. In a world where roofies are a thing, it seems... heinous. But I'd correct you on the nature of love being fluid. It isn't, at all. Passion and attraction are fluid, but love is a choice. Love is steady."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson can't help it. He looks down, pushign on the rug a moment, before he jumps once, jumping up and down briefly and then he does it a few times before nodding his head. "That's impressive," he says simply and then looks back to you. You have your glowy purple light so he reaches out with his hand and you can feel the clouds about you darken slightly and he pulls in just a bit of lightning. Not al ot but it's enough to give him a sort of crackley aura and it dances between his fingertips. Briefly he looks to your costume and the corny jokes continue as his gaze rises to make eye contact. "You showed me yours," he says teasingly and so he lets the lightning dance between his fingertips and it does like a power conduit or like a friend, like a pet in its master's arms. "I think what you say is fair, until of course love is betrayed. And then...well...then it turns to something far darker at times." There's a sadness in his voice as he says that, having clearly seen it more than once.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star opens her mouth to pontificate about how love is always love, and it's distinct from anger or vengeance, but luckily realizes before she speaks that would not be appropriate to the moment. Instead she just says, without too much noticeable delay, "Thank you. The ring is capable of creating anything the wearer can imagine. It just takes a little focus to keep the shapes solid, is all." She pauses, and adds with wry impishness, "So if someone else slams into my back, I'm apt to lose my concentration, which means you better catch yourself."
    Wait... she's speaking Asgardian! Has been the whole time!

Thor has posed:
He hadn't noticed, but that....you can see him notice. Becuase there's this tilt to his head, which causes him to then sort of shake it out, not because you're confusing him but because he relaizes that he can still feel some of the melting ice. So...kind of like when a puppy shakes off, you too get a little bit of icy spray on your uniform and perhaps in your own violet little nimbus there before he stops and then looks back to you. "You know my language. That is not a common thing for those from Midgard. Though I suppose if you have that you are no common Midgardian. I have heard a little bit about them. Do you know how they come to choose who they choose? And do they get mad at you when you bite back your tongue instead of saying what was going through your mind?" Yes, he calls you on it, but a funny thing about Thor, he's hardly ever upset. He's just...blunt...like a hammer you could say. "To be fair there are worse things that could have slammed into your back? Is it alright though? You are not hurt?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Actually, I don't," Star Sapphire says cheerfully, raising a forefinger to point at her violet-painted lips. "Watch the shape of my mouth when I talk. It doesn't line up with the words you're hearing, right? My ring automatically translates my speech into the language a hearer is most comfortable with. It's part of the whole 'psychic spectrum' thing I mentioned earlier. It also accelerates my healing, so my back is fine, thank you for asking." She grins. "I'm not going to insult you by asking if your foot is okay from running into my back. I'll just take as given you're not going to gain a limp over it."

Thor has posed:
He seems to be playfully amused as you talk about your back, and as he relaizes how the ring works, though he also realizes that it means, to a certain degree, that he is completely affected by it without him even knowing. It's one of those 'that's cool' and 'that's sort of troubling' things at the same time but he nods, watching you talk and noting the purple lipstick and such. "Well you're very well put together. The ring gets bonus points for having almost as good a sense of style as Pepper," he says, before pondering as he looks back to the - oh wait, to where the couch WAS before turning back to you. "No...despite the sturdiness of your frame and your well imagined furniture, I have managed to escape our encounter thusfar without injury." He gives a little wink, his own blue eyes clearly enjoying this little banter and so he looks at you. He's asked a few questions so he's clearly waiting to see what you bring up or address next.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "I'd expect no less," Star Sapphire says, mostly without wry irony. Mostly. She notices the pause--guess this means he's no longer interrogating her about spying on the Avengers; that's a good deal, as she wasn't at all looking forward to the prospect of fighting Thor--and asks, "Where were you on your way from, then?"

Thor has posed:
He is entertained as he makes his way to a spot on the carpet and content that he's not goign to go plummeting to his potential death...well...likely not death but he may be knocked out for a while if he fell from this height, he looks up at you from where he sits, cross legged, his armor interesting in that it moves with him, enough at least that you don't show him having any signs of discomfort from the shifting of the position or he scales doing anything like biting in at him. So as he looks up, he answers without hesitation this time. "There was a bit of a drought happening in the Midwest. A little nudge to the clouds gave them enough rain to sort of fend off losting the crops that hadn't already completely wilted, and should help them until the regular storms come. They're due in a week or so, which means they should be fine now for a few more days." He seems pleased...

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire looks interested. "Really? I've never heard of you doing simple, humanitarian work like that before. Why don't you send more rain to parts of the world that struggle with food production, like Africa?" she asks, but her arms aren't cross and her tone isn't angry. She sounds like she's going somewhere with this.

Thor has posed:
"Because the weather has rules," he says simply. "If I did that I would change the topology. If I did that, then there would be the risk of flooding. Not to mention the change to weather patterns. It's different if I create a downpoor to wet the soil that is used to being damp or if I create enough to put out a fire. But to change weather patterns like that has greater consequence. The issue then isn't one of weather but of the inability of Midgard to share the resources in the places of those that have them with those that don't. But I can't do something that would lead to the flooding of an entire continent or the change of your world's weather patterns if there's always the chance that I may not always be here to fix it if things go wrong."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire nods along. "Actually, I agree about the source of inequity being humanity itself. I was just curious. I've often thought of putting together a team with a humanitarian rather than a martial goal, one intended to improve living conditions around the world, but my outreach efforts haven't gone very far. From what you say, it sounds like your efforts would be limited by physics, huh?"

Thor has posed:
"Physics, meteorology, geography, my unintended and unfortunate demise should such happen," he says, the last causing him to smile again as he hops up from his mat and he looks out, letting the lightning playing between his fingers slip back away and into the cloud, and as it does so there's a little crackle, a little flash of sorts, almost like your own little lightning storm before the color fades and they feed into the clouds, dissipating back to being potential energy waiting to be called again by mother nature of by him. Or Ororo...though really he considers her a copycat. "I don't think you'll have any trouble finding people who want to help you. It's causing the people who have things you would want to give away to have a reason to give them to you so that you may do so."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Oh, I'm not concerned about that. I have the most powerful tool in the universe. I can do anything anyone needs with it; I can conjure up the equipment to build dams in minutes, dig wells in seconds, assemble hospitals..."
    Says the woman who's currently using it to generate a throw rug.
    "And I'm not even the most powerful individual in the world. There are people out there who can create the supplies people need. It's just a matter of finding people who can AND are willing to." Star Sapphire shrugs; a gesture that can be taken a lot of ways. "Like, take yourself. You're an Avenger and an alien. I probably wouldn't have invited you to join my initiative even if you could have fixed drought conditions across the world, because world governments will probably get uneasy if an alien decides to solve Earth's problems for us. It makes trouble."

Thor has posed:
"That...makes sense...." he says with a bit of amusement. "Well...I will have to find a way to get some humans to help then. I'm sure I can persuade them. You there, help this purple woman or I will kill you?" Yes, he's joking...probably. It doesn't sound very Thorly, but then again, he is an alien -and- he cares about this planet a great deal. Would he be willing to break a few eggs in order to save the rest of the chicken coup? "It seems to me that you've got quite the project in store for you. I should, probably, let you get back to that instead of taking all your time forcing you to conjure fancy purple throw rugs for my own comfort." He stands up and taking Mjolnir he says, "Feel free to call upon me though if you do need aid."

Star Sapphire has posed:
    "Of course," Star Sapphire says politely, taking the hint. "Thank you for conversing with me. I'm sure you were on your way to somewhere, after all. I'll definitely know where to look for you if we need help. And thank you on behalf of the people whose crops you watered. I'm sure you saved a lot of farmers from a bad situation."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson is Thor, and while usually he would clasp hands with a fellow warrior, he's never done battle with you, and so he does the only other real way to say goodbye to somenoe you would expect to be a friend and that's well, reach up and give the purple glow-girl a hug. At least, that's what he'd attempt to do. All Thor-muscle and strong arms and stuff wrapping about the woman if she allows it. Or it turns into something like Seinfeld and Kesha where fortunatley there are no cameras around. Cause that was awkward, the whole refuxing in front of like 7 media networks.

Star Sapphire has posed:
    Star Sapphire is surprised, but accepts the hug politely, not really tightening her arms around him, just sort of patting the small of his back with her hands. "Fare thee well, steward of the lightning and the thunder," she offers as she floats back out of his arms.