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At the Movies with Wilson and Romanov
Date of Scene: 26 July 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Natasha and Wade spend a night in watching movies
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Deadpool has posed:
It's a quiet evening at Casa del Pulpo, and Wade Wilson has invited Natasha Romanova for a mini movie marathon. There is the sound of corn popping, butter buttering, and drinks pouring. The Merc with the Mouth has even dressed for the occasion, putting on an Irish football, or soccer if you prefer, shirt, even if he's not Irish, Wilson isn't an Irish name, but he had gotten the Van on whatever the current media format was, for the wide screen, surround sound, entertainment centre. Of course, as the film was old, it looked a bit odd, "now," damn, he was even speaking in an Irish accent, his voice taking on that lilt, "my darling, ye have to understand, this isn't one o' yer Michael Bay, explosions, tits and arses, but a good, old fashioned comedy. Trust me my darling, you're gonna enjoy this one."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
This has actually become a thing for them. Wade comes up with a movie. Natasha usually has no idea what it is. It's quality time with him and that is the only important part. Lately she's been a little clingy when they are at home, something he's probably been aware of but has not spoken about. He may be the Merc with a Mouth but Wade was also someone who undertood when to keep it shut. Most people never knew that about him. There was a lot most people didn't know.

"No explosions. Not tits or ass. Please tell me there's at least a spy killing someone with a garrotte?" she asks in a teasing tone as she settles on the couch. She's dressed in a baggy t-shirt (that belongs to him but she absconded with it) and a pair of black yoga pants. Her feet are bare. She tucks them up under her to the side then leans to grab a bowl of popcorn from the table before leaning back again.

Deadpool has posed:
Aware of, and quit appreciative of. Wade likes when Natasha is clingy. It shows she cares. Even after all this time together, he still worries, that she's out of her mind. He has so many issues, it constantly amazes him that she wants to be with him. But she was right and he could keep his mouth shut. In fact, he had better timing than most when it came to such things. He was a motor mouth when it was okay, not necessarily when appropriate, but certainly acceptable. He liked to annoy people. And if that's all it was, he'd do it, but when people were in a bad way, when they needed him to shut up, he would cheerfully oblige.

"Not unless you planned on blowing up your costume with some kind of chemical explosive that left your skin as perfect as ever. In fact, put that on the list for my birthday, whenever that is. Sadly, no killing, not even with a garrotte. Well, there might be some food poisoning. Does that count?" He rests a hand on the knee of her yoga pants as he settles in beside her. And then reaches into the bowl for some popcorn. He pulls up his mask to eat it. Why does he still wear that damned thing at home? It was just his way.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
If she had her way, she'd hide that mask from him. She prefers to see him. The real him. He has problems with that part so he prefers his mask. The only time she pushes the issue and demands it be removed are private. Natasha leans against his shoulder, settling in as she reaches for the remote and pushes the play button. "What do you mean whenever your birthday is? When is your birthday?" She never had asked but she figured he would tell if it was coming up. Which probably was an assumption and everyone knows what that means. She may have just made an ass of herself. "Don't tell me I missed it because I will then be forced to guilt you for not telling me."

Deadpool has posed:
At this point, Wade knows the mask better than his own face. It's far prettier too. "You did miss it. It was like twenty, thirty, forty years ago. Some years ago. And it was a day that ended in Y. I'm almost entirely certain that it ended in a 'y'. It was definitely one of those days." Getting a little more serious, he tapped his noggin, "I've taken so many headshots, been subjected to Weapon X, that I'm not even sure if my real name is Wade Wilson. In fact, did I ever tell you about Wade Wilson? He and I go way back." The way he explained it, he seemed to be talking about a different person.

"So, Wade Wilson was born somewhere in Ohio, probably Cleveland. Nobody likes Cleveland. You know their rivers have been on fire before? What kind of water gets on fire? Wade Wilson was also born in Regina, Saskatchewan. One of them is Wade Winston Wilson. The other one is Wade T. Wilson. Me and that other guy aren't actually sure which one of us is which. But I think I'm Wade Winston Wilson and he's Wade T. Wilson. He goes by T-Rax. Albino. Big guy. He wears an Elastoplast, or Band-Aid over the bridge of his nose. Nobody knows why."

None of this made any sense, but he was trying to explain. "So, I don't know when I was born. But I like to think I was born on the 8th of February, in 1991. That's when my first comic came out." He has a comic about him? "So, we'll use that. But I don't know if that's when I was born. What about you? I tried hacking," okay, he got a friend to hack, "into the system, but couldn't find when your birthday was. Have I missed it?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As he explains, Natasha pushes up from his chest so she can watch his expressions. Well, not his expressions. The ones on the lower half of his face and the mask that covers the upper part. The way he is referring to himself has her brow furrowing and she shakes her head. "Wait, you don't know which Wade Wilson you actually are?" She has no idea who this T-Rax person is but he sounds odd. Although this is Deadpool. There's a lot odd in his life. She might be one of the oddest, come to think of it.

The comic portion has her confused look getting worse. "Comic book? I didn't find that in your file and I think they would've included it," she murmurs softly, apparently deciding she needs to check the file again. "And no, you haven't missed mine. It's November 22." She does not mention the year.

Deadpool has posed:
"I'm not even sure that I'm a Wade Wilson. I could be anyone, Thom Cruz, Peter Parker, Johnny Silvini, Denny Rhodes. I'd make a great Denny Rhodes. I'd open up a restaurant. Rhodie's. No, Denny's. Wait, isn't there already a Denny's?" He pulled up his mask, showing his face as it is. "Between the cancer, numerous brain injuries, and the stuff that Weapon X tried to pull on me, plus the retcons, who can tell. But I choose to live my life as Wade Winston Wilson, now and forever. Unless, you know, you'd prefer Wade Winston Romanov?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha smirks a little at the discussion of names and the restaurant that already does exist. "Retcons?" There are times where she has no idea what he is saying. That's one of them.

But as he continues, she bursts out laughing as she shakes her head. "I prefer wheover you choose to be. And I don't think the guy takes the girl's name. You'd be a trendsetter." Then she leans against his shoulder again as she peeks up at him. "Are you asking me to marry you?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool explains that retcons are "Retraction of Continuity," as if that would make perfect sense to her. Moving on, "and I choose to be whoever you choose to be with." He decides to leave that part out about the asking to marry. He didn't mean it that way. He smiled at her. He wasn't against it, but then, he didn't have a ring, and besides, why would she want to saddle herself with him? She deserved someone good, and sane, and kind, and caring, and who didn't good things to bad people, or was that bad things to good people. He did things, to people, for money, whatever that entailed.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The fact he avoids that question has Natasha chuckling softly as she settles back in, realizing that the movie was going but she's missed everything because of their conversation. She reached for the remote to restart then dragged his arm over her shoulders so she could cuddle into his ribs more comfortably. She sets the popcorn on his leg so he'll be able to reach it more easily with his free hand. "When you are Wade Winston Wilson because I like the way it rolls off the tongue."

Deadpool has posed:
He settles back in against her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she restarts the movie, "the film so nice you had to see it twice?" He reaches in for some popcorn, but makes a face about having to reach into his own lap to grab it. Maybe he preferred reaching into her lap. He was so childish at times, but that was part of the fun. He was never boring. Unless he was trying to be boring, in a boring off against someone, but even then, he was probably too fun to win. "Wouldn't it be funny if my real name were something ordinary, like John Smith? But then I guess I'd be dating Pocahontas. Wait, no, they had more of a parent / child thing. Again Disney, you have ruined history for me!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"It had some good music though," Natasha mutters absently. Either he has subjected them to Disney on movie night or the Black Widow has a side that no one knows which involves Disney animation. If he ever tells anyone, she'll do her best to kill him. Futile though it might be.

Deadpool has posed:
"I love Disney and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, Elsa, Elena, Moana, they're all terrific. I mean, if I were blue and could grant wishes, I'd be the Genie of the Lamp." In fact, he then turns a dial on his belt, disappearing, probably making Natasha fall onto the couch. He teleported to the other end of the room. Then does it a few more times. "Natasha, I don't think you realise what you've got here. So why don't you just ruminate, whilst I illuminate?"

"Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves. Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales. But Natasha you in luck 'cause up your sleeves, you got a brand of magic never fail. You got some power in your corner now, some heavy ammunition in your camp." He keeps teleporting, suddenly having new weapons, or items, pulled from his Magic Satchel TM. "You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo, and how. See all you gotta do is rub that mask. And I'll say Miss Natasha, ma'am, what will your pleasure be? Let me take your order, jot it down, you ain't never had a boyfriend like me. No, no, no!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She did end up falling over into a prone position as he disappeared, taking away her prop and pillow. She pushes herself up with a hand, swinging her feet toward the floor as she watches him appearing and disappearing, singing and bringing along props for the ride. There's no help for it, not stopping it. She laughs, that bright happy sound that hardly ever comes from her unless Wade is around. It's one of the main reasons she is with him. He can tap into that place she often fears is lost. That joy which can be so easily stifled by darkness.

"You are the Genie. In so many ways."

Deadpool has posed:
It's funny. Wade can come home, covered in blood, holding a severed limb, quite often his own, but not always, smelling of spent ammunition, or covered in slime, faecal matter, or God knows what else? But he can do it while singing Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.

Returning to his seat after the song, he tried to get back into position with her. "So, three wishes. What'll it be, Natasha?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That catches her attention as she watches him sit back down beside her. She doesn't immediately resume her leaning position in case he feels the need to burst into song again with a sudden teleporting exit. "Three? I'm not sure what I'd wish for," she admits as she considers more seriously than she might need to for a rhetorical silly question. "I've already found you so perhaps that counts as one already?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Nope, you get three from this Genie wannabe. But no more freebies." And he was quoting the movie again. It didn't take much for him to pull a quip or a line from one of those movies, or other random sources. "And I won't be teleporting away from you anytime soon." He wanted to cuddle with her.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
He's a smart merc. Now that she is reassured, Natasha slips back under his arm and assumes active cuddling position. "I probably would wish that this sitution with the Winter Soldier was resolved successfully, with no one getting hurt." She's told him how worried she is about that situation, about her odds of coming back from it. It's what has led to her being so driven to spend more time with him, in case these are their last times. "Maybe world peace. Though, that would put me out of a job."

Deadpool has posed:
"No one getting hurt, okay, that eliminates plan 1 through 279." Wade strokes his chin, then looks at his hand, and wipes something on his pants, the side away from Natasha. And that kids is why he likes to wear the mask. "Wishing you were out of a job doesn't sound like the best wish to make."