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Latest revision as of 05:16, 29 October 2017

He who laughs last
Date of Scene: 29 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Joker, Sebastian Shaw

Joker has posed:
The infamous Arkham Asylum sitting upon the hill is perhaps one of Gotham's most immediately recognizable landmarks. Unfortunately, unlike the Empire State building or the Statue of Liberty, Arkham's reputation is one of fear and danger. Within it are housed some of the city's most dangerous and deranged criminals -- at least when they're not on the run once again and causing further chaos in the city.

The acoustics inside Arkham probably don't help the inmates much, either. Sound carries, echoes lingering in one wing that originated in others. It's a disturbing phenomenon even if you aren't mentally disturbed to begin with. No one ever seems to do anything about it, though, so the echoes continue to plague the facility and bounce down every corner. Underlying most of the regular manic speech and reassuring doctors there's a subtle, quiet, but nearly ever-present giggle. A giggle that grows louder as one approaches the highest security wing of Arkham, where the cells are little more than glass cages with the barest of necessary furnishings, some with special equipment to help keep their occupants 'comfortable' or more likely, contained.

At the very end of the hall, there's the only cell that's completely empty, not even possessing a light bulb -- which contributes to the long shadows in the back. It would probably be easy to dismiss it as an occupied cell, in fact, if it weren't for the laughter continuing to grow louder as one approaches.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is a standard day though that doesn't necessarly mean quiet in Arkham everything is running as it is supposed to. That is until the lights dim a little as there are footsteps coming down the hallway.. closer, and closer to the room at the back hall. There is a standard click noise as the cameras around the people walking start turning off in order following them so no-one later can see this encounter only the succession of camera failures leading to his room. It had cost a good deal to get the security to go along with him, but it had been worth it as it seems a lot of people were quite corrupt in Gotham though that did not make the skinny man that was leading the group feel any better.

The man was chinnes, and skinny with wide glasses on his thin face he seemed to be sweating despite the tempeture as he lead two much larger also chinnese men and one guard down the hallway. The guard was a neccisary evil, and he would dispose of him if he had to, as the others he had delt with, but for now he had another goal in mind as finnally they made it to the laughing mans door. The thin man with glasses pulled out a cloth from his pocket dapping his head with it to absorb the sweat. In his other hand a simple briefcase though it seemed to have those locks that you need to roll the proper number on it to open, so they needed to wait for him to put his cloth away to point at the door.

Finally he spoke, and though it was heavly accented english it wasn't hard to understand.. "Open the door please.. And wait outside." he nodded to one of the big men to stay with the guard, as the door rattled opening from the guard doing his thing with the keys. As it opens Joker would see this man he doesn't look like much more like an accountant or assistant of some sort, but he would also notice the large chinnese man that is with him as someone who was trained.. No real trouble to Joker of course, but at least someone in a straight up fight might give him a hard time. The assistant man locks eyes with you for a moment and gets out... "Mr... J... Joker.. I presume." he seems a bit nervious as he knows exactly who this is as he walks in having the large man shut the door behind him. He pulls out a device that looks like a scanner he holds up a finger tapping his ear then pointing back to the device. It takes only a moment before he continues, "It is clear now.. we may talk... Freely."

Joker has posed:
The Joker is nothing if not capable of picking up on the fear and nervousness of others. When the newcomer stutters out his greeting, the Clown Prince of Crime giggles from his place in the shadows, bound in a straightjacket and grinning broadly. "Please! Mister J-Joker was my father! My friends call me Jay or sometimes Smilin' Jackson," he insists, his manic giggle continuing immediately afterwards.

He leans forward, suddenly, thrusting his head out of the darkness and into the sparse light that filters in through the time-faded safety glass of his cell. "What is it ol' Smilin' Jackson can do for you? Wait--" His smile drops as he looks the man up and down, considering his appearance for a brief moment before he asks with wide eyes, "You're not from the IRS, are you? I swear, I was goin' to pay my taxes, but it's hard without hands, you know?! HAhahahaHAHahahAAA!"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man doesn't speak he just watches the man in the straightjacket quietly cautiously as his boss had told him even if he was on your side he would kill you without a second thought if he wanted to. He takes a deep breath calming himself before he turns to buisness mode.. "Well.. Smilin' Jackson my employer sent me here to contact you.. It is not the IRS, and at this time I can not tell you their name." he pauses, and sets down his briefcase opening it, and joker would catch the password.. 1...2...3..4..5 though when he opens it the cover blocks the content. He reaches in, and pulls out a letter.. "My boss told me to make two things clear before I give you this. One, that he understands that you will not be in here long, and when you get out you can have guns, explosives, and a proper welcoming present for your planned event later." he pauses, removing the letter. "The second is, I can be personally useful to your goals.. We have the same target though you have the experience, and know how to hurt that target.. I am only here to assist you."

He stops now unfolding the letter he nods to the other man. "He is going to remove your straight jacket.. then you have a decision to make. Wait long enough to read the letter, and then if we agree we put ya back in so you can escape your way." he pauses and nods at the large man, "Or you can just escape now by killing him, me.. the guards, and with no flair no uniqueness just walk out in some boring fashion" while he talks the large man comes behind you with keys.

He doesn't seem that bothered by unlocking you, though the man with glasses seems on edge.. you can smell the fear on him as they are litteraly unlocking the beast with no idea what he is going to do next. He does hold out the envelop to him.. "Well Jay... I hope I may call you that.. Please just read the letter then decide. I am here to help you accomplish your goals, and there is more here to show that." as he speaks about here he taps his briefcase.

Joker has posed:
Smilin' Jackson listens to the pitch with apparent boredom, his face falling into a lazy, disinterest when the man claims not to be from the IRS. There's a hint of annoyance, though, when he lays out Jackson's options, but he still stays quiet. At least until the bigger man starts unlocking his straightjacket. "You forgot door number C," he croons, sighing with overdramatic relief as he regains control over his arms, "I kill you, read the letter, and just stay here anyway."

Suddenly, he pitches his head back. Hard. His aim: the larger man's groin. When he hits, he'll fall on his side and spin, sweeping the stunned man's legs out from underneath him, so he can leap up, fall on him, and clamp down on his throat with his pearly whites and tear it out of his neck with all the casual effort of a man brushing his teeth.

With that accomplished, he spits the removed throat out to the side calmly, turns, then rises and reaches out a hand to carefully take the glasses from the skittish man's face. Smilin' Jackson then clears his throat, places said glasses over his eyes, then takes the letter and reads it.

"What's this about the ice cream truck?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The big man falls, as as his throat is tore out the man in the buisness suit for his credit doesn't scream out, or run away he just sits there affixed watching it go down as it quickly does. As he reaches for the glasses the man doesn't move an inch he just stands there motionless as he removes them sure he is afraid as even scarecrow prob couldn't get a better reaction but he knows one wrong move.. just one could kill him on the spot. After he speaks he nods to Joker, "Y.. Yes of course door C this is why my employer has chosen you to be part of this." he speaks as he desperatly tryies to find the folder.

It doesn't take long as he pulls out a vinilla folder, and holds it out to him. "You could kill me sir, and I think they might of written me off already, but I am here to do what you ask. I think it is best to say I work for you now if you accept the deal." he speaks quickly, but falls silent when he reads it not wanting to interupt him for anything on the planet. He stands quietly as Joker can read for himself what the ice cream truck is.. Project We all scream for Ice-Cream.

Inside is a picture of an ice-cream truck pretty standard looking truck with the almost van like appearance, and the rotating head of a smiling clown on top. It isn't joker himself, but some generic clown face that has a creepy smile that just goes round and round. What is intresting is whats inside of it, or well on it. First it is heavly armored.. like the batmobile would have to hit it hard just to make a dent reinforced titanium armored... The lights in the front have automated guns that can be shot from the front seat maybe from a pasanger or driver if in a pinch. The back doors open out for shooting with a mesh shield to prevent others from shooting back, and the area is full of rifles, and other weapons including an RPG. It is also fast, as it has a suped up engine, with nitro for that extra pinch of speed though it wouldn't last long just until the canisters run out. But the best part.. The best part is the top as the clown face rotates, and what comes up is a gun that someone standing in the back can shoot.. It is a mounted high speed, high power gatling gun that put out so many shots a minute that it has a belt feed to keep it going. This is the ice-cream truck he is offering, and so far it seems this is just to get the Joker intrested.

Joker has posed:
He's got decent intuition, at least. Smilin' Jackson finds it much easier to ignore him and continue reading about the suped-up ice cream truck without him yapping on about it. With a grunt of comfort, he drops heavily down onto the rapidly dying man's stomach to use it as a chair as he combs through all the details, letting out occasional, 'Ooo's and 'Ahh's while he reads and examines the pictures.

He then looks up, eyeing the other man with a smile. "So you belong to me, now. What about him?" he asks, gesturing over his shoulder to the dying man he's using as a chair, "Would he have belonged to me, too? He's kind of defective." He 'hmmms' and mutters under his breath: "Not very good show, giving me defective people as presents." He lets out a sigh, then taps his chin with the folder and the letter, staring over his glasses at the other man while he thinks. "So in return for keeping the Bat Dorks busy, your previous owner will sponsor me with a whole bunch of toys? Would I have to wear branded clothing and do commercials for him? Because that's a deal breaker."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man is quiet listening to him he quickly nods. "Yes, as well as many others.. He..." he nods to the dieing man Joker is sitting on, "Will be sent to the incenerator, and replaced of course as this is something I would happily do for you since there is no reason for you to have to do such things yourself... Unless you wanted to of course." he adds the last bit quickly covering his bassis just incase. "Of course there will be no branded clothing, commercials, or any sign of his involvement at all. Even I did not work directly for the person who wrote you the letter before working for you, as he does not want any ties to him." he nods a bit looking at Joker. "Basiclly he will give you the toys you need, and there is nothing you have to do other then what he asked in that letter for him everything else is up to you on when, how, you are the boss."

He glances back at the door, then back to Joker.. "But I do not want to interfer with your plans of escape so I will not inconvience you for long.. Please consider it, and if you are interested I will send you an address to go to, or send someone to, or even do something none of us would expect as is your way. All I know is the boss's boss thinks highly of you.. And.. umm... As your new employ I would advice he is one person you want on your side, as he will go to great lengths to get things done."

Joker has posed:
"Aww, no branded clothing?" Smilin' Jackson asks, looking up from the letter with a disappointed frown, "I admit, I was kinda' hold out for that one as negotiation tactic." He then waves his hand, his head shaking as his smile returns, "No, no that's alright. I'll just have you make some 'S' hats. We can all wear them while we're shootin' at the good guys. It'll be a lot of fun, trust me." He tosses the letter at his new employee and shifts to sitting on the floor and using the body as a backrest while he reclines, hands behind his head. "I think I'll keep this guy for now. He's much more comfortable than the floor. Go on and get out of here. Wait for me at the old Gotham Funland. I'll be there in two shakes of a Bat's tail. Make sure there's some grape soda and pizza waiting." He then perks up and points a finger at him, his face a deadly mask of sinister anger, "Oh, and Chopsticks... If you so much as THINK of putting a single, damn pineapple on those pizzas, I swear to all that the powers that be, I will find everything you hold dear and destroy it in front of your little, tear-filled eyes. Then I'll strangle you with your nearest living relative's guts as they slowly bleed out."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man nods to him listening to his orders, and catches the letter after a couple of tries before it hits the ground. "Of course, I will have the hats ordered immeditly for everyone." he nods to him pulling out a lighter he sets the letter you gave back to him on fire holding it so it burns in his hands before droping just the corner of it to burn on the ground. No fire alarms go off, or anything like that as he speads the ashes with his foot though he never read the letter it wasn't for him to read.

He backs up to the door, noding again he speaks up, "We will be there waiting for you, and I will make sure the things you requested are there. As well as no pineapples in the area." He reaches for the door, and turns back.. "I will also have the current events of the capes, and where they have been spotted though we will not move without your word to do so.. If there is anything else you need of me then feel free to ask when we meet at the location.. Good day si.. Smiling Jackson." he catches himself, and quickly leaves taking the others with him to leave the Joker alone with the dead body in his room to laugh as much as he wishes counting his blessing he did not die in that room as well.