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Latest revision as of 05:33, 29 October 2017

Log 1742
Date of Scene: 01 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Blink

Gambit has posed:
Night in Hell's Kitchen, the sky is grey and muted. All the stars drowned out by the wash of New York City's stupendous light polution. But upwards is not where most people in the slums are looking. Especially when they have things to worr--


The very city feels like it shakes from the explosion despite it's lack of size. A wall is blasted out by a purple and grey explosion, sending mortar and brick chunks across the alley and into the opposite wall. Out of the new hole steps a man, his hand up to his ear and his face cut and bloodied.

"C'mon! Where is it?" Gambit calls. his eyes dizzily looking left and right down the alley before he sets off down one way.

A few moments later behind him a couple of men climb through the hole. One points and says, "That way! GO!"

Blink has posed:
Above on a roof top, a purple-edged tear opens up to reveal another roof top through the opening. Not the /same/ roof top, not judging by the way the floor is a different colour... Let alone the young pinky-purple skinned woman jumping through!

In her 'mission' outfit of deep green lycra running shorts beneath an almost chinese style silk dress over the top, the mutant moves easily thanks to long slits down either side that reveals her bare legs and soft brown boots as they hit the ground.

A quick peek over the edge shows her... The smoking crater, two guys jumping through and running in a direction. And the back of Gambit, making his way down the alley. For now, stealth seems prudent, and so Blink sets out at a jog, where needed leaping from one building to the next with the practiced ease of an acrobat.

Gambit has posed:
As Remy drops into a slide, to round the corner, his pants catch the concret causing him to roll instead and rolling out of sight. The two men chasing happened to be drawing their weapons at the time, each a semi-automatic pistol and discharging a pair of rounds a piece. Three end up embedded in the building's corner and the last sails across the street into that building. "Chase him down! NOW!" Screams a deep voice from within the impromptu gateway.

Blink has posed:
Oh well that just won't do at all. Two men, armed against one man apparently not. This is 'hero'ing' time! But the question is, take out the bad guys, or get the other guy to safety first?

Deciding it's easier to fight when there's no innocents in the way, Blink's fingers flip up, opening another Portal between here and /somewhere/. Another roof top, a simple step away. Putting her before the fleeing Gambit.

The portal closes with a small -blink!- and another one opens before the fleeing man. The young (and obvious) mutant holds a hand out towards him. "Quick! This way!" Her soft Barbadian accent sounding a little harried.

Gambit has posed:
Remy is scrambling back to his feet after the aborted slide-roll motion and is only able to stop by falling back onto his chest and blinks up at, Blink with a surprised look in his red and black eyes before he shrugs his shoulders.

"Aight. Ain't lookin' dis gift in de mout'." He says as he takes her hand and steps through the portal and falls back onto his backside, sitting now he looks up at Blink and runs a hand through his long sweat-soaked hair. "T'anks cheri!"

Back in the alley, the two men look back towards the sound of their boss' voice and nod before lowering their heads and starting off after Remy only to round the corner and see no one... "What?"

Blink has posed:
Blink's not so green that she'd forget to close the portal as soon as the other... mutant? Or maybe meta-human. Either way, he seemed the innocent party in this. Carefully, making sure not to give away their position the young girl peeks over the edge, making sure the men are still walking away rather than looking up. That confirmed she brings her attention back to the man on his behind.

The young elfin woman offers the guy her best Blase Grin. All teeth and self assurance. Though when she speaks, she keeps her voice down a little, no point tipping off the goons. "Hello pretty boy, I'm Blink. And you are?" She does at least offer her hand again, so that he can get back to his feet.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's hand is rubbing at his leg where he tired to slide and grumbles at the pain and many little nicks in his skin as Blink introduces herself. He looks up to her and smiles his more deviant, crooked smile at her and nods. "Ah'm Gambit." The man says as he slowly rises to his feet and moves closer to the lip of the building and looks down. "Oh." He whispers realizing where they are. "Dat's a neat trick ya got dere." Remy says, complimenting Blink and keeping his eyes on her as he says so.

Down below one of the goons slowly sigh and walk back towards the building they crawled out of. "We lost 'im boss." Can be heard as a car starts and the first goon sets off to track Remy down by scanning the area physically.

Blink has posed:
Blink..blinks. "/The/ Gambit?" She asks before she remembers she's meant to be blase to it all. "Cool." She adds as if it were an afterthought. Again, softly glowing green orbs peek over the roof edge at the remaining goon.

"So what did you do to get 'em so riled?" Blink asks curiously turning her head to look back towards the other mutant. "Was that /your/ explosion I heard just now?" At least it has /felt/ like an explosion. And sounded like one too, it's what had caused her to get over here in the first place after all. And anyone googling would find Gambit's handsome features before too long. Anyone googling for mutants anyway...

Gambit has posed:
"Ah suppose I am THE Gambit. Ah didn't know I was dat famous." Remy says turning back towards Blink and smiling casually before he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a large phone and small tablet. "I mighta taken a certain ledger..." Remy says before slipping it back into the duster and looking to blink curiously.

"You're not staying around here are you?" He's gonna make the offer she might have dreamed. Or maybe he's not.

Blink has posed:
"No... I live on Genosha." She's careful how she phrases it. What with him being an X-man and all. "I'm guessing you're be rather somewhere /not/ here right hon?" Her grin is firmly back in place, eyes on the prize. "Welcome to Blink Pathways, where can we take you today?"

A hand flicks out to the right, a circular tear in the air to... a dessert? "The Sahara perhaps?" Her right hand follows suit releasing it's own tear to another city, lights in the darkness. "Perhaps somewhere closer? Metrolpolis is nice this time of year..." And with a wink, a third (if somewhat smaller) portal -blinks!- into life revealing what appears to be the gardens of a stately home. "Or maybe back to Xavier's School?" If that portal seems to be looking down from about ten feet above the ground... Well she'd never actually /been/ there!

Gambit has posed:
Remy steps forwards to close the distance between himself and her and his hand pushes hers down by the wrists to give her a kiss on the cheek. "T'anks Blink. I owe ya."

The thief starts to walk towards the rear of the building, towards the fire escape and he slips over the lip and starts to climb down the metal staircase. "Come visit some time if y'd like t' leave Genosha, we can 'elp." Remy winks towards the pink elf before disappearing downwards.