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Latest revision as of 05:35, 29 October 2017

A Whole Lot of Ouch
Date of Scene: 31 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Insight, Robin (Wayne)

Insight has posed:
    It's a pretty calm evening in Gotham. People are mostly home from work, yet it's a little too early to really find them going out for their evening's entertainment. The college is quiet as well, being still a couple weeks before classes begin.

    The door to Doctor Goodspeed's office is open. Voices can be heard from within, one of which is decidedly Georgie's. The other voice says, "Okay, G. Keep taking it easy and the bones should be mended in another treatment or two. You're healing up nicely. It's totally making me a believer in this little gizmo!"

    Georgie's laugh can be heard, although it carries the obvious lilt of pain. "Thanks, Matty. I owe you one, brother."

    The other voice, presumably that of Matty, says with a far more serious tone, "No, man. What you did was wicked brave. It's the least we can do for you."

    The medical doctor takes his prototype and packs it up before leaving. He's a little flush for some reason should he run across Damian in the hall. He looks away with a goofy smile, unwilling to make eye contact despite the friendly enough greeting.

    Georgie, on the other hand, rests on the couch. His shirt is off and it truly looks like he was hit by a truck. The bat Harley took to him wasn't exactly a glancing blow. He gives a wince as he reaches for his white button down shirt, the pain enough to make the guy pant in effort.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had wanted to visit again with Georgie, making his way through the building, encountering Matty. He gives a.nod in passing. A sharp knock at the door jamb before he looks into the office. "Hey." He offers, right before he is taken slightly aback by the obvious state of the Doc's torso. "The hell happened to you?" The boy had dressed in a suit, sans tie, his hair spiked up like the youngin's like it.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie jumps with a start, looking a bit wild-eyed at the sharp knock. His look of confused fear turns to a bright smile as he sees who it is. He blushes at the question, laughing just a little. It's been in the news often enough, so he doesn't mind admitting, "Tried to jump The Joker the other night, but Harley... well... she had a bat." He starts the painstaking process of tugging his shirt on, getting one sleeve on before he has to take a moment. On the plus side, it -looks- like he got hit with a bat, so he's probably not making that part up. "Batman... Batman was there to save me though. Hostage," he grates out before he leans back and just rests for a moment. "Never been hit by a bat before. It's totes getting bad reviews on Yelp."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian shrugs. "I don't watch much TV." Plausible deniability there, he's been watching the news at least, keeping up on the things going about the city. "Well, that sounds smart. Why did you try and jump the most notorious psychopath in Gotham?" Damian's deep green eyes look around the office, taking a seat in a close by chair, crossing his leg above the other knee.

Insight has posed:
    After a moment, Georgie lifts himself from the seat on the couch and moves over to the desk. Above it, the picture Damian made him has taken the place of his degrees. It gets a little smile as his eyes see that first, but then he digs out an invitation and tosses it over to Damian. "I was invited." He sits heavily down into the chair with a groan. "If the most notorious psychopath in Gotham feels stood up by me not turning up, I was afraid that he'd turn up here." His eyes flick towards the hallway and it is fairly obvious that his concern was with the students and faculty, as far as his priorities. "So I tried to be a good sport. Tried to buy Batman and the cops some time, yaknow?" He sighs and grumbles, "Not enough apparently, but I tried."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian grabs the invitation, slipping it out and looking it over. "Okay, this makes more sense." He adds, keeping his eyes focused on the invite, looking it over as much as he can. Damian sets the invite aside after not much longer. "So, you at least made it out with your life. A plus in my book." Unless of course there is something else wrong.

Insight has posed:
    "That which doesn't kill you," Georgie intones. He sighs and musters a smile. "Totally a plus. I was more than a little surprised." His face becomes more somber as he observes, "A whole lot of people didn't." There's a flash of anger as his muscles flex, but that is quickly replaced by a look of pain. He gives a sheepish smile and slowly finishes up getting that shirt on. While on the lean side, the therapist is surprisingly lithe and muscular. Definitely the build of a fighter too, not a gymnast or swimmer or something of that nature.

    Georgie stands with some effort and says, "I'm being an awful host. Can I get you something, Damian? I have some oolong if you want." He smiles and makes his way to the little tea area, making some green tea for himself. "Anyway, enough about me. How was your weekend, buddy?" His eyes drag over the suit, looking suitably impressed. "Breaking some hearts I bet."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The teen gives a nod to the Doc. "Sounds good." The teen offers, smirking self-assuredly. "Well, things are going better than earlier." He offers, referring to their last meeting, apart from his gifts of the aforementioned drawing, of which there were other letters he gave out. Attempting to make better of himself. Damian smirks, looking at his clothes. "An attempt to blend in better with my surroundings, so to speak." He says gesturing to the room, but really meaning this area of Gotham.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie takes another mug down and starts the process of making some oolong too. While it isn't particularly traditional, he approaches it with a certain amount of ceremony, taking the extra time to make it just right. Feeding someone, even a drink, is a form of nurturing and affection that he takes pride in. When it's done, he hobbles it over to the teen, offering it with a smile. He retreats back to the couch then, easing down into the comfortable leather. The answer that Damian gives gets a quizzical look from the therapist. "Some urban camouflage, huh?" His eyes shift to his green tea and he chews his lower lip a little before flashing his gaze and smile back onto Damian. "Well, you look good." The smile turns a bit more sincere as he says, "I'm glad you're doing better too. I wasn't sure you'd be sticking around for all that long, the way you were talking when we first met." He lifts his mug and takes a swallow of his tea before moving the mug to his ribs, letting the heat radiate from the ceramic through the shirt to ease his sore muscles and angry purple bruises. He gives the softest of moans. "Didja hear about any more of those fight clubs?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian accepts the tea with a light smile, bowing slightly to Georgie as he takes his first sip. "I'm glad I decided to stay a while. Going back wasn't that appealing to me." He says, taking another sip, thinking a bit on how his father had told him his mother was in Gotham shortly after Damian had come to the city. "Nothing since then, but I'm going to venture a guess on the incident two weeks ago. Those things in the paper...sounded like Hellborn."

Insight has posed:
    Georgie lifts the tea to sip again. He considers Damian's supposition and nods readily enough. "Yeah. That thing that was summoned in the cage. Guess that narrows it down to whose behind it too, huh?" He swirls the liquid in the mug, watching it. There's a faint blush as he admits, "I'm glad you decided to stay too. I... well... ahh. Never mind. Too hippy."

    Georgie waves it off and tries to change the subject, "On the plus side, I should be back to training in a couple days." He nods towards the door and says, "The faculty sort of came together after they heard the mess I was in." He waves his free hand absently. "The bio-engineering department had been trying out a bone regenerator and... well... way better than a cast and a couple months of down time."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian raises an eyebrow to the held statement from the doctor. "I already think you're a hippy. You might as well say it and get it out of your system." He goads slightly. "So you decided you were going to give yourself to be a guinea pig?" He asks, sipping his tea again. "Hopefully they knew what they were doing." His own unique way of saying he hopes Georgie feels better soon.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie blushes when he's called out. The age difference doesn't really seem to occur to him like some people in Damian's life. Damian is his friend and that dissolves such concerns for the doctor. He tries to hide behind quipping, "You -already- think I'm a hippy?" He smirks and jibes, "It was the hug, huh? Those always break my camouflage."

    He sighs as it doesn't really work, so he just says, "I was just going to say that you've helped me quite a lot. Like, changed me for the better some." He smiles and looks a little sad for a moment. "Without even knowing it I expect." He shrugs and shakes his head to clear it. "Guinea pig?" He flicks his attention back to Damian and shakes his head. "Nah. Not really. It's in it's last phases of testing. It's all sound, just needs enough hours for FDA approval and all that crap. It's already been through human trials, so... I probably won't get to become a supersoldier or anything," he finishes iwth a giggle.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Of course I did. Your decision to become a therapist shows you have a proclivity for other people's feelings." Damian jibes in return.

  The teen looks at the doctor with a bit of happiness showing, before he gives an impish grin. "Oof, how dare you sir." He adds in, pulling as much of a joke as he can muster. "Well at least it's almost good to put on market." He offers. "I umm...know what you mean though." In terms of changing for the better, he's still plenty the wild child, but tempered enough that he isn't going to kill anymore, he's made that oath already.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie sees and feels that little burst of happiness from Damian. To him it is as bright and beautiful as any sunset he's ever had the pleasure of observing. He sips his tea and glances towards the window overlooking the garden outside. The little pond has the expanding rings mar its placid surface as rain begins to fall. Gotham is known for its storms and this one threatens to be noteworthy.

    "Feelings are important," Georgie offers as he turns his attention back to Damian. His gaze draws back to the rain outside. After a moment of basking in just quiet comraderie, "It should do really well. Just a couple treatments and the bones are about good. I'm glad it's working out. Matty is a good guy. He deserves a little success." He gives a slightly wistful smile and sighs. "I let my other colleague see those sketches you made. I think I might see them for real around the end of the week." He glances over and asks curiously, "Maybe you shouldn't?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian stands, moving next to Georgie in the window. He wanted to see what the doctor was seeing. "If you say so, Doctor." He offers about feelings, sipping his tea again.      A moment of what he feels is zen-like passes, watching the rain on the pond in a beautiful display of nature's randomness. "See whom by the end of the week? Maybe I shouldn't what?" He asks, looking up at the taller man beside him.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie glances over when Damian joins him. He rests a hand on the boy's shoulder as they have their moment of peace. He lets the hand slide off easily should Damian move, not pushing his luck. "See that engineer friend. He's making those shield crossbow gauntlets that you helped me with last week. He says they might be a little heavy, but I figure I can get used to it." His nose wrinkles as he thinks about it. "More time in the gym I guess." He laughs a little and has a seat on one of the chairs. "Once I can move again."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks to the hand that rests on his shoulder, a very quick flash of rage is quelled by Damian's better judgement. Georgie probably could tell that Damian has been trying so hard to keep his own anger and rage contained, stopping himself before he talks or keeping his reflexes from engaging. And while Damian knew Georgie could feel emotions, the flash of rage is enough to make him embarrassed in retort. Even if it didn't show on his face. To someone just observing the two, Damian had been mostly stoic.

  "You'll get used to it. Muscle memory will take over and soon it will be like nothing is on your wrist." He offers, taking a sip again before sitting back down. "Get accustomed to engaging the lever. You should be as proficient at drawing the crossbow as you need to be firing it."

Insight has posed:
    While he doesn't let it show too often, Georgie has an incredibly astute mind, able to sort through rooms full of complex emotions without nearly the problems that many emerging telepaths run into. His mutation set him up for success in a great many ways. Damian's ebb and flow, the shifting of his emotions and the coloring of his aura is noted and filed away in the doctor's incredible mind. It also might occur to Damian that while he can obviously push emotions onto people, he's only ever done it for Damian to help remove the boy's pain. Not only does he sense the boy's anger, he accepts it. No mention of right or wrong or change, just accepting the young man for what and who he is. It's a little thing, but Damian is a genius too.

    Georgie frowns a little at Damian's assertion, more of a sour thought than a full blown scowl. "Yeah. I'll get used to it. I'm just..." he laughs a little and blushes. "I'm a lazy ass when it comes to training. I'd much rather go dancing or... well... stuff." He coughs as he catches himself before being too graphic with the younger man.

    He leans back and props up his legs on the arm of his chair, getting comfortable. "Michael was showing me some changes he's trying too. Something about chinese repeating crossbows and giving each one somewhere between four and six shots instead of having to reload every time." He lifts his hands and laughs. "He sort of lost me, but if he can do it, I'll totally use it. As long as the extra shots don't reduce the mass of the bolts so much that they're no longer effective."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The boy gives a nod, keeping his thoughts bottled. But if there's one thing that he's serious about, it's training. "I wouldn't use it in the field until you know you're aim is on-point." The teen rests his fist against his jaw, visualizing the proposed contraption. "It should be fine, but it is added weight. Like a revolver instead of a bolt action rifle." One last musing before he finishes his mug of tea, Damian had grown quite fond of talking 'shop' as it were.

Insight has posed:
    It isn't often that Georgie lets slip just what he is capable of, but he says without thinking, "I never miss. I see all of the angles and..." He pauses then as he catches up with his mouth. "Yeah. Plenty of practice," he parrots. "Best to be safe." Damian's thoughts are always safe with the empath, feelings the only communications he can receive. He finishes his tea as well and says, "Well, Damian, I think my busted up butt should head home. I'm.. I'm hurtin' pretty bad, dude." He smiles, a hint of sadness betraying his desire to just hang out for longer. "Thanks for stopping by and checking in."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The boy raises a brow to Georgie, intrigued by the notion. "Definitely." He says, lifting up and offering a hand. "I'm glad you're still with us." He says, smirking, but genuinely thankful to still have his friend.

Insight has posed:
    Georgie rises too, gritting his teeth through the pain. Goodness knows why he doesn't block his own. He takes Damian's hand and pulls in briefly for a bro-hug. He always offers, "Need a ride home? It's raining cats and dogs out there." He gestures to the window where the pond is just a mess of chaotic ripples and splashes. To the final statement, he laughs lightly, but his smile slips. "Yeah. So am I." He pauses a moment and then runs a hand through his hair. "I'll try to stay that way," he decides to say instead of whatever was on his lips before. With that, he grabs his jacket and starts to make his way out towards his car.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian is a little surprised by the hug he is given, but soon calms down. He finds a kind of peace in this moment of closeness that he doesn't really get with others. It's as much foreign to him as a any new culture would be. Despite the rain, Damian pulls out a small umbrella from his jacket. "And this time, I already have a ride. But thank you." He offers, looking back to the doctor, making sure that he could make it home safely.