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Latest revision as of 05:55, 29 October 2017

Brainy Is A Great Scientist (But A Terrible Person)
Date of Scene: 02 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Invisible Kid

Brainiac 5 has posed:
An orbital outpost, not far from the Brainiac Incursion:

The Guardians of the Galazy were able to commandeer labspace for Brainy, one with a sufficient 3D printer, after some modifications. They may have done this at gunpoint. 'GIVE HIM LAB OR EVERYBODY DIES'.

Either way, Brainy has been working non-stop. A holographic projection displays the schematics for an INCREDIBLY complex synthetic android; Brainy is working on assembling it, and printing parts as needed. Right now, the android's skeleton has been assembled, and is lying on a slab, its eyes staring blankly upward, as Brainy finishes wiring some intricate circuitry.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "There are few things as creepy as an android before it's operational," Lyle says, preferring to look at the blueprint than the inert form on the slab. "And when's the last time you slept anyway? I'm not sure whether you or the robot looks less alive."
    He traces a circuit with his finger, considering, frowning very slightly.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy continues to work. "I don't have time to sleep. Stimulants will suffiice." He finishes a bit of wiring, and goes to retrieve another part from the printer, and install it into the body. "I need to have this ready so that they can upload the Indigo personality matrix into it. Besides, I'm learning so much. This android frame was built by a Brainiac from OUR future -- I presume my mother had another child."

Then he frowns. "It's a terrific challenge even to replicate it, but quite a thrill." Then he flicks his gaze up to Lyle, and looks away.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I seem to recall you once saying something about no mad science without adequate sleep. Take a second look at this, would you?" Lyle taps the circuit he was following. "Something about it seems not quite right to me."
    He parks himself on a lab bench. "So... you may have a sibling out there somewhere? In addition to this other Brainiac?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Necessity demands it." Brainy says. He checks his work. "I have no intention on producing any further Brainiac iterations. The presence of this Brainiac 8 means I either change my mind - unlikely - or that a prior Brainiac such as my mother produces an iteration that comes after me. I'm trying not to think too hard about it."

Then he checks the circuit, and sighs, before he clamps his mouth shut. "Lyle... I haven't been entirely forthright with you. And I am not sure how to speak about it, even now."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle smirks slightly. "We're used to you playing things way too close to your chest, don't worry about that part," he says, putting a hand on Brainy's shoulder. "Is it something I /need/ to know, to better assist dealing with this Brainiac 8? And I promise not to grade on style and elegance."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"No." Brainy says. "But it has to do with -- things." He says. "I thought I could handle it. But now I see I'm treading into... what you might euphemistically call dangerous waters." He says, "And it's better to speak the truth now. I had... before you appeared, I mean, I had... a moment. With someone. We were both emotionally vulnerable. It was intense. It was..." He puffs out his cheeks. "Liberating. And it led to future moments. We promised one another we would simply... accept each day for what it was. And now I find myself emotionally caught by two people and admittedly distantly and controllably infatuated with a third." He sets down his tools, momentarily, and then straightens up. "It's *ridiculous*."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "There you go, expecting emotional reactions to be rational again." Lyle crosses his arms and can't help a smile. "It's supposed to be ridiculous. You don't think I have a few conflicting ideas going on up here?" he asks, tapping his temple.
    He sighs. Cards, meet table. "Part of me wants Condo here. Part of me wants him safe in our home era where he and all the rest of us belong. And part of /that/ part knows that if he's safe there, there might be something between you and me." He looks up, almost defiantly. "Except I don't think it's ridiculous. It's just complicated. And probably inherent in being sentient."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy stoops to pick up his tools. "So advise me." He says, "Tell me what I should do, Invisible Kid. Tell me how I should FEEL. It was when you kissed me, after I got you--the cat. That was when I knew I needed to... deal with this." He mutters, "You infuriate me. You *command* my attention when it would be better that it be on other things. You play pranks on me."

"And he -- well -- Magno -- is kind. And clever. And... and..." He sighs. "Well, YOU'VE seen how he looks in that Science Police uniform! It's an entirely different KIND of traffic stop!"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    And Lyle *laughs*. It's such an un-Brainy-like way to phrase it! "I... cannot disagree with your analysis, Querl. Good eye."
    As for the rest... he grows more serious. "I can't tell you what to feel. That's got to be yours, not mine. And I'm hardly an uninterested bystander, so it'd be really unfair for me to give you an answer. As trite as it sounds, there's some times you need to follow your heart, not your head." He points a finger playfully. "And do *not* say the heart is a muscle and can't think, you know perfectly well I'm talking metaphorically."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"It was easier when I was just cold and shut off from everyone. And I didn't mean to disparage. I meant that I SHOULDN'T appreciate how... disruptive you are to my life. My WORK. And yet--and yet." Brainy heaves a sigh. Then he looks up, and says, "...I don't know what I'm going to do. Except finish this android. Do me a favor, and play gofer? It'll make this much more efficient." Then he leans down to get back to his work. "I do care," he says, to Lyle, "More than I have words for."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "And were you happier when you were cold and shut off from everyone?" Lyle asks gently. "I don't think you were. I could be wrong, but I don't think you were. You *laugh* now. And I mean a laugh laugh, not a Victor von Frankenstein FOOLS! I'LL SHOW THEM ALL! laugh." He pauses, and considers a moment. "Well, okay, you still do that one every now and then. But you *also* laugh normally. And you have a nice laugh."
    He gives Brainy's shoulder a squeeze. "And just for saying you care out loud, I will agree to be your gofer rather than insist that I'm actually your design consultant." Grin.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy mutters, "And you really would look absolutely hypnotizing in a suit." He gets back to work, and says, "He's jealous, you know. Of us. Of the way we banter. He has no self-confidence. I'd like it if you talked to him..." He looks down, "Because I'm not sure how to, about this. My own feelings are... I am still trying to rationalize my way through them, and I'm sorry."

Then he says, "It's *nice* to laugh, sometimes. It feels good. I am discovering... there is a whole dimension of life I missed. Micro-calbirator." He holds out his hand.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Micro-calibrator," Lyle repeats, handing it over. "Really, how much different would I look in a tux? Black outfit, white shirt... black uniform, white 'i'."
    He takes a deep breath. "You're not sure how? Neither am I, you know. And what have I told you about rationalizing emotions? That way madness... well, frustration lies." He glances back at the schematic. "I suppose I could talk to him," he says absently, "but I really don't know how any more than you do. I'm not any better at emotional entanglements than you are. I just don't try to reason them out."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy uses the calbrator, squinting. "Drink." He holds out his other hand, and then says, "Well." he says, "In this particular area, you have more experience than me. It's like stumbling around in a dark room... and banging my shin on every piece of furniture." He scowls. "And I think if you two got to know one another... had reason to trust each other... I'd feel better."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Thank you, I'd love one."
    Yeah, like Lyle could resist a straight line like *that*. He waits a sufficiently amusing beat, and then hands it over.
    "I trust him completely. Even with his powers not back to normal, he's still one of the best of us. But... that's not what you mean, is it?" It's only technically a question, more of a statement. "I'll... see what I can do. I can't promise anything. I mean, it'd be kind of weird. He can't really be jealous of us, can he?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy says, his voice icy-dry, "Humor me, Lyle, I'm a logical man in an illogical situation. Now all I need is for Supergirl to turn up to decide she wants to join the Legion." He laughs, a short bark. "Can you imagine a scenario so ridiculous?"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "It may come as a shock to you," Lyle says, "that emotions don't make any more sense to us irrational Earthpeople. We just don't try to rationalize them." He sighs heavily. "I'll see what I can do. Now, about that circuit I pointed out earlier...."