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Fistful of Coffee
Date of Scene: 02 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which coffee is had and excuses are crafted. Or why Darcy and Danny work for the wrong companies.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Iron Fist

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Midmorning and Darcy already felt like her brain was going to explode. She took two days off, two. Because she legitmately had a horrible cold bordering on flu and was running a 102 degree fever. She felt like Death incarnate. When she got back to work, the supply room was a disorganized mess. None of the requisitions were filled and everything was misfiled. She kicked everyone out and started cleaning up. By 10am, she needed a break, and coffee. So, out of the Triskelion she went, having traded her too tall heels for her more duct tape than boot doc martins hours ago. She jammed her ear buds into her ears, shouldered her bag, and set off for the first coffee place she could find, mind distracted, eyes not really seeing where she was going.

Iron Fist has posed:
Midmorning and Danny Rand is up to his neck in meetings and conference calls. He's currently disputing the acquisition of waterfront property in Gotham while one of his partners is overseas, and while he enjoys going toe-to-toe with sharks in tailored suits from time to time, real estate is especially dry for him. So, come coffee time, he chooses to leave the office and grab it personally rather than have it delivered. He covers his ears with padded headphones, pumps up some west coast hip hop, and autopilots to the nearest coffee shop.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
WHAM! (Not the 80s band) Darcy and Danny, both on autopilot, have a near miss. Which is to say it's a collision. In the middle of hte sidewalk, the two collide. And Darcy being smaller and not focused and not in any way super, and completely not graceful when wheels aren't attached to her feet, tries to skater stop to regain her footing, but docs are not skates and Darcy trips on herself and down she goes!

"Dude! what the fuck?"

Iron Fist has posed:
It's easy to get lost in music when you're trying to escape work tedium. That's Danny's excuse, and he'll stick to it if he has to. Hopefully, though, an apology will work, because unfortunately for this situation he is especially graceful and so does not even teeter upon collision.

"Oh my god," he says, pulling his headphones off and draping them around his neck. "I'm such an idiot," he adds, though somehow it sounds like he's telling himself this and not Darcy, even though he bends over to offer the stranger a hand.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Hand taken, Darcy pulls herself to her feet. Her green eyes scan the ground to make sure nothing fell out of her purse or pockets before she extracts her hand and dusts her butt off.

"We both are," she quips, a hand pulling her ear buds free. She's jamming to Kesha. Questionable life choices are Darcy's speciality.

"Darcy Lewis," she says then, looking up at Danny and holding out her right hand.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny clears his throat as Xzibit pumps softly from around his neck. Not the kind of music a C.E.O. of a major corporation might typically listen to, but then again he doesn't look like one of those. A hipster who fell into a high-rise career, maybe. So, it works?

"Danny Rand," he says, taking Darcy's hand and giving it a firm shake. When he retracts his hand, he glances to the side and notices they've collided right in front of a coffee shop. How serendipitous. "You doing the coffee thing, too? Let me buy you one," he offers.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I am doing the coffee thing," Darcy admits with a nod of her head. She had followed Danny's gaze toward the coffee shop.

"I will never turn down free coffee. Nice jams," she quips, moving to pull open the door for them both. No motion of CEOness is made. Either she doesn't care, or she doesn't know.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny smirks and makes a move to pause or turn down the volume of the music he's listening to, looking pleased at the compliment. Or maybe it's the fact that the woman hasn't connected his name to the skyscraper looming nearby, or that she chooses not to mention it. Either way, Danny is happy when he next opens the door to the coffee shop, holding it for Darcy. "After you, then."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Door opened for her! Okay then! Darcy smiles up at Danny, tucking slightly (not that she has to much) to get under his arm.

"Oh my stars, what a gentleman!" she coos in a bad southern belle accent. Really bad. Painfully bad. She even fans her face as she steps in and pauses to inhale the scent of fresh ground coffee bean. An inappropriate little moan of delight drifts from her throat as her lashes flutter against her cheeks.

"Hnnngh~ CoffeeeeLiu (talk)!"

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny watches Darcy as she enters, falling in step behind her and letting the door slowly shut behind him. It's busy inside, but not too busy. Most people are in corporate gear, but there are some sporty-looking types, too, and a few people who are probably students. Soft covers of 90s rock songs tinge the atmosphere.

"So, work around here?" Danny asks after settling into line. "What do you do?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I work for SHIELD," says Darcy without a hint of shame or remorse or I'm a super spy to her tone.

"You?" It's asked so naturally, one just making small talk, while moving toward the counter, her attention more on the menu that Danny.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Rand Enterprises," Danny answers with as little pomposity as he can muster. It's still a dash too much, though.

The line moves some and he backtracks back to Darcy's response, giving her a curious look and a bit of a laugh. "Seriously? SHIELD? Are you even allowed to say that?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Cool," is all Darcy says of working at Rand. Maybe she already forgot his last name? Her eyes skim the menu board, lips pursing in thought.

"Hmm? Yes... why?" she says, turning to look at Danny with curiosity in her gaze.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny shrugs and says, "I don't know, I guess I assumed people had to be extra secret about working there." He, too, peruses the menu, but already knows he'll be getting an iced latte. Soon enough, he's ordering just that from a perky young man in a baseball cap and an apron. While Darcy orders hers, he reaches into a pocket for his wallet.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Maybe the upper-ups? I'm just in office supplies, so unless paperclips become Top Secret..." Darcy retorts, smirking and ordering an iced mocha with extra mocha and light on the whip. She'll add some creamer at the self-serve station after.

"Although, if you ask me about ball point pens, I'd have to kill you." So serious!

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny laughs and hands over a credit card to the barista and goes through the process of paying for the two coffees. "I won't bring them up," he promises, putting his wallet away and stepping aside to wait for his coffee. There, he shuts his eyes and sighs. "I kind of feel like playing hookey today. Quick, what's a good excuse I can use?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hot alien princess needs you to translate the National Inquireror or her planet will be doomed," Darcy states without missing a beat, sounding just as serious as she was about the ball point pens.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny very seriously considers this. He even taps his chin and everything because that;s what people deep in thought do. Eventually, though, he shakes his head and says, "No, that won't work. I have terrible luck with hot alien princesses. They would just never go to me for that kind of thing."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hmmm... man you're lame. Okay. What about space death robot attacks and you're the only one that can save the puppies in its path?" Darcy tries, taking her drink and doctoring it before a sip is taken. And once more there's that inappropriate moan as her eyes roll in delight.

"Fuck me this is good coffee."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny snaps his fingers and says, "That's the one. I would totally save a bunch of puppies from just about anything." He reaches for his coffee when it's offered and sips from it. It /is/ damn good, but he doesn't go so far as to make a soft porn about it. "You're welcome," he says instead, grinning on his way out of the coffee shop.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy falls into step next to Danny, grinning and humming Moana's You're Welcome.

"Glad to be of assistance," she says around her straw.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny nods and reaches the door, which he once again opens for Darcy. "We should do lunch sometime," he suggests. "I get bored eating with my colleagues every day." Or alone in his office because everyone is so busy. "What do you think?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Sure. I'd be down with that. There's only so much cafeteria food I can take, unless it's the caferteria at Google. I'm heard some shit about their mess hall," Darcy says, voice dropping into conspiracy as she slips past Danny.

"Included with their pay, all sorts of international cuisine. It's like a Lin's... only free!" Clearly, this is a good thing.

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny grins and says, "I guess we're both working at the wrong places, then." He sucks some more coffee, then reaches into a different pocket to whip out a business card. This he hands over to Darcy. "Get in touch, I know a good Chinese spot nearby."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"The place with the pot stickers of foodgasm?" Darcy asks talking the card. It receives a flick of a glance before being stowed in her bra for later.

"Google does not want me. I'm safer for the world at SHIELD."

Iron Fist has posed:
"They are known for their potstickers, yes," Danny admits, still grinning. He sips some more coffee, glances at his watch, and says, "Alright. As much as I liked your story, I really actually have to be back in the office. You should, too, I guess. For the sake of the world." He lifts his hand to wave and says, "Catch you soon."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Peace out, Danny-oh," Darcy chirps, bidding farewel with a wave over her shoulder and a bounce in her step that wasn't there as she turns and heads back for the Triskelion.