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Latest revision as of 06:12, 29 October 2017

What's black, red and purple all over
Date of Scene: 03 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Blink

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's a new dawn... it's a new day... the fires may have been put out in Gotham, but the Joker and his Clown Princess of crime are loose in the city, and really that can't ever bode well for anyone else. Such as, right now, a jewelry store in Gotham. It's not that, really, Harley needs the jewelry for money. It's that there was something pretty in the window and she wanted it, so she came inside and took it. Credits to the guy behind the counter, who was brave enough to pull a gun... but unfortunately for him that now means that he's currently backed into a corner by a hyena in a diamond collar while the blond villainess elects to try on wedding rings, humming softly under her breath in the process.

Blink has posed:
Blink was out in Gotham not as Blink this time, but Clarice. Despite the time of year, every night she's come here it seems to be raining - and so today she's in her deep green skinny jeans and blouse that's such a dark shade of green it might as well be black.

It's by sheer chance that she walks past the same shop on her way to find a coffee place, it's Kismet that she happens to look through the window. To see a man, and a... big dog? Surely that's not a hyena... But that colourful girl looks like... Another day in Gotham, another robbery in progress. Time to try getting her hero on!

There's no reason to make a flashy entrance, none at all. Except Blink has her reputation to think on, so instead of walking through the door, a flick of a hand has her jumping through a rift, to land through it's twin (low enough not to damage the light fittings thankfully) in the middle of the shop, onto one knee, fist against the floor. That's right, Superhero Landing.

"I do hope you're planning on paying for them..." The purple portaller asks as she stands, her entrance hatch vanishing with a soft -blink!-.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is comparing the glittering baubles on her fingers, not subtle at all in her black short-shorts, red-and-black bustier and white face pant. She's even humming happily with complete disregard for the discomfort of the whimpering guy getting drooled on by Bud in the corner,"What do you think, Lou-Lou? Which one does mommy like best?" is offered to... a second hyena? Yes, a second hyena, on the other side of the counter.

She doesn't even realize Blink's presence until the portaller speaks, and if anything, her smile broadens into delight as she snags her bat from the top of the counter,"My... my. Honey please tell me that you're not the latest in Batsy's line of little brats... his child army is getting out of hand as it is."

Blink has posed:
Well that was unexpected. As Blink straightens her grin goes wide, bright white teeth as startling as her softly glowing green eyes. "I'm sorry Ma'am, but I've not got round to talking to Batman yet about helping him clean up his city..." The Ma'am was on purpose of course, if they were going to bring age into it.

"Besides, just because someone's young enough for you to be their..." She eyes the woman, the make up, the pets. "Grand-daughter? Doesn't mean they're still a kid." Because she's /eighteen/ and an /adult/ dammit!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Ma'am is one thing. Harley's used to that. Most of the Joy Boy's understand that disrespecting the Joker's queen is most definitely a painful trip to a short grave, but,"/His/ city?" yep, that's a good way to annoy her. Especially when one adds accusation of being grandmother aged on top of that. There's the roll of her wrist as she brings up the bat and takes a swing at the young mutant with a sound of annoyance, the petite woman faster and stronger than she might appear at first flush, and not at all hesitant about trying to take a bat to the mutant,"Snot-nosed /cow/! Get lost! I'm busy here!"

Lou's the hyena slinking around the counter, eyeing Blink hungrily. It's Bud that's giving the guy in the corner a heart-attack, and from him that the,"P-p-please help me... oh god don't let it eat me. Please!" is offered nervously.

Blink has posed:
She /is/ quick! But it's a simple trick for Blink to duck under the bat's swing as anger gets the better of her opponent. As she pulls up and to the side in an attempt to get around towards the poor shop guy, her left wrist flicks out followed immediately by a soft -blink!- noise.

She might not have seen the cool entrance (what a waste!), but as the purple girl's dispersion wave slips out from a portal no bigger than her fist, the bat is sliced neatly no more than a hands-width from Harley's own fingers. The remaining length is send hurtling across the shop thanks to the momentum of the swing, to smash into a display case. Oops!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Well that's a neat trick, even if the result brings wide-blue eyes to the bat and just the beginning of a lip-wobble. She liked that bat. It was one of her favorites. It had a dent in it from Georgie's ribs and all. A good patina of old blood worked into its wooden length, just... gone,"HEY!" the remnants of it are used to point in Blink's direction accusingly,"You wrecked my BAT! You OWE me a new one!" nevermind the rings, they're not hers, /her/ bat is different and more important, because it is.

Bud's leaving a puddle of drool on the poor guy's leg, but Harley only told him to watch him. Which means he's not allowed to nibble. Yet. Lou on the other hand skitters and snaps with that distinctive yip at the sudden crash of the bat's other end into a display case, possibly debating whether or not Blink might be on the 'nibble' menu.

Blink has posed:
Blink's answering grin is splendiferous. "Oh sure... Come on nice and quiet like, leave the poor guy alone. And I'll get you a bat." It's said carefully, as she's not too sure this woman has all her marbles. Another wave of her hand creates a bigger portal, behind which is an idyllic beach with blue-green clear water and white sand.

"It's Harley right? Seen you on the news from time to time... Name's Blink." Yes! She hadn't mucked it up this time! "You can even bring your pack with you." Her head inclines towards the two hyenas. "Just put the loot back, fair trade for a good bat right?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn certifiably doesn't have all her marbles, hell, there's probably been more than a few made-for-TV documentaries about just how many short of a full bag she is, whatever angle they might take on the old scandal of the criminal psychologist turned murderess. Then there's the portal, and a puzzled frown creases her brow with a groan,"Ugh, you're one of those metas? Yuck. Y'know that's creepy, right? Like... super creepy." and she'd know, or at least her solemn nod presumably is intended to impart that she does.

"Go jump in your... hole... thingie. Whatever it is. Y'aint the boss of me." she pouts again at the broken handle of the bat, dropping it underfoot as she whistles at the hyenas, apparently intending on swanning straight out the door with her pirates ransom in rings.

Blink has posed:
"Meta? I'm a /mutant/ of the Brotherhood I'll have you know!" Meta indeed... Well okay so it /is/ an easy mistake to make, but then there's the rings on Harley's hands and the two rather deadly looking wild animals. Wasn't there a law against keeping wild animals in a city? Not that that's important, not right now anyway.

A crystal shard appears in the young woman's hand, glowing with the same soft light that her portals do. "Yeah... I don't really need your permission." She adds, after the black and red princess strides past her. A light toss of the javelin and unless Harley realises and gets out the way, well her swanning will turn to a swan dive, as a bluey-purple glow surrounds the villian - and has her reappear about ten feet above the sea (still visible through her open portal too!). "Hey pups, look, Mommy's over there!" She points at the suddenly falling Harley, putting excitment into her voice - like one would when trying to get a dog to pay attention.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The flight of the javelin doesn't go unnoticed, after all, she fights against Batman and his gymnastics crew on the regular. But portals? Those are another story. The null-space between 'here' and 'there' is what catches her foot, largely because of those heels, when she deflects the javelin and endeavors to step back, falling into... sunshine... and... water... oh god... /salt/ water even! But the hyenas? They're not dogs. And in absence of their 'mommy', it seems that they're more than content to 'misbehave' given the way they turn their attention towards Blink. Not that it's likely to be difficult for her to dislodge the first one that breaks and charges, after all... what do they know about mutants?

Blink has posed:
Well that wasn't the plan, but it'd do. The first thing Clarice does is to close the portal they're ignoring. Leaving the grumpy lunatic on a remote beach of Hammer Bay on Genosha. It's a place the teen knows well, and keeps seeming to send people too. Sooner or later Magneto might get upset about the amount of undesireables appearing within the City. But that time wasn't now at least.

The fun thing about Blink's javelins, is that they don't need to hit with their /points/ to be effective. So as first one, then the other huge hairy beast start to run towards her, two crystal javelins are used to bar their bites. Teeth snapping around the crystal fillament... Until the hounds too get that bluey glow around them, vanishing to appear just above the sand, rather than the water. She's not /cruel/ after all!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley's struggled most of the way to the beach by time her precious hyenas appear, though she finds that y'know, crawling up the beach to go hug on them is a better idea than trying to stand up in those heels on the sand,"'s just a bad dream... isn't it Lou-lou? Some dirty rotten persons idea of a joke." punctuated with an almost delirious little giggle,"Bad joke." at least it's not freezing, but still she can't help but shivering as she clutches to her hyenas, trying to work out what just happened and whether it's just a case that Scarecrow or someone spiked her drink. So she's not hard to find at all whenever Blink peeks in, rocking a little on the beach in between the hyenas and muttering to herself under her breath.

Blink has posed:
Meanwhile, the wannabe hero is checking on the shop owner. "Sorry she got the rings, but getting them out of here seemed to be the best thing. Even if you did lose a ring or two..." The girl's grin is a bit bashful, yet the shop keeper can't seem to thank her enough. After something about insurance and needing to close up though, the mutant is bustled out back into the street, the several locks clicking shut behind her.

"Well, time to check on sweet-cheeks..." She opines lightly to herself, using a movement of her hand to open her own doorway through to the beach, about twenty yards further up than where she dropped off Harley's pets. Her own soft boots are almost perfect for the beach, sinking only a little on the shifting sands.

"So... Are we calmer now? A bit less 'punchy kicky'?" Her tone is one of wry humour, the poor woman looking so much like a colourful drowned rat. "Do we want to go /home/ maybe?" She adds, almost as if it's an afterthought. But the wicked glint in those glowing green eyes says different.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn's sanity is on shaky grounds to start out with, and probably that has something to do with the wide-eyed blank look the drenched villainness gives her, blue eyes unfocused as she struggles to compensate,"YOU!" yeh, that would herald the moment recognition clicks in, for all the breathless laugh that follows it being tinged more than slightly hysterical,"What did you do to me? Where am I? Where's my puddin'... I want my puddin'. Wherever this is... y'know he'll find me, right? And then... and /then/ he'll break every bone in your pretty little body. He will. S'y'better hope you're not here when he does." she insists from the sand, makeup smeared from the water and her efforts to wipe her face both and still clutching at both of the hyenas as if they represent something she's at least reasonably certain is solid.

Blink has posed:
"/Here/ is Genosha. Home of the Brotherhood. If anyone's likely to turn up it'll be /my/ friends, not this 'puddin' person." Oh yes, as Sabretooth would say 'Take control of the situation, and /keep/ control of it.' "Out of everyone here, I'm one of very few that could have you back in Gotham in moments... So be /nice/." Despite her eighteen years of age, her voice rings with a confidence boardering on arrogance. Blase all the way!

Still, it's sad seeing someone who's meant to be one of Gotham's most dangerous villianesses all water logged and upset. Clarice's heart-strings are plucked regardless of whatever the other woman's meant to have done. "And for goodness sake, you're /Harley Quinn/. Get up and act like it." There, that should spur her on a bit...

Harley Quinn has posed:
The narrowed eyes from Harley are probably fair enough indicator that she has no intention of being 'nice',"So call them." is her challenge, for all that she keeps the hyenas hugged hard to her,"G'on... call your friends." there's the curl of her lips,"Cos it doesn't matter who gets here first. Does it? Not the first person who's tried to lock me up and been all smug about it. S'y'reckon you're going to be more successful than them... go ahead." there's a kiss for the fuzzy head of one of the hyenas, jaw set as she turns her attention back to the water.

Blink has posed:
"Lock you up?" Blink frowns, looking around. "Do you see any cages? I don't lock people up." That's a nerve right there, Clarice almost /spits/ that final scentence at the loopy Princess of Crime. It's a raw nerve too it seems, because she doesn't stop there.

Throwing her hand wide, a portal opens on the beach, opening to the Gotham docks... On a roof top, but it's definitely Gotham, the architecture is unmistakable. "Go on, /get/. Because I'm going to close it in ten seconds, and then you can make your /own/ way home." A tantrum? Perhaps; but it's with an almost Imperialistic voice that she starts to count; "Ten..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn looks dubious. Oh, those blue eyes are calculating, she noticed that nerve, but she's also smart enough to know to take an option when it's presented, whistling Bud and Lou forward before she picks her way up and awkwardly mince across the sand in those boots. She waits until she's on the other side of the portal before she elects to take off one of the larger rings and toss it back through, calling,"If you want a /real/ job. Find me!" cos... well, she can. Really.

Blink has posed:
Clarice snatches the ring from the air, reflexively really. Her frown is still in place as Harley offers her new prospects, she'd only got to five. But they're all through now. The teen does her best to reign in her tantrum, but still barely manages a civil. "Don't hold your breath." Before the portal snaps shut with a soft -Blink!-, leaving each of the women in their respective home-towns. This had /not/ been the best of morning's, and as Blink opens another rift to her apartment, she pulls a phone from her pocket, starting to send a text... Maybe the afternoon could be better?