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Latest revision as of 12:17, 29 October 2017

Log 1809
Date of Scene: 04 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Coco, Gothic Lolita

Captain Coco has posed:
    Coco, had been decidedly vague about exactly -where- they were going but hey she'd promised it would be a short hop and no more than a day. This is also incidentally, if nothing else an opportunity to see just what the VBI is all about. There is the promised escourt out of the system, before well the rest is all fairly boring. The VBI devours distances without hesitation, and the big system spanning jumps are both quick and kind of boring. Quick nav-plots drop the VBI out near a star because the gravity there is easiest to find, and well the planets are pretty far off. Nine jumps out though, something like a twenty thousand lightyears from Xandar? Star system VVT-271-K.

    Finally the VBI veers away from the star and heads outward, cruising past ugly looking rocks and a solitary rusty brown gas giant. Beyond that, well it's a water world right in the goldilocks zone. Clouds, blue waters and not a single scrap of visible land. "Alright, here we are. I forgot to ask before but just in case it comes up, you -can- swim yes Loli? The facility is quite dry but accidents do happen, of course."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita has been watching with interest as you make all the jumps, asking questions about the path and the systems you're jumping through from time to time, as well as just chatting when it wouldn't be distracting to you. She's acquired a new dress that she's trying out today, because it seemed appropriate for flying in space, a pretty blue semi-kimono with a shifting starfield over a blue nebula on it.

    As you ask she looks over, then looks slightly embarrassed. "...I'm afraid I'm not the least bit buoyant. I sink like a stone. HOwever, I could probably just walk back along the ocean floor at that point." she says simply.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Verywell, just don't stray too far. There isn't much of a floor here, that we know of anyway."The VBI curls and slips into her de-orbital position, before well theres some plasma glow externally. Not enough to even spill your coffee though, and like the rest of the flight it's smooth sailing. As the ship descends however, well there are -ships- down there. Even the rustiest of space junk will float, and if you don't want it getting loose and gliding off? Yeah there are ships of strange and varied size all lashed together to form an enormous spread of vessels.
    "Now the owner is a friend of mine, however he is most fantastically paranoid. So you are my first mate, and have been for some time. We're privateers, the other parties will be a mixture of Privateers, pirates and mercinaries. If there's anyone there at all."And a pause as Coco casually grabs her helmet, as the ship seems to line itself up for final approach and well. Splashdown as it were. "If you are hassled, inform them who's first mate you are. If they persist, murder them."
    And well the VBI slips down into the water without much drama. Slowly cruising up to an impomptu dock thats been fashioned from what else, space junk.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita looks curiously at the wide variety of junk and ships outside, her eyes fascinated by all the strange pieces of tech and vessels she can spout. "Other parties? Are there many who come here for salvage?" she asks. "Or is this a place to dispose of captured ships quietly?" She grins. "Do I need an officer's cap? Or some other accoutrements?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Both, this is something of a trust. Ships of no sellable value go here, you want to use this place you must donate one quarter of the current tonnage in salvage."Coco leads on casually. "Sometimes these are your own old ships, or random salvage vessels found, or the spoils you have already stripped of high dollar items."There is incidentally, a ladder and apparently a small hatch on the roof which Coco leads the way out of. Helmet coming to life with the glow of that distinctive skull.
    "No you need nothing, and I see no anchored vessels on this side of the raft. So we may as well just be alone, just be mindful of where we are. A hive of villiany."And with that those mechanical wings unfold with a distinctive rattle-snik, before she quite casually takes a leap and proceeds to glide yonder. The rectangular hardsuit wings may not be pretty then, but hey they seem functional. "If we find what we are looking for, I'll send the droids to fetch it."And a pause as she double checks the charge on her little laser carbine. "Ready?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita's hand goes to her new pistol in its holster at her thigh, held in place by what looks like a lacy black garter, actually a stretchy but tough silk-like material. "I'm prepared..." she says, confidently, then flexes her knees, before she leaps down to the dock, landing with a -crunch- of metal under her, before stepping out of the little crater casually to turn to watch you. "Lead on?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    Through those fences and, well it's a sight alright. Vessels ranging from thousands of meters to, little Milano sized vessels. All stacked, and sort've crammed in there together. From discs to sphere, to bricks and well every shape imaginable is here. Most of which wear more than a little battle damage, from clean holes to long jagged scars. Old Military vessels, to newer commercial affairs. "Welcome to the Raft, Loli."Coco offers, peering about casually for a moment and yeah no joke this place extends to the horizon. If there are other crews here, who the fuck knows where they might be.
    "Now then, as far as the purpose of today's journey. I have decided after much consideration, that you need a craft of your own."Casually making the leap into the "pile" as it were and peering around. "It shall be no grand thing, but it shall be practical. Now the vessel we seek is a yacht called the "Intimate affair", it is dark blue and very rounded like a Yakki Fruit."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita perks a bit, looking quite interested now as she carefully picks her way through the junk, following along underneath you. "...and what does a Yakki fruit look like?" she says cheerfully. "Spherical? Oval? Teardrop shaped?" she says, trying to narrow it down as she starts scanning over the ships as they pass, letting her targeting sensors do some of the work as she starts quickly tagging what she can see on her internal HUD. "A yacht? I would think a really nice ship wouldn't be left here...."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well the yacht tender, is what we want. The yacht itself is no longer nice, Well I thought it was ugly when I saw it the first time. Railguns did not improve it's aesthetics, though they certainly didn't hurt. Oh and, yes's Oval."The yacht in question, well it's not far really. It may have been oval once, but well the bulbous protrusion which was once a bridge is partially ripped away. Theres also a large rectangular cut in the hull that appears to be somewhat more recent, likely to rip the drive units out. It's also too, well it's more jellybean than oval but whatever. Dark blue and gold, and yeah ok lets be frank it wasn't handsome when new. It's just ugly.

    Coco for her part is, distractable with salvage. She's snagged an armfull of well, what are those "Space axes" or...lets just call them futuristic fire axes. No joke Coco has found like, six so far. "Oh hey, another.."And a pause as she reaches through the deck glass of a nearby ship to snag another axe..thing.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli has clasped her hands behind her back, watching bemusedly as Coco picks up a collection. "Do you need help carrying all of that? Or are we really getting the tender just so we can get all that back to the ship?" she teases a little, then nods. "That's it up ahead, then? IT matches the description..."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Everyone just leaves these things, and you know what? Nobody in the history of the galaxy has ever complained that they have too many axes, I mean look at this one it's got an emergency whistle in the axe handle and everything. Thats just amazing to me."Coco grunts, but well she's got four arms and armor and seems happy to port her collection along. "Have you ever even heard of that, an "axe whistle"? I'm nine hundred years old, and I didn't know this was a thing that ever even existed."Coco does offer over the offending "axe Whistle at least before taking a short glide back towards well...the Yacht. "Oh yes. Looks like somone ripped the power plant free, but uhh I think we want to go.."and another little hop to clamber onto the offending vessel.

     "Oh no, somone got to the tender. Well isn't that a shame, lets see."And well she does pause long enough to set her axes down in a neat little pile, before finally paying attention for once. "Well thats an old Dau Federation cruiser, I don't remember what sort've smaller vessels they carried onboard but it looks mostly intact."Motioning towards a chunky grey brick of a ship just yonder, it's hull perforated by well god knows what. Beyond the obvious absence of what was likely its primary armament, the rest of the thing seems intact enough. It's also somewhat enormous.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Awwwww...." The dark-haired gynoid pouts a bit at that, hands on her hips. "Well, at least we have a whistle axe, that's a good start!" she says, shrugging it off simply enough. "Ah....do you no where in there the docking bay would have been? I could probably open a path up to it." she says thoughfuly, loooking at the busted up hull. "Though it doesn't look entirely stable, I must admit." She looks back at you. "What are the Dau like?" she says curiously. "I mean, in construction and appearance?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "They're merchants, they don't actually build much of anything themselves. They just buy things, or have them made on contract. Thats a Dau Cruiser though, so it should have -something- onboard. Something better than axes atleast."And well with that, Coco just lifts off. Taking a lazy curling path towards the thing, before she kills that flight motor and well impacts the blast shield below the bridge windows. Not that she seems terribly bothered. "The intake bay for small vessels are usually behind and on the bottom, but there should be an auxilary launching port. First step though is we get inside."Coco pauses a moment, climbing up to face the armored glass for a moment before fiddling with her pouches. In the end she plops a magnetic anchor onto the deck, and pitches a line towards Loli so she can climb up. "And don't bother punching, this is armor glass.

    Not that Coco is stopping mind you, rather she gives her left upper arm a -snap- and like a switchblade that chunky thermal cutter deploys with an audible -SNCK- before it flashes white hot. From there she dives the thing directly into a sensor port and starts prying, Eventually working the panel free and well, exposing the ship's bridge beyond.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"You'd be suprised what I can punch through!" Lolita calls back. She tilts her head, then reaches out, pressing a foot against the side of the ship, sticking it in place, before starting to smoothly climb up the hull quickly, almost like she's walking right up in the side, before she steps off to cling...somehow...to the side of the ship, watching patiently as you cut through the tough armorplast. "Handy tool..." she says thoughfully. "So, past the bridge, then?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well, ship this size will have it's own IFF radio network and those things are like fifty credits."Coco scrambles through, before giving her arm a little shake to dump the cutter onto the floor with a crackle and a shower of sparks. Casually shoving a fresh bar into it's little holder, before letting the thing retract. "Anyway It'd take you a week to strip it out, so nobody is going to bother ripping it all out. Should be able to tell us whats onboard, vessel wise I mean. Anyway we've still got some auxilary charge left uh, just see if you can key up a panel anywhere One of these things is bound to be hooked up. Then well, I can read Dau."

    The Bridge here is, well frankly somewhat luxurious. It's all bright colors and scrollwork. There are terrible paintings, what looks like it had been a statue suspended from the ceiling has been mostly pulverized however. The stations are all far apart though, and covered with an endless array of small little display screens. "Yeah, this is Dau alright."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The young mecha follows ou through after, wiggling through, head first, then gripping either side of the hole as her hands stick again as she pulls the rest of herself through with mechanical precision, her feet setting to the ground gracefully, before she looks around. "...how fancy...tacky, but fancy...." she murmurs, then walks over to a station. "Just see if these work, you mean?" she says, trying to flip some of the switches curiously as she frowns, flipping over to scanner mode as she looks for signs of a life power conduit. "They really seem to like their screens..."

Captain Coco has posed:
    Theres a flash of sparks, and then well one of those screens kicks over. Theres a flash of, some alien language before theres a neat little sphere seemingly spinning. You don't need a translator to know a loading screen however. "Oh yeah, more screens means more prestige. You should see their captains, they have these little floating things that shove like thirty of these in their face at all times."Coco pauses, pressing a hand to the screen for a moment before well. More flashes and more alien text before theres a map and it starts putting symbols all over the place.

    "Ok lets see what's been left behind, The Aft armory is intact but Dau guns are garbage. Some machine rooms are intact, and foreward launch bay is reading at zero pressure. So it probably vented and then sealed in orbit, says uhh..fifteen IFF codes are still active. No idea if any are worth salvage. Parts and pieces certainly, but this is as close to paydirt as I think we'll find."And well a few taps of the screen, and foreward along the hull you can see the puff of condensation before those doors slowly begin hinging upward.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Are they all in the forward bay then?" she says thoughfully, walking over to watch what you're doing. "So, utility craft primarily? Fighters, bombers?" she asks, walking up to peer out at the opening doors below. "And we need to get back down there to see, I'm guessing? Going in through those doors?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well It doesn't tell me what they are, just that there are airframes in there. I don't have enough power for internal sensors, so yeah we're going to have to go over there and have a look at things. Just keep your laser ready, because who the hell knows whats in there."Not that Coco seems worried granted, not an awful lot seems to worry her terribly. So whats in the hole?

    Well it's dim down there, but there are elaborate folding frames which apparently held fighters and smaller ships to save space, but what looks like an enormous roll of cable broke loose at some point. The racks are all pulled over or smooshed into the foreward blast wall, with thick strands of unspooled cable filling up the rest of the launch bay. "Oh man, what a mess. Those were F-93 interdictors too, what a shame."Pointing out some of the wreckage with a frown of the skull. "Cold million each on the public market, really nice little fighters. Theres uh, ok look I think."And a pause as Coco jogs left and right to try and find a clear line of sight. "Yeah, look at that right in the direct middle there. See that? Thats a portage box, you put ships in there for transport as cargo. You ok with dropping down? I'm going to fetch a cutter to clear that cable, but you should be able to get into that box without me right?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Of course. It's not far at all." Lolita says with a faint smile. "I can get in there, though having the cables out of the way would certainly make it simpler to traverse." She watches ou move back and forth. "Would using my weapon help to cut them?" she offers. "Together we could do it faster."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Thats like tow cable, we don't have enough battery for that. I'm just going to have the droids bring me an actual cutting tool so we can get that crap out of these, but those idiots need line of sight for their pathfinding. So you head on down, and well. If it's not squashed, it's probably worth keeping alright? Just tell me what you see, and we'll work through this together alright? Worst case scenerio, I'll drop down and haul you out myself."Coco finally unslings her laser rifle at least, so as to provide overwatch if the need presents. "If it's a bust, we're gonna need to cut this cable so we can loot those Interdictors. Should be plenty to buy a nice shuttle."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The mecha nods, peering as she calculates her pathing, before stepping off as she plummets straight down, slipping through the cables to land on one, then continuing to bounce and jump down until she touches down on the box itself. "Should I just break into it, or is there a door that would be better?" she calls up to you, examining the chamber. She's not quite sure what would be simplest.....but she assumes the door, as if there is a shuttle inside, it'll need to get out of the box, and that would be simplest.

Captain Coco has posed:
    It's a neat rectangle made from what looks like,well some sort of solid white plastic. "No, it's part of the whole thing. Thats the uhh, temper resistant container. If it's broken they know somone's put their hands on the ship, We don't care about that so just punch it!" The rest of the bay, well from this new perspective you can see those F-93s much better. Swoopy handsome things, but unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a single one of those that hasn't been at the very least smooshed if not shattered into metallic mulch.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Good for parts, Lolita thinks to herself, even if she's a little sad to seem them smashed. She can appreciate an elegant design, and they certainly were before their accident. "Right!" she calls up, then draws back a hand, before she punches down through the material, curling her fingers and starting to peel the hole open a bit biggger, then using both hands to wrench open a whole either or both of you could enter without any difficulty.

Captain Coco has posed:
    The plastic yields with ease, and yeah it's a wonder it survived all that chaos truly. The thing inside then is, well no F-93. It's rectangular with an identifiable cockpit and a nose jam packed with, stuff. Aftward there are a pair of swiveling thrusters mounted on the "shoulder". A single sliding door between those thrusters seems to be the only way to get in and out, but it looks not only fine it may well be brand new. From the thin wire antennas stretching from just above the cockpit to a single dorsal fin, there isn't a scratch on her. Panels beneath the cockpit glass have been painted gloss black whilst the rest is furnished in a mottled grey/blue sort've scheme. So factory fresh paint and everything?

    "Hey Cutter's here, how's it look?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita pokes her head down the hole to get a good look. "It looks like a shuttle!" she calls up. "It's in very good shape! No damage I can see. Two person, maybe? Swivelling engines, wire antennae, grey/blue mottled color scheme?" she explains. She leans back. "Defintely worth a look, I should think!"

    She considers a bit, then says. "Should I see if it has any power? WE could fly it out if the cutters can get rid of those cables!"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Uh, yeah ok go for it. It's going to take me a few minutes so go for it."And a pause as she snags that plasma cutter, and gets it warmed up. "Greyblue, four engines, wire antenna. Uh that sounds like a Tounce boat, there should be a ship's AI if it is. Just uh, get into the cockpit and look for a big blue handle. Jerk that down, and it'll cycle the ship's computers. If you hear a lot of humming, just sit tight and wait for the VI. If you hear I don't know, crazy noises just run away and hope for the best?"

    It takes a jerk to the handle, but well to be frank from there the doors slide open like a minivan. Inside there are crude looking benches, and ok so it's not brand new. Theres an armored figure strapped into one of the seats with a chunk of gleaming steel driven through it's chest. It's dull green armor looks human enough, but well the arms are just way too long. From there, well theres a simple transparent door functioning as a secondary airlock and the cockpit looks, simplistic. It's all flat screens, and there are no control yokes or levers or pedals to speak of. The ceiling is a wash of brightly colored buttons, switches, pull handles and goodness knows what else though. There is thankfully, a Nice blue handle up there.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"Very comforting advice!" comes drifting up from below, before Lolita carefully levers herself over and drops inside the box, before climbing on top of the shuttle. "OH....ah...it's...occupied..." she says, a bit uncertainly. She moves up to take a look at the figure, looking around to make sure the chunk of metal didn't somehow come from inside the shuttle, before carefully starting ot manhandle the armored body out of teh pilot's chair to set down in the back. She then peruses the controls, looking for said big blue handle, then pulling it.

Captain Coco has posed:
    There are, soft humms and the screens start to come to life, erupting in what are presumably warning messages and finally chatter in alien. Theres some sort of, fish in those displays, swimming from display to display. It does indeed seem to be the VI however, and well it chatters towards Loli for a moment, before falling silent.

    "Hey, Did it blow up?"calls Coco from above as she gets to cutting those cables free from above.

    "Language...language reset. Do you wish to change your default language, commander?"Well the fish thing talks, perhaps adjusting to Coco's shouting? Anyway it's decidedly neutral in tone and accent, and yeah it speaks legitimate english it seems.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita blinks. "Yes please, this language will do nicely. Thank you." she says politely, before calling up to Coco again. "I have not managed to incinerate myself in a terrible atomic blast as of yet! The computer is talking to me now thugh..." She looks back at the body, then slide sup into the pilot's seat, settling back into it. "Hmm. Can you change the readouts to this language as well please?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "One moment please Commander..."And well the displays dissolve, and are replaced with...english. Things like ENG-OFF, generators off, so on and so fourth. "Valiant Tondo has been expired for...six thousand hours. Would you like me to attempt to contact emergency medical services Commander?"
    Coco has taken care to clear a path, before well hitting the deck with that heavy rifle looking plasma cutter resting on her shoulder. She peers at the ship quietly for a moment, before giving a nod."Oh wooow, It -is- a Tounce boat. I haven't seen one of these in -forever-, wartime paint and all. What a pretty thing, you get the VI on?"

    The Fishy thing alters a display, flashing up a camera view of Coco outside. "Commander, unidentified personell have been detected near the craft."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms. "Authorize her, please, she is my copilot." she says immediately, not wanting Coco to get zapped by a defense weapon or something. "It's quite lovely...and so beautifully made...unfortunately it didn't do its former pilot much good. Perhaps he has something useful on him, such as codes or such?" she says with a little smile. "I believe I could ask the VI here to help us fly up and out....carefully, of course.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Oh thats not the pilot."Coco offers casually as she slips aboard, and rolls that armored figure foreward. "This guy's a Dau, wound looks like it was a nanite fuel rifle? Sealed this thing up to avoid contamination maybe."And with a little tugging off comes the guy's backpack, and after a little digging out comes a wad of wiring plugged into a neat little black box the size of a VHS tape. "Yeah, ID spoofer. This ship was hot, ripped it off to steal the tech maybe?"And a pause, before Coco drags that form back and well dumps him outside without much ceremony. "Alright, it's probably tripping over the fact you're not biological. It's just going to ignore me. You need to uh, tell him to run a pre-start check. These boats are fully automated, so you're going to need to tell him what you want to do."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita looks curious now. "Oh. So he...died and was in the ship when it was sealed inside then?" she says thoughfully. "Very well. Ship..." She pauses. "...do you have a designation?" she says, more politely to the VI. Because she feels odd calling it 'ship'. It's like calling her 'mecha'. Or worse, 'robot'. If she was REALLY insensitive. "Also, would you please run a pre-start check?" She peers back at what you're doing with the body. "So a Dau who was stealing the ship, then?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "I am Autonomous Neutro-Deuterium stabilized Intelligence three nine six. My last pilot, called me "Andi" however I will respond to whatever designation is most convient Commander."And then a rush of displays, as well Andi does exactly as it's told. "Weapons offline, FTL comms offline, drink dispenser offline, snack cave offline. Flight systems, OK. Pressure check, Fail. Reactor is OK, flight dynamics are OK, navigation is OK. Reactor is at twelve percent, go for engine start."

    "Oh no, Loli the snack cave is down."And a pause as Coco eases back out of the craft to circle around to the rear. "OK, well tell him to go to sleep. We're going to get this place stripped, and we need to salvage some fuel to top your tank off. Luckily, Tounce boats are pretty flexible with their fuel. As long as it's radioactive, it'll work. So lets see about, finding you some spares here. These F-93s sure won't miss a few parts, right?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli pouts a bit, now she wants to see the snack cave! But it would be mean to expect it when the poor thing has been stuck in this box for so long. "Okay Andi...I like your name, but perhaps you have a female voice?" she suggests. "I would appreciate it. And if you would be willing to shut down, please, so we can get you out of this box and somewhere we can do repairs for you and such, that would be very helpful" she says politely. She's taking the responsibility of having a VI very seriously!

    She leans her head back, peering at you. "...and we must obviously fix the snake cave!" she says, in an amused tone, her pigtails dangling as she looks at you upside down.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Certainly commander, I will reboot with the appropriate auditory modifications. Shutdown sequence initiated, have a great day."And with that the fish swims away and, the screens power down.

    "So we just don't want to waste any trips here but, we're going to want to get this thing someplace to get it registered. Otherwise you're just a person in a shuttle they have every right to believe was stolen, not legit salvage. So unless you want to spend the next thirty years filling out paperwork, I'd suggest Boshtet. I'm licensed out of these, and they won't bat an eye."Coco meanders over towards the carnage and well starts digging through the pile. "Now thats, uhh a class one hardpoint for the pintle upfront and two class twos on the roof there. So pretty lightly armed, looks like some sort of recon jumper maybe?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "I am in your capable hands as to that, you know what would be required and I don't." Lolita says simply, getting up from the pilot's seat. "If it would be faster I could just break off the parts that contain the items you need to carry up?" she offers. She doesn't really know what to look for, after all. "So they are...modular hardpoints, or do they require specific weapon models to fit?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well modular, except for really high energy weapons. Railguns for instance, no way. Missile pods and lasers and that kind of thing, those should just pop on."And a pause as Coco begins pulling stuff free. Tug one handle, and yeah ok she slides a..well it doesn't look that different from an autocannon sans the whole feed system really. "Alright just, slide this onto the rails under the nose there and push that handle back. It'll lock it down and automatically recognize it once you power up. Now we need.."And a pause as Coco tugs another laser free, only to discard it with a shrug. "Here we go, energy PDS. We'll put one of these on the aft section of the roof and uh give me a minute let me see if I can find something like an interrogator or something else practical."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita takes the weapon, looking it over as she walks around to the front of the ship as she crouches down, before carefully sliding it into place until it clicks home, then pushes the handle in question. "I know PDS, but what's an interrogator in regards to a ship?" the mecha says as she peers around the ship at you. "And what does one look like, if we need to find one?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "It's an automated little stub, it pops a ship's firmware. Normally all it spits back is like, what kind of ship it is. If you're tied into a database however, it can run a ship's IFF and tell if it's stolen or.."And a pause as she sources the thing. Like a shark fin, with a slidey mounting rail beneath. That PDS is a tiny little laser mounted in a lightly armored enclosure which gives it kind of a "puck" shape. "Ok go ahead and throw those on, same as the laser. The rest of this is, well radioactive so get inside first. We don't need to irradiate you, my armor's built to take it."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The young mecha takes the parts offered, climbing up on top to slide the fin in place, then the PDS mini-turret. "Well, I'm not fond of being irradiated, but it won't damage my systems if I am, most likely. I'll just need a long shower afterwards to remove the particles.' she says simply. "But if you would prefer I not help with that, what can I do instead?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Get into the cockpit, and close both doors. When I give the signal, start your ship back up and tell him to tune to frequency 148.7. I'll guide you from here, and no I don't want you out here."Coco starts meandering back towards those fighters. "if your species didn't master FTL, I have a hard time believing they have shielding for this many rads. I'd rather we not risk cooking you, yeah? Not exactly like we're swimming in parts for you out here."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"Well...I'm rated to take energy beams capable of cutting a building in half. I'd like to think I have at least some shielding up to that level." she says, with a pout, before Lolita nods and climbs back up to the hatch, sliding back inside obediently. "Sure thing!" she says from inside as she moves up to the chair, then starts Andi up again. "Hello against Andi..." she says. "Could you do another pre-start check please? I think we're going to be able to get you out now.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Weapon identified, synching...PDS identified, Synching...Interrogator identified, Synching. One moment please commander."And well it's a decidedly more girlish voice now, a little young for a combat ship perhaps?

    Anyway Coco snags a pair of drives, and well she knows what she's doing. However theres enough alpha particles coming out even with those powerplants in their casks to light New York for a week. She casually drops the old pod, before sheathing in those two fresh ones and closing up to wander around to the front again where Loli can see her.

    "Snack cave,Beverage dispenser and FTL comms offline. All flight systems go, all navigational systems go, all environmental systems go. We are ready for main powerplant ignition."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
AWWWW! Well, now Lolita feels positively protective about Andi and the shuttle she's in. She leans back, watching curiously as she sees Coco install things, just in case she might need to do so in the future, then says. "Thank you Andi. Would you tune to frequency 148.7 please? Coco is going to guide us out." she says simply, belting herself in now.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Absolutely commander."And with an audio -pop-. Hey coco's voice! "Alright ask him for eighty feet of altitude, and then ask them to scan and identify the very best Intentions. Once your boat sees the ship, tell it to request docking and then just say ok to whatever else. That should, get you parked in the cargo bay so we can get you to the shipyard. Oh and, if it gets sideways? Bail."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli corrects absently but politely. "Her. Andi, please give us eight feet of altitude, and scan for the ship with the IFF marking it as the Very Best Intentions. That will be where we need to dock, so request docking once you have it and we'll get you inside to look you over in more detail." She pauses, then asks Coco. "What do you mean, gets sideways?" A bit concerned.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "I mean, sideways. Like it bursts into flames, or tries to form a black hole. You know, suboptimal outcomes."Coco summarizes casually. That done, well she snags her plasma cutter and looks upwards. Theres a high pitched -fwssh- and well holy crap she's off like a shot.

    "Certainly Commander, Main engine start..."And well it starts with a soft humm before it starts rising in pitch until it's more "jet engine" than "vaccum cleaner". Then well all sorts of stuff starts turning on, from navigational charts to screens showing the ship's course. Shock diamonds finally erupting from those engines as, it lifts off gently. Those gear fold inward, and slowly the boat picks it's way through the remaining forest of cables. "Be advised commander, the BDS "Very Best Intentions" is currently flagged as a privateer vessel. Would you still like me to dock?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Yes, please. Mark it as a friendly, in fact." Loli asks as she watches the other ship get closer. "We're certainly allied with it now, I think." She leans back into the chair, her eyes running over all the new data being displayed as she tries to get more used to what is where.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Marked as friendly Commander."And well the display outlines the before circling around as that VBI begins to rise from the water itself. It's a smooth enough ride inside at least, the little boat is a little unstable in terms of roll but it doesn't seem to have any problem holding position. "Awaiting docking clearance commander. The BDS Very Best Intentions, is moving into position to accept our boarding. Estimate time until dock, is one minute. May I put on some soothing music whilst you wait Commander?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita looks curiously. "Sure...what type of music is it?" she wonders, as she watches the other ship rotate into position. So far, so good, she figures. At least they're not corkscrewing down to slam into the junkpile on the Raft, so bonus! "No other issues coming up thus far?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Relaxation suite nine."Andi reports, before well. Theres somone shouting something in an alien language, and some sort of flute things, theres drums, theres bells..it's horrible. It makes no sense, it's loud and it's hardly relaxing. "Our starboard fuel rail is operating at sixteen percent, our primary intake manifold is above temperature and I read a primary hull seal as failed. FTL transport is not possible at this time, however we are still a GO to commence the landing procedure."And well the doors on the VBI swing open and the little Tounce boat begins it's approach, rocking maybe a little too much as it goes. "Primary Gyro error, switching to secondary Gyros, error. Line of sight stabilization online.."And well at least the rocking slows down a little.

    Theres a neat pivot and a climb, before it crabs over into position and settles down amidst a trio of brightly colored droids. "Main Bus B is operating beyond expected parameters, overvolt in Bus C. Initiating emergency shutdown. I apologize for the inconvience commander, and have a nice day."FSHHHHH, the ship goes silent amidst a sea of steam as it vents hopefully coolant.
    Outside the Droids are more puzzled than anything, before approaching slowly to start lashing the little shuttle down. Not pausing from their tasks as Coco touches down on the deck just beyond with a grunt. Wings folding and retracting slowly. "Well, not too bad. Did it blow a drive, or just overheat and shut down?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The little mecha has her hands over her ears at the moment. "Nope, lets not do the relaxation music after all!" she says, a bit loudly over the noise! She whews when it shuts off, then sighs as the ship successfully shuts down. She opens her belts, standing up, then opens the hatch to pop back out. "She said something about Main Bus B was operating beyond paramters and Bus C was overvolting?" She offers, pulling herself up gracefully on top of the shuttle, before sliding down to the deck with a solid THUNK as she lands. "But nothing exploded, so that's good!"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Yeah it's been sitting for a long time. "Coco humms, peering after the thing. "Well the VBI and my armor both have no idea what type that is, and I don't have any clue. Which means it's either very low production, or some sort of prototype. Either way, Boshtet shipyards will probably fix it for nothing if you let them keep the scans from the tear down. Your ship though, so it's your call but it's no small amount of work on your own."Waving towards the doors casually, which is enough to get them to close. "By the way, Welcome aboard Captain."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita giggles as she skips a bit after you to catch up. "Thank you, Captain." she says cheerfully, getting ahead of you and turning around to walk backwards as she clasps her hands behind her back. "And it feels strange, having a ship of my own. But thank you very much for helping to locate her." She hmms. "I don't believe i have any problem with them scanning it if they feel it's that rare? It certainly wouldn't be a bad thing if someone started making replacement parts for a ship like it, after all."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well you just need plans, and most places will fab you what you need but we're going to be making a pretty big jump to reach the dry docks."Coco leans on, heading back towards the bridge as a hand lifts to pop her helmet free. "Alright, so if they invite you to a party? You need to decline, Going there is death alright?"And onto the bridge with a roll of the shoulders, before fwumping down in her chair with a satisfied little sigh. "They last forever, and they're boring. Also the food is terrible, and the music sucks. You also can't leave for like, days. Death is preferable."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms. "They probably won't have wonderful tea anyway." she says thoughfully. "Are you sure you can take me all that way? It must take resources to go that far for me like that." She's feeling a little guilty at all the help Coco has been giving her, honestly, in that she hasn't found some way to help her back as of yet.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "It's my home port, It's no big deal. The next job hasn't started yet, and I need to drop by sooner or later -anyway-. So your call entirely Loli. If you can live with a malfunctioning snack cave, I guess We can head back to Xandar."Coco casts a glance over her shoulder towards Loli. "You decide."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    There is a definite pout from the dark haired gynoid. "I -do- want a functional snack cave." she says. "Well...if you're sure it's not out of you rway then, I suppose I can leave for a couple days before they'll need me back aboard." she says thoughfully.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well then, lets head back to my house. Get the good out, see if we can roust any proper company."Coco reaches foreward to throw the displays aside, as the VBI accelerates before curling upwards into the black and then well...off they go.