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Latest revision as of 12:51, 29 October 2017

Light Gardening
Date of Scene: 06 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravenna Levesque, Doctor Strange

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
There are a few places in Manhatten that a sorceress with nature based magic can go to escape the city. Central Park is big enough that she can find a hiding spot and relese of it of pent of energy. The park is sparsely populated, due to the rainy weather. Which means Ravenna can find a spot where she won't be distrubed. She's found a spot in the north woods, a small clearing that looks like it's been neglected by the groundskeepers.
    here is a large blanket near by that appears to be resrved for a picnic where a black and white cat is sitting and idly watching the world pass by. Ravenna is barefoot, wearing a long flowing skirt and a loose top that falls off her shoulders. Her hair is slightly damp from the rain but she doesn't seem at all fused by it. She's crouched down in a bare spot on the ground slowly trying to coax a sapling back to life that has either been trampled or just doesn't get enough sunlight. Her magic fills the clearing, and it's a shinning beacon of life and nature magic to those who can sense it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen happened to be walking through the park, it is easily the most natural leyline in New York until you get out of the city, but even then, it's the most potent due to the vast ammount of lives around and moving through it. It's a wonderful place where Stephen can be found when outside of his Sanctum. Generally.

The Doctor is walking through the light rain, but not a drop seems to land on his head or clothes, as some sort of glass case, or invisible umbrella protects him from the down pour. The wizard does get a sense that something is going on and he is curious if nothing else, so, fueled by his inquisitve nature, Stephen steps off the path and towards the mystic beacon that is Ravenna.

She would easily hear him crunching the underbrush as he approaches and his grey eyes look onto her as she works her garden.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
It's the cat that noices Strange first, his head whips around and stares the Sorcerer while his tail whips back and forth in quick motions. It's then that Ravenna turns to look at who joined her clearing. Spotting Strange she raises her brow and turns to finish her work on the sapling. "You are a very insistant man." She says casually before she focuses again. It takes a moment, but the small sapling flourishes, growiwing small green leaves, and a few inches. It has a long way to go, but it's a start.

Righting herself again she turns to look at him, lightly dusting off of her skirt. "Is there something I can help you with Doctor?" Her tone is definatly defenseive, and the cat is still glaring at the tall man.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen keeps his arms down at his sides, stepping further into the clearing with rain practically avoiding him. "I am quite insistant and very curious." Stephen explains what he's doing here. "Your magic is potent and interesting." The Doctor explains as he moves forward and takes a seat on the damp blanket and extends a hand towards the cat, inviting it to come closer and receive some pets. His eyes however only look at Ravenna.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Ravenna notices how the rain is avoiding Strange, and she can see the slight glint of magic that is keeping him dry. She doesn't seem to mind the rain at all, but it could be that she's using it as fuel for her own magic. Still she turns and stops right before the blanket and folds her hands in front of her. "It runs in my family, and has for centuries, we just keep it quiet."

The cat leans forward just enough to smell Strange's hand, but quickly leans backk and flattens his ears. He doesn't his, but his tail definatly flicks in agitation. Ravenna looks down and sighs. "Don't mind Felix, he's too over protective for his own good." It is easily to detect the magical bond between the two, even if each of them seem a little reluctant.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"It's alright, cats are the way they are, and either we change or we deal with it." Stephen says softly, his eyes lifting up towrads Ravenna as he pulls his hand back to rest on his leg, watching her with his curious eyes.

"Most witches and wizards are kept to themselves, but you risk stepping out into the park, as many of us do, but usually we're testing theories or feeling out ideas, you are out actually casting, where a magically attuned individual could stumble upon you at any time." Stephen lifts an eyebrow. "You know that could get you both in a lot of trouble."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Indeed, and why this one chose me is beyond me. I've always been a dog person." Ravenna says as she looks down at the cat with an amused look on her face. She finally sits down on the blanket and folds her legs underneath her, still giving plenty of space between her and Stephen.

"I'm not causing harm to anyone, and I have hidden myself well from peole who would look at me strange. Sure, it's a risk, but but I find it's better to burn it off on something productive than let it build up and cause an unfortunate accident."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"You're not wrong in thinking that way, but many of those in Salem several years ago were thinking the same things as you." Stephen says matter of factly as if he was there. Watching in the crucible.

"Just be careful." He says, not stand offish or hollier than though, just trying to get her to think things through all the way. "Though I do admit, growing a flower so quickly is incredibly skilled, you must have practiced quite a bit at that.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"I'm always careful." Ravenna says as she fishes around in a nearby satchel and pulls out a botle of wine. It seems that no matter where she is, she has some. "I highly doubt I'll be the subject of a witch hunt, not with all of the alien problems this planet seems to have. Growing flowers and healing people is hardly going to fly on most people's radar."

Looking back to the flower she nods her head. "I grew up on a Vineyard, there was a lot of use for my talents there, and a lot of things to practice on as well. Living in a city like this is sufficating, but I have other reasons to be here." She opens the bottle, as it has just a twist off cap and pulls a plastic wine glass from her bag before filling it and passing it over. "So, is this just random fate, or are you here to recuit me again?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen leans forward and takes the cup as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Two mages, sitting in a park while it's raining and enjoying a glass of wine in each other's company.

"Just, be cautious and warry of your surroundings. I found you easily enough. Like a flare almost was your magic."

Stephen lifts the plastic to his lips and takes a small sip with a lift of his mood and eyebrows, he must think it's a good vintage the way he reacts to the flavor.

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
Who says mages in a park drinking wine isn't normal? Either way she looks pours herself a glass and sets the bottle aside. When he mentions her magic she looks up toward the sky. "It's probably the rain, I'm not normally this bright and shiny, but storms are always helpful when working with magic." When he asks her to be weary again, she shrugs her shoulders. "I will do my best to stay under the radar, I would hate to get you in trouble with your superiors due to unruley magic."

She pauses for a second before she tilts her head. "You still didn't answer my question."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen smiles faintly over his drink before lowering it to his side and smirks at the fellow witch. "You seem to have me wrong." Stephen says, leaning back, his palms against the blanket as he looks over at Ravenna.

"But to answer your question, do you want to know more? Cause it seems fate wants me to offer you an invitation, to make your own choice."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"You seemed very adamant before when we last met. Perhaps you've changed your recuritment tactic?" Ravenna shrugs while she sips from her glass, watching him become more casual. "Honestly I know nothing about what you reprisent, or offer, I would like to know more, but I will not give up what I have worked so hard on for the last several years. Nor am I likely to leave Lux."

Setting her glass down, she offers her hand. "So why don't we start this all over. My name is Ravenna Levesque, sommelier and witch, and you are?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I have been doing some soul searching and things in this world are under attack and pursued relentlessly. Things I had once thought kept secure in impregnable locales. I was wrong."

Stephen looks up to Ravenna's eyes and lifts his glace once more before sipping, "I am Doctor Stephen Strange. Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension." Meaning there are none in this world stronger than he in the mystic arts. "I do not ask you to forget, or leave anything behind."

Ravenna Levesque has posed:
"Everything is terrible everywhere, or so I hear. Though is there something in the area that might be underattack that you could use my help with? I suppose it is the least I could do." Ravenna says as she remove her hand and reaches for her glass again. "I do want to know more and if you have resources and knowledge to share I would not turn down the chance to learn from it."

She nods at his statment and gives him a hint of a smile. "I am pleased to hear that. I think we can work from this and build a proper working relationship.