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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/08/06 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=169, 16, 14, 197 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:169|Kurt Wagner...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:53, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 06 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Rogue, Gambit, Mystique

Nightcrawler has posed:
So. The skatepark.

The sun was setting, and with it being summer, the diehard skatebros wouldn't be considered diehard skatebros if they did not spend these waning summer moments doing what they loved the best. Skating. As such, there were a gaggle of skatebros providing a little soundtrack of sorts - those spinning wheels and their hip-hop beats, from an old-school boombox, playing out trip-hop and other street beats over the area.

It was perhaps a bit sad that Kurt had to wait until sundown to come here without his image inducer, but he did. With a pop and the wonderful scent of rotten eggs that was sulphur, Kurt appears at the edges of the skatepark - at a little hilly overlook there. Wearing a dark trenchcoat over what may be considered 'normal' clothes - slacks and a button up shirt - although they had to be tailored to his unique shape, he also wore a scarf over his face.

But clasped in his three-fingered hand was something else. A little grocery bag of cheeses and crackers. And those cute little sausages. A snack, perhaps. He was looking for someone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been a skater herself for a couple of years now, she found it to be a nice way to get around using her flight power without being overly obvious that she's actually flying along. She can just stand o nthe board and 'glide' ... sometimes at pretty wild speeds when she doesn't think anyone is even looking!

Plus, she enjoyed a lot of the 'skaterbros' around this park, as well as the other girls who hung out here too.

Rogue's highschool tests were finished as of Friday, this coming week was her last week of her brief Senior year... she'd be fully graduated and 'on her own' this time next week.

As of right now? She's laying ontop of one of the metal tables that lines the area around the skatpark. There'd been a big tournament here yesterday, so there was still a lot of stuff setup in its aftermath.

Rogue is sipping on a tall drink of 'something' that one of the other kids had brought her, she's chatting with some of the others also at the table around her.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's not too far off from Rogue, being her ride to the park as he likes to help her explore and enjoy her hobbies. Gotten bored himself, Remy is over at the concession stand, grabbing a plate of over priced, cheese drenched nachos with the works on top.

"T'ank ya cheri. You're de only reason I come t' dis place." Remy says with a wink towards the familiar cashier before walking back towards the metal table Rogue's sprawlled out on.

Mystique has posed:
    "Is she, now?" A woman with the skin the color of perfect caramel moves towards Remy and Rogue. Her accent is a deep, deep French. Without the cajun. She is wearing a pair of black slick slacks, a pair of what must be Jimmy Choo high-heeled shoes, and a black silk blouse. She looks /expensive/. And there's a regal gait to her stride. She is clearly addressing Remy. "It has been a long time," she tells the cajun, with a warm, perfect smile. "Too long."
    She looks over towards Rogue, musing, "Hello." Her tone isn't dismissive, it's mostly friendly, but not quite as friendly as it was when she was speaking to Remy.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt, however, was not a 'skaterbro'. This might come as a surprise to exactly no one, but...

One imagines that Kurt Wagner could do rather well on one of those things naturally. Beyond looking strange as a trenchcoat in August person, the dimming light here was enough to catch Kurt's eyes, making them glow a bit in the dimming light.

Without trying to alarm any of Rogue's more normal friends, Kurt brings one of his strange hands up in a wave, both to her, and to her friends. "Hi," he says, his tone of voice gentle. "Remy, Rogue - I have been looking for you since I returned from Germany!" he had been gone, since he had last been seen, after all. Overseas to 'center himself', on a pilgrimage through most of Spain, and then up to Germany proper to check in with his roots. Or so he had claimed.

Lifting his chin towards Remy, his dazzling smile - vibrantly white against the contrast of his furry color - bursts into being, fangs and all. "I also brought gifts from Spain - but you will have to forgive me, mein freund - I only brought enough of the chocolates for my family," he says, bowing his head towards Remy in a mea culpa.

Pausing a moment more at the other woman's approach, he offers a smile, inclining his head. "And you must be a friend of Rogue's from here - ah... do you skate?" he asks. She did not seem dressed for it. But his hand gestures towards the park proper.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue heard Remy's words the vendor and it just made her roll her eyes behind the black aviators she had on over them, brand new designer aviators... a graduation gift to herself!

When Remy started back with the nachos though, she sat up on the table off of her elbows and was about to do the grabby hands at him when Incognito Mystique arrived... Rogue eyeballed this woman closely as she regarded Remy with an air of 'we were wonce a thing' which made Rogue's eyes roll AGAIN and she even sighed and shook her head while her brown/white hair blew in the evening summer winds.

When Kurt arrived, Rogue literally flew off the table, almost like she'd been pushed by a ghost! She landed on her booted feet and went over to greet him. "Heya, welcome back!" She said at her friend, moving to give him a caareful hug cause she had on a dark green tanktop, long gloves and jeans, which meant her shoulders were bare as well as parts of her upper body.

"Chocolates?" She asked with a big grin.

Gambit has posed:
"Ah, do Ah--- Oh, riiight." Remy says towards Mystique before he was going to explain the situation to Rogue, she floats up off the table and runs over towards Kurt. Huh. Didn't expect to see the blue elf any time soon and returns the nod in kind, they can talk more in a bit.

Setting the nachos down on the table beside him he turns towards the shapeshifter with a soft smile. "It hasn't been so long, only a few days." Remy says, recalling the odd encounter they had previously.

Mystique has posed:
    "He was in a spot of trouble that I helped him out of," the woman explains to Rogue, casually. Then, she tsks Gambit. "I led them off your trail. And, planted evidence on them that led the police to them. And, I don't even get a thank you?" She looks marginally disappointed.
    Her eyes then turn on Kurt, "Enchanted." She holds out her hand to the mutant, "Michelle Lefebrve." She smiles warmly to Kurt.
    She looks over towards Gambit, then. "So is this your little sister?" She inclines her head to Rogue.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt was picking up on the sudden sense of tension in the air here. Of course, Rogue and her rolling eyes were something /anyone/ knew to look for when they showed. Glowing yellow eyes narrow a bit. But just a bit.

Luckily for Rogue and her hugs, Kurt was wearing that trenchcoat, long sleeves and all. He just pulls his wrists away at her back, hugging his friend tightly for a moment, mostly with his arms. "Chocolates." He repeats, holding one finger up in the air. "And not just the type you can get at the stores here in America, ja? /Real/, actual chocolate."

Clearly he had a bone to pick with that particular subject. "How long until the wedding?" he asks her.

It was in that moment that Michelle approaches her. There was that little sense of hesitancey that was always in Kurt's features - around the eyes, really, when he was appraising a new person. A brief little moment where he determines just how freaked out they were by him, and how best to approach it.

So it was surprising that she just... offers her hand. "Kurt Wagner," he says, easily extending his hand out to take hers, in that strangely shaped - and strangely strong - hand of his. "Lefebrve? Is that French?" he asks, canting his head to the side, letting dark lips pull apart in a smile. Although the last question chases that smile away, leaving him considering. "Not by blood, but... we have the same mother. This counts, ja?" Again with the smiles.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue heard the woman's question to Remy behind her and it made her snicker and shakes her head. She figured the woman was aking Remy that question, but when Kurt answered to it it just made her laugh softly.

"That woman is the furthest thing from my mothe'ah as possible!" She said then, but just grinned at Kurt anyway. "Lookin' forward t'the real chocolate then. American chocolate ain't really neve'ah served me wrong, so if there's kinds out there that are a cut above? Well... sign me up."

Rogue would walk backward to sit back down on the bench at the table she'd previously been sprawled out on. Her eyes went over to this Michelle woman... she stared at her through the lenses of her dark aviator shades...

Rogue's left gloved hand pointed at Remy and she spoke out in a sultry tone."Celuila, en revanche, nest certainement pas mon frere. Ou si lhe est... nous sommes dans un ennui lotta..." She said in her favorite tongue.

A second later and she patted the seat beside. "Come, Kurt! Sit. We have nachos!" She grinned at him and pulled the basket Remy had bought over to the edge of the table.

Gambit has posed:
Catching the hint from Mystique he turns his attention towards the nachos and plucks up a single chip lathered in cheese, a jalapeno and lots of brisket on it. Mmmm. So good.

"Thank you." He finally thanks Raven before chomping down on his dinner and using a thumb to wipe away his food. Remy looks over to Rogue at the question and simply smiles. "Oh, her, no, not mah sistah, she's mah fiancee." The cajun says with a smile and a wave towards his woman with a wiggle of his fingers. "We're already in trouble as it is." He says teasingly towards Rogue, helping give Kurt context clues as to what Rogue might have said in French.

Mystique has posed:
    "American chocolate is -far- too sweet," agrees the woman who has said her name is Michelle. She looks between Rogue, and Gambit then, musing curiously, "Interesting." She levies a measured look on Gambit, but does not speak further to the - activity - to which she is referring where she saved his life. Nor does she seem entirely interested in nachos. Or, perhaps she's merely polite.
    "Congratulations," she tells the soon-to-be newlyweds, then. "I'm sure the two of you will be -quite- happy together."
    She looks askance at the gentlemen who so nicely introduced himself, then at Rogue about the mother comment. "I'm sorry," she apologizes, "If I brought up something unpleasent."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt pauses a moment, bringing up a hand to brush through his dark hair, getting a sheepish cant to his demeanor - rolling his shoulder in a tight shrug. "I don't travel overseas much anymore. And, I believe, if I give you a gift now, you will forgive me for a cheaper gift, when it comes time for your wedding gifts, ja?"

Then out come the nachos. "You have nachos? I too brought cheese and crackers. And sausages. But nachoes?" A beat, and Kurt easily kinda steps over to the table, fluidly finding a seat, his tail sticking out from beneath his trenchcoat. "There is something very decadent about them," he says with a grin, pinching one between two of his fingers to bring to his lips.


"No, no, Michelle. But who does not have ah... problems, with one's parents? I wonder if it is part of the human condition," he says, with a friendly wink Michelle's way. "But you have been overseas, yourself! And you sound like a gourmet - tell me, when overseas, where do you find the best chocolate, Michelle?" he asks. His tone of voice was even, calm - for the most part. As it pretty much always was, in his dusky manner of speaking.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would wave back to Remy and give him a little hard-stare along with it cause she had some words for him later! But she wasn't upset, a smile was even visible on her face while she turned to regard this Michelle woman some more.

"Happy right now, and right now is all that matte'ah." Rogue tended to the plate of nachos for a moment before she grabbed her drink and sipped from the straw again.

She listened to Kurt and grinned at him. "You don't gotta get me any gifts... I got everythin' I want already. Except a car... But I'm workin' on that next, once things settle down again."

Rogue looked back at Remy and she reached over to grab him by the elbow, she picked up a cheesey chip and airplaned it for his mouth while listening to Kurt talk to this MIchelle.

Gambit has posed:
Remy falls silent when Michelle apologizes to Rogue and allows their words to pass without incident, and so he can spend more time grabbing another tasteful bite of cheap quality over priced nachos. However Rogue's beating him to the punch, so he leans forward and takes a large bite.

"Dis is a bit weird." The cajun notes outloud, his mouthfull of food and his cheeks red with blush.

"Michelle." He says after a moment and then finishes his bite after getting her attention, but he doesn't want to interrupt Kurt's question, so he gestures to the elf, letting him ask away.

Mystique has posed:
    "La Maison du Chocolat, in Paris," Michelle answers Kurt without hesitation. "It is, quite remarkable. Though, I have not been either to Germany or Switzerland," she admits, with a slightly apologetic sort of smile. "Should you ever visit, you most certainly should go. Bring your pocketbooks, however."
    Her eyes turn to Remy, curiously. But she patiently waits for him to finish chewing, with his 'lovebird' feeding him so.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt makes a thoughtful noise. "But it would be rude to go on such travels without gifts to bring home. But. Because you insist," he says, gesturing to one side with an open hand.

You know, it was getting a bit awkward, what with the airplaning chip and all. Kurt kinda rolls his neck, glancing between Michelle and Gambit both, kinda clearing his throat and stealing another nacho chip for himself. "I have never been to Paris," he says. "But your recommendation sounds superb, Michelle. Ah... if I can ask... perhaps. Are you and Remy... friends?" he asks, looking between the woman and Remy both.

It was awkward, and he was kinda forcing it, but. This tension! He had to get it out in the open somehow!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at Remy snatching the chip from her airplaning hand, she had her gloves on at least! (She went through a lot of gloves, thank god for Amazon Prime!). Rogue wasn't looking at Michelle much, she got a weird vibe from the woman and she didn't like it. She figured it was just jealousy though, which was odd since she rarely felt jealous... so she wasn't too sure, the woman was just kind of odd to her so far.

"Just one'a Remy's random women." She replied to Kurt. "Its not enough that he's gotta propose t'one'a his highschool students, nah... he's gotta have woman just like, fallin' outta trees and bein' all like 'Oh, Remy, surprised t'see you here!'." She said that last part in a voice that might even be considered mocking Michelle, wehther she meant it that way or not.

Either way, Rogue just grinned and lifted her drink up for another sip.

Gambit has posed:
Remy completely forgot his question to Michelle and clicks his tongue once for it, shrugging. His flirtatious nature really kept in check with his soon-to-be-wife against his arm and making herself known. "Ah forgot." He says dejectedly and looking downcast slightly.

Now it's time for Remy to TRUELY blush. Oh, dear god.

"Ah only met her last week, Kurt." Remy says, his attention turning back towards Rogue quickly, answering her unasked question as much as Kurt's question.

But then he does address Rogue directly. "Ah don't have dis ... barn o' women like you t'ink Ah do." He takes a looks over to Michelle and frowns slightly. "Right. You're not some 'woman' o' mine. Tell 'em."

Mystique has posed:
    "He's quite right," Michelle agrees with Remy. "I am not - one of his women. In the least. He's quite the wrong gender, to start with. Though, I do find him entertaining. And, reasonably efficient."
    She considers Rogue, and shakes her head, "I have also not fallen out of a tree. Nor am I surprised to see him here. I have, I must admit, been following him." Not that Remy's seen her. But then, he saw how stealthy she was, when they did meet last week.
    She moves over to Remy, "I am nothing, if not honest." She smiles to him, winningly. "But as there isn't law around, now?" She reaches into her purse, and hands Remy an envelope. It is a postal envelope, but there are two fat bulges inside it. "I am nothing if not honest," she tells Remy. "Your share of our - lucrative - meeting."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Now Kurt releases a long breath at what Rogue says, bringing up a hand to kinda rub the side of his neck, cocking it to one side. Kurt's own impression of Michelle was... well, that there was a catfight or something over Remy boiling up, and while, of course, Remy and Rogue were his friends, he didn't want to just cast Michelle away like that. Especially if there were, ah, deeper emotions in play.

So Kurt mulls over his options, his glowing eyes taking an interest in one of the skateboard people skating in the ever-decreasing glow of the day, his tail twisting behind himself. One eyebrow lifts, however, when the first revealation was made by Michelle - and it is joined by its twin when the second envelope comes out.

There might not be any law, but Kurt had a /reputation/ for being on the right side of justice, generally. And he clears his throat. "Perhaps... I shall catch up with you both later, ja?" he says, sliding easily to a stand, his hand going out to the bag of snacks he brought.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to both Gambit and Michelle's responses and she just grinned and shook her head side to side. "Guess I got a bette'ah chance with her than you do, Swampy." She said at Remy before her aviator-shaded eyes spotted that enveloped and she stared. "Does this mean we can afford the expensive nachos now?" She asked while chasing the question with alittle whiney noise.

But when Kurt got up to leave, and to take his chocolates with her, Rogue jumped up as well. "Don't leave me, brothe'ah!" She said to him with a big grin. "I haven't gotten t'have any'a your fancy treats!" Rogue would go after him, at least a little ways unless he truly was planning to head out entirely, to which would receive a pouty-faced southern belle who'd stop with her hands on her hips now.

Gambit has posed:
Remy would stop Rogue from fleeing after he received the envelope from Michelle and tuck it into the back of the woman's take top and leaves it there with a pat on her bum. "Ah know how much is in t'ere, take it 'ome and 'ide it." Remy stays, turning his attention to Kurt with a near telepathic nod towards the fellow X-man.

Inching closer to Michelle, Remy extends the plate of nachos towards the shapeshifter and lowers his voice. "Why did you take that? Unless you were right and meticulous about your planted evidence, we could BOTH be in big trouble."

Mystique has posed:
    Delicately, Michelle takes one of the proffered nachos. Crunches it, and chews, tilting her head as if considering the worthiness of the nachos to be in her mouth before nodding, satisfied. She says, mildly, "Well. You -did- say that they were after your little device, yes? Now their attention is diverted." She smiles, pleased with herself. "You can thank me later." She, for her part, does not look terribly worried. Confident, if nothing else. The same confidence, cool and casual, she displayed in the alley, when she first met him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt pauses a moment in his hasty retreat - casting a glance over the collar of his trenchcoat towards Gambit proper, picking up on that near telepathic nod. Kurt's lips purse, almost imperceptibly. Another silent communication between the two men.

But Rogue manages to brighten the growing seriousness of the moment. Bringing up his hand to hit his forehead, Kurt breathes out a long sound. "Oh, I forgot, of course, of course. I think I was waiting for dessert time." In his little bag of room tempurature food he rummages, before drawing out a little package. Of course, it was European chocolate, so it was a small package - but very tastefully wrapped, in gold paper with a shining string of polished gold around the plastic container that held... four chocolates. "These are just the dark chocolate pieces," he says, but taps at one end of the package. "But that odd looking piece - it is a Mozart mini torte - from the Rausch Schokoladenhaus. A bit near Belgium, ja? So you know it is good."

He was glancing towards Michelle every so often, and his tail was swishing smoothly back and forth. He was agitated.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue felt the envelope get stuffed down the back of her shirt where it rumbled down at her waistland of her jeans and was pressed against her bare back by the material of said shirt. She felt the slap to her butt and it just amde her sigh and shake her head gently. Her focus was on Kurt though, and the chcolates, meaning she missed the little secret spy conversation behind her.

When Kurt produced the chocolate package she reached out for it and stared at it while he said and explained it all. "I need t'try'n learn that langauge someday... I totally dig how tough it sounds. I wanna run around yellin' it at my enemies as I punch them through walls." She looked back up at Kurt and grinned back at him. "I'm gonna take'em home and put them in my mini-fridge though. I dwon't want them t'be smooshy when I eat'em."

Rogue leaned over and put her gloved first two fingers to the side of Kurt's face and then kissed the back of them. A kind gesture, meant to protect him (and her) from the wrath of her deadly touch.

"Glad you're black, Kurty." She said at him with a big smile before she'd turn and walk back toward Remy and Michelle, but more specifically, the nachos.

Gambit has posed:
"Fine, Ah'll t'ank you later Michelle." The cajun says, a bit surprised Rogue stayed, he half expected her and Kurt to go back to the mansion together. But, sometimes a simple nod is interpretted way differently than you intended it.

"Couldn't ya have jus' kissed 'im and learned de langauge dat way?" Remy inquires of Rogue and then winks over to Kurt taking the joke that one extra step.

Mystique has posed:
    "Yes," agrees 'Michelle'. "You will." She then lifts her hand, smiling warmy to both Kurt, and to Rogue. And then the expensively dressed french woman, who'd just dropped $20,000 into Gambit's hands in two neat stacks of 100 $100 bills promptly begins to move out of the skatepark. She has what she wanted, for the moment. And, she's set things up for the future. She is fairly certain that nobody will prevent her departure. But, the wheels are indeed in motion.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt couldn't help but smile at that kiss through fingers, such as it was. A fond sort of smile. Turning more fully towards Rogue, the tail stops the little swishing. "I have been gone too long, Rogue," he says, his tone just as fond as his smile. "But I am sure the students have not missed me as much as I have missed the mansion."

Kurt couldn't help but look evil with his smile.

"But be happy you speak French. It is a much more fluid, graceful language - if we could switch, I probably would," he says, although glancing up towards Gambit at the last. It was an odd look at first, but Kurt's serious mein shatters for a moment with one of his trademark smiles. "It wouldn't just be the language that was picked up, ja? And I think we need just one blue fuzzy elf around the home."

Michelle's leaving - Kurt lifts her hand to wave farewell to her, calling. "It was pleasant to meet you!" to the woman. His eyes return to Gambit though. And there was a silent question hidden in their luminesence.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's skateboard, her backpack, her leather bomber jacket, were all still at the table, along with her drink and her nachos! She wasn't leaving yet! IT wasn't even night time yet and the lights over the park weren't on ye--

The lights over the skatepark came on right as Anna-Marie sat back down at the table. She huffed softly and rolled her head from shoulder to shoulder. "Guess its about time t'head back. This gonna be the snooze week... and probably the longest one'a the whole summer."

Classes were still going this week, but they were essentially done.

Rogue watched Michelle go, but she didn't wave or say goodbye or nothing, she didn't get a good vibe from that woman, she felt like 'trouble' and boy does Rogue know what trouble feels like!

Rogue grinned back at Kurt. "I'd totally rock the blue elf look though." She said back at her oldest friend.

Gambit has posed:
Remy already said his piece to michelle and then smirks over to Kurt, "You're welcome to stick around, o' we'll see ya at de mansion." Remy says, pulling Rogue closer to him by her waist and gets her back. "Here comes de airplane!" Rrrrruuuuurrrrmmmm. Towards her mouth with a drippy floppy nacho.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt makes a little amused sound in the back of his throat. "Of course you would, Rogue," he tells her. "With that little white streak of hair, too," he says, pointing at her hair with his strange hands. Kurt was holding a bright, optimistic outlook - and trying to think the best of the exchange that happened with Michelle.

Although he was grateful not to know the details of the same.

"So, I have been meaning to ask - is college on your schedule when you are done with school?" he asks, quirking his head to the side - even if he does half smile at the whole nacho thing.

"You two are cute together - you really are. But you know, I /have/ to say - it's required - don't break her heart, Remy. Or you'll be off my Christmas list." Lifting his chin at that, he manages a little sneaky smile at the edge of his lips.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue did the airplane nacho game back with Remy and then laughed a little through the food, annoying cute couple stuff for the win!

She picked up a napkin and dabbed at her pink painted lips before looking back to Kurt and giving him a big ol' happy and charming smile. After a second she shook her head. "Ain't got any college plans. Would love t'go t'school in Paris somewhere, and the Professah even said he'd help me out with that... but I'd miss everyone here a lot. Not sure its worth it... But, like, at first I just kinda wanna roam around Europe for awhile, as its alwasy been a dream'a mine. Still got the maps hung up in my room back at my aunt's house."

Rogue paused in thought then for a second. "Unless she's finally turned that room into a hobby crafts workshop... like she always threatened me she'd do." She said that with a bit of a frown and a shake of her head as she dove back into the nachos, aka dinner!

Gambit has posed:
Remy nods to Kurt and laughs. "Woulda been more threatenin coming from Logan dan you, fuzzy." The cajun chuckles and then starts eating in earnest, even pulling the plate away from Rogue a bit and extending it towards Kurt too.

"Ah told ya, we don' talk about yo aunt or anyone. Just us 'ere." Remy repeats for the umpteenth time to Rogue.

Nightcrawler has posed:
A little smirk from Kurt back towards Gambit, and his head shakes. "I know. And I know you'd treat her right. It's just... tradition, right? Coming from... older sorta-brothers to younger sorta-sisters..." Extending one of his hands, though, he plucks up a nacho chip, chomping down on it out of the corner of his mouth.

"Decadent - like I said before. Where'd you get these nachoes, mein freund?" he asks.

But he looks to Rogue next. "Might be worth it. We won't be going anywhere, after all - and you have to explore, ja? Find your place in this world - that's why I keep going over there, and I always come back with... more sense of a right that this is where I need to be," he says, grinning back. "Perhaps, if nothing else, we should go save those maps?" he asks, with a quirk of the brow.