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Latest revision as of 13:14, 29 October 2017

An Actual Date
Date of Scene: 08 August 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: John Aaron asks She-Hulk out. She accepts.
Cast of Characters: Ares, She-Hulk

Ares has posed:
    It was rare that John Aaron would use his phone for much of anything. His number was unlisted and he didn't receive many calls on it at all. Sometimes he needed to tell the time, or to schedule a meeting. But the more arcane applications of the device would leave him cold, if he had been fully aware of them. But he had fished it out two days after having met the terribly curious Ms. Walters and for a time his thumb had hovered over the number that was keyed in.
    "Have you called her yet?"
    The boy's voice was heard from off in the kitchen, mixed with the sound of glass clinking in the refrigerator.
    "No," John smiles a bit to himself, "I was thinking of not doing so?"
    "What?! Dad no! You gotta!" A tow-headed boy's head peeked around the corner, "She's like famous!"
    "Oh? What was it she does again?" The smile remains on the man's face as he keeps his back to his son, still sitting there on the couch in the living room.
    "She's amazing! A super hero! She jumps like... a million miles, and has super vision! And smashes things!"
    "Oh, that's a good basis for a relationship?"
    "Alright alright. Go do your homework."
    To that the tall man turns around on the couch and peers at the young boy with narrowed eyes, to which the only response is for him to scoot it on to the proposed action. It leaves John alone with the phone to ponder it again. For some reason... the idea of dating... it was a strange thing. He rarely did so. Actual dating. Hm.
    A small smile appears and he presses the button, the phone dials. And somewhere far off Jennifer Walters' phone rings with the ID displaying, 'John Aaron.'

She-Hulk has posed:
    The phone is picked up on the first ring. The voice from the other end is that of Shulkie but gone is the happy woman from the playground. She's mad. Really mad. "I swear to God if you call me one more time, I am going to find your house and tear it down. And I can do it y'know! With my bare hands! Damned telemarketers--"
    The line goes dead.
    About twenty seconds later, the phone rings again. When he answers, Shulkie has the good grace to sound apologetic. "You...aren't a telemarketer." In case he didn't know that already, she wanted to clear it up. As far as good impressions go, he's rated about a negative ten right now most likely. "I mean, can we pretend that didn't just happen. I promise I am not some strident harpy who screams all the time." Interesting choice of words. Good thing she doesn't know who he really is. "So, I'm going to just act like I just answered the phone and we can start over, okay?"
    She waits about five seconds then speaks again, voice warm and happy like it had been at their first meeting. "Hey there, John! So glad to hear from you!"

Ares has posed:
    At the initial call and answer his eyebrows had raised a good inch on his face with incredulity. His features had that twisted look when one isn't sure if they should laugh by what just happened, though a small hah slips from him for a moment as he eyeballs that phone curiously. He even bites the corner of his lip as he considers possibly calling back. It's a good thing she does so because he had been pondering perhaps waiting a few more days since chances were likely that Ms. Walters had been punching something that needed punching.But then the phone rings and he picks it up, the ringtone a simple default trill that goes off.
    In the background Alexander shouts, "Who's that!" But he goes unanswered.
    "It's alright, Ms. Walters. I figured you were busy. Was going to call back later." An admission that perhaps might take some of the sting out of her embarrassment since clearly she hadn't chased him off. "I was wondering if you'd like to meet somewhere for a drink and a bite to eat. If you have time."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Oh no, not busy at all. Just finishing up some paperwork." She's actually in her apartment instead of her office. They insist on her being Jennifer Walters. While she is doing good work and it's a prestigious firm, when she isn't there Jennifer is left behind. Shulkie is much more comfortable to wear. She's currently in the bedroom she converted into an office, leaning back in the reinforced rolling chair, legs propped on the desk. She's dressed in a flowy skirt and an off the shoulder top, a very bohemian vibe today for some reason. She's just learned to go with her weird urges. It's easier that way.
    "I would absolutely love to go out with you sometime. Drink. Food. Movie. Hotel. Whatever."

Ares has posed:
    The tall man's brow furrows as he looks down a bit, and for some reason finds himself charmed by her manner, his cheeks widening into a smile as he looks at the toe of his boot for a moment. He shifts the phone to the other hand, "Have you ever been to Rudy's? It's off of 9th Avenue. I have some time tomorrow and was thinking we could meet there." He lifts his head as if trying to bring back memories, difficult to talk on the phone and look up your schedule at the same time... he hasn't quite worked out how to do that yet.
    "Is that her?" Alexander peeks his head around the corner again.
    "I was thinking around 9?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Never heard of it but it's a big city. As long as they have big portions and reinforced furniture, it sounds great." Thinkgs she has to think about when she goes anywhere. Unless he wnated to go with Jennifer Walters. Nah, he asked her out as Shulkie so that's what he is interested in. Despite her brash attitude and manner. She rocks back in her chair and suddenly finds herself overbalanced. She teeters, trying to get her feet down and she goes over backwards with a loud /THUD/. "So uhm, yeah. Nine sounds good. Is it a fancy place or...?" She just stays there instead of trying to get up.

Ares has posed:
    "Well," The voice on the other end hesitates for a moment, and then he turns his head to the side to wave off the suddenly so curious Alexander who has /leapt/ onto the back of the sofa and is reaching for the phone.
    "Lemme talk to her, I'll tell her!"
    John grimaces and places a hand on the young man's head to keep him away almost comically.
    So Alexander shouts, "He says yes! Whatever it is!"
    The receiver is covered and there's a muffled thud thump and then a child's laughter as apparently Alexander is /tossed/ into the couch by the incognito Olympian. He bounces a few times but then John murmurs into the phone, "Sorry about that."
    He gets up and strides away towards the front door, opening it and /closing/ it behind him quickly before the kid can chase him out and follow after him.
    "But there's a big ceramic pig out in front of it and it does some barbecue and steaks. Sooo..." He leaves that hanging there as well that is the kind of place it is. Upscale, sorta, but with a party atmosphere.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "You know that's how you rate barbeque joints, right?" Shulkie asks as she continues to lay on the floor upon her toppled chair, feet sticking up in the air. It's pretty comfy. So why not. "If it has a pig outside, it's great. If it's a pig in a chef's hat, it's better. And if the pig is wearing a chef's hat and an apron? You have found the barbeque of the gods. Not found one of those in New York yet. Kinda sad." She reaches up a hand to her desk, grabbing the bottle of water up there. Only, she can't really drink it in this position without pouring it all over herself. She regretfully rolls to her hands and knees and gets up, righting the chair as she does so. She does not share her other analogy about barbeque. See, she has tact! "Tell Alexander hi for me by the way."

Ares has posed:
    "I think the pig wears a suit." John hmms to himself as he tries to recall his last visit to the place. But then he sits down on the edge of the stoop that leads up to his front door, holding the phone to the side of his head, "But I think it's pretty good."
    The window opens with a scrape of wood on wood as the frame rises up smoothly, then Alexander sticks his head through, "Tell her I said hi!"
    The phone is held away as he turns back to his son and says, "She said hi too, before you said to tell her hi."
    "Whaaa? Yay!"
    But then he leans over and shuts the window, luckily not catching any of the kid's fingers, though cutting off his yell of 'yay' short a little.
    It's back to the phone that he says, "So, nine o'clock?" He asks and if she agrees he'll end the call with a smile and adding, "See you then."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie can't help laughing as she hears Alexander piping in. She has no idea that the boy is pursuing his father in an attempt to be involved in the call. As the yay fades away and John speaks, she nods. Then realizes he cannot hear the rocks in her head rattling around so ehs speaks. "I'll see you at 9. I'll be wearing a black dress. Oh, and I'm green. In case you didn't notice." She laughs again as she hangs up.

Ares has posed:
    A little over twenty-four hours later, and the time had passed in a blur to be fair. For some reason, everything seemed to be a bit of a haze and in some ways all of it was just an echo of the phone call. It was a pleasant memory that could be conjured forth to make the day go by faster, along with remembrances of that brief meeting in the park at the playground. Just moments in time that seemed somehow stronger, more real.
    And before he knew it it was a few hours before the big date and John Aaron found himself standing in his room holding up different shirts in his hands as he looked at them curiously. "I see nothing wrong with what I usually wear."
    "Daaad." Alexander sighed exasperatedly as he lies on the bed, kicking his heels and already in his jammies. His bed time being eight, he's already set for the most part. "You gotta take this all serious."
    "Yes but she seemed to like me well enough before and I was wearing just my normal fare." The tall man's brow furrowed sternly.
    "Yeah but you gotta like, make it so you're making a big effort to impress her! And you should talk about stuff that you're good at. And you should tell her how much money you make. And mention that you have a big car."
    To which he eyes the young man aside, "I should record this and play it back to you when you're older."
    But Alexander just rolls his eyes, "So just dress up! Flannel is gross, it's for lumberjacks."
    "I like flannel."
    "No girl likes flannel. Billy told me they like suits and businessmen."
    "Oh he's an expert is he?"
    "Yeah, he has a girlfriend!"
    "He's nine."
    "Yeah they hold hands and stuff."
    "Oh so it's serious then?"
    But John shakes his head and looks at the mirror, "I have the suit." The one.
    "Yeah wear that. But like... with a different shirt." Alexander rolls over, holding his legs up in the air and kicking them idly.
    "I like the grey."
    "Good, so long as it's not flannel."
    "Bah, go brush your teeth." John's voice sharpens with a hint of command to it and then the young boy hops up and rushes out of the room!
    But at the end of it all, when John Aaron shows up to Rudy's and steps through the door, he's wearing a black suit for the most part with a grey shirt and brightly shined black leather shoes. He smiles to the host as he enters and nods, "Two, meeting someone here."
    And with that he's shown to the back.

She-Hulk has posed:
    The place is a landmark with all manner of people inside. Most are dressed up a bit although not all. The booths and tables are cozy and close together. There is a long bar down one end of the room with several bar stools, for those who prefer. The host gives a nod. "Would you like to wait at the bar or a table?"
    Another hostess walks up. "There is a lady waiting for someone who was supposed to be arriving. She said tall, handsome and built like a brick sh--er. Built well." The hostess blushes at her almost faux pas. "I'm guessing that might be you?" She motions toward the bar.
    Sitting upon one of the stools, which must be good to support her weight, is the Sensational She-Hulk. Sensational because of that black sheath dress she is wearing which is quite short but at least she can sit without revealing her assets. Literally. It's strapless, showing off lots of green skin. Around her right wrist are a few gold bracelets, matching the studs in her ears. Her heels are gold and heeled. Considering how tall she is, it's kind of silly not to wear them since she will still be taller than most men even without. Some men hate that. She doesn't care obviously or she'd be in flats.
     She turns around on the stool, leaning back on her elbows and causing a few men in the room to spill their drinks or simply stop breathing.

Ares has posed:
    At the front reception area John gives a nod to the hostess but then smiles a little wryly at the last. He tells her lightly, "That may be me." And with that he'll let her lead him to the bar waiting area... even though when they step around that small corner there's no missing Jen at all. The way she's sitting, the way she's smiling and drawing the eyes of the room to her, it's pretty clear that she's the focal point of attention there much to the chagrin of many of the women there with their dates.
    But then John is shown to her with the gesture of one hand from the hostess. He smiles his thanks to her and then steps up to the bar, resting his hand on the railing that lines it and his eyes meeting hers with a warmth in his gaze. "Ms. Walters," He addresses, "It's good to see you."
    The hostess looks between them, "Shall I take you to your table?"
    To which the tall man says, "Please." And he'll step up beside her, now having to look a bit up at her as with those heels she's a bit taller than him. He'll offer her his arm and tell her, "You look amazing tonight." He'll step back to look upon her dress at such close range and then smiles to her, "You clean up well." His lip quirks faintly, his first touch at levity.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "I look amazing every night," she quips with a bold wink. She stands then looks in surprise at his arm. She slips hers through it. As they walk toward the table, she continues. "Gotta say the same for you. All spit shined and polished. It looks good on you," she adds as they are brought to a table. She eyes the chair warily a moment then looks to the hostess. "Maybe a booth? I'm not sure that chair is going to survive otherwise. And it's way too early in the date for him to know if I'm wearing panties or not.""
    "Of course." Blushing again, the hostess leads them five more feet to a booth with more than ample room for sitting, instead of those designed for stick figures to slide into.
    Shulkie slips into the booth, still a little cautious but after an initial groan of protest, the furniture seems to be holding. She gives John a big smile as she rests her arms on the table. "And please call me, Jen."

Ares has posed:
    "Jen," He gives voice to her name then as he settles into the seat opposite her, "Alright," His smile curves as he takes the seat and then when the hostess offers them their menus he nods his thanks to her and then voices it quietly. Now with their menus he casually puts his down, perhaps knowing what he wants and at ease with that decision. He looks across the way to her, "So, my son told me to ask you some questions. I told him to narrow it down to one. So if you like we'll get that out of the way."
    His lip curls as he says that to her and upon gaining some hint of agreement he'll clear his throat and asks her, "Who would win in a fight, you or The Human Torch?" The way his voice lifts upwards at the end of Torch it's perhaps clear that he has no idea who the man is, but apparently memorized the question not needing that information.
    But then he'll add after a moment, "Sorry, it was the only way I could get him to go to sleep. He was bouncing off the walls."

She-Hulk has posed:
    She isn't too worried about the menu at the moment although she lays it in front of her, open so she can peruse when ready. At the explanation about Alexander, she can't help giggling. "He's got you wrapped around that little finger, doesn't he?" She doesn't really wait for an answer, knowing it's true. "But I'll answer your question. In a fair fight, I'd take him every time. But he cheats. So, he beat me. Not something I advertise because Johnny is insufferable enough without adding that to his ego. He's also one of my teammates in the Fantastic Four so I try not to get in fights with him normally. Y'know, same side and all that stuff."
    She tilts her head to the side a moment. "Don't know a lot about superheroes? Fantastic Four, Justice League, Avengers, Titans?" She's throwing them out there just to see if the lights come on for him.

Ares has posed:
    "I am..." John looks at her and smiles, "I know some through osmosis?" He offers to her as way of explanation but then he leans back in his seat, the wood creaking faintly. "But personally I am something of a luddite. Technology and I are barely on speaking terms, let alone friendly." But then he turns his head aside, contemplative as he rubs at his chin.
    "I know of Captain America. Your cousin. Iron Man. Superman. I've heard of the Batman." He looks back at her, his features a touch apologetic. "But beyond that I sort of let him navigate that for me."
    And then a small wry curve touches his smile as he leans forwards, resting his arms on the table, "Though he did have some Fantastic Four underoos a few years ago."
    But then he waves his hand as if to push all that superhero stuff to the side, "But honestly what gave me more trepidation was that you're a lawyer."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Tell me he was Ben Grimm. Because that's the cutest idea ever," Shulkie says with another giggle. It's actually a little refreshing that he's not a hero-chaser. There's a lot of those. People who go after superheroes socially just for the prestige that might come with dating one. John Aaron doesn't seem to be in that category. The ones he named are all high fame types. Even the Batman, as much as he might've preferred not to be.
    At his revelation, she laughs outright. "Yeah, we tend to be a rather bloodthirsty lot. Worse than mosquitos in Florida." She shifts her menu but doesn't look down at it. "You afraid I might sue you or something? I tend to stick with criminal cases as a defense attorney, so you're safe. Well, as long as you don't shove me down the stairs or something. Then I might branch out."
    Under the table, she kicks off her heels and suddenly he finds his lap occupied by a pair of perfectly pedicured green feet.

Ares has posed:
    The tall man grins a bit, his features so open when discussing the child. He touches a finger to the end of his nose and then points at her to indicate that she has the right of it, Alexander did indeed run around shouting, 'It's Clobberin' Time!' when he was five years old, for truly that is the stuff that makes up childhood isn't it?
    "Oh no, I wasn't worried as to litigation." He looks down and sees her resting her feet in his lap and he chuckles, looking up at her. He lowers his hands and lightly takes up one of her feet, beginning to lightly rub them in a leisurely manner, thumbs pressing into the arch of her foot, sliding along it slowly, cupping the heel as he just absently massages her while he chats, "More thinking that when you realized I was just a grunt who lifted and carried for a living you might suddenly find the luster of a single father a little less interesting?"
    Yet the way he says that it's light-hearted, amused as if he wasn't really that worried. And to be fair, he wasn't, that much is clear as he squeezes her foot gently and then presses in against the ball of her foot, pressing back against the toes each in turn.

She-Hulk has posed:
    As he starts to massage her foot, Shulkie's eyes close and a look of pure bliss is on her face. "Oh. My. God. I am so keeping you," she murmurs as he hits all the right points, giving extra attention to those areas that always seem to ache when wearing heels for too long. Even used to them, there is something heavenly about taking the damn things off at the end of the day. And a foot massage? Dreamy.
    She peeks through her lashes at him, then opens her eyes more fully as she smirks. "I know you don't know your heroes so maybe you don't realize, I'm kinda into that whole picking up heavy things thing. It's kinda my schtick. And you obviously pick up heavy things. A lot." She looks over him openly, from his strong chest and broad shoulders to the way the suit hugs his biceps when he flexes his arms, even with the dress attire in place.
    "Besides, we are all the same. We put on our pants one leg at a time. Unless the alarm clock doesn't go off. Then we do that two feet stuffing and running out and hope your fly is done up thing."

Ares has posed:
    For a moment he smiles across the way at her as he lightly pushes on each toe back the other way to loosen the joints slightly before shifting to the other foot, even as he cants his head the other way curiously. "You look like you're not a slouch in that regard either." He meets her gaze with that same smile, his brown eyes finding hers as he offers, "I have to admit I did use the google to find out about you."
    He continues the light touches and then reaches forwards to push his fingers over the firm muscle of her calf, and then draaaags his fingers back down as he eases back, "At first I was entertaining some theory that gamma radiation exposed some sort of inner aspect to the person, since your beauty seems to match your exuberance for life."
    The waitress starts to walk over to them after tending to another table and it's just before she arrives that he'll tell her gently, "But apparently you were already beautiful." He gently sets her legs down and turns his attention to the server.
    And then the waitress lifts her voice, always interrupting in those moments when things are getting interesting. "Hi, my name is Cindy. Just wanted to say it's an honor to serve you, Ms. Walters. You're a great role model." She blushes a little but then looks back, "But what can I get you guys to drink tonight?"
    John shoots a half-smile Jen's way, but then answers, "I'd like a pitcher of Sangria, please." A glance is given to her, "Share some with me?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    Saved by the servers. Otherwise 'the google' was about to get a smart comment. Although when he says she was beautiful before the gamma radiation, a little color comes to her cheeks. Pinkening slightly which is interesting with the green complexion.
    The waitress gets a bright smile and a nod. "Nice to meetcha, Cindy. I'll have what he's having."
    That causes a pause. "Some of his sangria?"
    "No, a pitcher of sangria. I'm a big girl and that's more like a drink than multiple drinks when you're my size. So, two pitchers of sangria." Then she grins over at John. "But we can still share."

Ares has posed:
    As the waitress offers her view of Jen, it's John's turn to look over at the emerald amazon and he gets a faint smile. For some reason there's an element of pride there, as if the presence of the woman and the adoration of others in her made him feel the better for their shared moments together. So, he gives a nod, "Certainly. Two pitches, and two straws?" He grins at the last, since really who needs the tiny dainty little wine glasses they often serve with them.
    The waitress laughs a little and smiles, "And do you guys know what you want to eat or need a little more time to look at the menu?"
    At that John gestures to Jen to precede him with her order, uncurling a hand in her direction. He then waits til she's set on her order before he looks to the server, "The prime rib, please. Medium rare."
    Once she's got their orders she'll hustle off to get the orders placed even as some of the other patrons are stealing glances and whispering. Luckily their booth is a bit in the back and around a corner so they're not being covertly filmed or subject to a lot of giggling glances. But still, Jen does draw attention.
    John looks back to her, "So, I am afraid I have the advantage of you, having read what I could. Is there anything you'd like to know about me? I figure it's only fair."

She-Hulk has posed:
    As she hasn't really looked at the menu yet, Shulkie just does what her norm. She wings it. The first thing she sees when she glances down at the menu in front of her. "Baby back ribs, with fries. And extra sauce." She closes the menu and passes it over, giving another big smile which may be because of the company or perhaps it's that joke still running through her head. "And two long straws. No glasses."
    She a bit surprised he's going along with that. Most people would've been horrified at her ordering a full pitcher. They certainly wouldn't have gone along with it and asked for straws. Her admiration for Mr. John Aaron goes up a few more notches. Which is saying something after the foot rub.
    Speaking of feet. She lowers one back down then begins rubbing up and down his shin playfully. Her expression doesn't give away what's going on beneath the surface of the table.
    "Yeah, I've got a few questions. First, what kind of music do you like? Second, why construction? Third, do you stay that fit just doing your job or do you work out somewhere because if it's public, I'd like to come watch you sometime while I eat popcorn. Fourth, why aren't you even the least bit freaked out by me because most people are eyeing the door by this point."

Ares has posed:
    When the server departs he turns his attention fully back to her and lets a small laugh slip when she voices her questions, the latter one making him shake his head slightly. "I haven't seen anything to freak out about yet." He leans forwards, resting his arms on the table so he can look into her eyes while she casually runs her foot up and down his shin. The fabric of those dress pants is soft, rather light as she rubs her toes along the firmness of his leg while he meets her gaze.
    "But, taking them in order..." He looks up and then back down to her, "I like classical music mostly. There was a Celtic group that I enjoyed though I am terrible with names." He rubs at his rather rarely clean shaven cheek, looking thoughtful. "I liked Michael Jackson. Prince, they both had such amazing talent." He flares his hands slightly, "To be fair if a music is strong and emotive then I enjoy it. It's hard for me to pick one aspect." He hmms and then adds, "If it is a song that reminds me of another time, memory... nostalgia. Then I tend to enjoy it more."
    Then he thinks, "What was the second? Oh my job. Well, it pays well?" He chews his lower lip slightly and smiles, "I mean I wish I could say it has been what I always wished to do, but it is not. It's more I fell into it one day and kept at it. And here I am."
    "Working out, well... I have a good facility in the basement, but sometimes I do go to a gym albeit rarely. Also there are a few martial arts schools that I see to now and again as a favor."
    Then the last, "As for your last question... he smiles across the table at her, "I think I'm more surprised you're not put off by my life situation. I have met others who as soon as they find out I have a son I'm responsible for... well it is a complication to many." He furrows his brow, "Though I should be fair and mention that I am not some naive pollyanna who hasn't been with another. I've had friends who at times enjoyed being close to me." He smiles a bit, "But it's always been... informal."
    The tall man looks aside for a moment, as if considering whether to add this last or not. But he chooses to do so and says, "It's actually been... years since I've gone out on a date date."

She-Hulk has posed:
    She listens quietly, which is unheard of for her. Taking in each piece of information shared, expressive face letting him know her reactions even though there is no voice involved.
    The music gets a brief nod and smile although, for her, classical is not a thing. She does agree on the nostalgia and feeling. Her own tastes are all over the place.
    The job gets a slight furrowing of her brow. If he doesn't love it, why do it? Then she answers her own question as she thinks of Alexander. Good money means good life for the munchkin. While she loves practicing law, she doesn't like doing it as Jennifer Walters. So she can relate.
    The talk of the gym has her smiling again, gaze flicking over him once more and deciding she really needs to find the gym he goes too. Martial arts training is a surprise but not an unpleasant one.
    The last portion earns a soft laugh and a shake of her head. "Well I appreciate that you chose to go out then. Though friends with benefits has its merits."

Ares has posed:
    A nod is given as he looks to her and he says, "It can be difficult, responsibilities, scheduling. Can make things tough and I understand why some people prefer not to deal with it." His brow knits as he looks away, but then he looks back to her. She might get that feeling again as he looks to her, that moment of him gauging if he should say more. He decides to do so again as he murmurs, "I'm... to be fair I have preferred to keep myself distant and unavailable. For some reason it was... different with you."
    Those words hang there for a moment, but then he brushes them away as he murmurs with a small smile, "I think it was your honesty. And how you were with the children." His lip curls further.
    It's at that moment that one of the servers wanders by and deposits a plate of freshly baked bread rolls before them, setting the plate down with a clink and smiling his greeting. John gives a nod and a smile as well as he murmurs, "Thank you."
    Once the server is departed he takes up a roll and tears it in half. "When I saw you I thought to myself that you were a woman worth hiring a babysitter for." His lip curls wryly.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Good to know. If the date goes into the crapper, I'll be sure to pay your babysitter for you," Shulkie teases as she takes a roll then goes about cutting it in half and liberally applying butter to it. As she works, she talks. "You keep doing that, by the way. Trying to decide if you should say stuff. When you're with me, just say it. I can take it. And I'm likely to do it to you more often than not." She considers as she places the two halves of the roll back together.
    "If it's any consolation, I suck at relationships. I think the honesty is refreshing at first but after a while, it starts to wear thin. As for the kids," she says as her expression softens at the thought. "I love 'em. They look at the world and see so much good when I get to see so much bad. They believe in enjoying themselves, having fun. A philosophy I share with five year olds." She grins and giggles a bit, a very girlish sound. "It takes so little to make them happy so I try to do what I can. The park is easy since I jog through there every day. I also go visits children in some of the hospitals." She sobers and takes a bit of her bread, mind drifting to the places she has visited and the children she's met there.
    She flicks her gaze back up to him, smiling faintly. "So tell me about Alexander. And where's his Mom?"

Ares has posed:
    As she spoke he followed along with small smiles, shared laughs, watching her eyes and the way her lips form around the words. She has what people call such kissable lips and the way her smile curls up at times, almost wicked as if she had a secret she was not sharing with the world. It was enchanting, and he was not immune to the magic that she wove.
    But then she brings the story back around to Alexander and mentions her mother and she can see the small touch of mixed emotions there. Pride, happiness, remembered joy. But it's coupled there with the faint moment of sadness, loss that should be an old feeling but is always fresh there when it's brought to the fore. His smile is still there, but it has a pained edge to it as he tells her, "His mother passed when he was born. She was..." He starts and when he's spoken of her before it's always difficult in the beginning.
    "She was a wonderful woman who _hated_ my guts entirely when we first met." His lip curls a bit as he tries to affect a warmer feeling, shifting those memories to the good ones, "She was a police officer, and I... was a hard man. I was grim and I wasn't very proud of my life before then. But it was during the floods in Texas when things were so bad. She kept going out to help people. And I was in one of the shelters. She was asking for help and I heard her..."
    He hasn't eaten any of his roll yet, just has torn it in half and now pulls it apart into quarters. "At first I intended to do nothing. Too self-involved. But when I heard her... it was like she was speaking directly to me. So the other men I was with were surprised when I offered to help her. And I did."
    He smiles a little warmer now and looks back up at her, "One thing led to another, and I found myself very curiously thinking about her entirely too much. We talked about marriage but we never did. And Alexander came along and she wanted to wait for her family to be there so I could ask her father's blessing."
    He pauses and his brow knits, "But then Alexander was born prematurely. And it was a difficult birth."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Although she is known for her mouth, Shulkie is a good listener. It's an active skill and too many people wouldn't take the time to practice it. Without listening, she wouldn't do her job effectively, catch those little details she could take advantage of on the stand. So she practices that skill now.
    She listens closely, nodding at times, eyes showing empathy for his tale, for the difficulty of sharing it. The part about the woman hating his guts gets a soft laugh. Then a touch of respect that he went out to help her when she was in need. The plan to 'do the right thing' and ask her father for her hand, which is so old fashioned but charming in its own way. The thought of him losing the woman he loved and his son being premature has her breath catching.
    She slides a hand over the table, resting it lightly on his forearm. "I'm so sorry." She tries to think how to recover, to come back from that place. "Alexander has grown up into a lovely boy. I'm sure it was difficult for you raising him alone."

Ares has posed:
    It's a good save, salvaging the moment as she redirects his thoughts away from the past to the present and in some ways the future. He smiles a bit as his eyes return to hers with his brow furrowed in thought, his smile still a touch wounded but given to warmth as he speaks on Alexander, "He's a good boy. I worry for his future, but every parent does so."
    He only then finally takes up the roll and takes a bite, chewing for a time and then letting his gaze wander to the side over the room and the crowd that seems to slowly be filling up. Rudy's does a good business before nine, but it's after then that it draws the post show crowd and the night life foot traffic.
    Turning back to her he murmurs, "It wasn't easy to raise him alone, no. He did have a nanny for the times when I had to be away, but he developed a strong personality early." A small lift of fingers uncurling as he waves away the thought, but then he looks back towards her. "He seems to think the world of you. Told his whole class about meeting you."

She-Hulk has posed:
    His love for his son shines through everything, there for anyone to see. To see him go from that darker memory to the light that is Alexander. She does get a bit of a smile as she catches the term nanny. "Okay, you must do really well in construction if you could afford a nanny. They don't come cheap. Maybe I should see if there are any openings. Think your boss might hire me?" she teases, slipping easily into that side of things to continue lightening the mood. She hadn't realized his lady was dead or she would've never asked. Course, it's a first date. She couldn't know without asking. Still didn't make her feel better for dredging up old, sad memories.
    She takes her own peek around the room, not being obvious about it. Make eye contact and fans tended to come running. Better not to open that door. She shifts her gaze back to his brown eyes and giggles again. "Kids like me. Not sure why. Either the height, the complexion or the fact I can throw a tank. Maybe it's the combination. The trifecta of awesomeness." Then she shrugs. "I like kids. Giving a little bit of myself to make them happy? It's the easiest thing in the world. If it would help his rep at the school, I'd even be willing to come visit."

Ares has posed:
    "Hey," John looks back to her, his smile a bit wry as he looks back to her from the room at large. "It's good money, sixty bucks an hour." He points at her as if proving something to her, his eyebrows climbing with admonishment. But he rests his hand upon hers in turn, smiling faintly as he adds, "If I thought you were serious I would. But you seem pretty set, Jen." He sits up as the waitress begins to wend her way back towards them with their two pitchers on her tray.
    "I mean, I hear that this lawyering you call it? That supposedly pays decently too."
    As he grins it's that moment when the waitress comes by, setting down each pitcher before them as she smiles to each in turn. "Here you go guys, your salads will be right up and then your entrees not too much longer after that, anything you need right now?"
    John shakes his head and then looks back to Jen to see if she does, if a negative is given he looks back to the server, "No thanks, appreciate it though."
    The waitress smiles and departs, her eyes trailing after them as she tries not to stare at Jen, but then she rushes off.
    John grins and shakes his head, his eyes meeting hers again. "Now, if you did that... there'd be no living with him. I had to bribe him to not tell his class that we were going out on a date."

She-Hulk has posed:
    She laughs outright. "Really? I don't see why you going on a date with me would be newsworthy to his class but then again, I'm not a kid." She picks up one of the wrapped straws on th table. A pulle of the fingers and the end slides off. Then she puts the straw between her lips and puffs out a breath of air, sending the opposite end flying in his direction to impact his chest. She grins around the straw, holding it lightly in her teeth then pulls it from her lips and tucks the straw into the first pitcher of sangria. "Might act like it, but I'm not."
    She sets the pitcher in the middle of the table then reaches for the second straw before he has a chance to go for it. The same procedure is followed although this time the wrapper was bent a little and flies off to her left. "Dammit," is a little mutter. The straw is placed in the same pitcher with the first, leaned against the edge on her side. "There. Now we can share," she says with a bright smile.
    I guess being a lawyer pays pretty well. But sometimes you just want to be..." She pauses as she looks for the right word, leaning forward toward her straw as her eyes roam over him again. She winks. "...physical."

Ares has posed:
    He makes a small chuff of a sound when that straw wrapper impacts his chest, a sort of 'harumph' that's affected as if he were terribly offended at her antics. But then he leans forwards and takes up the straw in one hand pulling it close enough so he has to lean forwards but can still take a sip of the sangria. A few swallows and he smiles into her eyes, "Hmm, they didn't skimp on the rum." His eyes widen slightly as if the alcohol was affecting him rather well, but he shakes his head, "I guess they figured we could handle it."
    He reaches for another part of that roll he tore apart and takes a bite of it, downing it after a moment. "You know, if you twist my arm..." His lip curls as he slips his hand into hers. It's a calm thing, just a first touch as his eyes go to her fingers, his own lightly entwining with hers as if to gauge the feeling, the sensation of her hand in his. His eyebrows raise then he looks to her, "I could be convinced to let you take a few shifts for me. I mean my crew can get a bit rowdy, but I imagine you could handle yourself."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie slips the straw between her lips and takes her own sip after hearing his assessment. Her eyes widen a little as she swallows, releasing the bit of plastic from her lips. "I slipped the waitress a twenty so she'd make sure it was strong. This stuff doesn't effect me much--weird metabolism--but I figure I get you drunk, I can take advantage of you." She did no such thing as he has seen her the entire time but she can't keep from teasing him about it.
    She watches as his hand finds hers, turning her fingers to allow them to twine with his own. His hand is strong, calluses there from hard work at an honest living. It feels comfortable in her own. Nice. She gives a soft squeeze of her fingers, a little motion so he knows she likes the touch.
    Her eyes are still on his as a smirk twists her lips up. "Rowdy I can handle. I might even end up embarrassing them. That whole taking your shift thing won't work. I wanted to see you all flexing and sweaty. So how about you get me a few shifts with you instead of replacing you. Unless the rest of your crew looks like you."

Ares has posed:
    Naturally she can see the incredulity in his eyes as he watches her and he looks aside, but then he looks back to her and replies, "Why do I get this feeling that I should play coy or act hard to get when I want to be anything but?" There's a small touch there, flirtation returned. Perhaps it's the first hint of the liquor giving him that faint buzz and the small colour to his features, or perhaps he's just feeling more at ease.
    His hand holds hers even as he takes another pull of the sangria, smiling around the straw as he watches her, "But if that's all you wanted why didn't you ask?" He reaches to one of the small cherries floating on the top and picks it up to bite the meat of it, smiling while he watches her. "We could have met at the gym, spent some time working up a sweat... and then go lift some weights." His lip curls wickedly as he takes an orange slice and nibbles on one end of it.
    But she can tell there's something about this that amuses him, that makes him feel... young to be playing with her in such a way. Perhaps it's her nature, her being so silly and vibrant. Or perhaps it's just been a while since he could let go.

She-Hulk has posed:
    She giggles slightly, watching his lips on the cherry with extra attention. Probably shouldn't be but right now, that is just sexy. She knows it isn't the alcohol but him. He's just different from most men she encounters. Comfortable in his own skin, not trying to put on a front. It's refreshing. Not to mention he doesn't look as breakable as most. Yeah, he's human so she would have to be careful. Just not quite as careful as normal. Her green eyes are bright with amusement. "John, with me? You never have to play anything. I like things at face value. I don't play games. I don't act a way I'm not feeling. You get the face to match the emotions instead of a pout when I'm happy or whatever stupid thing some women do to try to manipulate men."
    She considers a moment as she takes a sip of the drink, watching him now nibbling that orange. Sexy lips. That's what it is. No, not just the lips. Everything. His strength is appealing, his appearance. But there is more than that. He seems a good man and his adoration of his son speaks volumes about his strength of character. It is drawing her to him. Her brow arches as she sits back a bit. "Work up a sweat before the workout? I like the way you think."

Ares has posed:
    A small laugh comes from him and he looks away, shaking his head as he ponders her words. He chews on the corner of his mouth thoughtfully, as if gauging her when he looks back, eyes dropping for a moment to her hand still in his. "Is that so?" He asks her as he squeezes her hand and then looks back.
    "Well, for my part I am a bit..." His brow knits slightly, "Puzzled." He says that at the last as he leans forwards, another sip of the drink taken. Oh he has that miracle constitution just as she does in some ways, but he is able to get a faint touch of an affect if he drinks though it doesn't last too terribly long. "I look at you and I find myself impressed, attracted, curious. Yet I find I want to do things right. I told you before I don't really... date." Another sip of the drink is taken then he smiles wryly, "So I feel woefully out of practice."
    He shakes his head, "I mean..." John's brown eyes lift to hers and he leans a little closer, if only to bring her hand up to his lips for a small kiss to light there upon her knuckle. He holds her hand in both of his and he murmurs to her quietly. "I am taken with you, entirely. I think it was in part when I first saw you laughing and spinning that girl with the pig tails in her hair. But then when you came over to me, I am... rarely pursued. That was so nice."
    He rests his other hand over hers and quirks an eyebrow as he meets her gaze, "So there is definitely a part of me that wants to dive off into the deep end and just have us enjoy each other entirely. But there's another part of me that wants to do this right. But what is right?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    The way he holds her hand has her heart beating a little faster. Which is crazy. He's just holding her hand, brushing a kiss on her skin there. It's rather innocent while being intimate. A strange juxtaposition. It goes well with him. This is a man who was going to ask someone's father for their hand in marriage. It's like he's from another time, brought forward and placed here. His dislike of technology. Well, maybe dislike isn't the right word. Lack of familiarity. The almost formality in his speech patterns. His mannerisms. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen in her life should be be a time traveler or something.
    "I can't really help you make a decision," she says honestly, another of those slight shrugs. "I tend to..."
    It's that moment that the server arrives with their salads. They are placed before each of them with a bright smile. "Your meals should be up shortly." Then she is gone again.
    Shulkie follows the departure of the woman with her gaze. "Do they have radar or something for the worst possible moment to show up? Between that skill and asking if your food is good when you are chewing..." She shakes her head and focuses back on John's face.
    "I tend to do what I want. I follow my desires instead of my head much of the time. If I want something, I go for it. And as tempting as it is to throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the nearest hotel, I get it really. I'm not trying to pressure you and taking things slower is just fine. I just speak my mind and yeah, I flirt aggressively. If it makes you uncomfortable, I can try to tone it down but I doubt I could."

Ares has posed:
    "No," John smiles and shakes his head, then repeats to her a little more firm, "No it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all." He almost reluctantly lets go of her hand as he eases back and straightens up to draw his salad towards himself. He reaches for the silverware in the rolled up napkin, unrolling it slowly and withdrawing the knife and forks, setting them down beside his plate.
    "But now it's your turn. Spill the beans and tell me everything you don't really want to tell me but think I should know." His lip curves wryly as he looks up at her even as he stabs some lettuce leaves with his fork, "Or at the least start with your family, how things have been, how you grew up. S'only fair."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "I thought you did 'the google'?" she teases as she leans back and unrolls her own silverware. "Didn't it fill in those blanks? Oh wait, you want the stuff that wasn't written up."
    She uses the fork and knife in tandem, cutting up the salad so she doesn't get half a head of lettuce which would then cover her face with dressing upon trying to stuff it in her mouth. Once it's in manageable portions, the knife is propped on the edge as she forks a few pieces of lettuce. She holds it there as she tilts her head, trying to think of anything. "My Dad is a cop. He wasn't really happy with me becoming a lawyer. Especially a defense attorney." She pops the bite into her mouth, chewing fully and swallowing before she continues. "He felt I was taking the side of the bad guys, trying to get the guilty off. He couldn't see that sometimes those people are innocent. That the investigation missed something, a mistake was made. To him it was just me helping attack cops and saying they did their job wrong. He couldn't look beyond the blue line blinders he wore. We are doing...better. We talk some. But we still aren't as close as we once were."
    She takes a sip of the sangria then forks a few more pieces of lettuce and tomato. "You've already seen pics of my alter ego. My brain doesn't change when I change forms but...I don't like being her much. My job forces me to be but I'm more comfortable as this," she says, making a motion toward herself with her free hand. She tries not to examine the why too closely but she does share one tidbit. "I feel less vulnerable and I'm all about not feeling that way."

Ares has posed:
    The incognito Olympian watches her lips form the words, his eyes narrowing a little with a faint furrow to his brow as he considers her position with her family, the difficulty of it. He smiles a little and gives a nod as he murmurs, "I do not get along with my father either." He spears some more lettuce and takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully before setting the fork down and sliding the small plate away. "Though we have forged a certain peace now, as it were."
    He then cocks his head to the side as she speaks on her alter ego and he says gently, "I understand that desire. Present yourself as strong." He gets a small smile, just a little one as he says, "For a time, for many people long ago, a home was nothing more than a place where you could hang your armor. The only place you could be at ease. Not on campaign, not amongst your peers, only home with those you trust."
    He leans forwards and rests his hand on hers for a moment, "Too often people wait for a moment of weakness..." He then lightly takes one of the toasted garlic croutons from /her/ salad and pops it in his mouth. There's a crunch as he bites down on it and then grins, "And then they steal your crouton."

She-Hulk has posed:
    She is glad to move beyond her admission of vulnerability. Self-examination is not one of her strong suits. If she did, she might realize that her near-death experience as Jennifer is what has led to her reliance on She-Hulk. She feels safer, even when she is battling supervillains and chancing death. It doesn't really make sense but it's part and parcel of the whole gamma mess that is her life.
    As he takes the bit of crunchy goodness, she can't stop herself from laughing. All caught up in his words, she hadn't expected that. Which was precisely his point. "Don't make me stab you on a first date. I prefer to wait for the third before I start using silverware as a weapon," she points out, holding up her fork and eyeing it as though considering. She lowers it without resorting to violence. "But it's just a crouton. Now, try to hog the sangria? All bets are off and I will take you out."

Ares has posed:
    "Pfft," That's right he said 'pfft' to She-Hulk, and what's more he tells her with that same smile. "I could take you." That smile, though, it's a warm one and whispers entirely of things other than fighting each other with silverware, it more offers a small window to the affection and attraction that's built in these shared moments.
    But then he tilts his head slightly, "You know, we are going to have to flee out of here out the back lest we be accosted by reporters? I think some may have been summoned by the people who spoke on their phones when we arrived." He spares a glance back and to the side, over towards the bar where indeed there are a few people still watching them from afar.
    He looks back to her and quirks an eyebrow, "Does it bother you to share food?" He asks curiously.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Not really,' Shulkie says. She pointedly reaches her fork over to his bowl and plucks out a piece of tomato before popping it in her mouth. She chews, still a hint of a smile on her lips as she does. Once she has swallowed, she takes a sip of the sangria. At this rate, they'll be on the second pitcher soon. It's getting pretty low.
    "Actually, I read this thing in a book once I want to try. Involving sharing a spaghetti dinner."
    If she was going to elaborate, it's interrupted as the waitress arrives with their dinners. The prime rib is placed in front of him. The ribs are put in front of her. The rolls are even refreshed although they have only taken two out of the basket. "Is there anything else I can get for you guys?" Cindy asks, looking from one to the other.
    "Nothing else for me," Shulkie says, pushing her salad plate out of the way and centering the dinner plate in front of her. Shulkie looks over at John then to see if he's all set.

Ares has posed:
    "Oh good, I had this brief idea of feeding you cherries while we were in a hot tub," As he says that, /that's/ when the waitress arrives, his own words snuck in there in the last few moments that perhaps the server overheard them. But the smile that's on his face is so polite and friendly that clearly she must have misheard. He looks up and then shakes his head to the waitress, "Everything looks great, thank you."
    Once she's done and gone he'll take up his knife and fork and as he slices off a small piece of the steak and swirls it in the au jus he'll meet her eyes from across that small distance. "Do you mean like the spaghetti dinner shared by those two dogs in that Disney movie?" He quirks his eyebrow because /of course/ he's familiar with Disney films, considering he has a youngster.
    "Or was there something else you had in mind?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie picks up her knife and fork and starts separating the ribs from each other, slicing through the spaces in between. It also lets her know they are fall-off-the-bone tender which is the way babyback ribs should always be. Once done, she sets aside the fork and knife and picks up a rib with two fingers. "Well, yes and no. I'm not going to be rolling a meatball at you with my nose. But it would involve no utensils. And feedng each other instead of ourselves." She lets him play with that visual even as she has visions of hot tubs and cherries running through her head as the dessert after the spaghetti dinner.
    She catches the tip of the bone on the opposite end of the rib with her second hand then brings it up to her mouth. If she was supposed to use utensils, she doesn't care. Ribs are easier to eat with fingers. She takes a bite and her eyes roll up as she lets out a soft moan of happiness.

Ares has posed:
    His own reaction to the prime rib is less demonstrative, but he smiles at her own exhibition of culinary delight. Shaking his head he takes a bite of the steak and proceeds to cut another piece, eating a bit methodically and occasionally taking a bit of his sides.
    Conversation falls off a bit as it is wont to do when the food initially arrives. He takes a moment after having had a few bites to make a small contented rumble deep in his chest, then chases it down with a good long swallow of the sangria. He sets his hands down on the sides of the plate, knife and fork still in his grip as he shakes his head, swallows, then looks to her.
    For a time he seems to just look at her, as if considering matters of some import. It's a different look, it's as if he were considering her anew. On the outside he's just perhaps giving her a look as if pondering, 'Should I tell her about the lettuce in between her teeth?'
    But she'll have no clue as to the feeling that he senses. It's a rare thing. Portent. For many people it is just a concept, a thing nebulous and imagined. But for those who have existed for some time, and are of the family of Zeus... Portent is not simply a concept, but a being, and is but sister to the Fates. So when he feels that moment, it is not something to be ignored.
    "Jen," He says, even as he knits his brow. He looks away for a moment. No one is filming them, though at times they do get glances but unlikely any are eavesdropping.
    He looks back to her, "I think I should take a moment to speak to a matter of some severity."

She-Hulk has posed:
    She's made it through three ribs before he starts looking at her funny.
    Her first thought, he has an issue with women who eat more than a salad. If that's the case, they're done. She likes her food and she's eating dammit. There is no way she is going to skimp on her intake of calories just because it isn't ladylike. Although, he probably didn't figure she would be so she dismisses that.
    Second thought, he's bothered by the attention they've been getting. It's something to get used to. A lot of people can't handle celebrity well. They like their privacy and lives uninterrupted. Again, not something that will happen when he's with her. Unless she was looking like Jennifer Walters and that's not likely to happen.
    Third possibility has her wiping her mouth wouth a napkin and while doing so, running her tongue along her teeth. Nope, no lettuce that she can feel. Hopefully that isn't the case. Of course, would that be a matter of some severity? And who talks like that?
    "Uh, okay. What's up?" she asks as she puts her napkin back in her lap, face now clear of barbeque sauce for the moment.

Ares has posed:
    His brow furrows, as he looks to the side, but then he looks back. "Let me begin that, this has nothing to do with you. You are a wonderfully exhuberant, delightful, staggeringly sexy yet seemingly effortlessly beautiful woman." John offers that to her thinking it might help things as he speaks, not knowing how much that may sound like the start of a 'It's not you, it's me' bit of dialogue.
    But then he pushes his plate forwards slightly, and spreads his hands. "About... eight years ago. I met someone. She and I got along well, it was... a whirlwind. One thing led to another. But then I told her about my family and myself. And she didn't care for it. I felt badly, and in some way that we had started things under false pretenses."
    He gives her a small smile, "I find myself attracted to you Jen, and that was the last time I actually... dated. If that makes sense. I don't want to screw it up again. At least not in the same way."

She-Hulk has posed:
    It's not you, it's me. That is definitely what it sounds like, compliments or no.
    Jen's heart sinks. She kinda liked this guy. She even liked his son, from their brief meeting and hearing his antics on the phone call. But here it comes already. At least dinner was delivered first. That counts for something. More than thirty minutes. Might be her second longest relationship, come to think of it. Maybe third. It never shows on her face though as she just nods, giving that quiet attention that shows she's listening closely. She has a great poker face. Ask Ben.
    The other thing about her is she doesn't let herself dwell. If this is going to be it, at least they had a good time up until this point. Well, she did. Maybe him not so much.
    When he explains further, her brow furrows. "So you were dating her, told her about your family, and she ran for the hills." She considers that a moment, a frown added to the furrowed brow.
    "Are you a super villain? Or just a villain? Because that would be my luck. It'd be right up there with the blind date that turned out to be a guy in a chicken suit who robbed banks. "

Ares has posed:
    The way a slightly pained look come over his face she might actually be thinking that it may well be true. He shakes his head and then says levelly, "No. No. I've never worn a costume. Nor am I a villain. Or a hero. Or anything. I just..." She can almost hear the exasperation there, the difficulty of late as some things have become known about him. He looks to her and says, "I just want to do right by my son." And there is such a resonance there, whatever the facts may be he truly /believes/ that.
    But then he lifts his chin, "SHIELD knows of me. And a reporter has learned of me. It is possible that some time in the future I may not be able to just live my life. I know that the superhero community speaks to each other. I just would rather you hear of it from me first."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Warning! Warning!
    SHIELD knows of him. But he's not a villain. Or a hero. So that leaves a lot of area in between but for SHIELD to have him on their radar, that doesn't bode well. A reporter interested just adds to the confusion. Still she listens, just nodding her acknowledgement as he works through and finds a way to say whatever it is he is saying.
    She has the urge to reach out a hand and touch his arm, offer comfort as he's speaking. Her brain is saying it's a bad move because, if this goes sideways that would be the wrong message to offer. Yet, she's always been one to go with her heart.
    She slides her arm across the table, just rest her fingers lightly on his arm as he continues.

Ares has posed:
    That small sign of support, it warms him, and she'll see it in the smile he offers to her as he looks across the way. But then his eyes widen slightly as he looks down and to the side, as if somehow the words would be conjured forth from his concentration alone. But nothing is presented to him upon some golden platter, no revelation is granted. His own prayers going as unanswered as most of the ones ever offered to him.
    Eventually he looks back to her and says levelly, "I am a man who comes from a family of beings much like yourself. An old family. Each of us having a gift for an aspect of the world. We've existed for some time, and under different names." He lifts a hand slightly as if trying to urge those words away quickly to get on with others, "I've lived... for a long time."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Beings much like her. He's not green so that's not it. Gamma irradiated comes to mind but again, not green. Or some other color. Usually there is a color change when that's involved. So that leaves either lawyers or powered. Easy elimination. He's powered. And so is his family.
    Existing for some time under different names just makes sense with long-lived. Can't be the same person decade after decade without the secret being known by keeping the same one. Aspect of the world. That has a lot of possibilities.
    "Funny, I wouldn't put you a day over 100," she comments with a smile, trying to help him through this as best she can. She even takes it a step further. "Do you want to get the rest of this to-go and find someplace more private to talk about this?" Maybe that would make it easier.

Ares has posed:
    "Bah," He says condemningly, less aimed at her and more aimed inwards as he crinkles his nose at her. "You know of Thor, and Loki?" John tilts his head at her as he smirks a bit, resting his hands on the table he smiles faintly. "Well, I am like them. My father has been called Zeus, and Jupiter. My mother was Hera."
    There's a moment when his lip twists, "Perhaps you've even met my idiot brother, Hercules?" He looks to the side and then back to her, "I was called Orion for a time. Then Ares. And finally Mars. But really, if I had my druthers you would just know me as John. I just..." He shakes his head and lifts a hand to the back of his head, frowning. He looks back, "I just would prefer to ever be in your eyes the man you saw at the park when we first met."
    He seems about to rest his hand on hers, but then lowers it back the small distance to the tabletop as he says, "But I would understand if that is a complication too far."

She-Hulk has posed:
    The world just tilted on its axis as things went in a completely different direction. That one she didn't see coming. She's actually met several of his kind, including his brother. Not that she knew Hercules was the brother to the God of War. He was always too busy boasting about how wonderful he was to ever mention family. That John calls him an idiot brother tells her everything.
    Gods. Greek. Roman. All of the above. He's a God. Which means...
    "Holy shit, you're not breakable! Yes!" And her hand takes his and she squeezes it while she gives her biggest smile, lighting up her whole face.
    "No problem with you being the guy in the park. I much prefer men. Well, you know, instead of that bestiality thing that seems prevalent in your family history. Your Dad's a freak." Okay, maybe tone it down a little, Jen. "Seriously, that's what you're stressing over? If that's the worst you have to tell me, we're golden. If I had a patron God in your pantheon, it would've been you. Or Bacchus. He knows how to party."

Ares has posed:
    A snort comes from him as he meets her eyes and he squeezes her hand back. He can't help but laugh a little and shake his head, his eyes sliding aside as he looks upwards as if praying to his father for help. But he smirks and looks back at her, shaking his head as he exhales a small chuff of consternation. "Oh you say that now, but you haven't been subjected to the torments of my family."
    "Oh it's all fun and games dating a god, but then the harpies show up and the minotaurs and the vile magicks. One morning you'll wake up and have to wrestle a hydra and then we'll see if you're so chipper then."
    But as he speaks she can feel the warmth in him, the relief as he smiles at her ruefully trying to hide it behind a twist of a scowl that really does nothing at all to hide the amusement. He shakes his head, "Protect me from mad women." But then on a spur of the moment he'll squeeze her hand just a touch. Just enough to hold her hand and then he looks up and their eyes meet. And they're so close really, just what a few inches away both leaning close upon the table with mirth in their eyes.
    And then there's a moment as the mirth smoulders over, as eyes hood and the smile takes on a cast of desire that reaches his eyes in a glimmer just the single moment before he closes the rest of that small distance and gently pulls on her hand to draw her towards him.
    And then their lips find each other.

She-Hulk has posed:
    "I'll pass on the vile magicks. But the rest? Sounds like a blast." Mad women indeed. She actually looks like those words might have been a compliment. He might want to run while he has the chance. This level of crazy is always dangerous.
    As his expression changes, her heart beats a little faster as a rush of anticipation goes through her. A thrill that happens when one knows they are about to be kissed and there is time to revel in it, feel the rush of blood and hear her own heartbeat. At the tug on her hand, she is already leaning forward, closing the distance to meet him halfway. As tall as they both are, it isn't even difficult.
    The kiss is tentative as a first kiss should be. A brushing of lips, movement slow and precise. Taking time to explore the texture and shape of the lips upon her own. Then deepening, the pressure becoming heavier but no less sensual.
    A bright flash of light goes off, enough that it can be seen through her closed eyelids.
    For a moment she thinks it's just fireworks which is pretty epic to happen from a first kiss. Then it happens again.
    A flashbulb. Someone with a professional camera is taking pictures.

Ares has posed:
    The kiss had just been getting good when the first of those flashes went off, and if it was just the one it wouldn't have been enough. For the kiss had grown warm, lips parting slightly only for another flash to illuminate that darkened corner in the restaurant even as some of the serving staff start to rise to the occasion.
    "Hey! No pictures in here." The bartender says as he steps to the end of the bar towards the photographer.
    The waitress, for her part, angrily interposes herself between the camera person and the couple at the table and says, "Hey, get outta here. Get lost."
    But that's all behind them, but it's enough for the kiss to break as John lowers his eyes, his forehead lightly touching hers as he grins and murmurs. "Then again, I imagine there are some complications that have nothing to do with mythical creatures."
    She'll feel him give her hand a small squeeze as he settles back into the seat, still holding her palm gently as he meets her eyes. "What do you usually do in situations like this?"

She-Hulk has posed:
    Shulkie sighs softly as she leans back to her side of the booth. "We should've gone with that leaving thing," she mutters half under her breath. She glances over in the direction of the staff jumping to the defense of their patrons and gives a small smile of thanks. The photographer is already being escorted toward the door.
    "Two possibilities. Take the camera and break it which is really tempting cause that kiss was perfection. But that's bad PR. So I try to avoid it. Otherwise, if it's a fan, I usually offer to pose for some selfies and they give up the film." She flicks her gaze to the man being escorted out. "In this case, probably nothing. He's a professional, not a fan. Selfies won't get him to trade the film. He'd rather get paid. I can probably pay what he would get for selling the photos so they won't get published." She frowns a little. "I don't want trouble for you and Alexander and these people can be like piranha."

Ares has posed:
    "Jen," John looks to her with that small smile as he lets her draw her hand back as she settles into her seat. "If we're going to be together," He says that giving voice to the truth that he has considered this. For really the fact he told her of himself, of who he was... he does see a future. "I imagine like you would eventually find out about who I was, eventually something like this would have happened."
    He leans forwards and then ever so meanly wraps his hand around her pitcher of Sangria and /pullllls/ it to himself to take the last sip from it, the straw gurgling faintly. He makes a small pooch of his lips at the fact that apparently she's drunk almost all of it before he could steal it. But he looks up at her again and smiles, "So I figure this is a night where we face the inevitability of things."
    He takes a sip from his own sangria, and then... perhaps to mollify her for stealing her drink he'll push his towards her offering to let her have some of his, "Besides, if I lose my calm and beat up a few reporters I know a good lawyer."

She-Hulk has posed:
    The photographer is taken out the door then the staffer returns inside, making sure to stay near in case the paparazzi tries to come back.
    As John dares to touch her sangria, Jen's brows are raised and she shakes her head. The only reason things don't go sour is he pushes his own in reach. She pulls her straw from the empty and puts it in his pitcher. Then she leans over and pointedly takes three big draws, the level of the liquid dropping slightly, her eyes locked with his the entire time as though daring him to say something. Once done, she sits back with an "AH!" then rests her hands back on the table.
    "True, you do. But not sure if I'd be willing to defend you. Being a sangria thief, not sure you deserve a good lawyer."

Ares has posed:
    The level of his sangria drops! And /drops/ as she almost seems to inhale it. He affects this look of crushed chagrin that would almost be comic if it didn't sing so much of tragedy. But that facade is broken as his smile slips forth from that affected mask, his eyes lowering. But then there's a warmth of affection in his gaze as he looks to her and says, "Well, perhaps I can convince her. Sweeten the deal somehow..."
    John nods to himself looking thoughtful as he looks away, then back to her. His lip curls a bit as he meets her green-eyed gaze and murmurs, "Do you think she'd enjoy being swept up and carried off to some island somewhere? Lie around on a beach drinking mai tais?"
    He rubs his chin looking thoughtful for a moment, "Or perhaps a Swiss Chalet might be more her speed. Roaring fire, hot chocolate."

She-Hulk has posed:
    "Construction is definitely the way to go with those sorts of destinations available," Jen says with a laugh. Her thoughts don't take her down the god who can probably teleport where he wants trail. Although she has been told what he is, her mind still evaluates him with John Aaron. Likely always will since that's what she met him as.
    She weighs the possibilities and nods a bit. "Yes, I think she cuold be tempted with either of those. Being a California girl, the tropical island sounds ideal. Would that be the desposit for her taking your case? Because she's very, very good." She lets that hang, her eyes hooding for a moment to let him know she isn't talking about legal defense.
    Under the table, her foot hooks around his leg, sliding up along his calf.

Ares has posed:
    A small twitch causes his lips to curve upwards even as he looks away, only looking back to eye her so shrewdly, as if he were negotiating with the most hardened of merchants set upon their profit like a bulldog with its favorite squeaky toy. Oh he ignores her foot leisurely toying with him with that slow sliding caress, but she can see his smile grow a touch as he tilts his head to the side. "Well then, why are we waiting here?"
    He rests his hands flat upon the tabletop and rises to his feet, to slip out of the booth and turn to face her, "Do you think she'd have a preference as to where?" He draws his wallet from his back pocket and unfolds a series of bills until their bill can assuredly be considered well paid. He then replaces his wallet and extends his hand towards her as he makes ready to escort her away.
    "I think I may also know of a way we can avoid the paparazzi." He quirks an eyebrow, "That is... if you trust me."

She-Hulk has posed:
    For a growing girl, she barely touched her food. It lost interest as he gained it. However that last pitcher of sangria is picked up as she rises, tucking it in the crook of her arm like it's precious. Technicaly, they can't take it with them.
    Reality, who is going to tell her no?
    She looks at John as she considers. She shouldn't trust him. For all she knows, he's just insane and thinks he's a God. He might be a psychotic killer. Or he is the God of War and that makes him not a nice fellow if one listens to the mythology. But as with all things, she trusts her heart instead of her head. Gets her in trouble sometimes but it works out for the most part. She slips her free arm through his and nods. "I trust you."

Ares has posed:
    A small smile is given to her, like a shared secret. He then turns and walks with her through that small aisle between the booths and the tables, leading them past a few of the other diners. Some are smiling and giving them a wave or a nod, others are trying to reach for their phones in time to perhaps snatch a last moment photo. But their path doesn't lead them towards the door, or even the kitchens leading them back. Instead he walks with her down the hallway that leads past the restrooms towards the storage area. Just enough to be out of the line of sight of most everyone as that second turn leaves the dining area behind.
    Once they're free he'll peek around the corner, something almost boyish in his manner as if they were sneaking away. "I know, I know. You think I'm just getting you somewhere we can finish that kiss..." And then he turns back to her and she'll feel a strong hand at the small of her back as he draws her close and suddenly... they are kissing again.
    It's just a moment of falling into each other, quiet sounds, touches. Eyes closed and lips parted as they each find the other. It lasts for a minute at most, but then she'll hear him murur, "And you'd only be partly right."
    It's only once the kiss ends that she'll feel a subtle brush of wind and the faint scent of the ocean as there beside them is no longer a way down the hall towards the dining room, but instead a doorway seems to open out upon the muted hues of a sandy beach at night.