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Latest revision as of 13:19, 29 October 2017

Open Till Midnight
Date of Scene: 08 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Cypher

Black Cat has posed:
Back-alley record stores are a dying breed in New York City. Not only can you find recent releases, but you can find anything old you ever wanted. Or never knew you wanted. From Bootlegs to Live Overseas realeases, Dave's has got them all. A little hole in the wall place along the edge of a derelict amusement park, it brings people from all walks of life. Today, beside the dead park's ticket booth, a young woman leans against the gate. She's wearing a practically painted on catsuit and a domino mask, with long platinum cascades of hair. She makes no effort to conceal herself, or the fact that she's intently watching the door of Dave's Records.

Cypher has posed:
Doug Ramsey loves Vinyl. He's just a retro boy at heart, with a heart firmly planted in the 1980s. And he heard Dave had a Lila Cheney album on Vinyl that was huge intergalactically and a flop on Earth -- and he just knows that would be an awesome gift for his buddy. After a little haggling and the trade of a copy of 'The Sight of the Sound' single signed by Alison Blaire herself (only an hour before, but it still counts) Doug got his prize and he comes out of the Record Store with it in a paper bag. He reaches down to put his earbuds in. "Ba ba ba ba I will steal your hear-rr-t..."

Black Cat has posed:
Behind Doug, two men dressed in head-to-toe black accost Dave himself, who was coming out for a smoke. They both have numerous weapons, but only one drags Dave back into the store and locks the door. The other scales an access ladder to the roof and perches himself there as a lookout. From seemingly nowhere, Cat slips from beside the building and pulls an earbud out by its cord, pulling Doug into her hidden spot before he can walk out from under the awning and into targeting range. "America's youth," Cat muses. "Let's not get you killed today, okay?"

Cypher has posed:
"Huh?" Doug says, as he's pulled aside. "What--" He looks around. "Oh. There's a gunman on the roof, I see." He frowns, and says, "...And you're..." He looks Felicia up and down, and clears his throat, before he says, a genuinely perplexed look crossing his face, "Why are they locking down the record store, lady?" He's trying to read the subtext to what the Black Cat is saying, the nuance, the hidden meaning. It is ASTONISHINGLY difficult.

Black Cat has posed:
"Dave doesn't only peddle vinyl," the leather-clad woman explains, looking up at the man who seems, impossibly, to be oblivious to their presence below his armed lookout perch. "He's in antiquities, too. I was here to find out if it's all on the up-and-up. That's all." She looks back at Doug, and shakes her head. "I dunno if HE is or not, but these guys most definitely aren't. We need to get you outta here, to a safe place, I'll deal with them.

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head. "Oh. I knew I was getting something weird off of Dave." He holds up his hand, and says, "Hold on." He gets his phone out, and he's about to start dialing 911. "Shouldn't we let the police deal with this?" Then he says, "Based on the layout of the building, there's an upper apartment, if you had to get in there you can go in through the fire escape and get down into the store from there, without having to deal with the lookout on the roof."

Black Cat has posed:
"Black Cat turns her masked, wide, blue-eyed gaze on Doug, looking positively bewildered. "P-police have already been notified." She pats a small comm clipped to her belt. "And it kind of scares me that you think that way. That...was pretty much my plan, yes. Almost." She pulls out a grapple-gun. "Now, I don't think this is the kinda place for a kid like you. I don't want your parents getting a call to come identify you."

Cypher has posed:
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Doug says, before he eyes that grapple-gun. "And I already know there's something in there you want to take." He... puts his phone away. "But I also know what it's like to live in a moral gray area. I'm Doug." He says. "And you did yank me out of harm's way while I wasn't paying attention. Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Just make sure Dave doesn't get hurt." He walks to the fire escape and starts to climb. "I'll take care of the lookout."

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat stands, completely confused. She saved some kid from becoming collateral damage. And he called her out on her plan. And now he's climbing. Calm and collected, this kid is climbing the fire escape to "take care of the lookout." Cat chases after him, and whispers harshly, "Young man, just what do you think you're going to do up there? The man. Has a gun. And another, and another. YOU don't need to be up there, I'm the one..." He's still climbing. "HOW are you gonna take care of the lookout?" she hisses.

Cypher has posed:
"Don't worry." Doug says, "I know what I'm doing. Besides," he says, "The longer you delay the more chance there is that the guy inside is going to get out with whatever it is YOU came to steal." Doug climbs to the top of the roof, and as he does, he whispers, in Russian (on a hunch), 'Hey! I got it! Let's get out of here before the Police show up!' - antiquities criminals are Russian a disturbing percentage of the time. Of course, it's Doug waiting next to the ladder with a potted plant in a heavy ceramic pot, to clobber him over the head, then aim a kick into his solar plexus.

Black Cat has posed:
Cat pinches the bridge of her nose, and shakes her head. She throws up her hands in mock-surrender. "Fine." She'd use the grapple hook to swing down and bust in a window if it weren't for the metal grates inside the glass. So she heads into the roof access door and begins to slip down the stairs inside. In the room behind the record store, the stairs emerge, and it's there that she hears the voices of Dave and someone with a Russian accent.

"That's it, that's all there is to it, I swear to God," comes Dave's voice. There is an unintelligible response from the other man, and Dave again pleads. "No, it looks a lot bigger in the magazine. It's a matter of perspec--Listen, dude, this is what you asked for. But if you take it, there's gonna be holy HELL raining down on your head. They aren't gonna stop with me. They won't stop till you're dead and they have it back. So if you're smart, you'll just LET me deliver it. You're in over your head." Cat crouches at the bottom of the stairs behind the wall, and pulls a pin, rolling a flash-bang into the back corner of the room, where the smoke can at least conceal her when it goes off.


Cypher has posed:
*BANG* - Doug leaves the guy out on the fire escape lying there, after using his coat to pull out all of the guy's guns and other weapons and drop them neatly onto the ground in the alley. Then he tilts his head, when the flashbang goes off, and he says, to the unconscious man, "Well, you know how it is. Meet a pretty girl, get into ill-advised situations. It's a classic Anglo-American narrative, really..." Then he descends the fire escape, and says "The police are definately coming now."

Inside, there's two stunned men and a roomfull of smoke, and a little artifact sitting on a counter.

Black Cat has posed:
Cat seemingly materializes behind the man in black and disarms him of the gun he's pointing in Dave's general direction. She doesn't bother to frisk and rid him of other weapons at this point, but instead zip-ties his hands behind his back. "Get that thing put away," she snaps at Dave, nodding toward the artifact. She touches the button on her comm, and speaks into the air. "Two suspects neutralized. One on the roof, one inside the back room. The door will be unlocked, she says, moving through the record store and unlocking the front door as the first lights begin to arrive outside. Deftly, she moves back through the back room and herds Doug up the stairs with her. "One unarmed, unrelated civilian with me. Clearing out." Once on the roof, she zip ties the wrists of the unconscious man. "You clearly have no green thumb...perhaps you should find another profession." Then, to Doug, "C'mon, let's get out of here. She shoots and secures a zipline to a roof across the alley, and turns to him. "Ready?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug winds up going right back up! "Oh, yes." He says. "Just let me--" He snatches up the bag with his album in it. "This is a gift for a very close buddy. He and Lila Cheney used to date, and he's her number one superfan." He's herded up toward the roof, and says, "This was all very interesting. Did you get what you were looking for?" His brows draw down in a curious expression, "Though I have to tell you, pretty lady, I'm gonna have to politely ask that it be returned to its rightful owner..." He waits for the Cat to bring him across on the zipline. "Whoop!"

Black Cat has posed:
"I didn't take it," she responds, without a second thought. "I told Dave to put it away. I'm not gonna put him in the line of fire." By the time her explanation is done, the two are standing safely on a rooftop across from the record store, and watching police swarm around and into it. "Thanks, y'know, for your help and such," she says, cutting her eyes toward him. "I don't usually work WITH anyone. I just wanted to get you outta there. But you've got a good head on your shoulders. Ever consider vigilanteism?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head, and blinks big, blue eyes, slowly. "Why no," he says, lying through his teeth, "I wouldn't know anything about it." Then he smiles a little bit. "Maybe we could talk about it--" he taps two fingers together, "Over dinner? Sometime?" He has a faint little smile on his face. "You know, vous pouvez essayer de m'en disputer?" He smirks, and says, "But I do appreciate you looking out for me. I wasn't paying attention, after all."

Black Cat has posed:
"You're a TERRIBLE liar," Cat chides, and shakes her head. "Dinner would work, but I'm a little bit...unconventional...when it comes to dinner, especially when I'm going to be talking some guy into working with me." She half-smirks at his thanks, and shrugs. "It's just what I do. Now I'm enthralled to find out what it is you...do..."

Cypher has posed:
"Well." Doug says, tilting his head. "I'm a student. Journalism and Computer Science. Aside from that?" He says, "...Curiosity killed the cat, right?" he sticks his hands into his pockets, "I mean..." he says, "If I just tell you all about myself I may not be interesting anymore." He looks up, and blinks, brightly. "But really I'm just a student right now. BUT..." He says, "I can speak French. Actually I speak a lot of languages."

Black Cat has posed:
"That much is clear. Russian and French at very least." Cat smiles and crinkle her nose. "Fine, keep your secrets. I'll find out eventually..." The police are wrapping up at the record store, so she shrugs. "Hungry? Or d'ya need to get that record home before anything else?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug bats his eyes. He may be a little, ah, smitten with the Black Cat. Comes with the territory, really. But he's also being awfully wry about the whole thing. "Starving. I have to call a Lyft to get home anyway, so... yeah. Starving." He grins, slightly. "Maybe you can tease the truth out of me. Just be careful, when I actually it to use, I'm the best there is with words."

Black Cat has posed:
"I'm starting to believe it," Cat admits with a grin, reaching down to change the channel on her comm. "Do you like Chinese?" She moves to the fire escape on the backside of the building and begins swiftly climbing down to the ground, where a black sports motorcycle is parked in an alley, waiting.

Cypher has posed:
"Depends. Do you prefer places where they only speak Cantonese or Mandarin, or something further afield?" ...Huh. Doug obligingly waits for the Cat to climb onto the motorcycle and he climbs up behind her, his hands politely gripping the sides of the bike. Since they just met and all. "Do you have a helmet?" He asks, his eyebrows going up. "My friends worry, is all."

Black Cat has posed:
Before they reached the bike, Cat touched a button on a small fob on her belt. The bike beeped once and stated clearly, "Disarmed." Then she touched it again, and the bike beeped twice to indicate the ignition was unlocked. As the two climb on, she shrugs. "I don't care what they speak as long as it's good. And these guys are the best. She hands him her sleek black helmet and touches the comm again. "The usual. For two. Usual place." There is no reply over the com, at first. Then, two quick tones and a click. "It'll be there by the time we are. Forget courtesy," she laughs. "Just hold on. Your friends worry, is all."

Cypher has posed:
Doug puts the helmet on, after a moment to adjust the fit, and he says, "Yes, well, if you knew my friends..." He shakes his head, "I couldn't stop them from fussing if I tried." he hangs on tightly to the bike, before he says "This is a REALLY keen motorcycle, by the way. Just awesome." Okay, so he's a little bit of a nerd. "What was this built on, an Indian frame? Ton of tech upgrades... how's the engine?"

Black Cat has posed:
"Aprilia RSV4, custom built," Cat responds as the two glide out of the alley and into traffic. Cat zips quickly between cars and cabs, down sidestreets and under overpasses, never really slowing down, as she runs every yellow light. "They're high performance, and long endurance. My two -favourite- things." She grins, but she doesn't let on. "It was upgraded by a friend in the tech business." As if Wayne Enterprises is nonchalant enough to leave their logo off the tech beneath the windshield. The ride is smooth, and before they know it, they're pulling up to an abandoned building and stopping in the alley behind it.

Cypher has posed:
"This looks like an odd restaurant," Doug says, glad that the helmet disguises the pink tinge rising in his cheeks. He'd just blame it on the wind anyway, before he notes that the Cat never once runs into a red light. Huh. He swings off the bike and re-shoulders his bag with his album in it, before he says, "It's really nice. Someone I know has a motorcycle, but it's not sleek like this one. It's just an absolute road hog." Then again, Logan's bike is a legend in its own right. He takes the helmet off, and fusses his blond mane back into place.

Black Cat has posed:
"Maybe your friends are right for fussing over you," Cat concedes, nudging his shoulder. "You seem like you're worth it. C'mon up." She climbs the fire escape to the rooftop, where there's a table set for two under a pergola. Wisteria climbs and entwines the slats until the table is practically enclosed. On the table, there are five Chinese takeout boxes, chopsticks, and plastic forks. In an enclosed end beyond the table, shrouded by foliage, sits a hanging swing with cushions. Pointing to the boxes, she names them off. "Cashew Chicken, Pepper Beef, Vegetable Lo Mein, and there's rice in this one..." Cat then opens larger, flatter box that contains well-presented California roll, and some egg rolls. "God, I hope you're really starving. They sent extra stuff."

Cypher has posed:
"Heh." Doug says. "I was -- ill -- for a really long time. So they spoil me a bit. I've just about got them talked out of treating me like I'm frail, though." He settles down at the table, and says, "Wow, this is a really nice spread!" He helps himself to some rice and some of the cashew chicken, and chopsticks--and then he pauses, around a mouthful of food before he sets them down. "Hey. Listen. I'm gonna level with you. I'm probably sticking my neck out with this, but... I'm a mutant. Is that going to be a problem?"

Black Cat has posed:
"Why would that be a problem?" Cat asks, brows arched. "I am too." Though she doesn't expand that to include the upgrades she's obtained here and there, in addition. "These days you can't throw a rock without hitting a mutant, or a caped hero, or a masked....whetver you wanna call me. The world just isn't simple anymore. Hell, it probably never was." She opens the veggie lo mein and pours some onto her plate, poking at it with her chopsticks and enjoying a bit. "Sounds like your friends have reason to worry about ya then. Are they gonna be worried you're not home yet?"

Cypher has posed:
That's when Doug's phone rings -- Wiz Khalifa's 'Black and Yellow'. He picks it up, and the name on the phone says 'SAM' - he kills the call and puts the phone back. "Why would you think that!" Doug says. "My power is that I'm a hyperlinguist, or an omnilinguist. I am capable of reading and communicating in any verbal or non-verbal language." He takes another bite of chicken. "Well. That's the simple way to put it. It gets more complicated. "You're a mutant, though? Keen. What's your power?" He leans in a bit, all interest.

Black Cat has posed:
Smiling, she leans in toward him, too. "I'm a Black Cat. Bad luck to anyone I see as an opponent." That can get complicated, too. Bad things happen to boyfriends after a fight. "It's...like a field. A bad luck...field." She doesn't readily offer the strength, dexterity, or claws.

Cypher has posed:
Cypher gives a little smile, and then he leans in again. "Good thing I speak cat." Boy, when this boy gets over his initial shyness, he is a FLIRT. "I'll have to remember never to get into an argument with you." He grins. "But my friends mutant powers? They put mine to shame. Super-strength, psychic powers, one of them can fly..." He says, "Google Translate can pinch-hit for me."

Black Cat has posed:
"You're clearly don't understand how impressive YOUR skills are," Cat says sincerely. "I have a few other things...strength and speed--" she coughs to cover the word "claws." Then she leans back and sighs. "But mind power like that...not just anyone gets that. You're a pretty valuable asset."

Cypher has posed:
Doug grins, a little bit, and says, "Hey. Don't worry, I know a girl who turns into a wolf, same deal? Cats and wolves..." He closes one eye and then sits back, his chopsticks picking at his food, absently. "Yeah." He says. "I really want to put it to use to help people. Other mutants. Everybody. I'm still trying to figure that out!" He gestures, "That's why the computer classes, and the journalism courses." He clears his throat. "So if you're a mutant... have you ever met the X-Men?"

Black Cat has posed:
"A few of them," Cat admits, shifting a little. "We weren't always...on the same side. I didn't go to any special school, or have anyone to help me make the right choices. I grew up in a lot....rougher environment." She looks back at Doug. "But I'm gettin' there. Imagine how much more you can accomplish, startin' out on the right foot."

Cypher has posed:
"Oh." Doug says. "I always thought the X-Men were cool." Then he laces his fingers together and says, "I can tell that you're a good person, Cat. Mostly good. Don't... dwell too much on what you have or haven't done, just on what you could be doing." He grins, brightly. "I mean, you seem keen to me. Et vous pouvez être un chat noir, mais je pense que vous avez été ma bonne chance, jolie femme."

Black Cat has posed:
"YOU'RE are too sweet for your own good. But I'm sure you've been told that before," Cat says, laughing lightly. "I try not to think on the other stuff too much. But temptation still creeps in. You saw that, back there at Dave's."

Cypher has posed:
Doug nods. And then he says, "Well, if we were all saints, nobody would have to be a superhero." Then he cracks open a bottle of water and takes out a slow pull from it. His phone rings -- Wiz Khalifa again. He hangs it up, and then he gets a text message, which causes him to turn his phone off. "I'm all smoke and no fire," He admits, "It's my friends who all get the girls. Sometimes even when they're trying not to. My buddy, Sam -- the one who keeps calling me? He's the one who dated Lila Cheney. Had no idea she was interested until she practically" -- literally -- "Kidnapped him."

Black Cat has posed:
"Wow...and they're worried about YOU?" She muses as he finally turns his phone off. "Do I need to get ya back to the homestead?" She asks, nodding toward his phone.

Cypher has posed:
"Oh, no." Doug says. "I can catch a Lyft home. Besides, it's a little bit of a trip." He picks up his chopsticks again, and says, "And besides, I'm having a great time right here." He takes another bite of the chicken, and then helps himself to a couple of pieces of the sushi, before he says, "But, uh, so far I've done all the talking. So..." He says, "Tell me a little bit more about yourself?"

Black Cat has posed:
"I don't talk a lot about myself," she states simply, with a smile. "I know crime inside and out...and I put that knowledge to use. Find out stuff on the inside, act on it from the outside. The Bat doesn't know WHAT to do with me. But the government seems to think I deserved a pardon for turning it around...so I'm going with that, and hoping that I can live up to expectations."

Cypher has posed:
Doug finishes chewing on a piece of sushi, thoughtfully, and then he says, "Well sometimes you don't need to say a lot." He says, "But... I know you mean it." He murmurs. "Just remember, instead of forever, just try fighting to save tomorrow, and remember that's when the next fight begins. It kinda... makes things more manageable I guess. And it does away with that big picture thinking that screws everything up..." He snorts. He's obviously had some disagreements with a few people about that one.

Black Cat has posed:
"Yeah," Cat replies thoughtfully. "You're right. You're a pretty smart cookie, I'm glad I ran across you today. Certainly made my day more interesting." She digs into her lo mein, and snags some sushi as well.

Cypher has posed:
Doug smirks, and looks down, eating in silence for a time. Later, over the remains of his meal, he says, "So. I had..." He sets his chopsticks down, "Better get home. If they don't hear from me soon, they'll come looking for me. And..." He says, "Well, they'll find me, and it'll be a whole big thing. Like I said..." He shrugs his shoulders, "They worry. But I have had a really nice time, Cat."

Black Cat has posed:
Cat smiles and shakes her head. "The pleasure's mine. Yeah, they'd probably REALLY worry about ya if they knew who you're with." She winks. "I'll find ya again, though...that's never a worry..."

Cypher has posed:
Doug stands up. He turns his phone back on, and calls a Lyft, giving it an address about a block away. "Well." he says, tidying up his side of te table a bit, "...I guess this is good night." He beams, brightly. "So." he taps his fingers together. "...You wanna go to a movie sometime? Maybe... I dunno--" he says, "Dazzler concert? I can get you backstage."

Black Cat has posed:
"Sure...that sounds fun. You gonna tell me your name, or shall I just use my resources to learn it?" She winks with a grin.

Cypher has posed:
"Doug." Doug says, "Like I said." He shrugs his shoulders. "...Doug Ramsey." He tilts his head. "What's your name? I mean, you don't have to tell me, 'Black Cat' will work just fine."

Black Cat has posed:
" Sorry Handsome. I don't quite play fair...But, I can tell ya that anyone who matters calls me Cat. The other name...I don't even come to it anymore. Not even if called nicely." She smiles again. "If it ever matters...I'll tell ya. Deal, Doug?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives a little smile. "I believe you, Cat." He rocks backward on his heels. "So I guess this is goodbye for now, huh?" He looks toward the door, and then his phone buzzes with yet another text message, which when he reads it he says 'WE HAVE MAGIK SCRYING FOR YOU WTH ARE YOU BOY WE ARE GONNA COME GET YOU' and he rolls his eyes, and sighs. "...Deal."

Black Cat has posed:
"So much for hiding who you're with, eh?" Cat laughs brightly. "You can tell them I kidnapped you." She leans in and kisses his cheek. "Then this is goodbye, for now. I'll be in touch. You can bet on it. Be safe, yeah?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug's cheeks turn scarlet. "...Yeah." He says, cheerfully. "Absolutely." Then he shakes out his jacket, before he walks out... to go get in his Uber and ride back to Salem Center. It's a little bit of a trip.