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Latest revision as of 13:34, 29 October 2017

Luck of the Doom
Date of Scene: 09 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, Domino

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom does not typically indulge in aesthetics. He doesn't have a need or desire for such things. However, there are times that even Victor needs to unwind. And thus, he is at the grand piano in his embassy's office, an indulgence that he sometimes needs, and he plays the instrument with exquisite skill. Perhaps the only flaw being... it's a little too perfect, almost mechanical in its cadence, lacking the imperfections that make it human. Still, it is a lovely melody he weaves through, one of his own works of course.

Domino has posed:
She comes in through the window.

Flashy? Yes, but only to those that aren't expecting it inside. It bypasses security, and with a grappling line it's easy enough to move from building to building. One might even say that the local wildlife of Gotham have rubbed off on her in this regard.

Neena is there, sitting on the ledge of the window, one leg drawn up along the sil, the other touching down on the floor. Long black hair is touselled by a light breeze. She watches him, listens to the song. Let the man have his moment.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom is really very good at the piano playing, indeed. Finishing with a flourish as he pauses, then adds, "Most guests would care to make an appointment with Doom, and not sit in the window." Whether it's some sort of radar, or mystical detection system, or what have you... well, Doom isn't one that is easily snuck up on in such a manner. He rises to his feet, surprisingly graceful in his armor, and looks over at Neena, "What can I do for you this evening, Domino?" He sounds rather mellow, and somewhat curious, regarding the mercenary.

Domino has posed:
"You're good. Maybe I came just because the sound of the music lured me in," she replies, a sly smile on her lips.

She swings her legs over to the foor and stands, shaking her hair out and swishing it behind the collar of her suit. "Looks like I'm going back into business. I thought I was going to retire... but you know how it is. Once a killer, always a killer. We only retire into pine boxes."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Domino gets a curious look from Doctor Doom at that, "Well, I may be an artist of the piano, but you... well, if killing is an art, Domino, you are virtually a Picasso." He extends a hand towards her, "Might I interest you in a drink? It's rare for me to have any sort of assassin come calling, particularly one as lovely as yourself." He pauses, then smiles faintly, "And if you were coming to claim a contract on me, well, I'm certain I could convince you to drop that."

Domino has posed:
Domino lets him take her hand, extending it, fingers sheathed in black polymer alloy. "Now why would I take out a contract on one of my best employers? Besides, you and I both know trying to kill you is just one of the lesser known methods of suicide." She enjoys the dance, the game. There's a little bit of a thrill in coming into contact with pure lethality. Like playing with fire. Pretty, at least until something goes up in flames.

"Everyone's buying me drinks lately. I'm beginning to think there's a conspiracy to see who might be able to drink me under the table. Hint: No one that can't regenerate a liver." She winks. "I'd be happy to accept, Doctor."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom actually laughs a bit, "A fair point, Domino. But please, when it is simply you and I..." He pauses, then looks at Domino, his mask inscrutable, "You may call me Victor." Which, well, that's a courtesy he almost never extends, as he walks towards the small liquor cabinet in the office, "I do not have a wide variety here... but, ah, here. Do you favor cognac?" He takes a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII from the cabinet, pouring one glass for himself. Then he pauses and glances back at Domino, "So, what brings you back into mercenary work? Not that I am complaining, but I must confess curiosity about this."

Domino has posed:
"That sounds terrific." And he'll have the good stuff. The -really- good stuff. She almost feels obligated to do something for free just for the kind of booze that Victor von Doom keeps in his little hotel wetbar. Almost.

"If we're being less business, then, you can call me Neena." She knows he probably knows her name anyways, but it seems like the right thing to do, drop down to civilian level. Of course this is mixing business with pleasure, but that's the best kind of martini. Shake it up and make it dirty.

"I guess you could say it's multiple things. Past catching up to you. Obligations you didn't know you had. Picking up guns for the right reasons."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom hmms, "Indeed. The right reasons being... a significant paycheck?" He smiles a bit, the mask surprisingly expressive as he offers a tumbler to Domino, "And here you are Neena. Though, I would be curious... what work are you looking for? Since I don't think you came by just to hear my piano playing. Though I do take pride in that." As he takes pride in just about everything he does, holding his own tumbler in front of him.

Domino has posed:
"Simple and unfussy, I'm probably going to be busy. I've discovered that the corporate life and I don't get along. Sure, I look good skirt and jacket, but there's only so many TPS reports I can fill out before I go Office Space on someone's printer." She takes the tumbler as its offered. "I suppose this is more of a social call. Light conversation. Good music. Fine liquor." She smiles as she takes a sip of the cognac, eyes on him.

"So how do you blow off steam after a long day of work? I'm curious."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, "As you've seen... playing music, and perhaps a drink or two. Some light reading, for me anyway. I don't believe I'm quite /that/ different, Neena." He pauses a bit, as if envisioning Neena in that skirt and jacket, before continuing, "I... admit, I was not expecting a social call from you. However, unexpected is not unwelcome." He pauses, then looks at Domino.

"In truth, I appreciate the company. Perhaps one could look into... acquiring a more permanent contract? Though I understand you appreciate your free agency."

Domino has posed:
"I had to ask. I've always wondered what the earth-shatteringly rich and powerful did with their quiet evenings," Neena muses. "I'd be interested in a more permanent contract, but of course the devil's always in the details. I'm not against committed runs." The Wild Pack can attest to that.

She walks towards a nearby couch, turning to face Victor. "May I have a seat?" Everything needs to be done with permission tonight. Doom commands it. Probably not literally.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, "Of course, have a seat." He follows along with Neena, though he doesn't sit on the couch himself, instead taking a comfortable chair that faces the couch, clearly intended for conversation. "I am certain that we could work out a mutually agreeable arrangement. I would not mind your eye in spotting holes in security, at the very least. You have a... different perspective, that I could find most useful."

Domino has posed:
Now to work towards the secondary objective.

Neena has a seat, crossing her legs, leaning against the plush material, a crack of leather behind her body as she settles in. She lightly swirls the liquor in her glass in one hand. "I'll do what I can." Bruce Wayne took advantage of that security advice, but it was likely a smokescreen to study Neena's methods and get into her head. He's Batman, after all. "I might be able to provide access to others as well. The details aren't entirely settled yet - but I'm happy to be a go-between."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom nods a bit, "I'm certain you would. Though, I wouldn't presume to waste your talents with such trivialities. After all, your skills are something that would be uniquely useful to me. I am seeking out... a mystical artifact. I have an idea of where it is, but I could use..." He pauses, then says, "Assistance, in retrieving it. And your talents would make you uniquely qualified to aid in this endeavor."

Domino has posed:
"I don't think I've tested my luck against magic. It would be interesting to try, that's for sure," Neena muses, thinking it over out loud. "Still, I'm no stranger to jumping from planes with no parachute. I always get a lucky bounce." As long as the odds aren't impossible, they're in her favor.

"The drink is outstanding by the way. I almost feel like I need to make up to you for tasting it." She chuckles playfully. "And I'm open to suggestions."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, "Well, I do believe in having the best available, Neena." He looks curiously at Domino, expression exceptionally hard to read through his mask, "Particularly for my best associates, the ones that I respect for always getting the job done." He nods slightly, though there's a little... change to his voice then, as he regards Neena with an almost speculative air.

Domino has posed:
How to do this. It's a puzzle, a puzzle that she absolutely loves, a puzzle where the pieces aren't always obvious and the box top could be an illusion to the real picture beneath.

Stand in front of the dragon and dance, and pray that a misstep doesn't bring down fire and death.

She takes the glass and raises it to her lips again, tilting the glass back more, more, more - everything disappearing in one long, breathless draught. She doesn't stop smiling, doesn't stop making eye contact, as she sets the tumber down on the table in front of the couch, leaning forward as she does.

"I try to live up to my hype. It's just bad for business if I can't."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom looks at Neena with a curious expression, "Well, you do, in a most spectacular fashion." He smiles a bit, keeping his eyes on Domino's as he continues, "Though, now I am curious..." He rises slowly to his feet, and crosses over to sit next to Neena on the couch instead, his eyes not leaving hers, "What sort of compensation did you have in mind? I know you, and you wouldn't have said it if you hadn't thought of /something/." There's a bit of wry amusement there, along with a speculative tone.

Domino has posed:
There's only one way to do this: Neena style.

"Oh I've thought of a few things," she muses with a sly smirk. "Tell me Victor, how often do you get women sneaking into your office and trying to seduce you?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom blinks, then laughs, "Sadly, very few. And certainly not any that would be worthy of my time... until now, anyway." He gives Neena a wry expression through the mask, and then, his hand reaches up, the metal smooth as it lightly cups Neena's cheek, the touch surprisingly gentle considering the fearsome power of the armor. "I admit, I have not thought about such entanglements for... quite some time. Though that does not mean it would be unwelcome."

Domino has posed:
"Damn shame, that. Then again, not many women know what to do with someone of your stature," she replies. She's not blasted to atoms! That's a huge plus. Then again, when you're ability is getting lucky ... No pun intended.

"It doesn't have to be anything entangling. Unless handcuffs and silk handkerchiefs are your thing," she adds playfully. The banter train has left the station and is not making stops tonight. Eyes half lidded, she reaches up to lightly place her hand over his, by her cheek. "Everyone needs down time now and again - even you, I think."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom smiles a little, "Even I... this, is true." He looks at Neena, then chuckles softly, "If this is some attempt to manipulate me, I will be sorely disappointed, Neena." His grip tightens, not painfully... well, perhaps a bit, but just enough to serve as a warning.

Hell would hath no fury like Doom scorned, after all... as he then says, "But I do think your proposal..." He smiles a bit at the choice of words, "Has merit. As you are one that I can respect."