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Latest revision as of 13:47, 29 October 2017

Log 1927
Date of Scene: 11 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Coco, Gothic Lolita

Captain Coco has posed:
    Boshtan, is a strange animal from the moment you lay eyes on it. It's a cluttered mess of worlds orbiting a binary star, between which lies a complex spherical station of some sort. There are more stations situated beyond the orbital plane as well, situated to produce a sphere which covers most of the entire solar system within. Traffic here inside the system is relatively light considering there are something like eight planets down there which house major population centers, hell six of them even have a legitimate earth like climate. Beyond those planets though, lie the sporadic patrols of stealthy warships. From arrowheads like Coco's own vessel, to flying wings. There is certainly something of an identifiable trend at least, cranked angles and stealthy features.

    Not that any of this seems to bother Coco, as she slides the "Very Best Intentions" deftly through boarder crossings, past cruisers and destroyers built on an improbable scale. Through orbital rings and planetary defense networks, down into the atmosphere of "Boshtan 3" to be specific. A world painted in every hue of green all at once, giving way only to massive fields of bright flowers, fruit orchards and vegetable patches measured in the hundreds of miles. There are no cities really, no great unfathomable architecture anywhere to be seen on the surface. Indeed, the VBI slows amidst where a fruit orchard runs up against a mountain range. Lowering itself down delicately between the trees, and onto the landing pad concealed below.

    "Now, at least until we get things settled don't stray too far and don't eat anything you cant identify. Some of these things are grown for industrial purposes, nanite lattices and so fourth."Coco pulls her helmet down and snags her carbine before heading towards the cargo bay. "And remember, no parties with the Boshten, You'll get stuck there for the next thirty years looking at slides of plant husbandry and hearing all about what so and so told who the fuck ever."Pausing before she bangs the cargo door release, to open both of those massive cargo doors on either side. "But if somone offers you food, it's rude to refuse. Giving food to the hungry is the golden rule here, s'why nobody has starved to death in a few thousand years out here."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita watches with fascination as you approach the world. 'It's so green...." she murmurs softly, smiling as the ship flies over it. 'But no cities?" she says curiously, standing up as she starts to follow you. "So...polite about food, polite refusal for parties...affirmative." she says thoughfully. "It seems like a nice planet..."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "No better farmers in all the galaxy, and yeah there are cities just not in the conventional manner."Coco glances back as those cargo doors finally part, and well those fruit trees off in the distance are an easy...thousand foot or more? Down below in the shade below, the ghosts of small circular structures. A few hover truck things zipping about in the distance, until finally things get moving.

    The ground begins to sink slowly, dropping the enormous platform and the VBI along with it down into the ground. The walls and ceilings a massive network of rootwork, grown to provide the shape for the fantastically large caverns below. Here lies the gantry work and sort've more familar industrial trappings of a dockyard. Mostly ships at least similar in design to the VBI, and almost all of them wearing the skull and crossed sabres. Another ten such ships easy, and most of them covered with distant figures dressed in brilliant neon blue.

    The platform grinds to a halt, as the hatch above swings back shut. Gantryways are extended, and lock into neat little plugs on the VBI. Finally a worker meanders up, dressed in the familar bright blue and white. They're humanoid in shape at least, broader shouldered and well an easy seven foot as a general rule. Long arms and relatively short legs, but the face is human enough. "Warmest greetings, most beloved Captain. It's lovely to have you home again."Their speech is slow and soft, their gaze relaxed and yeah they look and sound just a little bit stoned. "Woah..."As he finally notices Andi there, before slowly stepping aboard to peer after it. When he does get around to noticing Loli, he gives another slow startle and a soft smile. "And warmest greetings to you as well, is this most beautiful of shuttles your prize Miss?"

    Coco leans in to casually nudge Loli foreward, before easing back. "She's the Craft's Commander, she has a Business proposition Ship builder."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita steps forward as she's nudged, then curtsies for the gentleman. At least, she thinks it's a gentleman. "It is, and thank you sir. But she is badly in need of a bit of love and care, having been stored for some time." She tilts her head. "Perhaps we could arrange some sort of trade? My friend ahs said you might be willing to scan it for its blueprints to use for the manufacture of new vessels. I would be quite happy with that arrangement, repairs for the scan?"

Captain Coco has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm"a deep basso rumble felt as much as spoken really, half turning to study the ship. "Every since the Tounce left, their work has been sorely missed. I believe the study of this vessel would indeed be most worthwhile, however to trade a full study for repairs is inappropriate. I believe we would be in your debt, however would the addition of an Argot blue box settle the debt?"The fellow moves foreward slowly, peering curiously through the shuttle's canopy.

    Coco for her part, leaves Loli to her negotiations. Offering just...four thumbs up at the offered trade.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita is automatically looking over to see, then smiles at you as you give her the thumbs up. "I believe that would be agreeable?" she says, following after. "It should not require a complete rebuild, I think, but her engines were very overstrained getting her to this ship. I imagine the VI could tell you more of what needs to be fixed, I haven't the experience. Thus, here we are." she says cheerfully.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "And so it shall be done."Comes the soft voice, as the dockworker offers a faint nod. "It will require one day, I shall have the Blue Box placed shipped to the Captain's vault if this is agreeable to you?"Then finally with an almost palpable reverence, it lets it's fingertips brush across an engine nacelle. "It is a very fine craft, we shall endeavor to honor it sufficiently. Please, enjoy the bounties of treasured friendship to it's fullest and know that with the utmost sincerity we appreciate beyond any simple words the profound privelage to conduct trade with you."And then a slow nod.

    "So, yeah ok.."Coco all but bounces over towards the passageway between cargo bays. "We'll uh, take the hover barrow over to my residence. Thankyou for your time, honored shipwright. I left the ship's logs unlocked for you, please attend to whatever you feel needs it."And well Coco offers a stiff salute, before that skull pops to life in her helmet with it's trademark sneer. "C'mon Loli, lets go get some dinner."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli offers a little bow to the alien, smiling. "Thank you for gifting us with your skill. We shall see you later then." She waves, then skips down after Coco, before she murmurs. "What's a blue box and why is it a good thing?" She peers up at the armored Coco next to her. "I'm assuming four thumbs up is, by any judgement, a superlative trade approval."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well you saw how we make weapons, right? Nanofabrication, well the high end stuff you can't print out like that. You need rare, exotic materials and using those things is very damaging to a printer. So arms companies, they sell boxes. The color code describes it's value, and in the box is a printer loaded up with that company's designs and materials. A blue box, will print Argot's most expensive stuff twice."Coco leans in with a nudge, before pausing to pop the doors on that little hover truck open and hop inside.
    No really it looks like, a little pickup truck. Like something Mazda would have produced in the 70s, only it's got helicopter skids and....yeah ok theres a bench seat and crank windows and..it's a little bit of technological uncanny valley. "Well a Blue box is, like you could go buy a brand new shuttle right now. Or it can print you something, well. Nasty, because Argot does not screw around."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Ah. That's sensible." she agrees, the gynoid pausing as she sees the pickup, then gingerly climbs inside, the vehicle rocking noticeably towards her side of the vehicle for a moment as she slips in, then finds a seat, belting in. "I have no idea what to make with it yet though..." she says thoughfuly. "My needs are mostly met, thanks to your kindness and assistance."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "You don't need to decide today, we have dinner to fuss over."The truck kicks over with a soft whirring hum, and lifts off smoothly. Then well, off it goes. Sliding through the open space at a fairly lesiurely clip. "Anyway, most of my sisters are off planet. I'd normally invite a bunch over to say hello and join us for dinner, but I suspect we'll have a rather quiet night."Easing the thing down into a stream of similar floaty little cars, before making a gradual ascent towards a distant light. Back up to the surface then? "I don't actually get back here very often, ship feels more like my home than this place but if you ever need a place to lie low?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli looks over at you with a faint, almost affectionate smile. "YOu are generous again, as always." she says, in amused tones. "Careful, next I"ll be raiding your closet for outfits and eating all your ice cream." Though Coco likely has no idea what the latter is. "I'm sorry we cannot meet them this time then, but perhaps in the future, if I am able to visit again?" she offers. Her eyes flick to the outside as she watches the line of cars, a part of her enjoying the orderliness of it all.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "I was born to be a soldier, we're all a little crazy these days. All my sisters I mean, we don't have ranks anymore. So we can't exactly work together, because we just bicker like sisters because we are. So we all get our own ships and go do things on our own, and then we get lonely."Coco glances aside, casually lifting that helmet off because well. No she doesn't need that, or the armor at the moment really. "I'm hardly the first to take in a stray you know. I love my sisters dearly, but without a war on we just argue about -everything-. We all went, like a hundred years without owning anything. So now boundries and, you know it gets complicated with sisters. You wanna raid my vittles or my closet, go for it."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms. "I have not yet had my sister attempt to steal my clothing, but then again, she has very different tastes." she says amusedly. "But yes. Boundaries. My sister is not good at physical boundaries, but it's part of her core programming, I think. She's very physically demonstrative." She leans back against the seat as she kicks her feet cutely. "So it was rank that kept you working together previously? Like your crew?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Mmmhm, and or at least a single important purpose. Then we act as a single entity, but in peacetime?"Coco shrugs somewhat, as the truck spills back onto the surface and eases away from the rest. Gliding between tree trunks the size of sky scrapers. "We've got nine hundred years of sisterly bickering built up by now, once it starts it just goes on for hours. It's all just silly, some are better than others about it. Still work with a few of them, no real problems but distance keeps the relationships alive. I've been arguing with my Sister Amo for like, sixty years over gold coins or silver one for armor. Just as an example."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The gynoid smiles at that. "IT must be nice to have had sisters for so long, though..." says the 5 year old mecha. "And I think that is always the case. Though I rarely feel it's necessary to invest so much in an argument." she admits, resting her hands over her stomach as she interlinks her fingers. "On my world, they have a saying. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well normally I would agree, but I feel obliged to point out that she is -wrong-."Coco states flatly, because it's a statement of fact. Obviously. What you wanna side with Amo? Anyway, Coco wheels the little truck around before bringing it down slowly. It's hard to even see the place until those skids hit the dirt, and she cranks the drive off. Just a simple red door, seemingly mounted directly into a mound of dirt. "Anyway, when I crank the power on we may see Roo or Taga. Pretty sure I saw their boats down in the dock, hell we were clutchmates and everything."
    And in Coco goes. Inside it's a steep staircase down into fairly large room. Built more vertically than horizontally, but there are thankfully stairs or at worst ladders to get everywhere it seems. The furnishings are simple and careworn, the walls decorated with quilts stitched together with various flavors of paper money. Colorful blankets left piled on the couch, and yeah it's nice and cool and dark but beyond the verticality most everything is fairly identifiable. "Alright, so you're still pretty new to lets say Galactic food. So we'll do a sampling of the local stuff tonight, sound good?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli slips out to follow you, walking through the door and slowing to look around thoughfully. "This is very comfy...' she says, smiling a bit, as she idly flips her vision to a better frequency of light. "Certainly!" she says cheerfully. "I would be happy to try more. I can't actually be poisoned, but I would imagine I will taste things just like the humans I was built to resemble . So it should be an experiment!"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Indeed, lets see what we have."Coco pauses, hanging her carbine and gunbelt by the door before wrestling out of her armor. Then well she has one of those shawl things handily, and she's in casual mode hooray! "Now then, first up we do proper Lumifao style tea and then we'll get to the sampling. Grab yourself a seat."And a pause to plug in a pair of, "house wings" as it were. This done she glides through the air, before sliding down to the kitchen to dig around. She does pause to haul the blue box out of a cubbard, and set the...well it looks kind of like a .50 cal ammo can? Anyway she sets the thing down on the kitchen table, before sliding away to get the tea going.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli hmms, looking around, then heading over to something that looks the most like a chair that can actually hold her weight at the table. She peers at the container, then leans over to take a look, a bit interested if there actually ARE bullets in there. She wouldn't be suprised, really.

Captain Coco has posed:
    The thing opens like a clamshell, to reveal the little printer and a simple dotmatrix single color screen covered in an alien language. "Oh hey be careful not to tell it to print, you cant refill those boxes for cheap."Comes Coco from the kitchen, proving her older-sister-ness is well honed as any. She's not long with the tea at least. Sturdy handless mugs covered in strange brightly colored symbols, and a tray of various bright red fruits cut into neat little wedges. The tea itself has an sweet, airy sort've hint to it. Not entirely unlike something like, lemon and honey perhaps? To drink it's sweet and a slightly acerbic, but decidedly fucking amazing. "You literally just, yeah that little button on the right. The black one on the top and bottom, scrolls through what it can print. The blue one in the middle, that prints."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The mecha nods thoughfully as you explain, then closes it back up. "I suppose I can play with mind too, when it's been given over..." she says with a smile, then inhales the odd scent with enjoyment. "It does smell very nice. Is it a particular type of tea? And the fruit?" she says curiously, reaching out to snag one of the full mugs carefully.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "It's Synthetic, a recreation of the Bora tree's bark. Went extinct when the planet was destroyed, but supposedly it tastes just as good as the original. It's just Lumifao tea though, if you can find a place that serves it. They usually make it too bitter, unfortunately."Pausing as Coco reclines in her own chair to sip peacefully. "Thats a "Red fruit", it's what the trees outside all grow. Most mammals can live off just these for years if they have to. They store very well too, keep for years if stored cool."The "red" tastes, well the texture is crisp if a little waxy. Not unpleasant but decidedly strange, it's lightly juicy but the flavor is the centerpiece obviously. It's light and slightly sweet, and well it tastes kind of the way the color "red" should. "Oh your VI friend, what was the name? Pandy? Must be strange considering you know, your own origins."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The dark-haired mecha hmmms, nibbling on the fruit. It IS good...an interesting texture that reminds her a bit of the time she tried to eat waxed fruit. But much tastier. "Well...." she says, pausing to daintily sip from the mug, slowly to savor the taste, then setting it back on the table, her hands on either side of it. "Andi." she says simply. "And it is a bit odd to consider I might have taken responsibility for a artificial intelligence. I'm not sure exactly how much of one of your VIs is actual sentience versus programmed reactions, however?"

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well mine arent, I don't even want them to be too clever. Most Ship's VIs have a lot of power dedicated to their interactions, but in terms of higher brain functions? Fairly dumb, Theres no widescale prohibition against it of course. From a shipborne perspective, it usually isn't worth the expendature in effort."Coco offers casually, sipping after her tea. Glancing back towards the door as those antenna blink into existance.

    The figure that slips in through the door is, well familar. Same height (armor aside), similar weaponry even. Granted those gilded coins and pirate skull are replaced with brilliant orange, with neat white bars set horizontally, a pattern reversed on that heavy cape over her shoulders. She pauses at the door, mutely peering between Coco and Loli from behind a decidedly more sculpted helm.

    "Hello sister of mine."Offers Coco, casually. "Have a seat, I just got the tea out. Make yourself a cup and join us, if you wish."And a glance towards Loli. "Lolita, this is my Sister. Tagafantuxian Toremno, but we usually just call her Taga. Don't be offended by her poor manners, she's just rude."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita stands, then politely curtseys. "Ma'am. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Taga. I am Gothic Lolita, but you may call me Lolita, or Loli if you wish." She smiles at her, then resumes her seat, making room for the newcomers to sit as well. "Do you really have poor manners?" she asks Taga thoughfully.

Captain Coco has posed:
    And a pregnant silence, during which Taga stares and Coco sips her tea. "No, my manners are excellent Miss Lolita."Her voice is, well less smokey and decidedly younger but it's likely more preference than anything. Casually lifting a hand up to jerk that helmet free and, yeah ok they're all clones so of course she looks pretty much the exact same under there. Granted whilst Coco is "gold", Taga seems decidedly more "Orange" in terms of coloration. "My sister is just being, my sister."She struggles out of her armor as well, before drifting over towards the kitchen.
    "Taga is the fleet admiral for Boshten space, runs the whole defense network and all that. She expected I was going to stay on after the raids, and words were had."Coco offers, somewhat conspiratorially. "Also she's the admiral, and I'm a privateer. So it's my job to give her trouble."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita ahs. "I see....that seems sensible." she replies, that glint of amusement coming back into her eyes. "It is a lovely world you protect, Miss Taga. Very peaceful and prosperous. I'm quite enjoying my visit here thus far."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Thankyou so very much, we do try."And as she returns from the kitchen, tea in hand. She does give Coco a whap in the back of the head as she passes, not that a drop is spilled because...obviously this is a very old game here. "I suppose you're to blame for that Tounce ship? Got every shipwright on the planet down there taking that thing apart, nobody's getting any work done. The net's already buzzing about the "Last Tounce Artifact" if you'd believe it. Wherever did you find that thing?"

    "A Dau carrier, in a shipping box, with a dead Dau inside."Coco offers, before the sisters proceed to sip their tea in perfect unison.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Her name is Andi." Loli says helpfully. "Or that is her VI's name and it seems like a good name for the ship at the moment too." She sips from her tea gracefully, setting the cup down again. "It is apparently quite a find? Coco was helping me to find a useful ship of my own for use, something that would let me get around without being too unwieldy."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "MMm, yes. The Tounce had a telepathic link to each other, and were probably the closest allies the Boshtet had until they got us. Anyway with the Raids becoming a big deal, they resolved to help out. So they built a uh..."

    "Probability Engine"Coco offers, which is enough to illicit an immediate noid from Taga.

    "Yes, a huge machine that was supposed to tear a tiny pinhole in the universe and use it to look the future. Only they didn't like what they saw, because after their first program start? They offed themselves, whole race. All of them, took about six days and poof. Every last one, dead. No note, no explanation. Just a "Sorry for the inconvience dear friends" and pow."The sisters sip their tea together oncemore, god do they even know they're doing it? "The Boshtet come from a very high gravity world right, where one fall could kill you. Like a lot of other high gravity species, they think deeply on things. The whole Tounce suicide, makes no sense at all to them. Well to anyone, really. So a brand new Tounce ship they didn't know existed?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita raises her brow slowly. "...that's...what I would have to call macabre and creeptastic, at the same time." she says slowly. "And no one knows what they saw or anything, they just...wow. " She frowns. "That does make it very suprising that a prototype like that would have survived so long without discovery. "

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well they could have seen something, I don't know supremely terrible. It also could have been a psychic virus or something, and then once things reach a certain threshold the horror moves through the race like a wave and poof."Coco shrugs a little at that, sipping her tea."Well nobody goes to Tounce, because they left home but they didn't turn the lights out. All their automated defense systems, still active. A few of us have been past the frontier, but I mean it's no place you want to visit. There are planetary rings full of space colonies that blew themselves to shreds, Me and Taga have both been. That was what, ninety years back?"And a glance towards Taga.

    "No more like sixty, it was a little while after the raids. In Roo's old boat, Remember how we joked about the name? The BDS "Unceasing despair", it was a bad cruise for sure. Most folks, don't want anything to do with that death trap. Home system is bombarded with high energy particles, so a ship in FTL flying to it might as well be flying into a wall. You can crawl through, but then theres all the defense networks which remember are everywhere because they were expecting to get raided themselves right? Dau raiding a tomb, yeah not surprised. Fuck those profiteering bastards, wish they'd start something."Taga blechs, before well on time the pair sip their tea.

    "Odd thing, so when we pried that shuttle open. It was like, sure maybe from the right time? Anyway, Dau had a fuel rifle wound, and not a Argot fuel rifle."Coco rises, collecting tea cups for a silent refill.
    Taga for her part just watches her sister, before settling back into her seat. "This Dau, with the Fuel rifle wound. He was what, in the ship itself? Did he have a hardsuit and everything, big silvery spike looking wound?"Easing in as she parks her attention onto Loli.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "It sounds almost like a ghost story..." Loli muses, before turning her attention back to Taga, curious now. "Yes, that was it exactly. Sitting in the pilot's seat, dead. No sign of a fight on the ship, or where the spike might have come from?" She cocks her head. "We had to break into the storage container as it is just to get to the ship in the first place."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Tounce Fuel rifles are psychically actuated, only the Tounce can use them."Taga notes softly, glancing aside as the tea comes. "Ghost stories, no. We were warming up those old uh, thirty sevens. Little system defense fighters we had when we first started, before we got our ships? Our sister Roo is an electronic warfare specialist, very different implants. Anyway, she had us keyed in to whatever she was listening to. All sitting in the shadow of this moon, sitting with our drives warming for the patrol. Guess what comes over the radio? Tounce high command, power cranked way up. Clear as anything. "Sorry for the inconvience dear friends." and thats it. No more Tounce. Not the first time it's happened, the psychic races seem particularly succeptable."

    And in comes the tea, and a return to perfectly timed sipping. "You do colony cracking for long enough you see it there too. Few years back these researchers were looking into this race that offed themselves, pre-nuclear age civilization don't ask me the name. Anyway that whole planet just, offed themselves. Research post goes dark, so I go over to take a look and well. So did the scientists. Happens some times, nevermind the missing folks or missing ships. Lots of crazy stuff out there, most of it creepy."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "-Definitely- macabre." Lolita comments, pausing to nibble on another slice of fruit. "A bit unnerving to think that there are so many races who for whatever reason met something that either made them kill themselves, or scared them enough that they'd rather die than face it.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "The Black is not friendly. First race we found was hostile, killed close to even billion in the first war we had with the Faxians. Easily that number in the second, including the destruction of our home planet, her moons and the destruction of every colony in our home system. Why the mad bitches at the top cooked drones like us up, to go die in their place because we had no history of armed conflict. It'd have been easy for us to have that happen, and just decide to give up. Do it ourselves and deny them the pleasure, that sort of thing? Lots of folks back home said they'd have preferred our extinction over the Faxians, believe it or not."Taga nods calmly at her own words. "There is no kindness here in the black, no sisterhood, no greater cultural community. Somewhere out there, some whole race is being wiped our or offing themselves or whatever at this moment."

    "She is the cheery one, I promise Loli."Coco offers her mug over the table for a toast. People like the Boshtet found people like us, so it's not all bad. Just need to look at things on a smaller scale, day to day."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli nods thoughfully. "...humans are much more violent by nature, I think. More...what they call fight or flight. Run or attack. We've had a couple alien races try to mess with the planet, and it never ended well for them." She sips lazily from her tea. "Such things might happen. We cannot change things that are beyond our knowledge." she says philosophically.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Violence is healthy out here, I mean look around. Boshtet are herbavores, with no natural predators. They hadn't invented the sling, or the spear. We at least had predators, so we had some sort of cultural understanding of violence. Now they look at us like we're using the arcane, well ok thats unfair. Their shipwrights have always been military minded, what saved them and us really. It's the best way to survive, you have a peaceful production minded race and a violent second race to protect them"Taga shrugs, glancing back to her sister. "They said they're close to being able to set up a hatchery for us you know, like I've seen plans. They're allocating materials and everything, they're really going to do it."
    "I'll believe it when I see it, until then I'll go on believing we're the last generation of soldiers to be hatched. Christ, you know the Queens will lose their minds."Coco chuckles, swirling her tea casually. "Yeah Loli, when the Queen found out we were privateers out here. She sent diplomats out here to arrange for transport of our wages, tried to argue that they were entitled to everything we were paid. Boshtet told her they would allow a vote, after the Queens came over here and apologized to each and every one of us in person personally. Now Lumifao aren't allowed in Boshtet space unless they're soldier caste, they totally doubted us when we told them all the Queens were nuts."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
"How utterly...!" LOlita actually has to pause to find the right word this time. "Iniquitous of them! Trying to demand what you'd earned!" She sniffs. "...I find monarchies to be fairly corrupt by their nature, honestly." She pauses. "...though, if you did have a hatchery...would that mean one of you wuld have to become a queen? Or just...you'd pick on your own who would have children together? DNA merging, perhaps."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well no they're genelabs, Drones like us have never had any of the parts to have offspring. There was some discussion about like, gene-therapy but then we all got creeped out by the idea that it might alter our personalities. Boom now we're an entire race of queens, right? We also don't age, really. We regrow our limbs, lungs, organs. I mean presumine the medical care is there, as long as either of our brains survives we'll heal up. Practically speaking, you don't want us being able to just reproduce whenever."Taga shrugs a little, nodding her head to...well those antenna don't form but a fantastic full color anatomical internal diagram of a Lumifao does form over the table. Two hearts, four lungs, two brains and yeah it goes on. Lumifao were built to survive it seems.

    "Plus, we're all -sisters-. I mean like lets be frank, it happens. It's always happened, it will probably always happen. Thats just life, but making offspring? No, I mean so back in the olden times. A Prince got his one night with a Queen before she killed him and ate him right, and from -that- she was good for like twenty thousand offspring. You really think us breeding willy nilly is a good idea? Queens are, crazy."Coco summarizes.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "..it works for humans, actually." Loli says amusedly. "But I can see the point, yeah. It'd be more making more sisters though, wouldn't it?" She gets a delicate blush at the 'it's always happened' comment..that was not something she had let her mind wander to. "Ah, I can...understand not wanting to change who you are though. I'd feel the same if there was a chance a program change would permanently alter my personality."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Well there used to be about a hundred Million soldiers, now theres about eight thousand. I think the general agreement is that maintaining about a Million of us would be ideal for where we are now. Most of us left are third generation, I mean there are only one or two second and first generation Lumifao left. I know Roo hates me saying it, but she doesn't need to be on the frontlines anymore. She's two thousand years old, she deserves a break. Unfortunately, unless we start having little sisters grown? This is where we're at."Taga shrugs a little. "Humans are Mammals, we're a little bit different Loli."

    "Well Lumifao means the "Sisters of the Sun", we're a society built on sisterhoods. I still think we should discuss princes, we're like the only species in the entire galaxy without a single solitary male of our species. They got as raw of a deal as we ever did, look at all these cool males all the other species have right?"Coco slumps.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli notes. "To be fair, from the sound of it they got a night of pleasure and then their heads bitten off. That seems a bit of a tragic sort of life. Or at least, certainly not a long one like yours." She cocks her head. "I admit, genetics, especailly at the level you find out here, is beyond me as to what would work. But I certainly would not want to see you and your sisters fade, having come to know Coco over the past couple weeks."

Captain Coco has posed:
    "Then you know most of us pretty well Loli, You're friends with the sisterhood alright."And a lifted tea mug from Taga, before shooting Coco a look. "You just want a prince charming, this is what happens when you read five hundred pages of romance novels every day for a thousand years. That shit's not good for your brains, you need to read something more adult."
    "Oh please, could we please have any -other- argument? I've heard this one since the tenth day I was alive, next you're going to tell us about how I should get a Murglo for the ship right?"Coco points, Antenna perking up. "Eh, right? Go on, let's hear the resident crazy Murglo lady tell us about all her Murglos. Tell the class, how many outfits do you have for them huh? In total, how many Outfits do you own for them hm?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita smiles as she listens. "Murglos are...a pet?" she says thoughfuly, looking between the two of you. "It sounds like cats from my world. Well, cats or dogs, but mostly cats." She leans back in her chair. "And you read romance novels?" she says to Coco, finding that somewhat enchanting that the tough captain has a soft heart for romance.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "She reads -all- the Fantasy novels, all of them. Like the kind you find in those little astroid trading posts, shoved back behind the fetish porn because nobody buys them? Those kinds, all the time."Taga confirms sagely, before the Murglos get brought into this. "Oh don't you even start, they have the -appropriate- amount of outfits. They have feelings too coco, they like to feel stylish sometimes!"

    "A pet yes, eight legs, fuzzy, dumb. Definitely unable to realize that they're dressed in some dorky outfit, because their owner lacks the mental capacity to enjoy a tasteful romance novel."Coco makes a point of looking away as she sips her tea.

    "Coco, those novels are -contraband- as psychological hazards in some systems. Half those things are not even anatomically possible!"

    "Oh, so you -have- been reading them?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita gets a faint flush. Oh. ROMANCE novels. Got it. "Ah, these are....written about your people or...other species, or...?" she says, a bit unsure, trying to head off the developing argument with a quick request for clarification! She's more than a little curious now about both hobbies.

Captain Coco has posed:
    "They are written about -all- the species, sometimes even at the same time!"

    Coco just shrugs and glances up at the ceiling. "Oh I don't know Loli, I mean Taga hear apparently knows more about tham than I do because her Murglo dressing hobby is so obsessive it drives away the rest of her sisters."
    "I am not that bad!"

    "You sent me ninety holopics in a single afternoon, with -captions-."

    "They were dressed as an ensemble, it took a lot of pics to adequately express how adorable they were! Also I will have you know that everyone else loves my Murglo pictures."

    "Taga you're the admiral. They can't tell you they don't care, that many costumed Murglo is a war crime. So don't you start in about my reading habits, unless we need to discuss your little "rebellious phase" outside of the family?"

    "Dont. You. Even. Dare." And yeah that's enough to produce a glare between the sisters, before Coco rolls to her feet. "More tea? How you doin on your red there Loli?"Taga at least lofts her cup for Coco to collect without another word of protest.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita's head goes back and forth a bit like she's watching a tennis match, a brow raising, then blinks and quickly drains off the rest, offering the cup to Coco. "More please..." she says cheerfully, then peers at Taga. Obvously...pondering what rebelliousness there might haveb een.