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Latest revision as of 15:01, 29 October 2017

After the battle: Pennsylvania
Date of Scene: 13 August 2017
Location: Pennsylvania
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Juggernaut, Stargirl

Superwoman has posed:
    The battle has been won, and now there is little left of the infestation of space parasites but guts and nightmarish memories of those once infected. Superwoman stands quietly amid the alien carnage, quietly studying the creatures various bits and pieces. "Curious..."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "..Gross." rumbles Juggernaut as he picks up the remains of a tentacle. He wrinkles his noise and then tosses it over his shoulder. "..No sign of any truck around here either. That idiot better not have got me mixed up in something stupid.." He steps away from the remains nearest to him and rumbles more loudly, "I thought you 'heroes' were all about pulling punches? Wolverine starting to wear off on you more or you just got a thing against starfish.."

Stargirl has posed:
"That was pretty sick." Courtney laughs as the battle is over, finally. "You're the Juggernaut, right? What're you doing here? Aren't you like... not a hero? Thanks for helping, anyway." She shrugs at his question. "We did pull punches! I could have vaporized all those people and maybe the starfish-things too, but I didn't want to hurt the humans." She drifts well out of his long reach, just in case. The lady in black leather is still here too. "Everything alright over there?" she asks. "Not hurt or anything?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "Force is a continuum." Superwoman replies simply. "These creatures mean to enslave and destroy the people of this planet. They are willing to use deadly-force in their attempt to do so. Furthermore, they are parasitic in nature. I suspect they would use the people up, and find new hosts after that." She turns and looks then to Juggernaut, "I don't know anyone named Wolverine." Her arms fold across her chest. She looks quietly to Courtney. "I am unharmed. Your concern is... touching."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Yeah..I'm The Juggernaut." confirms te giant man. "...and no I guess I aint no 'hero'. But that doesn't mean I want to see the planet enslaved or..people hurt just to be hurt. I got sent this way on a job. Guess there was some trouble brewing after all.." His voice trails off and he inclines his head to listen as Faora speaks.

He then smirks..though perhaps it's more of a half smirk half sneer, at the last part of her statement, "Vicious little X-men member. Probably the most practical of the bunch when he's not being utterly psycho.." he does note Courtney's subtle movements away from him though and he waves that off, "Relax girl. Obviously I'm not here to hurt either of you, right? Don't believe everything the media says about folk.."

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney smiles sheepishly as Juggs notices her staying out of range. "Sorry." She shrugs and smiles again. "I'm Stargirl. Nice to work with you both. Good work, by the way."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I see." Superwoman replies to Juggernaut's statement. "Thank you for the information." she offers simply. She looks then over to Courtney. "I am Superwoman." she states, bowing her head to each. "The biology of these creatures is fascinating. It will require more study to determine the best method to stop their invasion. This is an isolated community- it is the perfect place to begin such an endeavor. Turn the locals of small and isolated communities, create a powerbase there. Branch out. Given how empty the middle of this country is compared to the coasts, I wouldn't be surprised if there were other such attempts at invasion."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hmm..I doubt it'll happen to often. But I make exceptions for threats to the world..and when money's involved..." rumbles Juggernaut at Stargirl. He turns as Faora speaks, further expounding on the situation..but then just ends up blinking as he considers her, "Yeah they'll probably be back but..er..uh..Superwoman? What..you Superman's girlfriend or something? Or wife?"

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney listens for the answer, smiling in glee at the question. She just floats there, golden aura sparkling in the fading light. "I guess the others are alright too. I guess they took off. Other things to deal with, I guess?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "No." Superwoman replies to Juggernaut simple. The symbol on her chest is not the sign of Superman- it is a different symbol all together. "I am not related to Superman. We are not kin. We are, however, from the same planet." she explains, "Albeit I was no present when our homeworld was destroyed. I was elsewhere... and it is a cruel irony that I was spared." she offers simply.

    "It may be that, yes." Superwoman says next to Stargirl, "I, however, need to learn more about our foe to craft a proper tactical solution to future fights."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "It's just..y'know..'Super'man, 'Super'woman...kinda ties you two together. You know how folk can be about codenames and all. I seen and heard of folk fighting over them before. Power something or another. Big mess. Kinda funny though." muses Juggernaut, "..So Kryptonian then..huh.." He seems aware of enough of what that means as he studies Faora a little more closely now as if attempting to take in her measure. "..So far as crafting a response.. I'm sure the likes of SHIELD or whatever will jump on it if it's a huge invasion. You seem a bit stiff to be the 'rally around me' type, no offense.. Not to mention, not sure what you're going to learn from this mess here. I figured you all woulda tried to keep one alive..."

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney makes a face at the idea of studying the creatures and making 'proper tactical solutions'. "Uh, yeah. Good luck with that." She has another look around. "Everything looks under control, I probably should jet back home. It was nice to work with you two, like I said." a look to the Juggernaut. "I'll make sure I tell everyone that you helped. Maybe that'll save you some grief from the Justice League and the Titans? I hope so. Really good job."

Superwoman has posed:
    "I doubt it'll change anything, Stargirl." Faora states towards Courtney. "Unless this is the beginning of a trend of heroism on your part." she aims her comment towards Juggernaut. She pauses then, "We are connected in that we are both Kryptonian. It seemed an appropriate mantle to take upon myself. However, I do not wear his symbol- I wear my own." she notes, as she waves over the shield on her own chest- a very different thing than an S. "I can not count SHIELD, or 'whatever' to jump on threats to this planet. I can not count on the Justice League. I can not count on anything but the data and the facts that there is danger coming to this world, and I will be there to defend against it."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hah. Don't go out of your way kid but..thanks." says Juggernaut to Stargirl but he does frown a little as he hears Faora. "I don't truck with labels. I do what I want to do and that's that. Folk got a problem with it they're welcomee to give me a call and stop me. .... Well except they can't. Cause I'm The Juggernaut." He waves a hand dismissively, "Sounds like you're not that much different though, 'Superwoman'. Doing what you want, when you want, regardless of other groups that think they may know better. I guess that means you're not in much a position to cast judgement then."

Stargirl has posed:
"Yes, ma'am." Courtney says. "I'm sure you're a credit to your people and your lost planet. My condolences." She smiles nervously as the tension rises a hair or two. "Uh, I'm going to let you two chat. Try to play nice, huh?" she gently suggests. "I'll see you around."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Hardly." Faora says softly to Courtney. She looks then over to Juggernaut then. "I am simply speaking a truth to you. They will not accept you unless you play by their rules. There is no judgement... that I shall reserve until I know you better. Once I do, then we will see where we stand in terms of judgement." She bows her head to both, quietly. "It was an honor fighting alongside you."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Superwoman's response catches Juggernaut off guard. He pauses and then visibly relaxes and draws himself back. "..Yeah...yeah I know. I know. Truth, alright." he rumbles, tone quieting abit as he does. He then waves them both off and turns to begin to step away. After a few paces he heads into a slow jog and then a full on run, beginning to charge across the countryside much faster then his now wrecked car could have taken him. It's awhile before the shaking of the earth ceases but he's ultimately long gone.

Stargirl has posed:
Stargirl gives another wave and then blazes off into the sky, a little comet trail after her. Back to New York and her bed!

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman watches the others leave, and turns to look back to the carnage. She continues her analysis, now, alone.