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Revision as of 17:02, 29 October 2017

Rooftop Night - Before Paris
Date of Scene: 14 August 2017
Location: Paris, France
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
8:45pm on a Monday night.

Rogue is seated up on the roof, she's sitting between two of the stone blocks that make up that middle castle-spire ontop of Xavier's School... a precarious location that the average person might be a bit freaked out about being on, but she wasn't worried even a bit.

Rogue was looking at her phone and she had her ear-buds in, she was listening to some music and humming a song quietly to herself.

Since she'd graduated now, she'd been pretty quiet and unseen around the school. The Professor had given her her diploma last night at a small gathering of some of the faculty and the few students that had also graduated over the summer. The rest of them had already left the mansion with their families, but this is the only place Rogue had to be.

She's wearing a light checkered shirt, black and white colors, its a button down shirt so she's got a black tanktop on beneath that and some black gloves on her hands and arms past her elbows with a pair of jean shorts and stockings on her legs.

The southern girl is just quietly humming up here all by herself, tapping away on her phone, lost in her own little world.

Gambit has posed:
Finding his way to the roof, Remy takes a careful step out and over the balcony onto the shingles and climbs up to carefully sit on the roof with his heels dug in to prevent him from sliding down and off.

Remy wears a dark blue vest with a light blue indian floral pattern on it and a solid blue back. A black button up shirt with a turqoise bolo tie at the neck. He wears a black pair of slacks with a dark grey thin stripes over a pair of black boots. Looking like an old west bartender.

"Whatcha doin' out here Rogue?" He asks, reaching up to pluck one of her headphones out of her ear so she can hear his words.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue feels the presence beside her then and she looks over at him as he reaches up and plucks that earbud from behind her hair and beside her face. She smiles at him, her eyes locked onto his and her expression quite pleased and happy.

Rogue's shoulders shrugged inside of her checkered shirt, her hair was done up all nice today, big curls and perfectly kept. "Went'n did some school photo things that get turned inta some neat, like, keepsakes. Got home a bit'a go, had some food then came up here t'just relax." She glanced out over the frontyard and then looked back at him, glancing him up and down.

"Didn't eve'ah expect t'be in a place like this, ontop'a my own castle home... Ontop'a the world, far as I can tell. Ready t'get married to the sexiest man around too." She said at him with a big grin as she leaned toward him, wanting to put her head on his shoulder.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's language invites Rogue to do just that, with his arm moving around her back and resting his hand on her waist. His eyes look into her green ones with a pleased cocky grin.

"Anna Marie, Ah don't t'ink Ah evah expected dis eit'er, but Ah wouldn' change a t'in'." The cajun says with a smile, reaching into the pocket of his vest and pulling out a small pocket watch and takes a look at the time. He clasps it shut and slips it back away before looking up to the horizon and the yard before them. "Ah t'ink we need t' come up wit' a plan Roguie..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continued to lightly swing her feet as she sat there on the edge of the roof with him, head on his shoulder and her eyes out on the front yard which was illuminated by the light fixtures out through the garden and along the fences.

"Plan for what?" Rogue asked then. "Plan t'figure out why you're dressed like a wild west bartende'ah?" She asked then with a grin showing up on her crimson colored lips. Her green eyes glanced up at him for just a second but she looked back ahead. "You mean for this week?"

Gambit has posed:
"Ah, dere WAS a plan dat got me in dis dashin' outfit." He says as his hand squeezes her waist just a bit playfully before looking down at his feet and swallowing a bit as he sees his feet against the gutter keeping him on the roof.

"Ah mean for aftah dis week." Remy says, turning his attention towards Rogue now, a bit of an unusual sight in that he has his serious face on.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned at him as he squeezed her side, she was a fit girl, not overly squeezable except in all the right places. "When are we supposed t'leave though?" She asked him then, sitting back up straight beside him and looking over at him.

"Ah mean, we're still goin' right?" She asked, her dark eyebrows lifting up over her green eyes. It was fairly dark up here on the roof, but there were some small lamps in the corners of the stone terrace here, so there was a modest amount of romantic mood lighting, another reason Marie liked it up here.

Gambit has posed:
"We're leavin' Wednesday, givin' us a couplah days to see de sights and enjoy de city." Remy says with his hand moving from her side to slowly brush her back from the outside of her checkered shirt.

The cajun smiles, quite pleased with how this day and this weekend have been, but he's starting to worry about how LONG this week will drag on and seem to be the longest one he's ever remembered. But he turns back towards Rogue to ask, "If that's okay wit' you?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turned toward him and she leaned back on the castle pillar behind her, she grinned at him and brought her right leg up to fold it onto the ledge while her oether continued to dangle down. "That sounds... amazin'." She said at him in a soft and sultry voice, her gloved hands reaching out to take his left and hold it in those fabric covered fingers. "Can't hardly believe it. All my life Ah've wanted t'go there. Eve'ah since hearin' my mom tell me stories about it while teachin' me the language. I like t'think that she'll be like, watchin' down on us." She smiled again and glanced down at her lap.

She still had a lot of remorse about that, especially after what happened in Canada a few months back.

Rogue looked back up at him and she nodded her head softly. "I've heard people talkin' about this, seems like a lotta people are excited about the trip."

Gambit has posed:
"We'll ask Jean if she met your mom." Remy says teasingly with his smirk present while lacing his hand back in Rogue's. "Almos' sounds like ya more excited about going t' France dan bein' married." The thief winks towards his fiancee.

Taking in a deep breath, Remy follows her backwards until his own back is against the brick and he lifts their hands, enjoying their closeness.

"Dat's weird, AH didn' t'ink I invited too many peo- Chuck you sly man..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirked at his response and she shook her head. "You told me that the wedding stuff was all taken care of, that I didn't have t'think about any of it or worry on any of it. I mean, I don't even know exactly where its takin' place at. The whole thing is a mystery t'me." She smirked at him and then shook her head. "Which is fine, Ah mean, I trust ya... trust ya t'do the right things 'nd make it like this big... beautiful surprise for me. But it also makes me feel kinda useless, ya know?"

She showed a faint smile and watched him, her white bangs gently blowing across her face in the late summer night air. "Ah gotta pick a dress out when we get there too."

Gambit has posed:
"Ya - Yeah, all ya gotta do is get a dress, an show up." Remy says with a blush in his cheeks. "Rogue, between dhe two o' us, Ah'm dhe useless one. Ya can fly to France before the X-jet could. You can lift dhe whole mansion. You can ... take anyone's powers." Remy says with a wink. "Ah just make t'in's blow up."

Remy moving his free hand to rest behind his head between the brick and his hair as the starts slowly twinkle over head in a calm, night.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seemed to light up at the thought of getting a dress, she'd pondered it... thought about it a lot really. But the idea that it was almost here and time to go to Paris and pick out a wedding dress? It was... absurdly exciting for the 18 year old girl. She leaned forward and pressed her first two covered fingertips to his lips, then kissed the back of them.

"Can't wait." She said at him while still leaning forward and all up and close to the man in front of her. "Gonna get the sexiest dress'n the city!" Whoever's wallet that was coming out of was about to get blasted!