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Latest revision as of 17:05, 29 October 2017

Personal and Confidential
Date of Scene: 15 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Winifred Burkle, Melinda May

Winifred Burkle has posed:
From what Fred knows of Sam, she knows that SHIELD is indelibly tied up in his life. And while she generally thinks of SHIELD on the better side Wolfram and Hart: an organization easily corruptible, but not actively run by demons, she has said nothing of it. However, May has come to rescue Sam and she was there during the vengeance demon debacle. A part of her wishes to know more about her. Plus, that tech. It was really interesting looking tech that Fred wanted to get her hands on.

Fred has no idea how to get an audience with Agent May, nor does she have any sort of appointment. The physicist turned private eye simply stops by and tries to arrange a meeting.

Melinda May has posed:
The security guard at the front gates of the road leading to the Triskelion asks Fred for her name and who she's wanting to speak with, then relays the information in. A few moments later the guard tells the young woman that May is on her way out.

Sure enough, a few minutes later one of those ubiquitous black 'official' SUV things pulls up to the gate with May driving. She nods her thanks to the guard as he keys the gate to open and she calls out to Fred after pulling out just past the gate. "Burkle. Get in, let's go for a drive."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
What Fred was expecting was a high tech office in a clandestine way. What she gets is a car ride. It's hard to feel cheated when that certainly fits in with the way she views SHEILD. Without protest, she slips into the SUV on the passenger side. This is certainly not what she was expecting.

Unable to help herself, she asks, "You weren't--you weren't expecting me were you? No. You couldn't. I just decided to come here this morning. And for you to decide that was a possibility would almost impossible to calculate on a probability scale."

So, that means that May was most likely heading out when she allowed Fred to hop into her SUV. "Oh, are you doing errands? I don't mean to intrude I just wanted to, you know, say hi and such."

Melinda May has posed:
"I'm on my way to get lunch. You just have good timing. Hope you like pho." And they're off. The SUV seems completely generic on the inside, but there are more unlabelled buttons on the steering wheel than any normal car would have any right to possess.

"So, just hi?" May asks without looking away from the road. It's unusual for ANYONE to seek her out for anything other than important and/or dangerous reasons. There have been no reports of MORE new injuries to either sibling, ruling that out as the reason that Fred's come to visit. Needless to say, she's honestly curious.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Pho! She has tried the dish before, but as has generally stated Fred tends toward the Tex-Mex for food. Unable to stop herself, she starts looking at each button and - since the are unlabelled - starts to wonder what each of them do. A finger reaches out hesitantly to push some of them, but that finger lingers and then pulls back reluctantly. Her voice is a bit distant as she's mentally attempting to map everything that might be possible through the buttons in front of her.

"Also, you know, you have some amazing technology I would love to at least look at briefly. And Sam seems to be pretty involved with you guys and you've helped him the last few times I"ve seen you, so I wanted to know what was going on." That all comes out in a spill of words and emotion. Then she smiles. "Which, you know, starts with a hi."

Melinda May has posed:
They're on the steering wheel, not dashboard. So any attempts to push on them will earn Fred a LOOK from May. She IS driving after all. I mean, yes, they are at a traffic light currently, but the standing still is about to change. Hands to yourself, sister.

"Hello," May offers in reply. It's difficult to tell if she's doing so ironically or not. But, the kid's explanation does make sense, and gives her an idea how and why Sam found this young woman to bring into his life. On top of the ability to keep up with the crazy, that is. "Short version is, I recommended that Sam and Dean be hired as consultants with WAND based on their knowledge of supernatural creatures and how to deal with threats to the general populace. Do you want the long story?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
And so Fred will generally follow where the interesting blinking lights go. She can't hep herself. Technology and science gives her a bit of tunnel vision. This is possibly and exactly why Sam found Fred a woman with which he could identify. While she can be out of touch on many things, grabbing a steering wheel or generally interfering with a car is not her style. Instead, she intently watches what buttons are pressed - if at all.

"Hi!" Despite whether May means the greeting to be ironic, she meets it with an enthusiastic smile. She's talking with May! That means something. "I think Sam would be a great consultant. He knows a lot about this and wants to help people. But, I will always want the long story."

Melinda May has posed:
They arrive at the restaurant before May can start into the long story, and she very neatly parallel parks. They'll continue this conversation inside. The little mom and pop style restaurant has no English anywhere on its signage, and stepping into the building proper is like stepping through a portal and landing in Hà Noi, Vietnam. Fred is instantly the only non-Asian, though neither the restaurant employees nor the other patrons seem to make any sort of deal out of her presence.

May calls a greeting to an older woman at the counter who answers in kind, then claims a table near the back of the place with her back to a wall and a clear view of the building's front entrance and windows. "Like most long stories, the one where I first met Sam started with a misunderstanding."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred eagerly takes in the scenery as they cruise about. The building and the restaurant is met with a curious study and a smile. It's not that this place seems alien, but more that she is now attempting to associate it with May. The fact that she is the only caucasian in the restaurant does not intimidate her. Instead, she smiles and nods to the people she passes and allows May to arrange seating and arrangements.

May's starts is met with a smile. "Oh! Me too. I thought he was a serial killer." It's a fond memory for Fred, strangely. But, then, she looks at mat and blinks. "That is, I didn't really understand what he did and didn't trust him."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods slowly. "I suspect they both frequently give people that impression. I ran across Sam firing a highly illegal weapon at a dragon-like individual in Central Park. At first it looked like he was defending the other man involved, but he bolted when he saw me." She pauses in her story as a waitress arrives with glasses of water and pulls out her order book.

"Do you trust me to order for you?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Dragon-like individual?" Fred asks. "Do you mean an actual dragon?" She's unsure if May is talking government speak or saying there is something out there that is like a dragon but is not actually a dragon. There's a narrowing of her eyebrows. She has no idea what Sam might have done or attempted, but she has a general idea of why she thinks he intended. "I"m sure he was trying to help. Why did he run away?"

The question about the order is met with a blink and a nod. "Sure."

Melinda May has posed:
With a nod to Fred, May spends a moment placing their order with the waitress in Vietnamese. Then as the young woman walks away she returns to telling the story. "He looked like a metallic dragon, but understood normal human conventions. So, dragon-like individual." She never really got a chance to follow up with the dragon-being to find out more. Maybe WAND did. "And Sam told us later that he ran because he identified me as a government agent. He called me a Fed."

May pauses to take a sip of her water. "Of course, that was about the time I took him down for fleeing." She then adds a fact she forgot to mention at the beginning. "The other man the dragon was accosting turned out to be a child molester that he stopped from taking a little girl away from the park area."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred looks between May and the menu in order to attempt to learn something new in the language and the words spoken. However, she is a woman of science and and not of language, so everything May tells the woman in Vietnamese is completely lost despite her attempts to glean. "You definitely look like a fed," Fred assures May, as if that is something she wishes to hear. And then she realizes it might not be. However, she cannot take it back and so she stays there, blushing.

"So you were both stopping a child molester that also happened to involve a dragon?"

Melinda May has posed:
A nod is May's response to Fred's observation. "Only when I choose to." Of course, she chooses not to VERY infrequently. "Yes. Well, no. Sam didn't see the child as the perp had already let go of her when the dragon attacked. He was trying to defend the man from what he saw as a supernatural threat. I saw the child running away and found the dragon looming threateningly over an injured man while Sam was shooting at it." Yup. All the misunderstandings.

Then the food arrives. There are two different dishes: one is a huge bowl of noodles topped with veggies, charbroiled pork, and an eggroll. The other is an equally huge bowl of aromatic broth accompanied by a plate nearly overflowing with partly-raw noodles, thin slices of white meat chicken, and a stack of veggies including fresh jalepeno slices and basil leaves still on the stems.