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Latest revision as of 17:15, 29 October 2017

Castle Calls
Date of Scene: 15 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Doctor Doom

Domino has posed:
Castle Doom in Sunny Downtown Latveria.

She has to admit, she's impressed.

Domino enters the front doors and comes in as a guest, instead of what she would have done any other time in her past - sneaking in. Pressing her luck. Given the fortifications and the traps both mundane and magical that Victor von Doom would create, her luck ability would be strained to the breaking point. It would take an end of the world crisis for her to even consider it. Some jobs just aren't worth the zeroes behind the one, even if those zeros went into exponents.

She's forgone even her usual armored suit and gear, opting for simple black dress with clean lines, black heels with roman strapping that criss crosses her legs up to her calves, and black facinator hat tilted to the left, bows and black feathers plumed slightly from the top, a glitter-decked short veil covering her face, accenting her eyespot.

She's visiting a head of state. This is not time for t-shirts and jeans.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Domino is, of course, recognized immediately, as Doom would be well aware of her arrival. A uniformed and unfailingly polite young man bows respectfully towards Domino, offering to escort her to the throne room.

In the throne room itself, Doom sits upon his throne as is his due. He gestures slightly towards a minister, "I understand that the trade agreements are not completely beneficial, but I believe that if we take a slight loss now, it will lead to greater gains later. And then we have another ally in world affairs, which I think you would all agree is a good thing, yes?" His minister sighs a bit, then nods, as he was only thinking of the bottom line, not the full scope of vision that is Doom's.

Doom then spies Domino enter, and smiles beneath the mask, "Fret not, Ruthven, I appreciate your candor, I do not seek sycophants, but those that can speak their minds. For now, you have my wishes. Dismissed." And with that, the other ministers leave, a few passing curious glances to Domino but not saying anything. The page that showed Domino into the throne room bows to Doom, then to her, and also leaves.

Leaving Doom alone with Domino. Aside from the two dozen Doombots lining the walls for additional security, of course. And Doom smiles a bit wider, beckoning towards Domino with one hand.

Domino has posed:
Domino pauses to curtsey politely, before approaching Doom. In some other world she might have gone into diplomacy. In this one, that option was just not available.

She approaches Doom's seated form, and if he's paying attention, he'll note the little perk of liveliness in her pale blue eyes as he gestures towards her. Her pupils have dialated too. There's just a little more color in her cheeks.

"I'd ask if you're busy, but I think that's always going to be a given," she begins. "So I'll formally request an audience."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles and looks at Domino, head tilting slightly as he makes a gesture towards her with his hand, "By all means, Domino. I am but a humble head-of-state. Your request, is granted." He sounds slightly amused, noticing the slight changes, but not commenting on them directly as he adds.

"What can Doom do for you, on this pleasant evening?"

Domino has posed:
"I wondered if you had some time to set aside for a social call," Domino asks. "I thought I might ask you for some wisdom. Maybe give you a welcome distraction from the paper-pushing I know must come with this position," she offers with a smile.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom rises to his feet, and reaches forward, slowly cupping Domino's cheek with his hand. "Indeed. What wisdom would you seek of me?" He moves close, eyes staring into Neena's as he looks very curious, indeed.

Domino has posed:
Neena enjoys that contact. She's a little distracted by it, and tries to get her mind back in focus. "Well, a few questions for you as a ruler, and a few questions for you as a man."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles a bit, lowering his hand, "Come along then. We can talk as we go. Have you eaten yet, Neena? Because I'm certain my chef would be more than happy to prepare something for you."

And then he offers the crook of his arm, "If you will accompany me? And what questions did you have? I must confess curiosity when you say it like that."

Domino has posed:
"I haven't had anything yet, no, and I'd be happy to join you," Neena accepts, lacing her arm around his offered elbow. She allows him to lead her wherever he wishes to go.

"Well, the first question is something that has been nagging at me for a few days. I actually have a conscience. Shocking, I know - I'm sure you've seen the news about the incident in Mexico. The one involving mutants being kept as slaves."

"What's better for a scattered, homeless people to cling to - their free will, or their right to exist?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom hmms a bit, looking thoughtful, "Well, I would posit that without free will, existence is meaningless." He looks amused, and then glances at Domino, "I suppose you would not expect that response, but the truth behind my plots is simple. I see this world, squabbling, chaos... look at America the last decade, my dear Neena. Some 'democracy'." He gestures, "The people of Latveria are not 'free', as a democracy might define the term. But they have free will, and they are pleased with me as their ruler. And perhaps, someday, the world will be wise enough to acknowledge Doom's superiority, and realize that once I am in control, everyone will be better off, including my former enemies."

Domino has posed:
"I was there. I was quite happy to be liberating mutants being sold like exotic pets for God only knows what. It was bad when we got there. Like allied soldiers walking into Dachau after Berlin fell," Domino explains, brows furrowed together with the weight of her unease.

"And then -he- came in. Pretty speeches, swelling words, charisma. He took advantage of their weakened state and weakened minds and had them turn on their captors. Turn them into killers. Break them and remold them in that low state into something for his own political ends."

"I didn't feel like a savior that day. I felt like I was fitting them for a whole new set of chains."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom hmms, "Magneto?" He looks curiously at Domino, "At least, from your description, I presume that's who it was?" He then looks at Domino, "And you're curious how Doom would react in such a situation?"

Domino has posed:
"Got it in one, but it was probably no struggle to guess," Neena offers somewhat sheepishly. "I am curious to know what you'd have done. I guess I'm struggling with myself on this one."

"I just wanted them to have a fighting chance when they chose what side they would take."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles a little, "I would actually demonstrate my /own/ power, and allow them the choice to remain, or to come with me. Which, is not terribly different I suppose. But I would not be content to sit by and watch someone abuse whom I saw as my people." He considers, "As far as what they wished, I would ask them, and gauge their talents accordingly." He tilts his head, looking at Domino, "Someone who does what they do not /wish/ to do will not be content."

Domino has posed:
It was a surprising answer. A little piece of her had thought that perhaps Victor would see things the same way as Magneto, but then again, Victor's people appeared to actually -want- their leader. She did not fault him for keeping control. Absolute and total freedom had a name: anarchy.

"I guess the difference in that situation is that you have much, much more power than I do. I can't say that Magneto is wholly wrong - there are times when you have to strike first - I guess...." She trails off and shakes her head with a little sigh. "It's too tough a call, I guess. You're right, though. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still, the old proverb goes."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom nods, "Indeed. And my wrath would be terrible on any who threaten my people. Which includes the Romani, after all. As they /are/ my people." He smiles faintly, "The number of times the Red Skull or some other officious fool trusted me, not realizing that I had contingencies to deal with them, or better yet, hand them over to some foolish heroes and leave them none the wiser to their betrayal..." His eyes flash with dark amusement.

Domino has posed:
That brings a grin to Neena's face. "That's why I like you. You're just the right mix of bad and good."

She keeps walking along with Doom towards wherever their end destination is, the conversation lively enough that she isn't paying scrupulous attention to the decor`. The man at her side is far more commanding of her senses.

"I feel a little better then. I'll speak with Magneto later, when I have the opportunity. I don't care how powerful he is or isn't. He owes his people the dignity of letting them choose." She doesn't say it, but she hates the fact that he had them murder the guards. That changes people - forever.

It hit entirely too close to home.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, and opens the door, revealing a small and intimate dining room, "Typically I would eat elsewhere with my ministers, discussing daily business. But tonight, I wished something more... intimate." His eyes meet Neena's, as he gestures inside, the table already set with some rather exquisite delicacies, and a bottle of wine.

Domino has posed:
"I really appreciate that you're sparing this time with me," Neena says. She's genuinely grateful, and it shows in demeanor and tone. "It means a lot. No one spares time for me. There's always some world-ending mission that has to take precidence over quiet evenings." Over closeness. Over hopes. Over a life together.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom shakes his head, "Then, that is their mistake, Neena. It is possible to respect a woman for all her capabilities and acknowledge her as formidable, while still treat her with courtesy." He even is old-fashioned enough to slide the chair out for Domino, gesturing, "If you please?"

Domino has posed:
She takes a seat. "Thank you very much, Victor." Being treated like an actual woman instead of a good luck charm that can be left for dead because 'she's got luck, she'll be fine'? It's strange! It's new!

... It's actually kind of nice.

"Things are gritty and ugly in my line of work, but I suppose I've just accepted that as normal. I mean, hey, I just learned last week that I'm a failed attempt to genetically engineer a weapon that can destroy civilizations."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom blinks, "Really? I had no idea." He takes a seat across from Neena, tilting his head curiously, "Though, if you're a failure, I'm not sure what success would be." He seems to arch a brow beneath the mask, "What did you discover, if I might ask?"

Domino has posed:
"I'm not sure what success would have been either," Domino replies. "The project was buried deep. So deep that SHIELD, AIM, Hydra -- all those big alphabet soup organizations that keep records on how many times someone brushed their teeth each day -- didn't even know about it. Hell, there were people with future vision who'd never heard of it. And those people always seem to know everything."

"I'm the only survivor that I know of. There were other infants. I'm the only one that survived the testing."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom considers, looking at Domino, "I suspect it has something to do with probability warping, hmmm? Dangerous to put into practice, as such effects tend to have... feedback. To be honest, I'm astonished they would dare attempt such."

Domino has posed:
"Possibly." Neena shrugs. "Hey, people will try to weaponize anything they can if they think it will give them an edge."

She takes the napkin on the table and puts it on her lap. "When it comes down to it, I'm a dimestore knock off of the Scarlet Witch. She can alter reality better than I can. I just make my own luck."

She adds with a note of amusement, "Or maybe my power just moves the universe around me to make sure I'm always alive no matter what happens. How many times has Earth been nearly destroyed by something? And yet here we are. Here I am."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, "And well, look at the history of the Scarlet Witch. I daresay that your focus makes your ability less powerful, perhaps, but far more useful." He takes the napkin, and then a servant comes in, pouring the wine for both Neena and Doom, before departing quickly.

"I know that I looked into the theories of such, before deciding that it was far too dangerous. Manipulating quantum mechanics on that level often has catastrophic consequences. As it seems those that ended up creating you discovered for themselves."

Domino has posed:
"You'd think that for all the luck I make for myself, my life would have been better. There's living, and then there's being forced to drag on through life." Neena smiles to the servant and quietly thanks them. She doesn't have the lifetime of aristocracy to simply look through them as if they were not there.

She holds the wine glass in one hand and changes the subject. "Now that we're alone, I can ask you those questions meant for a man."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom nods slightly, "Please do. Nothing would please me more than to answer." He smiles and raises his glass to you, "To a fruitful partnership." He still doesn't exactly /focus/ on romance, but well... the appreciation in his voice is far more than just business. Plus his behavior as well, he prefers to show, not to tell.

Domino has posed:
Neena raises her glass and joins in the toast. "For as long as it can last." She chooses her words carefully. They're the words of someone who has had the rug yanked out from under them more than anyone should.

"I'll preface this with the caveat that I don't know how up-front you prefer your women to be. You've already demonstrated that you like to be the one in the driver's seat." Sly smile. "And I won't lie, I like that."

A little pause. A short exhale of air, venting tension and spurring forward hesitant lips. "But when it comes down to it ... you're vastly out of my league. I spent my teenage years in the fighting pits of Madripoor. You're groomed for aristocracy." Another little pause, and reticence in her voice. "... I don't really have a chance, do I?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom actually laughs at that, "Oh, Neena... I'm not royalty, born and bred, nor some aristocrat." He shakes his head, looking actually amused, then he looks at Neena, "I mentioned the Romani before as my people, and it is true, Neena. I am no royal popinjay, what I have achieved, I have /earned/, with my own strength and will and intellect. I care nothing for such save as appearances." He smiles wryly, "My youth was not so different than yours. Though I was never in fighting pits, I was a student of my mother's arts of magick, and after she... passed, I learned the ways of science as well, excelling in both. But I have never forgotten my roots. I think this allows me to be a superior ruler, for I remember things others have forgotten."

Okay, so maybe he's spinning a line... but then, he sounds pretty convincing too.

Domino has posed:
Ah, but there's no real answer to her question, either. Still, maybe it's better to let that slip away unnoticed. His laughter is enough. It's a pleasant sound. She takes a sip of her wine.

"Never had a chance to study magic. Not in the NSA anyways. Eventually the government finds its lost property and comes back for it."

"Have you ever been married before?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom shakes his head, "No. Never have... a few women when I was younger caught my eye, so I am not..." He gives Domino a wry look, "Inexperienced. But I realize that I didn't answer your question directly."

With that, he sets the glass down, and smiles at Domino, "Neena. I find you fascinating. And a woman I can respect. And if any woman had a chance, I would think you would have a better one than most." With that, he actually winks at her, still wearing the mask as... well, this isn't completely private, with servants possibly bustling in and out.

Domino has posed:
She's relieved. She's surprised she's relieved. Things are just coming out of left and right field for her lately. It's like there's an actual decent person under all that guns, mouth and money trying to claw their way out.

Unfortunately, it's also the perfectly wrong time for Domino to be getting in touch with that long-buried gentler side, given what she's gotten herself into.

She smiles, soft and gentle, affectionately gazing at him. "Then if it's all right, I'd like to see where this goes. Nothing is guaranteed in life. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but I've never been afraid of the odds."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom smiles, "That sounds perfect to me, Neena." He returns her gaze, then he hmms, "I suddenly feel my appetite... for food, somewhat diminished." He hmms, "Ah, forgive me, your dress is exceptional, though it pales to the beauty that it contains." Apparently, he still has a certain Romani charm, even now.

Domino has posed:
"Would you rather we skipped to 'desert' then?" Neena asks coyly, setting down the wine glass.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom laughs softly, and rises to his feet, extending his hand towards Neena, "I would not wish to presume, as you mentioned you were famished. And..." He sounds a bit amused, "I suspect you will need all the calories you can manage."

Domino has posed:
"Oh, I have reserves I can draw on for times like these," Neena explains playfully, taking Victor's hand, rising from her seat. "I'll give you a demonstration."