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Latest revision as of 18:02, 29 October 2017

Log 2024
Date of Scene: 16 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Black Canary

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    You can smell the place before you even get there, not that it's a good sort've smell mind you. The Hulking corrugated metal structure hasn't been doing much candy making for years it would seem, a mass of dumped garbage and rusting metal set well away from town. The place though, it smells. Like rot and mold, enough to bring a flock of crows to park themselves on the roof overlooking the factory. Thankfully at least, that perimeter fence hasn't been much more than sporadic tangles for maybe fifteen years so you have that working for you.

    Zinda pauses as she gets a good look at the place, wincing visibly at the smell before those white gloved hands drop to her trusty auto-5. "Well, this does kind of seem like the right place doesn't it?"Those white gloves smearing bright blood across the shotgun as she runs the bolt and shoves another round into the tube.
    She does glance back towards Dinah, followed by the more ghostly members of the Blackhawks in attendance. "Just ya'll watch me six in there, alright? I reckon this feller he likes metas, longer he goes not knowing 'bout ya'lls ace up the sleeve the better. You got me?"

Black Canary has posed:
    "Got it." Dinah says, her voice shifting to the professional as she eyes the factory. "If things go bad, I'll cover you getting you. I should be able to at least hold off what's inside if he's got more metas working for him." Because she realizes this is somewhat risky, with just the two of them....but hell. Not like she hasn't done it before...

    She slips in past the fence, looking around for any signs of security cameras or other functional security setup, before proceeding across towards the factory. She shies away from going in the main doors, but looks for a side door she might be able to pick or jimmy to get them inside, hopefully where any residents won't be watching.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    With blonde hair, white gloves and boots, and...yeah Zinda is not exactly dressed for stealth but she does a fairly admirable job considering. Easing past scrub brush and tangles of discarded rebar, working her away beside Dinah towards the side of that factory.

    The smell is, well it's picked up a distinctly coppery tone by now. The sound of machinery still at work whirring from within, a grinding, tearing sort of noise more than anything. There are voices now, a mixture of spanish and English though from the exterior it's impossible to make out what exactly is being said. There does at least not appear to be any perimeter security of any kind, and well that side door is secured by naught but an ancient kwikset which yeilds easily under the efforts of a legit pick and tension wrench.

    What lies beyond is well the cavernous interior of the candy factory, and well theres a wall of that stench that hits like a wave once the door is opened. There are guards in here, in neat tricolor camo. Neat Maroon berets indeed mark these fellows as the same fucks who tangled with the team last time, but that's not the real standout. These guys aren't nailed, but they do have a certain glassy look to them. Standing guard amidst fields of crude cages constructed from iron pipe and metal fencing, stuffed with a mixture of similarly glassy eyed folks packed in tight. It's not just people stuffed in there mind you, in seperate cages on the far side of the factory floor there are spiders, small ones stuffed and looking decidedly worse for wear. Set in the middle of all this is a spider, but of course.

    This is a dramatically larger example of the one fought down south, colored in a mixture of bright orange and white. It's been strapped down to an old 18 wheeler flatbed, it's legs cut free. It's head bound in some sort of crude cage with a large rubber hose, which trails across the factory floor to a large vat full of...god knows what and what looks like some sort of industrial shredding machine situated so as to dump into the thing.

    From here it's an easy guess of 8-10 guards, 30-40 people in those cages, maybe as many little spiders and well the foreward section (to your left) of the factory is not visible from the side door.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah slips inside quietly, just pulling the door open a little way to avoid the hinges squealing too much, peering in quickly as she begins cataloguing the guard locations. She then turns her gaze to the glassy eyed people in the cages, checking them for nails too. "Prisoners...look drugged. Or controlled." she murmurs back to Zinda.

    She frowns a bit, letting the door close quietly again from the little bit she opened it. "Cages to the left full of people. Could run for them for cover, but can't see past them. Maybe ten guards I could see, a few small spiders and one huge one who has its legs lopped off, looks like they're...draining it."

    She considers. "Could cause some trouble, bring all the guards to the same side at least?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Sounds good."Zinda offers, digging around in that tunic before producing a smoke grenade. Yeah bright purple smoke should do the trick, right? Anywho she floats the thing over towards Dinah, and peers around for cover before she finds what she's looking for. Zinda falls back ten or twelve yards, before hopping over the hood of an abandoned car and taking cover behind the thing. From there, well she reaches back into that tunic to line those bloody fingers with four more shells just to have them at the ready.
    The Blackhawks, ghostly never the less just shake their heads mournfully and disperse. Slowly walking off into the desert in seperate directions. From that same desert another figure looms, a tall fellow in a tight fitting costume decorated in zig-zags of grey and black. He's too far out into the desert to get a good look at from the factory, but the spectre seems content to stand with arms folded back by the old fenceline.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah catches the smoke grenade, stepping back as she waits for you to find cover...though her eyes are drawn to the dispersing Blackhawks...then the lone spectre as she stops for a moment, watching uncertainly. Is this...a warning or...?

    After a slightly too long moment she shakes herself, then pulls the pin, keeping her hand on the lever as she puts her hand on the door. She holds up her hand to count down on her fingers silently, flicking one down with each count, until she reaches zero, then pulls it open to send the grenade tumbling inside, before stepping back out of sight by the door where someone coming through will have the door blocking line of sight, but where she's far enough to the side where the door slamming open won't hit her.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Theres immediately shouting, and screeching that can only be the spiders. Shouting in both spanish and english now, followed by the rustle of men hurrying. Still it's hard to make out exactly whats being shouted, beyond "Move it!"

    That door comes flying open with a kick, and Zinda wastes no time. That 10gauge is, brutal. Driving a slug into the receiver of the first man's AK, ripping his hand free at the wrist before slamming into his chest, ploughing through his spine and smashing into the chest of the man behind him before exiting the duo and continuing down range. It's immediately followed by another blast, before the first pair has even fallen it reduces those forms to dogfood before letting loose another two shots of buckshot at the ground beside the door. The rounds hit hard, erupting in a fantastic eruption of sparks before deflecting upwards and smashing through the corrugated steel into soldiers awaiting beyond to the sound of screams. Zinda's already shoving more hate into that auto-5 as she vaults the old car and begins her advance. "HAWKAAAAA!"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah waits until you pause to reload, before she throws herself inside at the reeling guards, bringing her leg around in a brutal Muy Thai strike designed to shatter ribs in the nearest guard as she slaps a hand up under the rifle, moving in a graceful spin to disarm him as she moves past, snapping out a kick behind youer into his gut to send him flying backwards into the wall with a CRASH of metal. Her fingers find the AK selector, flipping it with a practiced touch to full auto as she goes into a crouch, then methodically sweeps the assault rifle back and forth across the nearest guards, aiming up to avoid hitting the people and reducing the risk of ricochets, letting the smoke cloak her from anyone farther back as she empties the clip.

    The moment she does she's on the move, her eyes flicking for new targets.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The guards feel, well they're not quite loose enough to qualify as drunk but once you get your hands on them? They're a little -too- slow to react, the flipside of course is that they seem to be entirely devoid of anything approaching fear. An AK's 7.62 however, does a fantastic job of solving the problem either way and they prove just as vulnerable to an AKM as any man. Another three go down without so much as a shout of alarm, but by now at least they're starting to get themselves together. Gunfire starts to erupt from further into the factory, but well by now there are only like four of them left? Their gunfire is poorly aimed, or at best rushed however.
    Not a problem Zinda has as she rushes in behind, sending lead antimony downrange at absurd velocities without hesitation as she ploughs into the melee behind Canary. Amputating one poor fellow's arm as she drives buckshot into his chest cavity, before smothering another with a precision shot to the dome. The last two are caught on the move, all but burried under buckshot and grex before they hit the ground in a wet clump. Zinda as ever, is legitimately surgical with that gauge of hers. Soon enough however guards or no guards she reaches into that tunic to grab more buckshot.

    Situated off to the left side, the rest of the operation comes into view. operating tables, boxes stuffed full of nails and a cabinet full of little vials and whole trays of needles prepped and ready to go. There's an older fellow slumped against the tables, one hand pressed firmly to his neck in an effort to staunch the flow of blood pouring free. Standing over him in dull green scrubs, is a tall, broad shouldered fellow aproximately eighty years old. Blood soaked scalpel in one hand, and flanked by a pair of guards in neat bright red uniforms holding what look like ray-gun rifles?

    The old guy on the floor, that'd be Armin Fucking Keller..bleeding out like the bitch he is.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah scoops up one of the other AKs from a dead guard as she ducks down, the thunder of the shotgun behind her nicely covering any noise she might make as she bring sit up, sighting on the red guards, then sending a burst towards each, as she tries to knock them down before they have a chance to shoot whatever those guns might do back. She sort of wants the other guy alive....but she hasn't seen any sign that these guy won'g try to kill her and Dinah if they get the chance.

    The moment the bursts are done she bolts forward, staying on the move in case they can return fire.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The rounds hit and, erupt in a fantastic explosion of dark blue energy. The lightbulbs flare, radios fizzle and for a moment lights dance in your eyes. Hell theres even a strange taste, like licking a battery. The duo are unharmed, and step infront of that surgeon. Lifting those rayguns up, emitting a low humm. The surgeon turns, waving his scalpel and then well he freezes. Locking eyes with Zinda, and his shoulders slump.

    "Thats a Cherenkov shield Canary, you can't shoot through it."Zinda offers with a visible slump of her own shoulders. "Guards, place your arms on the floor and interlace your fingers behind your head."And well, they glance at each other. They glance at the surgeon, and then wordlessly they actually do exactly as they're told. "You there, doctor. Mask off, who the fuck are you supposed to be huh? Baron Octopus?"

    Zinda steps foreward just a touch, lowering that shotgun just a hair. Gloves dissolving and soon her uniform erupts in a rush of water, replaced by body hugging black and grey. A catsuit, with a disinctly nautical theme then and one that well lets be frank. Zinda looks good in anything but yeah, she makes it work. The ghostly appartition from before, slowly filtering up beside her with a broad smile. Lips parted to reveal those sharpened..sharklike teeth.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah stares at the transformation, then lowers the rifle, trusting Zinda. Though..the change...that...scares her a bit as she starts moving closer to her friend. "You've seen this before?" she say slowly, glancing over at her, then eyeing the man. Oh yes. She has a definitely feeling who that is, and her tight look is followed bo her resting her hand slightly on Zinda's shoulder for just a moment.

    "I'm curious too....who are you? What are you doing here?" she says slowly, watching the surgeon, but also keeping an eye on Zinda and the apparition, before she murmurs to Zinda. "And how did you get them to do that?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The surgeon steps foreward, lifting a bloodied glove to his face to pull free that paper mask and cap. Blonde, blue eyed and well he looks like he's in his late eighties early nineties. "They know who their queen is, dad never gave up hope but I never dreamed I'd ever see you with my own eyes. Here please just, look I can send them away I'll do whatever you want."And a pause as he forces a nervous smile. Those teeth brought to a fine point. "I'll do anything you want, mom."

    Zinda just, stands there. Face drawing pale, as she tugs those..yeah ok that's interesting. She grabs at her wrist, and white gloves hit the floor but visually she looks like she's wearing those elbow length grey things still. So the "spell" has a range, or something? "Where is the King, I know he isn't at the cover any longer."

Black Canary has posed:
    Some things become clear, quickly, to Dinah as she shoots another look at the man, then back to Zinda as she steps closer. If...this is the son of...Zinda and...Dinah can't even think of it. Other than seriously wanting to put a bullet in said shark's head. But she's not sure if he's there, or if she's seeing things still.

    So she moves past Zinda, backhanding through the space the shark is occupying. If nothing happens, she simply turns back to Zinda, stepping closer to her. She's not sure what she's talking about...but..."Fuck...' she murmurs under her breath, but otherwise tries not to inerrupt.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "He's at Shark's drowning, of course. With the rest of the family, oh my sisters will be thrilled to hear you'-.."And -BKOOM-, Zinda looses a single load of buckshot into the fellow's skull. "Guards, remove your shields and remain where you are. Your queen has need of you."And that shotgun clatters to the floor, before Zinda sinks down on her knees to bend over and heave.

    The spell ends with an audible -POP-, Zinda's back in her regular uniform and well. Puking her guts out on the floor.

    "God damnit, unngh..fuck. I fucking killed him, I killed him so hard."

Black Canary has posed:
    The AK drops from Dinah's hands, clattering to the ground as she goes to her knees next to Zinda, a hand sliding up to gather her hair with a practiced motion, holding it free as the booze and whatever else the blonde pilot might have eaten comes up. She doesn't say anything yet, though her other hand comes to rest on Zinda's thigh quietly, as she glances at the very, very dead man, then back to her friend. She shifts closer, and only when she starts talking again does she finally say something. "...yup." she murmurs quietly. She doesn't quite know what to say next. How do you comfort your friend who just murdered a...son? A son likely forced on her, no less. "He's very dead."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Hnnngh, fuck me I am way too sober for any of this."recoiling from the touch for a moment, before eventually just rolling back onto her ass, rubbing a wrist after her eyes. "Ahhh, just. Look I'm, I need to just stand outside and..I don't even know alright? I just can't even, start with any of this right now alright?"And a pause, and a hiccup as she scrambles to her boots. "Just uh, those two will do whatever you tell them to alright? I just, can't be in here right now alright?"

    And well with that, Zinda's out of there. Leaving Dinah in a factory of horrors, with those two red clad henchmen. To their credit they've knitted their fingers behind their heads, and they haven't moved a single inch. Theres an enormous spider strapped, theres a vat of who knows what, there are hostages and spiderlings and...yeah not spoiling for stuff to look at.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah stands, a hand half raising as Zinda just..bolts. "Zinda..." she starts to say, then sighs, lowering her hane as she frowns quietly. "...fuck." she swears, fervently, if under her breath, as she turns her attention to the two men in red. She breathes out. Zinda is a big girl. She needs a moment. She'll give her that, and the best way to distract herself from not rushing out immediately to her is to...well, ensure things are stable here. Which means she goes to the men in red and makes sure they're tied up, then goes to the people and starts releasing them. She's not sure what's going on with the spider yet, but that'll be part three...and it's not going anywhere.

    After making sure the people aren't going to do something like throw themselves into spider maws, she'll start ushering them outside, then once they're moving will step out herself to look for Zinda.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Luckily the people seem more, dazed than crazy. Worryingly, they do whatever they're told. However "go home" works well enough and the folks seem happy to obey. Those henchguys, well they don't so much as struggle. Going so far as to offer polite compliments on the knot work, which isn't a great sign either really. Whatever drug the Sharks are using, is nothing to sneer at and Zinda was on that stuff for how long?

    Speaking of Zinda, she's parked herself on an appropriately placed car. Shotgun in her lap and, well she does at least look up when Dinah walks near. Fixing the fellow blonde with something you could easily call a "Thousand yard stare", before just sort of staring off into space again. "I, can't remember everything but...I wasn't under -that- long. I mean it was 43', they didn't uh. I mean, it can't be real. Like this has got to be some sort of mindfuck, but jesus christ his eyes..."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah slows as she approaches, gazing down at where you've perched, then slowly walks over, before she slides up on the beside Zinda. She feels a bit helpless...what can you really say to something as twisted and wrong as this?

    She breathes out then tentatively slides her arms around the other woman, hugging her quietly. Letting her talk for the moment. She knows what it's like when you just to get it out....to vent, or just....talk. So she stays a silent, comforting presence next to Zinda. And doesn't interrupt.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "There wasn't time, and The Shark was a chemist not a surgeon. I mean you couldn't like, I mean it -cant- be. This has got to be some mindfuck he's got going, but how is he even alive. He'd be like, over a hundred and I blew his fucking head off."Theres anger, there is confusion and there is horror but you know what? This is Zinda Blake, and even now she's a whole lot of things but she isn't afraid. "I know where he is now though, I -know- Where "Shark's Drowning" is, he used to operate out of there. Not his main base but, I know where it is."

    "It doesn't matter, I kill them all. How did they even, I mean those hench guys are just brainwashed sailors. How the hell did they know who I was, why would he still be calling me their Queen?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah stirs a bit, then murmurs. "I don't know." She rubs your back quietly. "It could be they were brainwashed to obey certain people. Though...he seemed suprised to see you." she offers quietly. "So maybe they didn't know you were around." She shakes her head. "Everyone in there was o that spider stuff...they could have told them the sky was green and they would have bought it too...."

    But she knows that's not it. They reacted before that. "...how did you know they'd listen?" she says quietly. "Or that you could shoot through the shield?"

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "It's why I started using shotguns, the shield can't handle multiple projectiles at the same time. It won't even start, it goes right through. When all we had was tommy guns and pistols, it was pretty awesome."She heaves a sigh, before leaning into Dinah. "I didn't know they'd listen, but I figured it was worth a shot. I know how he does things, I wouldn't be shocked if they're all on the exact same program we had back in the day. Same uniforms, same shields, same guns. I mean if it didn't work, I'd just have shot them."

    "The Henchmen are all just abducted sailors, they get the full dose though. It's permenent, theres nothing left of them when they do that. So I mean I don't really mind killing them, but if it's all the same I'd prefer not to. They're, not really the bad guys here."And a sniffle, as she peers after her shotgun silently for a moment. "Does that make me turbo evil If I didn't exactly mind having henchmen of my own, I mean that was the least bad thing."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah mmms, then reaches up, quietly straightening your hair, finger combing it lightly. "...no. It doesn't. You're a leader...of course you like being part of something larger that just yourself. People who will listen to you, move as a group."

    The other blonde falls silent again, though her arm stays around you, holding you loosely to her armored form. "You're my friend, Zinda...I know you're not evil..." she murmurs after a pause. "And...what you went through, no woman should have to go through." She nuzzles your hair quietly. "So if you know where he is....I'm going with you."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Those golden locks, are well what the hell -does- she use anyway because no joke they look -amazing-. Ok back on point, she seems happy to slump against Dinah with a sigh. "You don't have to, and I know you will anyway but I want to say it. This is, all my fault. All these heroes, if I'd done the job right the first time. I don't want you to feel like, obligated to fix my messes."

    Finally Zinda offers a huff, and rises to her boots, rolling her shoulders a little. "I need a few drinks in me before I'm good to fly, and I need a new shotgun I think."And a pause, as she offers a hand back towards Dinah. "Isn't this normally where capes go get a new uniform or something?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah straightens up, standing as well. "Sometimes..." she says with a faint smile. "Before we go...we should probably deal with the giant spiders and all the crap that's inside, and make sure it's good and wrecked and no one is going to try this again.' She pauses. "...also, Polina...the wife of the guy who was stabbed on the ground...she was under his control. She might be around here somewhere."

    She gives you a little swat on your hip. "Then, drinking, moderately poor choices, and if needed we grab a hotel for the night and take off in the morning once we've gotten over the hangover." she says simply.