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Latest revision as of 18:05, 29 October 2017

In the still of the Night
Date of Scene: 16 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superwoman, Wonder Woman

Superwoman has posed:
    Evening has come to the gang infested sections of Metropolis- although, things have gotten much quieter since Superwoman took interest in the growing gang problem. The nights are positively silent compared to how things used to be. Through some hybrid method of Kryptonian Strength, tactical thinking, and old fashioned police work she was able to bust up the worst and most violent of the gangs. Those who were really putting fear into the hearts of the residents of these streets.

    But tonight, Superwoman just sat quietly on a rooftop, legs crossed. Her eyes are closed and she seems to be rather peaceful in her sitting.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been looking for Faora for some time now, she was a hard woman to get ahold of. She'd sent out Justice League-level scouts to find traces and leads on the woman's location and finally, tonight, a hit came back.

Thankfully it was a slow night for the Ambassador, she'd finished her work for the day and had been on her way home from a meeting with a wealthy man who was looking for advice on Diana Prince-approved charities to donate a large sum of money too.

Once home at the Metropolis Consulate, Diana changed into her gear and she'd set out to follow the lead provided by her colleagues at the Hall. By the time Diana found her, she spotted her on that rooftop and came to touchdown silently upon the gravel-covered roof, a light exhale escaped her lips and she spoke.

"You have been busy, Superwoman." She said to the other, her accented voice was likely immediately familar.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Yes. I have." Superwoman replies to the Princess of the Amazons. "I take my duty very seriously." she says, "Albeit a duty I have chosen for myself." she says then, eyes still closed. She's not particularly bothered by the intrusion by the sound of it.

    "So then, Princess, what brings you to this rooftop?" Superwoman wonders quietly, "It this a social call?" she asks next, as her eyes slowly open- piercing blue eyes looking up at Diana. Still, Faora's voice carries an accent- perhaps some oddity of her genetic makeup being so very different from those of the House of El.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's armored boots quietly crunched on the rooftop as she walked toward where the other woman was seated and she showed a faint smile for a small amount of time.

"Somewhat." Diana told her in response as she drew up on the right side of Faora and came to a stop about an arms reach away, she had her own blue eyes upon the other.

"Its been my... mission... since becoming a public figure to watch those that have equal goals as I do. Find the... best of the best. The ones with the truest intentions of protecting this planet and making it a better place for the people who may otherwise have trouble keeping themselves as safe as you and I do."

Diana's eyes then looked out at the city's skyline, her black curled hair was gently blowing about her bare shoulders in the late summer's evening breezes.

"I was curious to know if you would be interested in joining us within the Justice League. We have recently become affiliated allies with Tony Stark's Avengers. We are..." Diana looked back to Faora then. "Trying hard to unify as a whole, to shield the Earth from all threats."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Potentially." Faora replies to Diana as she stands slowly, to look the Princess eye to eye as they have this discussion. She takes a long, quiet moment- gazing into Diana's fierce eyes. Faora has a strong gaze- she's fearless, and it shows. "You are not the first to ask this question, you know." she states.

    "Batman came by not long ago. Ruined a stakeout of mine. Human trafficking." she explains, "I've fixed the issue, though, luckily." she says softly, "He, too, asked if I'd want to join the League. I'm not certain I would fit in, to be honest. I am, as they say, no Superman. I am a very different kind of beast. I am very much so more dangerous than Kal could ever hope to be."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had a brief 'look' on her face at the mention of Batman. She and Bruce were not on great terms of-late, which may not surprise anyone who knew the two of them as... they didn't often see eye to eye on situations.

"Our differences is what makes us a stronger team, Faora." Diana responds to her then, her eyes back on the others. "Its your experiences as a person, as vast and foreign as they are to those of us here on this world, that I believe would make you a viewpoint that the League would greatly benefit from."

A short pause then, a light shake of her head and she continued. "And I am sorry that he broke up your business. He is... troublesome, often. A bit, narrow-sighted when it comes to others plans and needs. But he ultimately means well."

Superwoman has posed:
    "You shouldn't apologize for the sins of another." Faora replies simply, "You, likely, have plenty of your own sins to apologize for." she notes as she takes a slow breath, "I have a partner." she states, "Gravitas. I am helping her learn how to be a better heroine. How to take care of herself, as well. I would want to know that she was welcome as well in this League, before I were to confirm my assent to joining. I would also want to know the expectations of me."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show a faint smile at the mention of her own sins, but wouldn't comment on that. She'd listen to the rest and then gently dip her chin as she looked to Faora. "We would have to meet your partner, learn who they are and what motivates them. But if you are a member who recommends then then that comes with a large amount of clout as being a member means we explicity trust your opinions on other potentials."

A light breath was taken then and Diana's chin lifted again while her eyes glanced toward the city for a second. "We expect our members to be on-call for alerts of major events. The Justice League's communications reach far and wide and if a major threat is unfolding then the call will go out to the most appropriate members to reach it in the quickest amount of time. This means, you'd be free to continue your own work, but you'd be gaining a network of resources to help you tackle potentially greater threats on a more global-reaching-scale. The Justice League does not simply protect the reaches of North America, afterall."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Is the league sanctioned by any official body- you had mentioned the Avengers. As I recall, they have a sanction." Faora continues, turning now, and folding her hands behind her back as she thinks. She paces in a slow back and forth motion- military in its preciseness. She is, in her heart, still very much a soldier. You can never take the warrior out of a woman like Faora.

    "Has Kal told the league of who I am, what I have done? I have the feeling many of them may not trust me." Faora says, next. "In a team, trust is important." She nods to Diana's desire to meet Victoria/Gravitas. "Gravitas is as innocent as one could expect. She has a very good heart, and I can not be the only one who trains her. I... am afraid that my methods would, eventually, damage some of her innocence. I do not know how not to train someone to take a life when it is required. It is always the final choice but... Unlike Kal and Kara, I lack their moral inability to find reasons why some villains shouldn't be dead."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would nod softly a single time to the sanction question. "Much of my work with the United Nations is geared not just toward the issues of my homeland, but its also toward offering the protection services of the Justice League to other countries that are eager to have the protection of well trained, well balanced, powered people. In fact, many of those countries are eager to open their own branches of the League within their borders. It is likely that as time goes on, the members of our group will become the trainers of the heroes of tomorrow."

Diana would nod once again to Faora. "And it sounds as though this, Gravitas would be well suited to train with us in the Hall here in Metropolis. My sisters spend much time there helping with hand to hand combat training, let alone battle tactics and team work.

Another small smile was summoned upon her lips. "So, I think it would be beneficial to both of you. But, I am not seeking an answer here and now. I just want you to know the offer is there. I understand if you prefer how you operate now though and I wanted to tell you, additionally... 'Thank you'. For what work you have done of-late."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora nods quietly, taking another slow breath. "Oversight like that can be dangerous. Particularly on a planet without an actual unified government." she remarks. "The League, if not careful, could become a political tool." That sounds very much like a voice of experience.

    "I'll think about your offer, Princess." Superwoman says softly. "I'd like to give this decision proper thought before I agree to anything at all." In other words- she's going to put her eye to the League and look them over with a super-vision style magnifying glass.

    The thank you has Faora's eyebrows knit together, "No thanks are required. I do not do what I do for the adulation or thanks of others. I must do what I do. I owe it to a people who can never forgive me."

Wonder Woman has posed:
These last words got a look of sympathy from Diana, she could tell that just by saying that was a major indicatio nof the turmoil it caused inside the woman. But Diana was also smart enough not to belittle the warrior woman by offering overly sappy amounts of sympathy or words that might frustrate her on the subject.

"Well..." Diana's voice replied after a passing few seconds. "The people of this world benefit from your presence. Already, you have positively effected many lives here. I know that may not fill the void within you, but I hope it does bring some comfort to your heart."

Diana would glance back out toward the skyline and watch the glittering lights for another moment or two. "But. I do not wish to bother you any further, Superwoman." She looked back to Faora and offered her another small smile and a light nod. "Contact me any time you wish to deliver a message or response."

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman bows her head quietly to Diana, "Of course. I will let you know once I have come to a decision." she says softly, as she quietly returns to sitting. OR almost sitting- its obvious she's floating just barely above the roof's top, now, from this angle. Her legs are crossed and she takes a slow, deep breath. Her eyes slide closed. She's listening more than watching. Hearing the world around her and letting it tell her what is going on. "Nothing can fill the void inside me. I can not be forgiven by those I have failed. All I can do is atone for my crimes, and hope that Rao will smile on me from this great distance."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was about to turn and leave when she heard that last bit spoken by the other. It made her look back at Faora, she stared at her for a few moments.

"Love is the best solution to your void." Diana told her then. "You can find that here. Love from those you help, from those you meet and care for along the way. Love for friends, a family you may craft for yourself. I think that that is why you have found yourself here, with this mission to do whats right. This world is capable of being a solution to what ails you. Though you will never fully forget the past you have lived through, you will at least have the love that you have crafted for yourself here, to keep you going forward. Trust me, it helps, even decades later past a serious loss."

Diana showed a little smile then. "Or at least, I hope that will be the case for you. And I... believe it will be."

Superwoman has posed:
    "It is very easy to offer a solution to someone when you know very little of the depths of their sorrow. When everything you have ever known, or ever loved is truly lost to you- is gone, without any chance of retrieval and worse yet, you know they were lost for nothing... It is very easy to offer a solution to someone in that state. Love, so often, the universal answer- but love's path is likewise wrought with pain and sadness." Faora returns, although without any upset in her tone. "One day, perhaps, my well will be filled with joyful waters. For now, though, it is only tears... and love's careless dagger will not spare me my tears."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I am sorry, Faora." Diana replied then, having let a few moments linger after hearing these remorseful words from the other woman. "You have already started to lay down the foundations of new friendships, in myself and likely others. I do hope that these contacts will bring you peace some day so that you take more pride in the positive actions you are striving toward achieving here on Earth."

Diana glanced down for a moment exhaled lightly. "And I think this further makes me believe that you joining the League is the right step to take. To join a group of experienced people that are also trying to help keep a world safe." She looked back up at her, though she wasn't standing beside her any longer. "I will leave you to your peace, but please, consider joining us. I would very much love to have your assistance in the the coming fights that are sure to crash down upon us."

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora bows her head quietly to Diana. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Diana." she says simply. "I will think deeply on your offer, and let you know once I have come to a decision."