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Latest revision as of 18:13, 29 October 2017

Yet, Another Day in the life of Strange
Date of Scene: 17 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Bogatyr, Doctor Strange

Bogatyr has posed:
    The Sword of Ilya Muromets, wasn't exactly a sword in the literal sense. It served the great Russian knight all the same, helped him slay a dragon and best hundreds of foes. In reality it was a needle, a sewing needle made of bone from something which very much does -not- belong on this plane of existance. Sure when it's kept in a glass case it's an interesting curiosity and everything is just fine, it gets dangerous when somone tries to actually use the thing. When inserted under the skin, the needle consumes the very essence of the user's immortal soul and churns it into raw physical strength. No good can come of such a thing.

    The sword and things claiming to be the sword have been popping up and vanishing for hundreds of years. Tonight then marks an important milestone, because it's the first time the needle has been used in the United states. It's also the first time since Ilya Muromets himself, some damned fool has actually shoved the thing under his skin. It's enough to set off tripwires around the world, both good and evil likely know the needle is around.

    Billy Hope is the idiot in question, unfortunately. Your typical meth addict who turned born again christian, got diverted off the path into occult shenanigans and along the way managed to get the attention of a certain knight. It's why he's running in the darkness, his white undershirt soaked in blood as he sprints between the parked trucks at this freshly emptied truck stop. A knife in one hand, as the other works that slippery needle under the flesh of his forearm. "I know you're there demon! I know you, I have read of your coming! I am the right hand of god and I shall smite in his honor! Come now, come face the light of the lord!"

    That'd be our third party he's referencing. A knightly robot known as -The- Bogatyr, who had been approached accidentally by the group thinking he was some sort of holy order involved in this whole affair. The exchange had ruined a perfectly good episode Bog's favorite K-drama, because well of course it would feel obligated. So here it is, standing amidst idling trucks as it searches for it's quarry. "If your god has written of me, Mr. Hope he would have made the ultimate outcome quite clear I feel. If he has indeed delivered me to you, then god has sent you death." See even robots got banter!

Doctor Strange has posed:
Miles away from the truck stop, secluded in his mystical abode, Doctor Strange was seated lotus style in the antechamber that housed the orb of Agamotto, a sphere nearly as potent as its namesake. A globe that shows Stephen not only what he desires to see, but in times of crisis, shows him what he needs to see.

Stephen's third eye opens slowly on his forehead and gazes into the mystical window seeing this distant truck stop. Knowing the orb has never been wrong before, Stephen lowers his feet from beneath him to touch the floor and he steps away, the third eye floating free from his forehead to slide back into the amulet at his chest and seals up like a being going to sleep.

The wizard steps towards the doorway, but clasps his hands before his face and pulls them away one vertical, the other horizontally and like a porticullis lifting slowly a purple energy grid appears before the door and splits, revealing a portal through space, granting Strange instant access to the truck stop.

Stepping out of his home and onto the cement, Stephen begins to walk, looking between the trucks looking for the reason he would be summoned here. Though as he looks his pace quickens into a jog and even a mid speed run, looking, feeling more and more frantic with each step.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "I am the light of god in heaven you foul creature!"Hope bursts out into the open, finally managing to get that needle under the skin. That blooded knife raised overhead erupts in a crackle of lightning, and yeah here we got ourselves a fight. Veins flash black, hair immediately sloughs away and his skin draws taught over bulging muscles. Now he's opened up the conduit, and yeah ok we're talking legitimate otherwordly power the likes of which will indeed soon most likely burn Billy Hope out like a shitty lightbulb.
    Not that Bogatyr is just hanging out mind you, it comes out of the gap between trucks and drops a shoulder. Driving a shoulder into Billy and hauling him a good few yards before the pair go down in a cloud of concrete dust, hard enough to set car alarms off. Right arm hoisted back and well, Bog starts swinging, pounding Billy's skull into the concrete again and again but well that's a worry. Billy's head has failed to pop like a ripened grape, even if the continued onslaught seems to have stunned him.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The lightning and cracks of booming thunder does conjur up visions of a friendly source, Stephen knows better than to assume and he approaches the epicenter with caution in his veins.

Good thing too as a pair of bodies flies out from between two trailers and finds the pavement with a second crack of earth shaking violence. Now Stephen knows his strengths and weeknesses, and going toe to toe with men possessing Herculian strength is something he knows not to do. The sorcerer can't help himself as he steps closer, and with a simple spell to enhance his voice and aura, the mage sounds louder, fuller, heavier than he actually is, and with his own booming voice he demands,


Bogatyr has posed:
    Bogatyr does at least pause, glancing over towards that voice. Explanations however fail to develop, as Hope takes the opportunity to shank that blade into the gap between Bog's helmet and his Gorget. Theres an instant reel before in a flash, the pair erupt in an explosion of electricity that sends Bog tumbling back with a clatter of armor and a rush of heat. "Cyka Blyat." At least hey, he's moving!

    Billy rises up to his boots with a gasp and a wet cough, nose broken and eye swollen shut but he's still in the fight. Turning his gaze slowly towards Stephen with a bloodied smile "You're one of them, you're here to steal the lord's light just like all the rest. I'll slay you, I'll slay everyone. I'll kill you all in his name!"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen recoils from the blast/stabbing and lifts his hands with a pair of mystic shields formed in each, protecting himself from any lancing bolts of electricity that stray his way.

Though as Billy stands up and the initial onslaught has passed, Stephen stands up straight as well, his solemn grey eyes locked onto the possessed man's and frowns with a simple response.


Stephen steps forwards and extends a gloved hand, though still quite far he does it in a show of good faith. "I'm here to help you. I'm here to make sure no one is hurt and this whole thing is resolved without blood or death."

Bogatyr has posed:
    "Oh I'll help you brother, I'll help you into the grave!"Half turning now as those facial injuries just vanish, even as his skin takes on a distinctly more bleached appearance. "I am the light of the heavenly father, I will not be led astray by a servant of the unclean!"Yeah, the dude is legit off his rocker.

    Bogatyr slowly lumbers upright, rolling it's head left and right slowly before reaching across to jerk free that sword from it's shield with an audible -twang- of steel. "His brain activity is highly erratic, and his heart stopped ten seconds after he inserted the artifact."Big lifts that shield upright, dropping down into a stance. "If I seperate the arm and the artifact, can you isolate and nullify it's effects sir?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen pulls his hand back but continues to step forward towards Billy the Heavenly Bouncer. "I don't need any help getting there sir. I am doing just fine on my own." Stephen quicks casually and slide his body away from a blow thrown by the now pronounced undead man.

Diving to a roll and jumping up literally into the air Stephen floats back towards Bogatyr. "I would prefer to rescue the man, intact, if at all possible, but if there are no other means, and you can garuntee his life. I think I can at least negate the artifact... What artifact?" Stephen asks in a double take.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "The light of Ilya Muromets! The sword of the heavenly father, the sword of faith!"Which, yaknow is funny because Christianity hadn't even gotten to Russia by that point and the dude if anything was pagan but..ok whatever. Billy Hope did not get his doctorate in Slavic folk history, clearly. It is convient though, when the bad guy just spits it out right?

    Bog rushes in whilst Billy's too busy ranting to notice. Slamming that shield into his ribs and driving him back against a truck, there's a crash as the pair slam into that eighteen wheeler, boots grinding as the truck begins to rock. "Stand clear.."Bog offers, almost casually before -BWOOMF- that shield erupts in a cascade of fire and smoke. It's not enough to kill Billy outright, nor was the slam but it's enough to phase him at least.
    From there, Bog snags a wrist and jerks. Rolling Billy onto the ground with his arm exposed before in a single clean motion that sword comes down and seperates the forearm at the elbow. Immediately Billy bursts into bright green flames, which doesn't seem to really bother Bog too much as it lifts that amputated arm to examine. "Shall I dig it out for you sir, or would you rather have the whole specimen? I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not very magically inclined I'm afraid."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen drops to the ground as the shield bearer flips Billy over onto the ground and then promptly removes the man's arm. "Oh. Damn." Stephen mumbles to himself before he quickly steps forwards and drops to a knee beside Billy, the flames are a concern yes, but Stephen really doesn't want the man bleeding out.

With a snap to his voice, Stephen commands Bogatyr "Do what you must to remove the artifact from the man's arm and isolate it some where." Then under his breath. "I have to stop the bleeding..." As he undoes the sash around his waist, Stephen is trying to think of a way to douse the verdant flames.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "The fire is not mine, sir. Please do be careful."And well Billy's got more than fire and a wound going on, his skin's drawn taut and his eyes are glassy and well pointing in different directions. That blood speaking of, is coming out bright orange with large visible green flecks. It also seems to be, flammable. This isn't just death, it's the kind of death they'll write text books about in years to come. Whatever that artifact got up to, it seems like it was terminal.

    Bog carts the arm away, casually sheathing that sword before giving the arm a careful study. With a twist the appendage just, crumbles into a charcoal like material flecked with big green chunks of...something. That needle comes clear without any apparent damage, it's almost more of an awl with how big the thing is. Stark white and yeah it -glows- with a soft green hue. "Incidentally, I do sincerely apoligize for my bruskness earlier in the midst of combat. It was terribly rude, I do hope you'll pardon the slight. I do incidentally, have the artifact. Do you think I could, just break it or is it better to retain these things whole?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen stands away as the body is scalding hot and there's nothing he can do. So, best to keep it from prying eyes and quickly end the man's suffering, Stephen gestures quickly with his hands and banishes the body and remains to a room within the sanctum sanctorum, where he will be able to study what exactly happened, and learn all he can in the traditional and mystical autopsy he will preform later this evening.

With the bit of house cleaning complete, Stephen turns around at Bog's question and quickly responds. "No! Don't break it. Generally artifacts house something within and even symbollically breaking it could unleash something even more devistating." Strange steps forwards towards Bogatyr and extends his hand, inviting the warrior to deposit the needle into his gloved palm. "Things like this are to be desposed of properly."

Bogatyr has posed:
    Armor charred, scratched and generally blackened. That plume of feathers atop it's helmet mostly burned away, and yeah that short cape isn't doing much better. It turns, and regards Stephen with perfect stillness from behind that dark helm. "Magic is for humans, but know well. If I discover that it has been abused, or otherwise misused for personal gain at the expense of others? I will be very upset, and be so inclined so as to hurt your feelings. Do we have an understanding?"
    It does finally extend a gauntlet, offering that strange bone needle over. "I understand that there are more of these in existance, I do not know how many but perhaps as many as fifteen. As there were originally, fifteen great Bogatyrs. A solution, or mechanism to locate these things would be of great benefit."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen takes the needle in hand and with a single motion, almost like sleight of hand, the device is gone, no longer in this area. It's somewhere safe, but not anywhere nearby. "I am the Sorcerer Supreme, I do not need such devices to do my job of protecting this relm." Stephen says matter of factly, but his stoic face seems to indicate that might have been taken offensively.

"Then I'll be sure to use this ... sword to craft a means of tracking down its siblings." Stephen says giving his hand out to shake Bogatyr's in thank you and appreciation for the help.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "I do apologize if I cause offense, but you are unknown to me."Though well introductions are being offered, so Bogatyr returns in kind. Offering that massive gauntlet to shake, because well it's not like theres a dude under all that armor. "I am the Bogatyr, a distinct pleasure to meet you sir. I thank you warmly, for your most considerate assistance in this endeavor."And well if shook, it's hand is cold but gentle despite the size of the thing. "I'm afraid I have no faculty for the mystic arts, Something best left to humans I fear. In anycase, I am honored to meet another defender of the realm."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Nice to meet you as well." Stephen says recalling his hand at the appropriate time and noding once to Bogatyr. "I should return and begin a way of finding the rest of these devices as well as learning what I can from the remains of our suspect." Stephen says, starting to lift off the pavement and goes up into the sky where he would then disappear through another portal of his own creation.

Bogatyr has posed:
    "Fairwell, may fortune favor your endeavors then sir."And with that, Bog turns. Glancing back at it's ruined shield absently, before walking off the direction it had arrived. Already spooling up experimental protocols to test if watching soap operas has some cosmic influence on crime, or if it's purely coincidence that it never seems able to watch an entire episode in one sitting.