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Latest revision as of 18:45, 29 October 2017

Doom in Deadlights
Date of Scene: 18 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mystique, Deadlights, Doctor Doom

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique had shown up where Deadlights was staying, and simply told the girl, "Get a few things. Whatever you need. We're going on a small trip. A few days, at the least." She'd not said more. And, when Deadlights had gotten her items, she and the young girl had gone to the airport, where Mystique had shapeshifted into a woman who, very easily, would pass as Deadlights own mother. Passports were shown, and then they had made their way out to an airfield, where a private plane was flown, by Mystique, to Latveria.
    Passports were again shown. And, the two of them made their way into the countryside. To Castle Doom.
    "Sometimes," she was explaining to Deadlights, "Though, rarely, a - direct approach is needed. Victor Von Doom is a man to be respected. I could infiltrate his castle. But that would risk upsetting him. And, presently, we need his assistance."
    And so, she simply rapts on the door. Thrice. Loudly. And, she waits.

Deadlights has posed:
    Mobility is a virtue, and one Deadlights knows well. The only thing that truly bothered the girl was the fact that she had to leave her makeshift costume in luggage during part of the transit. Heavy sunglasses certainly helped, but she felt practically naked.
    She speaks only when spoken to, and follows along, listening to Mystique's every word, waiting with the older woman at the steps.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    A rather ordinary looking servant, clad in a suit of antique style but impeccable taste opens the door. "Ah, yes, he has been expecting you. Follow me, please?" And with that, he shows Mystique and Deadlights into the castle, leading them on a rather direct path towards the throne room.

    Sitting in the throne room, reading a report on a holographic display, is Doctor Doom himself. His armor is white and immaculate, the mask capable of enough expression to show that he is lost in thought at the moment. Though he does tilt his head slightly, sensing the arrival of the servant and... guests.

    At which point, the servant bows, "Raven Darkholme is here for an audience, Lord Doom." And with that, the servant turns and departs, leaving you two alone with Doom. Not counting the dozen Doombots standing at silent attention in the hallway.

Mystique has posed:
    "A very lovely castle," are the first words, appreciative - and somewhat sincere, from Mystique. She does not seem affronted that her proper name has been used; an item she'd not yet shared with Deadlights. She smiles, briefly, "Though, I suppose I should not be surprised you knew I was coming. I shall be, though, if you can surmise -why-. In," she clarifies, her smile sharpening further, "More specific terms than mere generalities, of course."
    In other words, give Doom the chance to show off. Or, gain his interest. Either way, suits her purpose. She stands near Deadlights, but does not yet introduce the younger woman.

Deadlights has posed:
    And as such, Deadlights remains quiet, not introducing herself at all. Instead, she does what one does in front of an August Personage: She drops to her knees, and bows forward, hands down on the floor, until her forehead touches the ground.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    "Your companion shows impressive respect, Ms. Darkholme." Doom speaks, dismissing the holographic display he was studying with a wave. He looks towards the pair, "The fact that you are worth an audience is not something that should be taken for granted. What do you desire of Doom?" His voice is powerful, commanding, easy to see why he leads this country in defiance of... well, almost everyone else.

Mystique has posed:
    "Your intellect," speaks Raven, without missing a beat. Her tone is precise, but not warm, not seductive. Doom, likely, knows just how well she can play those games. She smiles, briefly, however, gesturing to her companion at that, "She is - my protoge. I discovered her recently." There is already a mild fondness, if Raven is capable of such, for the girl. "She goes by the name of Deadlights. But, she is Maria Gloria Zapata Y Alvarez. Maria - Victor Von Doom, Lord of Latveria." She introduces each to the other, with perfect formality.
    "There are two matters which a man of your intellect can aid me. And no doubt, there are matters in which we can aid you. I'm certain a - equitable trade can be accomplished."

Deadlights has posed:
    Deadlights remains sitting on her legs, hands on her knees, head bowed in respect, as one might expect from a courtier from the days when China still had an emperor.
    "I am honored to be in the presence of your personage. I appropriately tremble before your dignity," she says quietly. Her sunglasses are slipping just a bit off her nose like this... she pauses to quickly push them back up.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks almost charmed by Deadlights' abasement, "Rise. If are worthy of being her apprentice, you do not need to overly grovel to show your respect." He glances at Raven, "Doom's intellect is without peer, as I am certain you're aware. Name what you are seeking, and I shall deliver a cost for you." He sounds almost amused, regarding Mystique with a patient expression.

Mystique has posed:
    "There is a small crate on the plane I flew here, awaiting to be unloaded at your blessing," Raven offers, quietly. "Containing approximately a total of fifty mutant collars, meant for oppressing the mutants and metas abilities out of fear and hatred for what we can do," she begins, with a measure of general ease, confidence. She gestures, vaugely, "I surmise that if a collar can be created to - mmm - negate our abilities, that same technology, in essence, could be reversed. To augment." Her puiless yellow eyes focus on Doom, then. Intently.
    "My talents lay elsewhere, as you well know. But, your mind could accomplish this thing, along with the proper blueprints easily. It will be a begining to an end of the infernal contraptions." She does not explain more of this particular plan.
    "And, my protoge, she requires something for herself. You are familiar with the visor that Scott Summers wears? And, it's purpose? She will require something similiar. Deadlights has sight beyond sight that she cannot wholly turn off. A visor that allows her more - finite control, such as the manner in which Summers can control his optic beams would be within your capabilities, I have no doubt."

Deadlights has posed:
    When bidden, Deadlights rises to her feet, and stands with her hands clasped in front of her. Beneath the dark of the glasses, two glowing, dusky orange X's mark where the girl's pupils would be, roughly, and move as she looks; every time she tries to look directly at Doom, she cannot, and her eyes move in other directions, usually to the floor.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks at Mystique, "Your proposal is intriguing. I shall examine these collars, if they can be changed to augment rather than disrupt abilities. That has... many possibilities."

    Then he glances at Deadlights, "I will need to study the girl, for the second request. That is not going to be a... simple solution. But we shall see what can be done. As far as repayment?"

    Doom pauses, then smiles at Mystique, "Let's call it, a boon. To be repaid later, at Doom's request. When I require you, you will perform the task, without question. Is that clear?"

Deadlights has posed:
    "I am at your disposal my Lord," Deadlights answers. "You are most difficult to look at. The amount of energy coming from you is bright. From your personage alone I could see through the whole of your castle from the outside."
    She keeps looking down and away, squinting a little.

Mystique has posed:
    "I presume you'll send your Doombots, then, to pick up the collars. As for Deadlights?" She gestures, "The girl is here. You may study her, now." Mystique's voice, however, is clear. Protective, even. Mystique has -plans- for Deadlights. And does not want her damaged. That much is clear.
    And while Deadlights revelation of Doom is not altogether surprising to Mystique, it is enlightening to some degree. She affords, "As I said. Sometimes, with certain individuals, the direct approach is best." Doom is not someone Raven wants to get on the bad side of. Not without a -damn- good reason.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom smiles slightly, "I would never presume to harm your ward, Ms. Darkholme. As far as the crates, you may safely assume that they have been taken into my custody." He gestures, "Ms. Alvarez, I will require you to stay, and we shall perform some minor examinations. This could be quite... time-consuming. But you'll both be comfortable while this is being conducted, of course."

Deadlights has posed:
    "This is well with me. Please inform me of how you prefer to be addressed. You are a respected elder and sage, and I am a stripling," Maria replies calmly.
    Mystique is probably right to want to use this one, how many sixteen-year-olds are even REMOTELY this respectful and in control of themselves?

Mystique has posed:
    "Your generousity is severly understated," Raven tells Doom, inclining her head. She relaxes, knowing that the boon Victor will demand -will- come. And it will be something, at the very least, interesting. If not perilious. She sets a gentle hand, briefly, to the small of Deadlights' back as if to praise, silently, the girl. Reinforce that behavior. And, Mystique's appreciation for it. "Time, we have," assures Mystique.
    She glances, briefly, to the Doombots lining the room and so perfectly statueseque. Then, back to Doom. "I expected as much. Quality requies a certain - investment."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom actually smiles at Deadlights, this time far more genuine, "Child, you may refer to me as Doom. Though yes, for the time being, you are both guests of this domain. None shall interfere with you, or face /my/ wrath." He then nods, "The tests will be routine, nothing to worry about, Ms. Alvarez."

Deadlights has posed:
    "I do not fear nor am I a stranger to pain and suffering. I am thankful if you choose not to cause me either, but to achieve my goals, I will do whatever it takes," Maria explains calmly. "If I may, I would ask you a question, Doom."

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique seems to know what's coming, as far as Maria's question. She smiles, just a fraction. She inclines her head to Doom, "Your hospitality honors us," she states, simply, and matter of factly. Doom may well understand the undercurrents, there that Mystique is promising she will, in essence 'behave herself'. Not go where she's not allowed, not shift and pretend to be a Doombot, or hack into Doom's computers - as tempting as all that might be. Her mission is her focus, and she will not jepordize it. But, she looks down at the girl, nodding.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks... curious, towards Deadlights, "Indeed. What is your question?" He sounds bemused, and then he glances sidelong at Mystique, nodding slightly towards her.

Deadlights has posed:
    The question is simple, and it's one she has asked anyone older or wiser, particularly if they have fought or killed. "What is the most expedient way to remove one's conscience? I have asked many elders. Few have answered. Fewer still have approved of the question. "

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique does not offer explination to Doom, he can ask such if he desires, but by her vauge smile, it would seem she is one of the elders that -have- answered, and provided at least some partial insight into the girls quandry.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks at Deadlights, "Remove a conscience? An interesting request." He leans back in his throne, then says simply, "Why?"

Mystique has posed:
    Knowing that she need not prod Maria to answer, Mystique almost becomes stautuesque herself; blue skin, black leathers, yellow eyes, and a gentle twist of a smile at one corner of her lips. But she does not move. She only watches. Listens.

Deadlights has posed:
    "It would be to my benefit to be rid of my conscience," Maria explains. "I am of a long line of pirate queens that stretches back to Ching Shih of the red sails, who defeated the navy of three nations and forced the Golden Emperor by her cunning and leadership to issue her a pardon and allow her to retire with all her men, ships and plunder unharmed."
    "As of my sixteenth birthday, I was given the gift that all firstborn women of my lineage are given: A small stipend of money and food, the clothes on my back, my chosen weapons, and a head start." A head start from /what/? "It is now my fillial duty to become a pirate queen of my own stature, in a way of my choosing; to amass myself a treasure, and to continue my line. The world is no longer as soft as it once was. Because of the foolishness of many western nations, I can no longer simply afford to hide within the name of a man. I must stand as an equal. As such, I must learn to kill without hestitation, and to perform the acts that must be done, so that I may be considered a true child of my mother."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks intrigued, "For that you do not need to lack a conscience. You must simply have the strength of will to ignore it, Ms. Alvarez." He gestures, "This kingdom, when I first arrived, was chaos. The king was corrupt. I did what needed to be done to make this kingdom strong. I do what I must to make the world strong. My conscience, however, tempers things. If I didn't keep that, then having all this would be meaningless, and my people would suffer for it." He smiles, "Does that answer your question child?"

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique looks intrigued. She had given Maria a completely different answer, and only part of one at that. She remains silent, but interested, in the girls reaction.

Deadlights has posed:
    Maria bows once more, a slight inclined. "Your wisdom is sound. Magneto did not give such answers. Talia al Ghul did not gives such answers. You choose to hide the blade of conscience in your bosom rather than discarding it."
    She rises back up. "But then: Would the blade of conscience still not slice into breast eventually? The sheath of will can only last so long."

Mystique has posed:
    "Will," murmurs Mystique, quietly, "Along with purpose, can be a weapon that does not dull, if one has a sound purpose, fixated in one's heart." Doom's desire to rule. Mystique's desire for mutant supremecy at any cost. She exchanges a brief look with the Lord of Latveria, then back to Maria. "That. And, epxperience. You will gain clearer insight, Maria. Of that, I promise you."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom smiles, "If you wish to build a kingdom that will last? Then you need your conscience to temper it. Otherwise you will suffer the fate of Ozymandias, his kingdom turned to ash and only a poem to remember it by. But when the time comes to make that hard decision..." He raises his fist, then clenches it tight, "You must never hesitate. Regrets are for others, who do not have your vision." He smiles slightly at the choice of words.

Deadlights has posed:
    "I will consider all these sayings carefully," Maria agrees with a nod in affirmation. She'll consider them, compare them against the Analects, and weigh the possibilities. The question she always asks is her means of measuring the wisdom and virtue of the respected elders she meets. If their answers are lacking, she discards them as powerful - but far strayed from the path.
    Combined, Mystique and Doom's words are powerful, and for a moment, she considers laying aside her goal of complete amoral remorselessness. After all, she has no desire to rule a world or fight a war. Her goals are very clear, and neither conquest nor war are either boon or blight to the two adamantine pillars of her goals.
    Yet, she has not seen a reason to discard it completely. She holds the concept of hidden conscience at equal value to blackened soul. Privately she is amused by how the idea of being without one completely seems to frighten and disturb others. Even the most hardened of killers, it seems, refuse to acknowledge the posibility that they have forefeited their souls.
    "I have spoken enough and out of turn. Forgive my impiety," she adds.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom waves his hand slightly, "Ms. Alvarez, you asked a question. I gave an answer. But without the temperment for true greatness, you will forever be a pawn." He smiles, "And never a queen. Which is your goal, correct?"

Mystique has posed:
    "Everyone starts out as a pawn," agrees Mystique, to Doom and Maria both. "It is the rare person though that can gather the needed attributes together and propel themselves upwards to greater heights. Doom has risen to great power, both within the worl politically, and - well, you can see for yourself." She does not make mention of her own goals. She will relate such things to her own personal goals when not in Doom's presence. For now, Mystique seems otherwise content to tell Maria, "You will be the greatest queen of your lineage. Not a mere queen."

Deadlights has posed:
    "It is well that I should be a pawn for now. My honored ancestor was a whore in a Cantonese brothel before she was taken by the pirate Ching to be his wife. It was there that she learned virtue and strength, and when he died, was capable of becoming queen, to lead 40,000 men and 300 ships," Maria answers. "I am not yet worthy of aspiring to such a title. I may never be worthy. I must be humble and learn first. That is why I have indentured myself to Mystique."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom chuckles, "A more appropriate teacher I could hardly think of. But you said it yourself, virtue and strength." He smiles, "Riddle me this, Ms. Alvarez. How can one be virtuous without a conscience?" He gestures, "Enough. Doom shall begin his examinations in the morning, in the meantime, a servant shall show you to your rooms."