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Latest revision as of 18:50, 29 October 2017

Good News
Date of Scene: 19 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Corusca

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had invited Miranda here to the embassy in Manhattan. It wasn't the same location as the Consulate that they'd previously met at. This location was in the heart of the busiest city on Earth and it was a smaller building overall, right off of a busy New York street.

Miranda would be greeted at the front door by one of Diana's sisters, Adrastea, who would show Miranda to the top floor via a spiral staircase in the heart of the Embassy. She'd bring Miranda then to a set of double doors on the far side of the Embassy that lead out to a balcony where tables and chairs were. This is where Diana was.

Since its a nice afternoon in Manhattan, Diana was outside seated at a table by herself with her laptop in front of her. She was typing on the laptop, stead on the edge of her chair with her back straight and her eyes upon her computer as she typed. She was wearing a sleeveless white top that was partly open down the middle of her back. She had on black slacks and nice simple black shoes.

Corusca has posed:
Miranda had opted for something in blue to offset the naturally golden hue of her skin. The dress had a draping neckline and a full skirt that hid most of her leg save when she walked and it was revealed she had on sandals rather than heels. She was naturally tall and so didn't wish to upset the ego that is man. It was summer and so sleeveless was the attire of the moment. Not that she ever seemed to sweat.

As she was led to the balcony where Diana was seated, she offered a smile to Adrastea, "Thank you." Her tone was regal.. but genuine. She was a woman used to challenging the authority of man and there was no such challenge necessary here. She looked to Diana then, "Princess." She offered the word as though it meant 'friend' rather than ruler. "I'd say you haven't aged a day but then you don't need such flattery." She winks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Adrastea returned the thank you with a small smile and a soft nod before she disappeared back inside the building, leaving the double french doors open behind her.

Diana finished the e-mail she was writing and would go to stand and smile at Miranda's words before walking toward her to offer a hand to shake. "I'm so happy to see you." She said to the woman she'd come to know over the past several months. "I have been eager to get a chance to speak with you, it has just been so horribly hectic that its been a challenge to find the time. As I'm sure you know." Diana exhaled briefly then and would motion to the patio table and chairs. "Come, sit. I'll get us some drinks."

Since they were outside, the ambient backdrop sounds of Manhattan were quite audible.

Corusca has posed:
Truth be told, Miranda wasn't overly fond of Manhattan. She enjoyed the fact that Canada was largely wilderness. Still, the world of finance was here in New York so having an estate nearby was handy. Shaking off the momentary distraction, she moved to sit and did so with an elegant ease. The chair placing itself as much as she placed it. Her attention now focused upon Diana, she canted her head curiously. "Hectic I will forgive. The pace of the city is.. frenetic. I will never get used to it.. but then I do not think of my life as ending in the batting of an eye so.." She offers a negligent shrug at that then adds, "Water will suffice. Thank you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would listen while she prepared them both some ice water in tall glasses. It wasn't hot out, but it wasn't exactly cool either and there was a decent breeze sweeping through the city canyons today.

Walking back to join her friend and seat herself across from her, Diana would smile and set ehir drinks down onto the table between them both within arms reach of either. "I have learned that the City's beauty is... often subjective, but its undeniably never not at the very least... interesting to watch." She showed a light grin while sitting and crossing her legs at the knees to fold her hands together atop them.

"But yes... I have good news!" She continued. "If you are still interested in what you proposed to me about a residence on Themyscira, my mother has agreed to it and is eager to meet with you. Help you establish what you need outside of the main city, find a place of land within the island that will suit your needs."

Corusca has posed:
Miranda allows a laugh as Diana dances around a compliment for New York. "The crush of people? The noise? The fumes? The.. inability to see the sun? Oh yes, interesting." As she accepts the water, she sips it the noffers more kindly. "Still. Many people from all over the world come here and live together in peace.. or relative peace anyway. So I cannot call it a doomed experiment."

She lowers her glass with a look of surprise when Diana tells her she has been granted leave to live on Themyscira. "I.." She takes a moment and sinks back into her chair. The glass is set on the table. "I don't know what to say. Thank you? I.. that goes without saying but.. I admit I am surprised." She takes a few moments of silence with a hand covering her mouth and her gaze out across the city. Eventually, she looks back to Diana, her eyes shimmering. "Tell her, I said thank you and will be happy to meet her at her convenience. I.. will not require much. Perhaps a cave with a mouth near to the sea. The rest I will manage."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would grin at the first bit and nod her head softly. "Those things. Yes. But there is also a lot of art and culture, people striving against the ugly to push it back with beauty." She'd not linger on that though and she'd draw in a soft breath before dipping her chin in a single nod at the other parts of what Miranda said.

"I believe I know the kind of place you ask for then, though we had several options for your consideration." Diana reached for her laptop and pulled it toward her on the table, after a moment on it she'd turn it for MIranda to see pictures of presumably the island in-question.

"In recent years, construction has begun on a port at Themyscira to welcome permitted outlanders. This is a small village with homes and places of relaxation and entertainment." The images would show the nice buildings resting across a white standy beach in front of a cliff-face. Diana would switch to another image. "Not too far from there is a cavern mouth that is connected to the sea, further inside that is a series of waterfalls and a tunnel system that makes it way through the island eventually out to the forests. Is this... what you believe you would desire?" Diana asked, blues eyes on Miranda's.

Corusca has posed:
"What you describe to me is idyllic, Diana." Miranda looks at the pictures offered with a small shake of her head. Then she laughs. "Assuming there's enough head room. Which.. I can adjust without too much trouble." She smiles to Diana then. "That it opens to forest as well.. I promise I shant burn them. Not intentionally. In fact, I recently doused a fire in Brooklyn. Much to the surprise of those present." She's all smiles. "Admittedly, the facade didn't take well to my weight and I ruined the fire escape.. but I did put out the fire and help the people to safety. I.. don't know that they truly knew what to make of a dragon in New York."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a big smile at this and she softly nodded her head. "It is a cavern that has been used as a go-between for shipped lumber and materials from further inland on the island, and vice versa. But it is not used very often, so you would have your peace within it. More construction can occurr to further emphasize that the cavern is used for a new purpose now as well. And... the forest beyond is home to many more fantastical beings, so it would be best to limit the burning." She showed a little grin then.

Diana glanced out at the city then for a moment. "New Yorkers are often afraid of the wild activites happening on this planet, rightly so... as well." She looked back to Miranda then. "But at least you're a dragon seeking to assist them, rather than add to their fears. So the more you show that, the more they'll come to welcome your presence openly. Though... there are always those who are, erm, much harder to convince... than others."

Corusca has posed:
Miranda Madsen sticks out her tongue at Diana at the suggestion that she limit the burning. Considering how long her tongue might otherwise be, a mere human tongue almost seems the more comical for it. "Harder to convince." She offers sardonicaly. "You mean the ones that killed off my clutchmates and tried to turn me into spell components?" She takes up her water then, perhaps to douse a draconic temper brewing. "Oh I'm very aware of them." She finishes the glass and sets it down.

"Still." Miranda allows, her temper cooled. "I have found a new purpose. A calling if you will. Call me odd but I have met the Archangel Michael. Whatever other forces which are at play in the universe.. he showed me that we all have a choice." She pauses a moment, reflecting. "I can choose to be bitter and hateful and become that which mankind fears most. Or I can become the purity that is the light which shimmers from within me." Her eyes turn to Diana then. "I have chosen the latter course. Perhaps, one day, my kind and Man may come to know peace."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana could see the flair of anger in MIranda at the way she'd phrased that and it was unfortunate as she'd tried to be delicate about it but sometimes delicate was also offensive. With a soft and light nod, the Princess of Themyscira just sat there calmly and watched the other.

"This world is changing, Miranda." She told her. "Rapidly, right before our very eyes. In the past one hundred years, I have personally witnessed the changes exponentially growing in strength. Yes, rapid growth means that there are growing pains, but I know for a fact that the world is becoming more accepting of others that they do not understand. There may be more growth yet needed, but you and I are... likely to be here to watch it and take pride in see the world become a better place. Over time."

Corusca has posed:
Miranda Madsen takes a deep breath. She does not argue with Diana's words but that does not make them easy. "No.. you are right. So was Michael. Despite the fire that is my temper, I have wisdom enough to know that it must be channeled towards other means and with other methods." She considers the empty glass a moment. "The easy way.. anger.. hate.. is simply easier. It will resolve nothing. And.. as you say.. mankind is growing." She gives a dry laugh. "It was once an easy thing to laugh away an archer. Now their bows can erase whole cities."

Again, she looks to Diana. "But. I will not dwell on the folly that is man but the hope that there are those among them who have a higher purpose. In the meantime, I have more money than anyone save perhaps Lex Luthor. And that comes in handy sometimes." She gives a michievous wink.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana took a sip from her water while listening to Miranda's words and she offerd her a smile and a gently nod of her head after setting her drink glass back down again upon the glass patio table. "In this world? It certainly does." She'd show a sly grin back to Miranda before glancing back toward the Embassy.

"So then." She said, eyes returning to Miranda's face. "All that is left is that we meet here and go to Themyscira when you are ready. I will send word immediately to my mother that the cavern on the shore is what you are hoping to make your own. She'll have it properly prepared for you, or... hopefully prepared to your liking. And then we shall head there and you can see it for yourself." Diana would smile more brightly then.

Corusca has posed:
"Diana." Miranda begins, sitting upright. "I have but to know where your island is and I will be there in moments." She states with due gravitas. "Which is dragon speak for, yes, please. As soon as possible. I have much to.. do." She smiles.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would respond to this with a slight nod of her head and a light exhale. "Of course. I can only imagine." She replied. "Here." She pulled a folder from beside her laptop and offered it to Miranda, it was a glossy black folder and inside it contained all the printed out images of the island and the cavern that Diana had prepared for Miranda. It also contained information about the island itself and the proper ways to interact on it that wouldn't upset the Amazonian residents.

"We can as soon as possible then." Diana said to her friend with a warm soft smile.