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Latest revision as of 20:07, 29 October 2017

Log 2087
Date of Scene: 21 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fox, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Scarecrow

Fox has posed:
    Tonight the city is uncommongly quiet, for whatever reason. Been that way since the sun went down, and it takes a few hours for the distinct lack of horns and police sirens to really start sinking in. Every city has quiet days it seems, and this one is no different. You could blame it on the heat, and well you'd probably be right. It was north of ninety degrees all day, even now the pavement is still warm to the touch. It's good indoor kind of weather, because honestly who wants to go out into that nonsense?
    Not everyone got the memo of course, tonight that'd be a pair of tough dudes stumbling down the street. Ratty jeans and T-shirts crusted with, well you honestly don't even want to know. The pair smell like brimstone and booze, and they seem eager to reinforce both of those habits tonight. Trading a bottle of thirty dime wine between themselves as they make their way down the sidewalks. Looking for easy prey, an easy score to pay a dealer or whatever. Either way these two fellows, decidedly looking for trouble.

    There are other things out there in the shadows of course, things like The Fox. She'd already spent the majority of the evening on a bit of a stakeout, but for better or worse her mark never showed. Nobody ever accused Colombian smugglers of being punctual it would seem, not the Fox anyway. With a grunt she rolls onto her boots, circling the rooftop to limber back up. The night's still young, right?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
It's past the witching hour, well one of a few, Depending on which time zone you're in, and Kae has finished what she needs to do today. Normally, the curvacious red-head would go up stairs to her apartment and sleep after locking up. But, tonight, she has a delivery. She steps out of her store, the woman turning the key to the front door and leaning there, forehead touching the Pentacle there for a moment as one of her hands rests on the Ankh.

To those of mystical persuasion, they might notice the massive array of wards and protections going up over the whole of Kae's building. To those without? Well if they were particularly observant they might notice a very faint, but brief ripple over the building, before that fades as well. Instead there's just a curvy redhead from a wierd occult store and coffee shop leaning with her head against a door... As she backs up she gestures briefly with her hand, and the steel outer gate drops down, maybe she has a remote or something. She kicks something with her foot, locking it, and she sets a padlock down there as well, one of those that you can't get your cutter in place. Of course, that lock is covered in fine delecate runes... Good luck cutting this lock. Kae steps back and sighs, taking a deep breath, before she turns about, the woman hopping lightly on her toes as she smiles and looks upward... "This was a nice night..." she mutters quietly and examines the item she was going to deliver, before sticking it in her pocket. Next she pulls her phone up, looks it over and tilts her head, as the glow highlights those brilliant green eyes of hers. She smiles and puts it back in its pouch before starting to walk down the street, her boots oddly making zero noise as she moves.

Scarecrow has posed:
This was a rare outing for Crane, away from his new lair, away from his plans and his library. Some things must be done, however. Rumors and whispers had led him here, and now traffic had made him late. Possibly too late. The timetable of his current endeavor allowed for little personal errands, and he was now perilously close to missing his scheduled window. The moronic microcephalics who designed the local traffic system would one day know his wrath!

And now just as he was nearing his goal... NO! No! This would not do!

"MIss!" comes a hoarse call from just down the street as Kaelyn is turning away. "Miss!" calls the shabby brown-on-brown-dressed man, hatchet-faced and adjusting his cracked glasses as he waves at the retreating figure. He care not for the lumbering fools he sees close by, only for his schedule.

Fox has posed:
    The drunken fools, well they notice Kaelyn, and there's a glance between the pair before they part. Seperating to bracket the sidewalk, it's an old play. However at Crane's shout the pair draw short, sharing another glance before they still themselves and wait to see what happens. One fellow stuffing his hands in his pockets, and well his partner has a mostly emptied bottle of wine.

    The call is also more than sufficient to draw The Fox's attention from her lofty rooftop, and well it's not like there's much else popping off at the moment. Soft souled shoes crunch gravel silently enough, as she installs herself onto a vantage point to watch. Attention sliding over Kaelyn and Crane for a moment, before locking onto the two goons.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Emerald eyes glance over the two hoolagans, then the woman is called. Kae pauses in her walk, really only a couple steps from her store, before she turns to face the person calling. As she swivels, Kae pulls that firey red hair out of her vision and studies the fellow in brown curiously, eyes sparkling, well actually they seem to almost glow. But odds are, it's probably a trick of the light. Kae then offers a tight lipped smile before asking "Can I help you sir?" Her voice is soft, and rather melodious, not really possessing much accent at all, like a person extremely well traveled.

Kae then glances at her shop, and looks at her phone again, the light illuminating her face briefly, before she puts the phone away and starts to walk back toward the shop, assuming the fellow will be needing something inside. "I'm assuming you're needing something from my shop?" she asks now, voice still soft. She hasn't forgotten about the thugs, but she may be seeming to pointedly ignore the two. Of course, in her mind, placing her self closer to the other fellow might allow her to act better should the two drunkards become a problem.

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane is slightly out of breath as he meets Kaelyn at the door to her shop. "Yes, yes, I've come quite a distance to peruse your inventory; I am hoping that I could prevail upon you to reopen for a few minutes. Your alchemy section comes highly recommended," he says, his voice just short of a rasping cough. His dark beady eyes narrow slightly, his smile looking forced and crooked as if it's something he has to be reminded to do.

The thugs get a second glance past the woman, and his hand drops into a torn pocket, ready to gas the fools if they try something. Such creatures can be useful but he has a full complement of henchmen/test subjects back in his abode. He looks back to the young woman, his gaze intent, intense, almost crazed.

Fox has posed:
    The pair glance between themselves, apparently not quite sure how they want to proceed. One, turns his gaze to glance across the street and he freezes. Bottle dropping with a clatter, enough certainly to get his buddy's attention and direct it across the street."Oh man, no way."And well, just like that the pair start running. Sprinting off down the street, back the way they came and off into the night.

    Just yonder, stepping out of the alleyway and into that dirty amber glow of the street lamps? Neat dark camouflague made up an array of various dark greys and blacks, overlayed with a considerable amount of body armor, magazine pouches and all the trappings of modern day light infantry. Carbine tucked almost casually under her arm like it may as well be an umbrella, but that's not the star of the show. No it's the helmet, of course.
    It's polygonal in nature, those facets hard and sharp edged to the degree where it doesn't even look real. That neat dark red coloration, and the false shading only lifts it further from the norm. Like some sort of purely digital abberation, some cheap cellphone app made real. It's gaze tracking the thugs as they flee silently, before leveling it's attention on the pair mutely. Those neat black holes where eyes should be, may as well be fit to bore holes in concrete. The Fox, everyone. Live and in the flesh.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Her eyes drift to the person in the wierd armor. Kae tilts her head curiously as she bends down to unlock the padlock. Amazing it may not seem she used a key, then again she could have just had it in the palm of her hand. She then unhooks the padlock, and lifts the gate, before she makes her way to the door... She unlocks that too, and opens the door. It's well there appears to be just a thin veil of black, or it could be a curtain who knows... She smiles to Mr Crane. "Herbs and botanicals are in the back right corner... non-organic reagents are the next section over." She says and smiles slightly. "Equipment and the like are listed in the catalogues, I keep that stuff in back. The real expensive stuff is also kept in storage as well. I or one of my assistants can help. I was just going to keep the shop closed while I made a delivery so Wendy and Tayla should still be in there..." She suggests.

Kae's eyes follow the two thugs, and she glances back to the lady in the armor curiously... Next Kae does well what one might not expect. She offers a smile and a wave "If you like, I just re-opened the shop, you are also welcome to come inside. It's not just new age and Occult stuff, I have a coffee shop, and there's some cookies and stuff inside." she says and grins a bit, green eyes twinkling. She then glances to Jonathan. "I'm Kaelyn, by the way... Sooo what exactly are you shopping for? I might can help you find it quicker...." She then pauses.. She was hoping to make a delivery in person, instead, a younger blonde girl with a witches hat "Tayla.." She says and puts what looks to be a very decorative cigarette case into her hand, along with a card... "Need ya to make this delivery..." Tayla nods to Kae and slips inside before returning with her broom "I'll be careful." Kae grins "I know..." The girl then oddly wanders around the corner, and well she's gone?

Kae glances back to the woman who chased off the drunken folks and grins... "Y'coming?" she asks

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane watches the thugs run, then narrows his sharp cold eyes even more as The Fox makes herself known. "I was under the mistaken impression that Bludhaven housed only one insane vigilante. I shall have to make a note to the Gotham papers," he rasps. Then he turns his attention back to Kaelyn but never takes his eyes fully off of the armored figure. Uneasy, obviously, in the presence of masked madmen with unliscenced weapons.

He clears his throat. "I am Doctor, ah, Byrd," he says and takes a small battered notebook from his threadbare vest pocket, and turns to the middle. "Cosmopolite - Ou Nouvelle Lumiere Chymique, Laurent d'Houry, Paris, 1723," he rattles off. "Only the complete first edition, please," he says, naming an antique alchemical text worth a couple of thousand dollars at the very least.

At the invitation to the vigilante, though, the man licks his thin lips, and stays quiet. He glances eagerly towards the coffee area, though. If he has to kill everyone here, at least he can have a nice bagette afterwards.

Fox has posed:
    The figure remains still as a statue, and well with the way those eyes are sculpted into that mask? It's easy to believe she may as well be staring at either party present. The invitation however, illicits no immediate response beyond a slow glance down the street in both directions. Then slowly, casually she steps foreward. That mask seemingly unfolding as it goes from direct light, to being driven into stark shadow. That foxlike shape becoming all the more apparent as she moves, the geometry crafted to confound it would seem.
    That plate carrier isn't military issue then, neither is the backpack seemingly sewn directly to the back panel. That fractal grayscale camoflague too, is certainly not domestic in nature. That dull grey colored M4 decorated with all manner of gadgetry, but it's the cursive script in bright red paint across the stock that likely draws the eye. "This machine kills."

    Street crossed, she pauses at the sidewalk before finding a car to lean against. Not entirely eager to make entry then it would seem, not yet anyway.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "You wish a coppy? I have a transcribe that is a direct coppy from the original." She says and smiles slightly. "Did it my self. I have it in French, English, German, Greek, Italian, and French." She says and smiles cheerfully. "It's a direct translation and all, so I'm afraid the language reads like the language of the time. I might be able to help you with the reagents and finding modern equivalents as not all of them are available any more." she suggests. "Also many times cheaper than an original, which I do have a few of." she adds.. " I would suggest the transcribe, I made sure to put plenty of notes and stuff in it to make alchemy easier."

Kae's eyes now drift to the Fox-lady curiously and pauses a moment, then looks at the gun, before she shrugs "So do cars, and tobacco... Just pends on intent behind it..." Kae unlike many people doesn't show the slightest bit of hesitation at the mention of a gun... "I needs must go into the store with the good Doctor here and make sure we find what all he is looking for." She says with a bit of a grin, and into the store goes the woman, she passes through the little black 'curtain' and dissapears inside.

For those going in doors, the shop its self really does look bigger on the inside than it does on the outside. It's probably a purposefully built illusion. There are many rows of old-looking things like books, there's of course a large selection of scrying dishes, crystal balls, there's the selection of herbs and reagents. And there's a nice lounge area with a coffee bar, and a pretty little brunette sitting behind the counter waiting to take people's orders... There's also a large new age section as well, and they're actually burning a nice vanilla flavored bit of incense to liven up the smell of the place. There's even a reading area in the upstares section as well.

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane's thin nostrils flare as the Fox nears the establishment, then relaxes somewhat as the figure decides to stay outside. Maybe she will get heatstroke in this abominable maritime climate.

He turns back to Kaelyn. "I'm afraid only an original will do, my dear," he says, adjusting his off-balance frames again. "Even the best translation will, I am afraid, only be an approximation of what I seek and precision is of the utmost importance." He refolds the small notebook. "I must commend you on your knowledge of your inventory. You are the sixteeth similar shop I have frequented in this buying trip, and the only one so far to have even the first item on my list."

About nine of those sixteen occult shops are now out of business due to the owners and customers clawing their own skin off, of course.

Fox has posed:
    Fox lingers, but well with a mixture of satisfaction and boredom? She lets her gaze wander, before lifting a gloved hand to adjust the police scanner snugged into a little pouch in the small of her back. Then she's off, strolling off into the night ever so casually. Just a masked crime fighter with an unregistered machinegun, nothing to see here folks. Her exit stage left then, is about as casual as her entry. Not like she cleared her schedule tonight or anything, not at all.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and nods... "Okie, I sell a large selection of antique books to collectors too... If I don't have it in stock, I can generally find it." She sasy and grins... "Portabello Road, and other places like that." She says with a bit of a wink, those green eyes still sparkling. The inside of the shop is amazingly comfortable as well. Kae pauses in her walk to the back... "Wendy, could you please make for me an iced green tea late, sweetened please?" The girl then chuckles, rolling her eyes before calling out "I think you decided to get that stuff for your self..." Kae then blinks and grins again "I sell it too! Not my fault I got hooked on it on a trip to Japan."

Kae then dissapears down an isle, leaving the old book section. She enters a room that sayd "Do NOt Enter" in bold leers, before returning with a book, wrapped carefully in cloth... When She gets back out she sets it gently on the counter, and with white gloves unwraps it. It's a near mint version of the book that was asked for... It's not even first reprint though, it's a first press book.. "Will this work?" She asks curiously, a slight knowing smile on her face as she steps back to allow the good doctor to look it over...

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane reaches into his coat inner pocket and pulls forth a small folded set of his own white gloves; he dons those and then sets another much stronger set of glasses on the end of his pointed nose as he carefully checks several points of the books, handling it as if it were made of spider-silk and spun sugar, his touch careful and cautious. "Yes, Yes... this is perfect, thank you," he says. He looks up at the woman.

"Fludd's magnum opus, 'The Science of Magic, the Magic of Science' - the 1612 folio edition. Do you have it, perchance?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
"1612 is an older pressing..." She says and tilts her head, before she pulls a notebook out, and with a quill of all things she hands it over to Jonathan. "Write it down? I'll go find it... Oh I do have a coppy of the 1481 Bientiende's Premice on the Art and Science of Magic here in stock, if that floats your boat... It's Italian, but you'd find that Fludd used this book and a number of other Bientiende's works, as well as Isolonicus's, Theodorus, and Javier Solerte's findings as well." she says and grins a bit...

Kae then gets her drink and settles on a stool "Anyhow I'm sure my suppliers can find Fludd's work for you within a week or so... While rare, he was a prolific writer and there were a number of presses made."

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane folds up his gloves and his extra glasses, replacing them in his patched and threadbare suit. Were it not, perhaps, for his diction and demeanor he could easily be mistaken for a homeless person. "Yes, that would be fine for today; I'd like to order the Fludd as well; I assume there will be a deposit for it?" he says, reaching into a slightly bulging part of his suit-coat.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks skyward a bit.. "Pending on the condition of the copy, the book's worth between 700 and 5 grand." She says and hmmms... "Am gonna need about 300 down to go get it. Mind you I'm basing the down on the least expensive printing I can get on that book." She says and then motions to the other book. "That's marked at 1100..." She then adds and takes a sip on her drink... "While I'm out getting the book any reagents you need?"

Wendy is at this point grinning as she starts to make her way to the back.. "Gonna clock out, Kaelyn, that allright?" Kae gives a thumbs up. "Careful driving home!" she says and grins as she looks to Jonathan.

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane shakes his head; he withdraws a manilla envelope from his suit coat inner pocket, opens it, and places two $1000 stacks of fresh-smelling razor-crisp $100.00 bills on the counter. He breaks the seal on a further stack and counts out three to Kae for the earnest money. "I beleive that will suffice? I assume that you have adequate packing material for the two volumes I am purchasing? It is of utmost importance they be undamaged."

Funny man, but he at least shows a love of books. OK, a fanatical and oft-times homicidal reverance for them, which is still 'love' in eyes of several renouned psychiatric institutes.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances at the man, and then at the stacks of bills. She picks them up and yes her eyes seem to glow a bit, as she examines them, then heads to the back "I'll be back with a box." she says, and soon enough she returns, without the bills and having a leather book box of all things. An old school method for folks to carry heavy books with them and keep them safe. The first book is very very carefully wrapped back in its lightly oiled cloth. She presses the sides, making sure no air can get into it, and then that is wrapped in brown wax paper, further padding the book, before she places it in the leather container. She then heads into the back again and returns with a large tome, his being a full leatherbound setup. She then opens it, revealing the vellum inside. "This is a first generation transcribe... Mind you a giant number of books at the time were hand written... I have two coppies, this is the better of the two for sale.." She says, then if Jonathan likes it, Kae will get some more of that specially lightly oiled cloth of hers and begin wrapping this massive tome with great care. Seems the woman has been around ancient books for quite some time.

Kae also fetches a coffee, and hands it to Jonathan, along with a little brass ball seemingly made out of segments.

"Clockwork's on the house with any large purchase." she says with a slight smile.. "You might get amusement out of it as I make them my self." She says with a grin, motioning to the steam-punk like clockwork, complete with key. She sets that in a wooden box, and then wraps the book now carefully in that wax paper after pressing the air out of the oil cloth.... Soon enough she sets that in the leather bag, and sets the clock work box on top... There's a picture of a millipede on the surface, maybe the 'ball' as it were is some kind of clockwork millipede? If Jonathan opens it it will prove just that, this clockwork about 18 inches long when deployed and done in resplendant detail.. The eyes are made of red glass, the rest carefully formed brass.

Scarecrow has posed:
Jonathan Crane nods at the gift and after a cursory inspection he pockets it. He watches the boxing-up with almost feral intensity, and finally once the proceedings are done, he sips the coffee. "Quite delicious," he says in his wheezy voice. "I shall be back next week to secure the Fludd. Alas, I have no phone at the moment, but I shall return." Barring any encounters with the Bat or his seemingly innumerable proteges, that is. He finishes his coffee while watching the wrapping and packing with glee. He also takes her card.
