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The Doomsday Clock
Date of Scene: 21 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Sometimes big, powerful, and flashy heroes make a great distraction whil someone covert saves the day.
Cast of Characters: Super-Man, Peggy Carter, Superwoman, Iron Man

Super-Man has posed:
It is kind of rare these days, but Peggy gets a message in one of her old drop boxes. It warns that Hydra is up to something at a base hidden below the Great Wall of China. It give the coordinates, and warns that the clock must be stopped.

Kenan has Super Hearing, though he rarely gives it free reign, it can be hard hearing EVERYTHING that is going on around you. He does hear something though, and focuses his hearing...it is coming from north of him, whatever that annoying sound is it has his attention. While Faora is farther away, her senses are much better...and the sound is equally annoying to her...

Peggy Carter has posed:
She really should stop checking. Peggy knows that almost everyone she knew back in her time has long since died. Rip would have a coronary if he knew that she might be messing with the timeline in any sort of active manner, but that doesn't generally stop her. She's Peggy Carter and she will do what she believes is right.

To say that she is surprised by the message is understating the obvious. However, what with the recent knowledge that one Bucky Barnes may still be alive, she wonders if this is either a trap or an invitation. One thing is for certain, she has little choice but to check it out.

Brokering travel, she makes her way to the base hidden below the Great Wall of China only after getting whatever intel she could of it. Mentioning of clocks to a woman out of time sounds rather apropos.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman works all hours, all days. There is no time when Faora is not on duty- and whatever sound was drawing her towards China, and the Great Wall was certainly one that caused her no small amount of annoyance. She hovers near the sound- scanning to see if she can't pinpoint it.

Super-Man has posed:
The base is well hidden, and like many Hydra bases it was built when a nuclear war was expected, so it has lead lining. Faora can not directly see it, but she can certainly hear that something is going on below...but there is this energy field. It seems to be tuned to repel Kryptonians...she can see THAT just fine. Kenan has a very similar aura to a Kryptonian, he bumps into the field and bounces off...he had been focused on speed and did not see the energy aura in time, it is not visible to the normal human eye. Peggy, if she is nearby, sill see a youth in red, black, and gold bound off thin air.

Iron Man has posed:
A familiar red and gold suit flies overhead. "Miss Potts intended you to take the company jet, sir. She had flying time scheduled for it," JARVIS's tinny voice echoes through Tony's suit.

"She said go to China for a meeting. I'm in China. She said wear a suit. I'm wearing a suit," Tony quips easily as he continues on his trajectory. "Frankly, I don't think her ire is earned... this time." Because it's certainly earned some of the time. "Besides, we needed to test the long-propulsion system. Speaking of, how goes our output? The energy still holding steady?" He squints as several things ping on his radar. In fact, the energy field below seems to hold something on odd on Tony's radar. And then, with an air of hesitation, he asks, "JARVIS, was that us?"

"It does not seem to be emitted from the suit, sir."

"Let's go in for a closer look." The Iron Man suit flies towards the energy field for a better look.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy, having traversed to the proper coordinates, is certainly nearby when she sees a youth in vibrant clothing repel off an unknown source in midair and then rebound like a brightly colored tennis ball. That would certainly qualify as a reason to go searching. While part of her desperately wishes to investigate the rebounding tennis ball, her mission is the base. It simply seems as if there are more people involved than she immediately assumed.

Stealthily, she makes her way forward, catching glimpses of the Iron Man armor above with her keen situational awareness. There's a bit of a frown there, but her eyes remain on the prize.

Superwoman has posed:
    Superwoman watches as some one or something bounces off an energy field. Why someone would have an anti-Kryptonian energy field set up was curious, to say the least. Lead lined bunker. Something to keep Kryptonians out- it was all too curious, really. She descends slowly, looking towards Kenan. Faora's outfit is black, silver, and white- all very serious and more armor like than that worn by Superman. All in all, its very military.

    Faora doesn't land, just floating quietly as she continues to scan for edges in that field.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan notices the woman flying above. Unfortunately he can not normally fly, but he can jump very well. He jumps up to mear Superwoman and says in Mandarin, "Greetings, someone seems to have set up this field to repel those like us...do you think it is the source of the sound too?" If she does not know Mandarin, he will repeat this in English.

Peggy has no trouble slipping through the shield, it is not tuned to effect normal humans. She is not noticed by any watchers, who seem to be focused more on Iron Man, who also has no trouble passing through the field. Indeed, there are a number of weapons popping up and preparing to fire at the Gold Avenger...looks like quite a barrace of missiles are aimed at him.

Iron Man has posed:
The ping on Tony's screen has all the hallmarks of an alert. The red pings locate a series of different weapons preparing to fire at him. "Sir, scans detect multiple weapons arrays currently locked onto the suit," JARVIS states.

"Yeah, I see that," he replies blandly. "Do a full scan of the area. I want to know what they're packing." And then likely more importantly, "And why. And JARVIS... project my voice through the suit." With all eyes on Tony, it's not like Iron Man not to give a show. "Hey, hey, hey," his hands lift in the air in a surrender position to all of the weapons, "would it be so glib of me to get out and ask for directions? Think I may have lost my way. Satellite seems out of alignment and GPS definitely shouldn't have taken me so far off course..."

Hopefully it buys JARVIS some time for the scan.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's quite a bit happening behind her. Luckily for Peggy, she is able to make it past the point where the multi-colored man pinged backward. That's almost a surprise. Once bast the shield, she starts to quickly make her way forward as best she can without being witnessed. The fireworks in the sky should certainly do the trick.

As the only one able to make it past a barrier, that seems the best way to investigate. Moving ever forward, she looks for an entrance, a keypad, a way to get either inside or find more information.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora's scans continue as she looks over to Kenan. She doesn't speak Mandarin, not a word. English though, she's picked up. "There is much here that is out of the ordinary. Much here that is abnormal." Faora looks up towards the missiles. She doesn't move to do anything- this is Chinese airspace. She must assume they are Chinese weapons.

    "We must get inside that bunker." Faora states simply as she changes tactics to see if she can see some kind of emitter- some source for this field that's keeping her out.

Super-Man has posed:
Faora is certain the field has to be emitted from the center, well they COULD do it by emitting from multiple point sources, but one central source makes sense...but why try to draw Kryptonians here? If she checks, she can tell Kenan is not actually Kryptonian, though he seems to have a very similar aura to the one that a Yellow Sun makes a Kryptonian produce, biologically he is human. Kenan falls to the ground and lands lightly, wondering if pounding on the field with his strength would to anything but waste time.

Tony finds his words ignored, apparently whatever is here considers him hostile...even if he is not acting that way. Peggy sees a door open and a group of troopers in Hydra gear rush out carrying home kind of heavy weaponry, she can probably slip inside after the last one passes. The Troopers will start firing at Iron Man if the missiles fail...

Peggy Carter has posed:
Unable to find a way to shut down both troopers and missiles without inside access, Peggy slips inside. The best way to end this is to end it as far as she is concerned. While she shoots a worried look toward the others that seem to be caught in the crossfire, she moves inward as the last soldier exits. If she can find a way to shut down that barrier, she has a feeling there's enough fire power to take care of the rest.

Iron Man has posed:
JARVIS's scan continues as Tony manages to buy some more time. But without any response to his words, he finds himself talking to the suit, "Evasive procedures." It's an easy enough command--two words--intended to delay and allow for whatever it is to issue the first shot while the suit actively targets any missiles that aim to track it.

"Didn't know we were having a party," Tony says to the hostiles. "I thought the fireworks came at the end of the night."

The gunfire to the Iron Man suit pings as it hits the suit itself, prompting him to use those raised hands to send a blast of energy towards the assailants.

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora focuses her sight on the location of the field emitter, and then fires off a bit of eye-laser style badassery. Albeit at a very low power-level. Nothing that would cause damage to living tissue. She needs to make sure this field isn't some kind of force field that would block such energy.

    "I do not believe we will be of much use here." Faora states, eyes narrowing quietly.

Super-Man has posed:
Faora's fears appear correct, the heat vision disappates when it hits the field. It seems Kryptonian energies of any kind can not penetrate. Kenan has a thought though, "WE can not go in, but what about other things we throw?" He picks up a large rock, about two tons, and tosses it like a baseball. It flies through the fiels and impacts one of the missile launchers, giving Iron Man a reprieve from attacks by that battery.

Peggy knows hydra bases tend to follow a pretty standard format, the lowest level will include the generators, the war room will be on the next level up, and the levels above that will be the barraks and weapon rooms. Tony can mow down the Hydra troops fairly easily, their uniforms are armored but not up to his level of attack. It does take time though.

Superwoman has posed:
    "There is too much here that doesn't feel right." Superwoman states simply as she suddenly rockets into the sky, taking out that swarm of missiles on her way. She's got people to save somewhere else in China, surely.

Iron Man has posed:
The rock picks up on the Iron Man armour and Tony's alert has him talking back to JARVIS, "Friendly to us or just terrible aim?" because right now keeping the suit afloat and ensuring that everything continues to function is something of an art.

"Trajectory suggests the former, sir," JARVIS replies.

"It's nice to have good news for once." Another blast from the hand is sent to the soldiers. "JARVIS, find all of their heat signatures. Use the gamma protocol and fire at anything aiming at us. Lasers. All the lasers. Choose only those already firing." He moves upwards, which might almost look like retreat, but it's just to allow the suit to send an array of lasers to the crowd.

Peggy Carter has posed:
From inside the base, Peggy slinks. She knows quite a bit about Hydra and their bases, however she doesn't wish to leave anything to chance. In her mind, the best way to go about this is to Obi-Wan Kenobi it without dying at the end. One of the benefits of time travel is learning certain social cues.

Using the general blue prints she's used to, she makes her way down toward the lowest level to shut off the generators. That should both power off the strange shield she can pass, but those that can fly cannot as well as hopefully turn off the missiles. The best plan is one that kills multiple birds with one stone.

Super-Man has posed:
Peggy soon locates a generator area, and a large machine that has what looks like a timer on it, though it it counting fairly slowly. It have a number of large cables leading to it. It appears to have leads both to an antennae array and back from it, as well as another input from the generator.

Kenan switches power to vision to try aiming, though he has to switch back to throw something hard enough to be useful. He still can see well enough to missd Tony, though not to always hit his target. Still, since about everything on the ground is hostile, not hitting the exact target can still be useful.

Tony takes advantage of the reprieve to attack the weapon turrets, granting himself more breathing room.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony uses the front smart missiles in the suit to target the weapon turrets. "Make them bleed, JARVIS," he looks through the entire scale, and finds a few pinging red flags and can't help but frown. "And Pepper wanted me to wear a different suit... the Armani definitely couldn't handle this."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Once down in the proper area, Peggy takes a few moments to compose herself look about to find the best way to shut all of this down. The slow countdown is met with a frown. Okay, so that looks like what anyone might consider a bomb. A phone is brought out and she attempts to see if she has enough reception to call Tony---that is Iron Man. However there is quite a bit of blocked signal. Of course.

With pursed lips, she pockets the phone, remembering what she learned in her training as well as what Howard had taught her all too long ago. Seeing that the wires feed to the antenna, she cuts the one leading from it back to the device.

Super-Man has posed:
Cutting the feedback loop stops the count, which was based on how much energy had been absorbed from the Kryptonians. The field remains up, but (knknown to Kenan) a stron attack would now probably break it as there us no where for the absorbed energy to go. Between Iron Man and Kenan, the surface is being rapidly cleared of enemies and mounted weapons.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony lets up as most of the assailants have disappeared. His head turns towards Kenan, "Thanks for the back-up. Wasn't expecting well... that." He cringes inside the suit.

"When you travel in the suit you have a 90% chance of getting attacked," JARVIS states in turn.

"Wait. What?" Tony quips back to the AI.

"I have run the odds, sir, and every time you travel in the suit, based on attacks and non-attacks, you have a 90% chance of being attacked."
