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Latest revision as of 21:20, 29 October 2017

Roll The Bones
Date of Scene: 21 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Batman, Nightwing

Domino has posed:
Once you've established a favorite haunt, it's hard to let it go. This is the case for the woman codenamed Domino.
    She can't go back to the apartment she'd rented here in the narrows; it had been invaded by too many individuals, and Sebastian Shaw had blown the door right off the hinges. It was no longer safe. She'd left her last email to Bruce Wayne with the completion of the Wayne Industries security plans, which would bring the entire facility up to NSA standards - or better. After that she'd tendered her resignation. After that, she'd come for Nightwing's mask.
    She never did get Nightwing to tell her what his favorite charity was; the two million for his bounty sits unmolested in an offshore bank account. She can't bring herself to spend it. It wasn't the situation she'd wanted, and she didn't like turning against her favorite little birdie.
    Thus she sits atop the apartment building in the dead of night, moon high over the Narrows, leaning against the shed leading to the doorway back down into the building, geared up for business... sort of. There's a folding chair and a small cooler full of bottles of beer next to it. Seems like as good a time as any to have a cold one.

Batman has posed:
All of a sudden, Dick is stuck right back where it began: the passenger seat of the batmobile. "Tell me again how she -didn't- get the drop on you." The Batman is so utterly deadpan it's difficult for most to tell he's joking, even smirking mildly out the side of his mouth Nightwing can't see. 'She', of course, is Ms. Neena Thurman, a woman most would find of dubious repute to retrofit one's security. Finding her was more a matter of waiting for her to resurface; math is a formidable foe for luck.

High over the Narrows, a miniaturized drone flagged her suspicious, and descended for a closer look. Automated subroutines on the dark, spherical flyer quickly match the mutant to her file, and moments later, the Dark Knight makes a magnanimous offer to take Grayson for some answers; perhaps to find out just what kind of trouble Domino is in, this time. Or what kind of con she's on.

That magnanimous offer? Went something like: 'Get in the car.' 'What? Where are we going?' 'I thought helping her was time-sensitive.' And then the supercar's afterburning turbine roared to life.

They're driving dark, now, like a ghost into the narrows, the low rumble of a hunting beast in the night. The car is stopped around the corner, well out of Domino's line of sight. The approach is up the sister building looming beside her old apartment. At some point, she might realize the moonshadow of the hutch housing the stairs below has grown a looming, bat-shaped silhouette.

Nightwing has posed:
    As for Nightwing, he explains with all the calm that he can muster when he's dealing with his guardian. "I told you, things seem to go her way. A lot. Part of her power set." The young Grayson scowls to himself as he sits in the passenger side of the car, eyes distanced behind his 'new' mask as he follows the Bat's lead in this matter. Though, at times, his fingertip taps against the armrest beside him, his jaw tensed as he shakes his head at some inner dialogue perhaps shared with the man at his side or the women they are stalking.
    But then the approach is chosen. The Batman comes at it from the shadows, barely more than a whisper in the night that grows into that batlike figure.
    And from the opposite angle Nightwing lights upon the lip of that rooftop, having taken the other approach, gaining the high sight lines first to assure there are no more players involved in this meet. Yet the way the two of them seem to coalesce almost at the same moment... it shows the long years of working together and training together. Even when they're a little grumpy at each other.

Domino has posed:
    "Hey there. I guess my favorite little bird has called something bigger to the feeder." Domino doesn't look up; the silhouette gave it away. Let Bats have his skulking station in comfort; she's set to do what she came here to do.
    She takes another drink from the bottle, and then lets the arm holding the long neck drop down to her side.
    "So. I'm guessing this is about the mask, huh? Could you kindly ask Nightwing about his favorite charity? He never did clear that up for me."

Batman has posed:
"Riiiight." The Caped Crusader did not swiftly become convinced that the mask-snatching doesn't count because the mercenary happens to be a particularly troublesome mutant. But it's not like Grayson is -wrong-. ... it's a good idea to have backup dealing with someone like Domino, and maybe a contingency plan or two.

In this case, however, the Dark Knight didn't come to pick a fight, "If its not about the money, it's a favor, a frame-up, or you're in trouble." The Bat hypothesizes, straight to business in a sternly projected baritone. "We had an arrangement, Domino." Which means something big happened to make even this overture against his clan seem like a wise call.

Nightwing has posed:
    For his part, Nightwing does not lend his voice to the proceedings at the moment. Instead he'll be a presence behind the mercenary known as Domino. He does, however, make a faint scuff of sound when he steps off the small wall that surrounds the building's rooftop, rising to his full height. He takes his time to gauge their surroundings, to check for possible sniper positions, to gauge what elements could possibly be used against them in this moment.
    Suspicion, apparently, is the the watch word for the day.
    Yet when Domino speaks about his favorite charity he does turn his head towards her, irisless eyelets narrowing slightly as he considers the mutant woman. Still no reply for the moment, but he crosses his arms for now.

Domino has posed:
    "You're right, we did. Unfortunately for me, people higher up the food chain than Gotham came calling and made me one of those 'offers you can't refuse'. I put on the kid gloves with Luigi and put on a show, because if I'd done something sensible, like just tranq-darting him or asking him for said mask, I'd be hanging weight in a meat locker somewhere," Domino explains, completely casual.
    Another sip of beer. "Sabretooth. Mystique. Sebastian Shaw. I know you have your data-fingers in a lot of different underground pies, but how much do you know about those names? The first one, at the very least, doesn't exactly hide himself, and when he comes knocking, you play nice, especially for the sake of everyone in the surrounding city blocks."
    "I'd like to think I hid myself somewhat well, but they found me, and they aren't going to give a good God d---- about anyone under the shadow of your proverbial wings. I'd like to think I made the right choice here. I sent Wayne my burn notice so that I wasn't drawing well known serial killers and terrorists towards his front door."