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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/08/22 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1119, 144, 1316, 118, 1291, 1045, 1113, 236, 244 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |...")
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Latest revision as of 21:22, 29 October 2017

Half Off Fortune Cookies
Date of Scene: 22 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rainmaker, Jack Burton, 1316, Ghost Spider, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Molly Millions, Wu, Miss America, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Rainmaker has posed:
    It is that most spectacular, magical times of the week for those lovers of reasonably price and pretty good Chinese food! That being, what is fondly referred to by those who frequent this particular, most magically generic of all Chinese restaurants in New York, as Half Off Bundays.

    Yeah, they're still working on that. This is, however, one of those Chinese restaurants that's existed so long, and gone through so many families and owners, that after the sign suffered an unfortunate incident regarding (ironically, possily) a dragon attack and was lost, it was never replaced. At this point, even the current owners don't remember what it was actually, so it's become, literally, 'THE CHINESE RESTAURANT' on the sign outside.

    No one is sure if this is hipster, ironic, or just lazy.

    What's important is that today a bunch of sales are ON, including a free pork bun with every order, half priced beer, and all you can eat tofu lo mein. There's even someone outside handing out sample dumplings to entice the passerby to inside, as well as handing out flyers with coupons.

    Not suprisingly, it's fairly busy today.

    Which is why Sarah Rainmaker got here early, because, darn it, she's mildly addicted to their pork buns, as well as the various other flavorings, and being able to get an entree that is basically a mixed batch of char siu bao style buns AND a free one, she's totally there. She's staked out one of the larger tables because all the smaller ones and boots were mostly taken, but so far there's plenty of seats open along it save for the one occupied by the Amerindian girl.

Jack Burton has posed:
A boisterous laugh emanates from the direction of the men's restroom moments before a pair of individuals walks through the door.

"--said, 'Dim sum? More like dim sumbitch!' Ha ha haw!" cackles a man in a tank top and trucker's hat. He slaps the back of his companion, an older man in a rumpled suit. The latter cringes at the contact, and he makes a beeline for a table far from his conversation partner.

"Then I--aw, hell," the man in the trucker hat says, watching the departure. He shrugs and looks around. "Where's a guy got to go in this joint to find a cold brew?" The man puts his hands on his hips. "If there's one thing ol' Jack Burton always says, it's to keep your wits about you and your thirst quenched."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    A very pale, dark-haired young lady enters the resturant. She has a Japanese cast to her features, so perhaps her appearance at a cheap Chinese place is strange. But, here she is.

    She's wearing a forest green shirt with a picture of a chibi octopoid-thing beneath the words "THE STARS ARE RIGHT" in white block letters, a pair of faded jeans with a shredded left knee and a black baseball cap with a single white star in the middle. Her thick ebon hair is pulled back, poking out the back of the cap, almost ropey.

    "Yang rou pa mo." she orders from someone when they come to seat her, it's almost a command. "And the tofu lo mein." she looks for a spot to sit.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman has had a rough few days. A really, really rough few days. For one thing, she's ended up in this bizarro world, far from her father, friends and even enemies. You wouldn't think that last bit would make you feel unhappy...but it can. It's familiar, at least. She's managed to find a set of clothing to put on over her costume, at least, and she spent the night in the attic of a local library, but it hasn't exactly been Cancun.

    She makes her way down the street, taking everything in and trying to catch her bearings. The thing that makes everything -really- offputting is how similar most things are. Ninety percent of stuff is exactly the same as home, but the things that are different are kind of whoppers. A pair of white skinny jeans, scuffed and greyed here and there to show they are cast-offs, are worn along with pink and black knappy Hi-Tops. She had one of her own shirts with her when she came through, so she is wearing a black t-shirt with the words 'THE MARY JANES' in pink writing, resembling lipstick on a mirror. A hoody is on over that, white, even though it is hot out. She catches the scent of the place and bites her lip, her tummy snarling. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of crumpled bills, the young woman sighing to herself. "Well, here's hoping cash is the same here." It sure is.

    All of 5'5" and slender, with touselled blonde hair that falls just past her chin, Gwen is a cute girl, but one who looks like she has seen better weeks. She ducks into the restaurant and glances about for a table as she snags a menu out of the holder. "'Scuse me," she offers softly as she steps around Hana, and glances at the open tables.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
While not at all boisterous, maybe noticiable though, is Kae, the tallish woman with the firey red hair is making her way into the restaraunt. She'd heard about the special,and decided to make a bit of a side trip to come here... Kae glances around curiously, green eyes taking the place in as she hooks a tumb under the right strap of her backpack. She casually chews on the end of her thumb before clicking her tongue and waiting to be seated...

Molly Millions has posed:
Half price Bunday. Totally worth coming straight from the office for Molly. Hence why she's currently in a black pencil skirt, blood red blouse, and heels. She's among the people jockeying position for 'to go' orders, nursing a beer as she blatantly people watches the room. The beer's the first in a six pack shoved in a plastic bag. It's coincidence, really, that she's close enough to catch just enough of Jack's conversation to look his way and perhaps simply for the sake of relative peace, elects to dip into her bag and extends it his way with a low whistle.

Wu has posed:
    "...OK, I'll see you later," Alice says to the leather-clad giant outside as they part ways, he off to do whatever it is leather-clad giants do in Chinatown and she to get something, ANYTHING, into her body before she faints of hunger. The smell of "Chinese" assaults her nostrils as she enters. "Thanks, Bart," she mutters, glaring at the retreating back of the rocker. Or biker. Or whatever the Hell he is.
    Still, you make do with what you have.
    "Yi da wan shuijiao," she says to the girl behind the counter. A blank stare is received in response. Alice switches her ordering over to Cantonese, repeating it to get a large bowl of dumplings in broth. The poor girl at the counter manages to keep up this time, but only barely. Third generation American. Cantonese is a bit rusty.
    "We have a special today on..." "Yes, I'm aware. Just the dumplings please," Alice cuts off the spiel before it finishes. "What's the damage?"
    The idiom just doesn't roll off her accented tongue very well. Smells of someone trying to talk like a native and failing.
    Money paid, bowl received, Alice heads over to ... the only available table.
    "Is this seat taken?" she asks pro forma as she sits.

Miss America has posed:
    There's not a lot that can be relied on, when you're traveling between worlds. One little shift can change everything dramatically, such that the place you were at in one universe can look like an utterly alien landscape in the next. Over time, America Chavez has learned it's the little things that help make those changes bearable. Anchor points to familiarize yourself with and revisit whenever something throws you for a loop. For America, even something like Half Off Bundays can provide a nice sense of stability after visiting a very different land.

    Or maybe she just likes pork buns. It's really hard to say.

    Regardless, just like usual, when she's actual in the dimensional neighborhood, and not busy punching crises, and feels like it, America Chavez literally falls out of the sky in front of the ironic/hipster/lazy The Chinese Restaurant in a whoosh of air and powerful rustle of coupons. One of them flies out of the employees hands, whisking up into the air in haphazard patterns -- only to be snatched out of the air by the young adventurer as she walks on by, dumpling already finding its way to her waiting mouth.

"Thanks, guy," is all she offers, accompanied with a passing wave through the air before she slips inside as casually as can be. Hands shoved into the pockets of her denim jacket, red hood pooling around her neck, America sweeps calm, observant eyes over the restaurant and its tenants; her brows furrow for a moment in mild thought as her gaze falls on Gwen, before she shifts her attention back towards the rest of the counter.

"La zi ji," is all she orders, only waiting around long enough to pay and not really stopping to listen to any of the possible deals before she makes her way over to that one, large table, rapping her knuckles on the surface and inclining her head Sarah's way.

"Yo," she greets, not voice level and easy. "Mind if I steal a seat?"

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah, for her part, has been munching on her buns as the surge of people comes in, her eyes flicking over to the louder man in the corner thoughfully. He's...loud. But he just seems to be exciteable, rather than annoying for the moment. She leans back in her chair as the overworked woman at the front just puts out a sign for people to seat themselves, before hustling back into the kitchen to help deal with the sudden rush, people watching mostly, though as some start heading over to her table she rouses herself from the book she's skimming and smiles.

    "Sure, feel free? Plenty of room..." she says to Alice and America, motioning to the open seats. "I'm not waiting on anyone else here, so table's open!" she says, pitching her voice louder for th people still standing by the counter.

    That said, she nods at the two sitting nearest to her now. "Huh...you two look like you know what to order here, definitely." she says curiously.

Jack Burton has posed:
With a wolfish grin, Jack Burton sidles up to Molly and takes one of her beers. "Chin chin, sister," he says loudly, before spending a long moment getting the bottle opened. As a bit of foam pours out over his hand, he shrugs once more. "Good enough for all the boys at sea, it's good enough fer me. What more can a guy ask for?"

Jack scans the room as he takes a swig. "This place is hoppin', huh?" he asks, smacking his lips in satisfaction. "Gotta tell ya, darlin', the last time I was in a place with so many girls with green eyes ... well, let's just say that was a party you'd be happy ta miss."

"Still, though," Jack adds, trying to get a waiter's attention. "That don't mean a guy can't get some dumplings!" Unfortunately, said dumplings have already been claimed by a more punchy patron. "Maybe I'm in the Hell of Grumbling Stomachs," he mutters.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "What did you get?" Hana asks Alice as she appears by the other lady's side. Asks in Cantonese, actually. "Anything good?" but that was in Mandarin. "A server brings her bowl of lamb in broth with bits of unleavened bread inside... and the tofu noodle fish... and the free bun. "Xie xie." she says and motions to the table with the many seats.

    "May I sit too?" she asks Sarah, who seems to have been there first. "Is there enough room?" Her food is there already, though. Still, she doesn't sit until... yes, Sarah seems to agree.

    Hana also has green eyes...

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen chews her lip as she seems to realise how packed the place is, and she tugs the hood of her hoody up. Her eyes then fall on the table with the open seats, and she offers Sarah a quick little nod. She tugs out a chair and slides into it, leaning over her menu as if trying to shrink down into her jacket and vanish. It doesn't work, though. Shrinking is sadly not one of her awesome powers.

    "Egg rolls. Oh man, please tell me this place has egg rolls." It sounds like she means the restaurant, but she suddenly finds herself filled with dread that this universe doesn't have egg rolls...or Frank's Hot Sauce...or Bucky Barns! How can she live without her Bucky Double Double?!

    She ends up tugging her hood back, revealing her face as she looks over the menu. Also, not that anyone asked, but she has blue eyes! No Lo Pan worries here! Ha!

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Soon enough, Kae ends up in a seat near the other group, the girl glancing over the menu.. As she talks to the staffer she tilts her head, green eyes studying them, before switching to Cantonese to make her order. <<Order of steamed bbq buns, an order of red bean buns too, some shumai, and ummm... I know Brocoli...>> She says, speaking the order in rather articulate and unaccented Cantonese...If that's not understood, she'd switch to Mandarin... Kae then glances to the group of people and then her eyes travel to Jack now, emerald eyes studying the truckdriver curiously before she looks back to her waiter... <<Jasmine tea s well please.>>

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly turns her lenses in Jack's way, a faint smile curling her lips with the slightest puzzlement,"'s half price bunday... this place is always packed. And only going to get worse. Good luck with getting their attention that way." she takes a swig from her own beer as she scans the room,"Girls with green eyes, huh? Must have missed that one. You some kind of costume, then? Seems like half the female population of the room 's eyeing you." she's definitely not inclined to speak as loudly as him,"Can't say I recognize you, though, sorry."

Wu has posed:
    "<Dumpling soup,>" Alice replies to Hana in Cantonese, adding, "<It's fairly hard to screw up, so it's safe to order when you're unsure of the premises.>"
    She swivels her very dark brown (to the point of typically being described as black) eyes to look at Jack. The black eyes under shocking red hair. "Green eyes. That's like bucket seats in a sports car. There are some parts of Hong Kong where that would be a bad way to be." She looks around the table a bit exasperated. "<Typical. They have soy sauce at the table, but no vinegar,>" she mutters to Hana. Then in English again, "Does anybody happen to know where the rice vinegar is?"
    Her eyes fall on Molly as she looks around, squinting at first, then face lighting up in recognition. "We keep meeting in restaurants, Ms. "Millions". Is this going to turn into a thing?"

Miss America has posed:
    "Thanks." With a simple if not curt nod, America pulls that seat back beside Sarah and settles in. One leg hooking over the other, hands losing themselves inside her jacket pocket, she seems relatively content to wait in silence for her order, dark eyes sliding Jack's way as the loud man speaks up. Dumpling popping in her mouth, she chews on it in slow consideration. She'd feel bad about the dumplings, but...

    ... she really wanted the dumplings.

    And then, there's Gwen, having an existential crisis about egg rolls. That cool gaze slides her way, and after a moment, America manages to crack a small, if not wry, little smile. "Chica," she utters, trying to catch the blonde's attention. "Relax. Got plenty of eggrolls here."

    And with that, her food makes its timely arrival; a plate full of steamy chicken and dried hot peppers, complete with those most beloved pork buns, slides across polished wood as she offers a simple nod of her head in gratitude. She's about to start eating when that question from Sarah comes. Her head tilts the other girl's way, brows lifted just a bit, before a nod overtakes her, hands slipping out of her pockets. "Yup," she says, and for a moment, it seems like that might be -all- she's going to say. But, taciturn as she might be, she speaks up again as she takes hold of her chop sticks. "Came here a few times ago. Nice place to get some perspective." She doesn't really explain that, either. "Plus, great buns."

Rainmaker has posed:
    "Sure, have a seat..." Sarah says easily to Hana as she walks over, motioning to the nearest open chair, then grins slightly at America. "Oh yes. Best buns in town." she says, a bit teasingly at that. "They should make that the slogan, though they'd get very confused guys in her occasionally..." she says thoughfully, then munches at the red bean bun she's have devoured at this point. She peers at Alice, then bends backwards a bit, peering at the table behind her as she streeeeetches for a moment, scooping up a small white container. "Is this it?" she asks, setting it down by the other woman. "I wondered what it was supposed to be...really, vinegar?" The Amerindian girl looks a bit skeptical. "I mean, I can see soy sauce, but wouldn't that be too bitter?"

    At the comment from America, she looks over at Gwen as well, her attention drawn to the blonde girl as she leans forward, cocking her head curiously. "They do have good egg rolls. And spring rolls too." she offers to her. "If that's your thing, anyway. If you want the free bun though, has to be an entree?" There's a certain questioning tone from the older girl now as she flicks her eyes down Gwen's worn outfit, though she doesn't say anything beyond that.

    As all of America's food arrives, she blinks. "...wow. Smells great...what is that?" she says curiously, leaning forward at the scent of the hot peppers. "Chicken and peppers basically?"

Jack Burton has posed:
Tilting his head back to take another swig of his beer, Jack Burton swallows the drink and exhales deeply. He suppresses a burp and winks at Molly. "Oh, you know, every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man."

Jack gestures to his tank top and jeans. "Misplaced the rest o' my Canadian tuxedo, though. Guess the ladies love a little skin, too. Or maybe they're just drawn to a hard-workin' entrepreneur." The trucker sets the empty beer bottle on a nearby table.

"Let me ask you somethin', doll," Jack says, scanning the room again. "I had my favorite pair of Ray-bans in my jacket. That's a pretty slick pair you got--where can a guy with a little scratch in his pocket complete one /bad/ outfit? I got my share of touristy crap, but it's time I upgraded at least a little."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    <I believe they have a cook or two from Xi'an.>" Hana tells Alice. <But their mutton tastes of nothing.> She looks over at Gwen, dreaming about eggrolls, and she pushes her buns over to the blonde girl. She also offers the plate of pickled garlic cloves that came with her soup.

    "Ni hao." she offers the Spider-Girl. Why a Mandarin greeting? Who knows? She manages a smile at the rest of the table. "Hello." why they get an English greeting? A mystery. That done, she starts on her food.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen's bright blues land on America, and she blinks. She looks a bit abashed and offers a lopsided grin, glancing back down at the menu. "Yeah, I guess they do. Sorry. Been a...well, it's been a long couple of days." America's food arrives and Gwen's stomach begins really rebelling, and the growl from it is audible, like she hasn't eaten in a day or two.

    "Shut up, stupid tummy," she mutters to herself under her breath, and she rubs at her eyes.

    She looks to Sarah and fishes the few bills and loose change from her pocket. "Mn. Not enough for an entree. Spring rolls sound awesome, too, though. I'll just go for an order of egg rolls, though. Need that grease." Her accent is local. Pure Queens.

    She blinks when she realises Hana has slid a plate of buns to her, and her hand goes out before she stops herself. "Uh, you sure? I mean...thanks, but..." She trails off and picks up one of the buns with her hand, wincing at the heat before she takes a bite, too hungry to care. She closes her eyes and chews, letting out a little sound of approval. When she's done chewing and she swallows she opens her eyes again. "Oh, uh...hi," she offers in response, smiling a bit more now. She seizes another bun and munches on it, before flagging down a server to order her egg rolls.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly can't help but wince as she hears 'Ms Millions', moreso when she notices who exactly is doing that calling out. She manages a wan kind of smile for Alice and raises her beer,"Girl's got to eat, officer. Or are you stalking me?"

She's a little distracted by Jack, however, and turns back his way,"...wow." she can't help but offer blankly,"I... guess so." she endeavors with the straightest face she can manage. Weight's shifted from one foot to the other as she tips her beer back to contemplate the question,"You could try Chiba." she suggests with a straight face,"Recovery time might be a pain though." she clears her throat, electing to prowl in the direction of Alice like that might somehow at least stop the cop from calling out across the restaurant again. A lanyard that had been dangling about her neck not so surreptiously shoved down her blouse in total ladylike fashion.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
As the first of the order is brought, Kae tilts her head and glances to the ladies at the other table, then to Jack Burton and company. The girl's eyes narrow a bit and then she smiles some as her waiter drops off the first of her food, a little round container made of bamboo... She grins as the thing is opened and glances into it as she smells the bbq buns and takes another deep breath. She is all smiles as she tugs one of the buns free and begins nibbling on the thing...

Kae then glances to the ladies and speaks out, her voice is soft but it somehow has a carying quality "So how are you all?" She asks curiously... "My first time to this restaraunt, havn't had good dimsum since China..."

Wu has posed:
    <The good ones stayed in Xi'an,> Alice says with a chuckle, directing this at Hana. <The ones who got driven out came here.>
    "Thank you, Miss...?" Alice says, smiling pleasantly, in an expression that doesn't look natural, to Sarah as she's handed the container that does, in fact, contain vinegar. She sniffs briefly at the vinegar and raises an eyebrow. "Shanxi vinegar. Nice. This is looking up," she says, impressed. She slops a sizable dollop into her bowl and stirs it up around the dumplings.
    Eyes slide to Gwen, then, and rake over the girl appraisingly. "Girl, you cannot live from buns and these 'egg roll' things. Get a proper dish. I'll expense it. At the very least you need some vegetables in you. Get some stir-fried spinach with pork." She pauses, her eyes quickly scanning the menu. "They have that, right? Or just the cabbage?"
    "Xiaojie! Shourou bocai haishi shourou baocai, zai wo zhangxiang," she calls to a passing waitress in Mandarin. Lean pork with spinach or cabbage, my tab. "Kuai yi dian, haoba? Ta hen e le." Quickly. She's hungry.
    As an afterthought, almost, Molly's way, Alice says with a good-natured chuckle, "If I were stalking, you wouldn't be noticing, Ms. Millions. I'm just here because the choice was eat or faint."

Miss America has posed:
    "Damn right they are," is America Chavez's glowing approval of Sarah's teasing suggestion. The glowing part never quite makes it to the tone of her voice, but she is grinning a little. It's a friendly albeit small thing -- which, really, is an accomplishment in and of itself. "Oughta suggest it to them. It'd be worth it just to see all the guys coming in with the wrong impression."

    But it's when Gwen speaks up again that America offers a -- not necessarily sympathetic look, but at least one that can relate. "I hear that," she offers. "Don't worry about it. Stuff your face. Shit gets better, yeah?" And as those buns slide Gwen's way moments later, America just offers a little look as if to wordlessly say, 'See?'

    Hana greets her -- or greets everyone, really, and America doesn't quite look up from her meal as she plucks up a piece of chicken; instead, she lifts a free hand up in half-wave and offers a simple, "Hey." She'd ponder the enigma of the greeting, but. Food. Food that's not in her belly. Girl has to know her priorities.

    She's still chewing on that piece of chicken, quietly watching that exchange between Alice and Molly, when Sarah asks that curious question. Her attention stolen away, she looks back to Sarah leaning over that steaming food next to hear. She doesn't wait to finish that piece -- she just slides that plate Sarah's way even as she chews like a quiet offering, only speaking once she's good and truly done with that seasoned meat.

    "... And some other stuff. La zi ji," she finally answers, giving the plate one more little nudge with her pinky. "Try it. It's damn good, trust me."

Rainmaker has posed:
    All these people who not only speak the language (or two of them!) but who seem to have actually visited China themselves in some instances. Sarah feels oddly out of place, feeling a bit amused about that. Then again, Apache girl in a Chinese restaurant, there's probably some sort of joke to be written there. At least she doesn't feel completely out of place. She's pretty sure the guy in the hat over there has her beat.

    "Hi there!" is returned to Hana's polite greeting. Sarah's dark eyes watch as Hana offers Gwen a portion of her food, as she smiles faintly, watching the girl start devouring the food with the air of someone who hasn't gotten to eat regularly in a bit. She smiles more as Alice offers to buy the girl a meal too. THIS is why she likes New York, she decides. New Yorkers get a bad rap sometimes, but she hasn't seen anything but people getting along thus far.

    Also, because woman cannot live on delicious fried foods alone. Well, she can, but her hips won't thank her for it.

    She nods to Kaelyn, smiling in a friendly way at her as well. "This place is pretty great. I can't say if it's authentic, but these folks - " she says, gesturing generally to the girls sitting near her (except Gwen, the gweilo with the eggrolls and pork buns) " - seem to be know what's up?"

    As America sides her plate over, she chuckles. "Thanks..." she says, snagging a piece with the chopsticks near her plate, then popping a piece thoughfully inside. "...mmmm....now that's good and spicy..." she says approvingly.

Jack Burton has posed:
"Well, lady," Jack replies to Molly, "I could try Chiba or Tae Bo or Nintendo or Mimosa, if I were really /that/ desperate. But you keep your mystery to yourself. That's fine," he says, the tone exaggerating his attempt at appearing forlorn.

"Guess I'll just have to show this establishment just how lucky they are that ol' Jack's in this place." He rubs his hands together and then extends his arms out in front of himself, walking toward the table of women, green-eyed and otherwise.

"Ladies! Ladies! It's your lu--"

Jack Burton's greeting is cut short as he walks in front of the entrance to the kitchen. The door swings open as a waitress enters the dining area, arms filled with dishes. Jack's struck hard in the face, and he stumbles backwards, falling onto the floor with a heavy thud.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    <"Small victories, gaa jeh."> she offers to Alice. "Hana desu" she introduces herself in a Japanese style. Of course, she also said 'I'm a flower.', so it may well be funny to some people.
    "You look like you need them more than I do. Have the whole plate, if you want." Hana says to Gwen, the barest of a smile on her lips. "I will just eat more lo mein." she tilts her head, thinking. "Do you like tofu?" and she pushes her bowl of noodles and soybean curd towards the blonde, just a little. So it won't look obvious. The mutton soup she does not offer even a taste of. "Yes, they have decent gai lan here too."

    She looks over to Jack, her eyes narrowing. Still, she turns back to the table and her soup. She jumps at the sound of the plates crashing and she grits her teeth.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae had more dimsum on the way! She realy did! Then this person who was about to try and hit everyone stood up in front of the kitchen door and got ran over by a lady with her read bean buns and shumai.... Kae glances at the food, then to Burton curiously and smirks a bit... She then glances to the lady who addressed her and grins a bit... "I can order more dimsum too, if you guys dont mind me joining y'all... Seems to me really the more folks ordering food the more selection you get... I was also thinking about ordering some jellyfish." She says with a big grin... "That and some pork crepes..."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "I'm...fine...," Gwen offers as a pretty bad lie to Kae. She is working pretty diligently on the buns, though, to be fair. Distracted Spidey is distracted. She blinks and turns her bright eyes to Alice. "Eh, I live mostly on beer, pizza and take-out...," she offers with a chuckle. "Egg rolls are a step up in my diet, probably." College girl, likely, from the sound of it. Might explain the kind of hung-over look, too. She looks the right age for it. Nineteen to twenty one or so.

    She doesn't make a move to order an entree, though. Just the egg rolls, and the offered buns. She looks to America and grins a hint. "Sometimes," in reply to things getting better. "Sometimes." She blinks and glances up at Jack as he swaggers over, squinting at him a bit. "My egg rolls!," she cries out in alarm as the man is hit and the dishes clatter. "I mean...uh." She sits up and peers over the table at the man. "...You alive?"

    Gwen then glances back at Hana as she sinks back into her chair, nestling her tush. "If you're sure...," she replies as she is already tossing another bun back. "Tofu is fine, but meat is better. Not knocking it, though. Just...I dunno. A red meat kinda gal. Stacy, by the way. I'm Stacy," she states, using her surname as her first until she has things more figured out.

Molly Millions has posed:
"That's a very comforting thought." Molly drawls for Alice, draining the last of her beer and electing to set the empty on Alice's table with a vague nod for the other women present. Jack's words have her looking his way as she steps aside with the faintest, vaguely appalled kind of trying-not-to-be a smile as he sparks up a greeting and gets taken out by the waitress.

"I don't know him." she elects to utter, as if that's going to save her from the association. Apparently not inclined to even attempt to go 'rescue' in favor of digging in her bag for a fresh beer, even if the wince is at least a little sympathetic.

Wu has posed:
    "Take another step up, then," Alice chides Gwen. "I've got a dish on order for you. You'll like it." Slow, evil smile. "That's an orde..."
    Jack's sudden entrance interrupts that line of thought.
    She hastily stands up and practically materializes beside Jack. "Don't move, sir," she says, eyes and face serious, looking him over carefully, pushing him gently on the chest if he thinks to stand up. "You may have struck your head or hurt your spine. Stay where you are for the moment."
    Her hand dives into her pocket and comes out. A brief glint of jade and silver is all that's seen before the hand closes around whatever she's taken. Her eyes bore into Jack's a moment. Then she laughs. It's not *quite* a cruel laugh. But it's a laugh nonetheless.
    "OK, you're fine," she says as she stands. She extends the hand that doesn't have the object she palmed in it. "Here, let me help you up."

Miss America has posed:
    At the very least, America seems to know her Chinese food -- and at the very least, she seems to know this restaurant well enough to probably be a (semi-)regular. Or maybe she just always looks this relaxed. It's hard to say.

    "Don't mention it." One hand slinging over the back of her seat, the other reaching out to snag another piece of chicken as Sarah swipes one for herself, the young Latina watches as Sarah weighs in on the dish, a look of approval crossing those otherwise calm features.

    "Right?" she asks simply, looking pleased if not in an understated way as she brings that seasoned chicken to her lips. "It's my favorite here. About as authentic as this place gets. Still... s'not bad."

    Which, from her, might as well be a two thumbs up.

    She's about to say more, when Jack makes his spectacular introduction in the form of a disastrous and impromptu secondary introduction with the door. She looks his way as he falls with a thud. Squints. Frowns.

    "America," she offers off-handedly to Gwen - maybe it's her name? Or is she saying they're in America? - before she pushes up off her seat and makes her way over to the fallen Jack, crouching down next to him as Alice offers that hand and looking him over as if assessing for any obvious injuries. Or just silently judging him. It's hard to say.

    "Yo," she greets, simply. Maybe she's going to ask if he's okay?
    "... You didn't knock over the eggrolls, did you?"

    Orrrr that.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah starts to say something then winces at the sudden crash, looking over. "....oooooooh." she mutters, craning her neck to see if he's okay as Alice goes darting over to Jack's side, then relaxing as he seems okay. Then tensing as the important question is asked by America! The startled waiter blinks at America, then lowers his platter to show...YES! THE EGG ROLLS WILL LIVE!!!

    Until Gwen eats them, anyway.

    Sarah whews, then settles back, before saying automatically. "Nice to meet you Stacy. I'm Sarah." She waves Kae over. "Sure, have a seat. Uh...nice to meet you all, I guess, in fact." she says a bit bemusedly. It's actually kind of nice to have a full table suddenly.

Jack Burton has posed:
Slowly opening his eyes, Jack Burton groans from the floor. Discarded fortunes stick to the back of his mullet.

"I'm ... I'm okay, coach, I ... wuzzawoo ..." he says, eyes crossed. Then, Jack shakes his head and pushes himself onto his elbows.

"Woof," he says with a half-hearted chuckle, looking up at Alice and America. "Must've gotten somethin' slipped in my drink. Last time I had a kick like that, I was tastin' at /least/ six demons." He pauses for a split second, eyes widening. "Not like that, though. And I'll admit I much prefer the five-alarm approach to the flavor scale."

As he rolls over to rise to his feet, Jack glances at the floor. "I don't think those egg rolls were made any time this last week," he says with a nod at a trio of egg rolls half-hidden under the soda fountain. "But then again, maybe I'm just too discerning. I /have/ been called a man of taste. Granted, it was in Indiana, but I'll take what I can get."

Jack takes a moment to try and smooth out his hair.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    A quick glance at the fallen man and the ladies helping him. "... out of his misery." Hana mutters, her eyes glittering. They do actually glitter for a moment, or perhaps blaze, but it's something quick and possibly noone noticed. Back to her soup. The soup is important.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen is seated at a table with a few of the girls. White skinny jeans, black and pink Hi-tops, a black 'THE MARY JANES' t-shirt (Who the hell are they?) and a white hoody with the hood tugged back are worn. All of the clothing except the t-shirt look lived in and worn, like cast-offs. She is currently scarfing down some buns like she hasn't eaten right in a few days. She blinks at Alice. "Um...," she offers as a detailed response to being told an order is coming for her.

    She glances over at America and blinks. "Huh. Neat name."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's very much content to loiter by the table with her beer, for all that she snorts faintly at Alice jumping up to go help Jack. She's overhearing greetings at the table, and given that Alice had already called her out elects to toss into the mix,"Molly. Millions." as she elects that under the circumstances she's going to invite herself to a seat at the table, too, if only to put some visual distance between Jack, Alice and America.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae now looks at Jack curiouly, she glances to the bamboo container with her shumai in it... It's not opened... She blinks and wonders idly if it's still good... Still though the waiter takes her spilled food back and Kae is back to waiting as she sips her tea... She doesn't wait long though as they bring more steamed goodies her way and Kae now has all her food, including the chinese brocoli... Kae glances over to Gwen curiously and then carefully puts some of the brocoli on another plate and puts it in front of Gwen with a bit of a grin. Next her eyes carry back to Jack and she watches him curiously.

Wu has posed:
    A steaming pile of greens--actually spinach!--arrives with little strips of meat worming through it. It's the kind of food that makes children in America wake up screaming at night. The waitress glances over helplessly at Alice, who's standing in the middle of nowhere near her seat. A quick gesture and the plate is deposited unceremoniously in front of Gwen.
    "Eat up, miss. Lots of iron. Protein. Vitamin C. Vitamin B. A few others," she says to Gwen before returning her attention to Jack.
    "That bump on your head is going to hurt like the devils of all the Hells are hounding you for a while, but you're fine otherwise. Come sit down at our table. If you have aspirin, now's the time to take it."
    She returns to her seat next to Hana.
    <Is it just me or was that one of the funniest things that's happened this week?> she asks the dark-haired girl conversationally in Cantonese.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Not everything is about work and heroics, even in dire times when you're facing Starro invasion, even then you must eat. Since cooking takes time, and there's a half priced bun promotion, it's simple math for Carol to go to China Town and give Two Bridges a try. Though she does stop at the door for all the commotion, giving the place a quick look about, making sure nobody needs any help.

Miss America has posed:
    Important question asked, and answered, America looks from the scattered, old eggrolls to the fresh ones the waiter has on hand. Her brows furrow. "Good," is just about all she says for her summary of all that, before she jerks a thumb over her shoulder to point in Gwen's direction. "Over that way. Girl's starving." And with that, she lifts back up onto her feet and claps a hand on poor Jack's shoulder.

    "You're fine. Just take it easy there, man of taste," she advises, before making her way back over to the table proper, giving one more spare glance back Jack's way if only to make sure he hasn't toppled over from some unexpected concussion or something. But she feels confident he's someone who can take a lot of abuse.

    So, with that, she settles back into her chair, running a hand through dark curly hair before offering a little glance Sarah's way. "Sorry about that," she says, returning to her meal, plopping another piece of chicken in her mouth to chew on as the door jingles to usher Carol's arrival. Her head tilts curiously in recognition, watching the blonde superhero a moment before returning to her meal in (relative) peace and quiet.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen turns a hint of Hulk Green when she gets a look at the plate deposited in front of her. She looks like she is about to dig into it when her egg rolls are finally deposited as well, thanks to the TRUE hero in the place, America. She beams and picks one up, before dipping it in sweet and sour sauce (With it being Americanized Chinese), and she takes a big bite.

    "Ooooooh, #&#1751 yes...that is exactly what I was looking for..." The blonde downs the egg roll before picking up a glass of water and taking a long sip to wash it fown. She glances about the place again as she works.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    <"He is a buffoon, big sister."> Hana responds to Alice in the same language. <"Clowns are supposed to be funny, ne?"> Her soup is finally gone and she goes back to the all-you-can-eat tofu and noodles. "Thank you all for letting me join you. Do you all live near here, then? This..." and she motions to the room. "... is not exactly a pace to go out of one's way to eat at." A glance is spared for the tall lady and spies the symbol on her chest, then turns back to her noodles. If she was a little green for a moment, it's hard to tell agains her top.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah looks like she agrees with 'Stacy'. She's right, that's a pretty awesome name." she says to America as she returns, leaning back in her chair. She's sort of watching as the table has just started feeding the little blonde, and it's sort of adorable to see, she decides. Also very sweet of them all to care.

    The Amerindian girl raises a brow at America, idly running her fingers over a few strands of her long dark hair. "No worries." she says simply to the other girl. "Glad he didn't break anything..." she admits, looking over to Jack thoughfully.

    And then she catches sight of Marvel entering and just...stops for a moment, staring. Because that's not something you expect to see, even in New York. But...apparently superheroines love pork buns too? Huh.

    She lets out a soft laugh at Gwen's happy swearing, then says. "Glad you like them. It's hard to mess up egg rolls, though I've seen it happen." She lets the quick conversation back and forth between Hana and Alice wash over her, only partially listening since she isn't following most of it at the moment.

Jack Burton has posed:
As America pats his shoulder, Jack nods, mouth pursed tightly. His face turns only a slightly greener shade than normal. "Yeahhhh," he whispers. "I'm good." Jack raises a hand in farewell as the other diners return to their table.

Then, he nonchalantly--at least at first--steps toward the restroom. Then he walks more briskly. Then he body-slams the restroom door before locking himself in it. Various sounds of nausea echo softly down the hall, but they're easy enough to tune out before long.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol blinks, and then shrugs it off, walking further towards the hostess, "it's rough when you have promotions, huh?" She asks half jokingly, before adding, "I would hate to take up too much room, I can join another table, if they won't mind..." she offers, seeing how most tables are rather large during dim sum time, and she's merely a party of one.

Wu has posed:
    The arrival of team spandex, even in civvies, is noted with a choked-off snort as Alice glances briefly over at Carol before hastily returning her gaze back to her food. The trinket in her hand is secreted back into her pocket. Gwen's dis of the healthy option, if noted, doesn't seem to stir a reaction.
    With astonishing alacrity the even dozen large soup dumplings vanish down Alice's throat, almost as if she isn't chewing, though the working mandibles definitely show chewing in action. They get quickly washed down by the broth being emptied as if she were in a beer drinking contest with Jack Burton. One she'd win.
    <They are indeed. He succeeds in his chosen role.> Hana gets a chuckle as Jack's sudden, but noisy, departure gets a glance. <I take hits harder than that almost daily without that reaction,> she muses.
    "I was in the neighbourhood as part of an ... investigation," Alice says after a brief pause to decide which way to lie. "I was stuck in New York for longer than I'd expected and had to eat."
    She shrugs idly.
    "My usual stomping grounds of late are in Gotham, not in the Large Apple."
    "I'm not actually from Gotham, though."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's attention is slow to follow the table's gaze to the doors and then she pauses with her beer raised to her lips, behind her lenses she's running through a few different things before she swallows heavily and after a moment of debate internally looks like she might rise to her feet,"Ah. 'Good' to see you again... officer. I think perhaps my food might be ready. I'll leave you and your friends to your meal." she offers vaguely.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Eh, I'm living in the attic of the 114th Street Public Library at the moment. It's comfy enough." Surely the girl is joking, right? She glances up as Carol approaches. She seems to be picking up the giving spirit from the others, and she pushes a chair out with her scuffed-up Hi-Top. "You can sit here, ma'am." Yes, ma'am at 33. Gwen IS practically a kid, afterall. Well, 21, but she certainly ACTS like a kid most of the time, anyways.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah blinks slightly at Stacy. "...seriously?" she says with a faint frown, leaning forward now. It goes without saying that she doesn't seem to 1) think it's a joke and 2) is a bit concerned about the idea. "You know, if you need a place, I could find a couch for you to crash on." she offers to Gwen, before...well, Captain Marvel walks over to the table. And Sarah's brain sort of short circuits for a moment as she just gapes for a moment before snapping her mouth shut before she catches flies. "...uh, hi. Welcome." she stammers a bit.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hears the mentions from the other about Gotham and grins a bit, she looks now to Gwen curiously and ummms... She was about to ask questions, but chooses not to before she plucks up a red bean bun and begins nibbling on that as well. she's happy with her virual finger food at this point while the curvy ginger chews away. She makes a happy face as she takes a deep breath. She then notes Captain Marvel, eyes fixing on them curiously and at the reactions of those around as they look at them... Kae just smiles and offers a wave "Hallo." she greets, voice soft, but it carries quite well even over he din of noises in the restaraunt.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
The hostess is spared discomfort of looking around for a willing party when Gwen all but volunteers to have Carol join at their table, to which Carol inclines her head amicably as she moves to join that table, "I'll be keeping quiet and out of your way, don't worry, just wanted to catch on the bun promotion before it ends..." Carol's gaze than shifts towards Sarah, who judging by her reaction, knows exactly who she is, so she offers a bright smile, "thank you, and it's okay, I'm just another person." Can't quite say human being after all, wouldn't be accurate. Kaelyn gets a nod of recognition as well, before Carol takes a moment to make her order, keeping to Xiao Long Bao and jasmine tea.

Miss America has posed:
    "Yeah?" America asks, brows lifting at the compliments to her name. A moment passes before she looks aside and rubs the back of her head with her left hand. "Thanks. It -is- damn awesome."

    Leaning back in her chair a little until the front legs lift up just slightly with the groan of wood, America watches Gwen's space swiftly fill with and overflow of food, her head cocked and expression nonplussed -- though not really in a bad way. "Kinda sweet, huh?" she asides to Sarah, dark eyes sliding the Amerindian girl's way before glancing in the direction of the restrooms Jack is nonchalantly and/or crashing his way into. She stares in silence.

    "Yeah, don't worry," she says. Through the sound of nausea that gets swiftly drowned out. "He's a tough guy." Well. At least she sounds confident about it. That's what counts.

    For her part, at least, America just watches Carol for a moment before lifting her hand in a casual little wave. "Yo," she offers to the superheroine. "C'mon over."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    "Seems as good a place as any, Stacy-chan." Hana replies. Carol comes to the table and Hana shifts a touch away from the hero, just in case? The bowl in front of her is very interesting all of a sudden. "You should take the girl up on it." she says, not looking at Gwen.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    "Eh, I appreciate the offer, but I don't know you. Sorry. I'll get on my feet. Just getting the lay of the land and all that." She glances over and squints as she notes the way some people are looking at Carol. She glances between them and her, but doesn't seem to show any recognition. Either way, she pops the last egg roll down. She stays quiet for the most part, watching everyone.

Rainmaker has posed:
    There's a definite twinkle in Sarah's dark eyes as America very casually confirms it, as she snags her lone remaining pork bun, nibbling on it. "Yeah, it is..." she respond to America, smiling a bit, before she turns her attention back to Gwen, frowning thoughfully, then nods. "That's fair." she says, then rummages on her small backpack she's got under her chair, then pulls out a piece of paper and scratches a number and address on it, before she she slides it over to Gwen. "If you need a hand mapping stuff out." she says, more seriously. "If not, toss it when you're sure you don't need it." She smiles faintly "Whichever."

tShe glances back to Carol, then nods slightly as she tries to relax a bit. "Sorry..." she admits. "Um, I'm a fan, actually." she admits sheepishly. Shock and suprise Sarah would be a bit drawn to admiring a feminist icon (of sorts at least) like Captain Marvel. "I mean....sorry, I'll just, um..." She says, stammering a little as her brain starts panicking a little over what to say next. "Yeah. Cool." She smiles weakly at Carol.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles sheepishly and glances toward Carol now curiously and studies them. She then shrugs finally and says "Kaelyn." by way of introduction... She would offer to shake hands but being basically across the table and all reaching wouldn't be easy.. Kae's eyes dart around the place and she then laughs "We have estrogen cornered over here..." adds the woman, as she grabs up some brocoli and a dumpling downing them quicly. Next she looks to the others here and asks curiously "So I'm looking for some places to buy old world antique books and the like here.. Any of you know where I might look?" she asks curiously.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol smiles at America's vocal invitation, and offers a polite, "thank you," always better to feel welcome rather than grudgingly accepted. Upon hearing Sarah offering help in mapping stuff, Carol looks quizzically at her and asks, "are you a cartographer? That's a rare profession, takes sharp people to do it."

When Sarah divulges that she's a fan, Carol extends a hand towards her, "in that case, it's a pleasure to meet you. I guess you already know I'm Carol, you are?" She grins at Sarah's awkwardness and quips, "it's cool, I'm the one who called J. Jonah Jameson a chauvinistic pig in his own office and kept her job the next day."

Having introduced herself once already, she doesn't repeat it for Kaelyn, but does acknowledge her own introduction, before offering, "Chinatown is a good place to look, I would also venture to Bleecker St in the Village."

Miss America has posed:
    Falling into that easy quiet once more, America finishes off that last piece of spiced chicken, chewing on it sloly as she looks between Gwen and Sarah giving the astray blonde a helping hand. Her gaze softens a moment, a very brief moment, before turning a more curious stare Gwen's way. "New here?" she asks, her tone more curious than anything else for however blunt it is.

    She's all too content, though, to return to her food not a moment later, tearing off a piece of pork bun to chew on contemplatively as Sarah stammers her way through something like a greeting for Carol. America's brows lift. She watches as Captain Marvel herself offers that hand out to the girl. And then, she leans towards Sarah, prodding her once, teasingly, in the ribs. "Relax, girl. Her food's gonna get cold before you finish a sentence."

And with that, and a faintly amused spark in those dark eyes, America returns to her food, pausing only briefly as Kaelyn speaks. "Not really my backyard, sorry. She probably knows." And jerks her head Carol's way as the Captain helpfully offers her suggestions. "See?"

Wu has posed:
    Alice leans back after finishing her dumplings, idly toying with the little jade pendant depicting Guanyin before wrapping her hand around it. While looking at Kaelyn. A ghostly smile flirts with her face and then vanishes. The pendant drops back as Alice leans forward, cupping her chin in her hands.
    "There's a little curios shop in Gotham," she offers, addressing Kaelyn, "that I frequent. It has a lot of antiques of various kinds, including books that I'm almost positive you'll find fascinating. I have a little..." Again a slight pause as she decides how to proceed with the lie. "...hobby of making silly little charms and pendants and the like and they've been very helpful to me."

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah flushes faintly at America's poke, shooting her a quick look, but perks as Carol offers her hand. She reaches out to take it, shaking firmly as she grins bit. "I know..." she admits to the Jameson story. "It's part of the reason I started following you more." She sniffs. "And he's a sexist jerk, and deserved it. I've seen his editorials. Bleah." She makes a face, relaxing a bit as she leans back. "I mean, it wasn't the only reason, I was before that too." she adds. "But that really sealed it."

    She peers over at Kae, then looks uncertain. "Um...old books? Well...you could go by the main library too. Sometimes they sell off some of their old books they don't have shelf space for, though I don't know how rare they are. I heard they lost track of some of them though a few years back, something about books being stacked weirdly in aisles or..." She wrinkles her nose. "Something like that?"

    She listens with half an ear to how Gwen responds to America's question, curious, but feeling like she's defintlely going to be creepily crowding the girl if she keeps prodding her over her situation. She's offered, and it's in her ballpark anyway. Or whatever sports reference metaphor is more appropriate.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae oooh's and nods slowly... "I think I've been there, I own an occult store and coffee shop in Bludhaven... I'm out here lookig for a book a customer wanted. Problem is, several hundred year old books are hard o find..." she says and grins a bit. She nods now to Carol "Yah checked around here, but the book I am looking for is European in origin... I imagine I'll find it in such a shop that sells old world antique books, and if not, then I'll go over to Europe and get one there.." she adds. Kae eats another bbq pork bun and then looks from lady to lady curiously.

Finally she looks back at Alice and grins a bit. Kae searches in her backpack a bit and pulls a wooden box out of the backpack, and sets it on the table "These are kind of my hobby.." she removes what kind of resembles an egg with straight 'veins' running across its surface some under the other like something is wrapped around its self. However it's all made from very fine bits of brass and possibly silver? Kae grins a bit and takes a delcate key from the box, and sets it into a small hole at the back of the object and turns... It doesn't make any sound, till there is a quiet click, and then a slight whirring and clicking noise can be heard as a small clockwork dragon actually unfolds from the egg... The thing has green jewels for the eyes, and the whole thing is immaculately made. the little dragon walks smoothly, almost naturally across the table, pausing in the middle where it strikes a whole dragon rampant stance and 'looks' around while giving off a silent roar.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    For her part, Hana is much less gregarious now that Carol has join the table. The dark-haired and pale girl eats her noodles, her head down to her bowl as she eats.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'd wager if they've been helpful, they're not that silly to begin with," Carol remarks to Alice, looking quite pleased as her order arrives and she looks at pure deliciousness in a bun. Just a few drops of vinegar, and let the feasting begin. She's not too concerned with decorum, sucking the juice unapologeticly, savoring the taste. Xiao Long Bao is heaven when done right.

"Hey," Carol says to Sarah, realizing she really is a fan. Beyond the Captain Marvel bit, "not too many people are that knowledgeable about my career, my time as editor was rather short lived, but I must admit, every time I made JJ hit his head against a wall made me feel quite good about myself. The man is a professional asshole."

Carol turns her attention back to Kaelyn and laughs, "you're not from around New York City, are you? If it can't be found in Bleecker Street, I'm not sure it exists." May not be the most accurate statement, but you'd be surprised at the things you can find on that street. Particularly in rarities, be they musical or mystical. Then again, Europe makes for a much grander vacation no doubt. "Are you something of a mystic? Or practicing Wiccan?" Carol asks Kaelyn.

Wu has posed:
    Again the Guanyin pendant as Alice regards the egg, eyes narrowed, calculating. She shakes her head and looks up. "Very impressive work. I could only figure out a small part of how you did it."
    Something in her voice indicates a signal of some kind? Maybe?
    "I'm mostly a cop," she says, shaking her head. "I don't do that kind of work. I'm a hobbyist at best," she prevaricates. From out her pocket she withdraws a silver chain with a silver amulet of a Feng -- the Chinese "phoenix". "This is my kind of work. It doesn't move unless I swing it."
    The charm is slipped across the table for Kaelyn's inspection.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana looks over to Alice as she fiddles with her Guanyin. "A policewoman? In Gotham? Seems dangerous, big sister." and that she says in English. "Don't they have a number of insane costumed people there? Is it difficult to keep them under control? Is there something in the water there?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles at Carol and nods "Yup, you'd laugh if I told you my degree is in computer sciences though." she says and shrugs... "Still many I guess call my folks and my self a Pagan, or Pagans... My mother's a full blood card carrying witch, she even does handfastings for folks as well." Kae adds and shrugs "It's a life I enjoy I have my store, and I get to travel around and collect old books and the like."

Kae grins a bit again, then motions to the clockwork "That's my hobby, I like to make clockworks, I have a small cnc mill and laser etcher/cutter in the back of my shop.. I use lots of brass, silver and nickel to make my stuff... It's a great challenge to make something that winds up like that and still looks kind of 'lifelike'." says the redhead then glances to Carol and the others "If you like you're welcome to pick it up."

At this point after spinning around, tail lashing slowly, then coiling around its feet the Dragon curls up while standing, its wings wrapping around as it folds its self back up into the egg it once looked like, now having the little key in its back still... Kae's eyes then drift to Hana and she laughs "I think the whole world is full of caped crusaders, and crazed villains... Kind of makes things interesting I think."

Miss America has posed:
    "Jameson's always a dick," is America's eloquent summation of her thoughts on J. Jonah Jameson. Really, she sounds like she has the weight of history behind those words. At least some things in the multiverse can be counted on to be mostly consistent. Mostly.

    For the most part, though, she seems content to just focus on her food and listen to the conversations going on around her, not one for many words. The Latina does look up somewhat curiously between Kaelyn and Alice as they speak, brows knotting inward in mild thought before she tears off a chunk of pork bun between her teeth.

    "About half of 'em are the good kinda insane," she helpfully interjects on the topic of Gotham's costumed lunatics after she swallows that food. "Maybe a little less than that. Dunno. Depends on the day." She thinks that's a pretty generous estimate.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah nods firmly in agreement to America. "You were one of the best things in that rag back then, it's not like he let anyone else have a viewpoint that wasn't white and old and male." she says, in a slightly annoyed tone at the memory. She snorts a bit at Kae. "I don't know if I'd call it interesting...but hey, Chinese curse, so appropriate. May you live in interesting times and all that."
    YThe harried waitress swings by the table quick to refill drinks, but also to leave the most important thing of every Chinese meal (in America, at least): the fortune cookie.

Wu has posed:
    Glancing over at Hana, Alice holds out a hand, palms down, and wobbles it side to side. "It can be dangerous, sure, but remember that the press sells fear. Most days are pretty boring. I don't think I've been shot at more than ... three times in the past month? Something like that. I've shot a whole lot more than that, mind."
    Her face is deadpan as she speaks; it's hard to tell if she's joking or serious.
    "Of course I'm actually HKP, so the GCPD is a bit of a vacation for me. Lunatics in costume, whichever side they're on, notwithstanding."
    She turns her attention again to Kaelyn and the dragon, emphatically not checking out Carol's reaction.
    "The shop I buy my raw materials from has several books on the racks. Some of them are targetted at the hippy-dippy wannabe Wiccan crowd." Unexpected venom in those final five words. "But there are serious collectors and researchers who use the shop as well. I'm sure you'll find all kinds of interesting things there. I don't have the address off-hand; I know how to get there--it's along my night-time walk route--but I haven't quite picked up the addresses here yet."
    She fumbles in her pocket again, this time pulling out a pair of business cards, one with the oh-too-familiar GCPD logo on it, the other with a different, but still officious, emblem on it. These she holds out to Kaelyn with both hands.
    "I'll make a point of taking down the address next time I pass it by. Call me in a couple of days if you want to know where it is."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
While Carol is certainly knowledgeable, there's only so much she knows in detail about Wiccans so she listens to Kaelyn, nodding at her, while enjoying her delicious food. She does, however, quite ungracefully spits out a bit of juice when America catches her off guard with her comment about Jameson, "I take it you actually met the guy?" Carol asks curiously.

"That's him alright, and that was the only demographic that mattered too." Though Carol immediately turns to give Alice a mostly informal salute when she hears where she's from, "an honor to meet a woman in the HKP. I see everything improves with time. I hope you find the United States welcoming."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
At seeing nobody want to pick up the dragon, Kae grins and reaches out to fetch the thing. she then sets it in her little box after pulling the key free. She sets it carefully back in her backpack and takes the cards that are offered. She then hands a single card to Alice and smiles "There you go... " then the fotunes cookies are delivered, Kae grins and randomly selects one, before she opens the thing and cracks it open to look at her fortune... "Lezze what I got..." She says with a slight grin.

Kae then grins and adds "When I was a kid, we'd go to a chinese place in Brownsville... We'd always share our fortunes... And have a good laugh at it..." she adds with a big grin...

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    A server comes by and Hana orders another bowl of the all-you-can-eat lo mein. She doesn't thank the server when it's brought.

    "You're a police." she says, vaguely pointing to Angela. "And you?" she asks the others in turn, pointing to them also. America, Sarah, Gwen. Kae and Carol she does not, perhaps because Kaelyn has already suggested she is a clockwork-maker and the latter she skips over and ignores completely.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah's attention is caught by the impressive clockwork device...she almost looks disappointed vaguely when it's scooped up again, before she picks up her cookie, snapping it open. Her brow furrows as she reads. "You must try or hate yourself for not trying. Huh."

    At the question from Hana, Sarah shifts slightly in her seat. "Ah, I'm between jobs right now." she says after a momentary pause. "I do some volunteer work mostly at the moment, part-time stuff."

    Kae's fortune reads: Now is the time to try something new.

Miss America has posed:
    Captain Marvel does a spit take. Ms. America's eyes shut in a slow blink as she stares at the superwoman... and then a snort escapes her, one more amused than anything derisive. "Watch where you're pointing that thing, chica," she warns wryly, shaking her head as she finishes off the last of her pork buns. That was... a lot of food.

    Still, ultimately, when her amusement soon fades, all that comes as an answer to that question is a small, haphazard shrug of America's shoulders and a vague, "Something like that." It's technically true! And that's what matters.

    It's also just about all she seems willing to divulge on the subject, too, especially when those fortune cookies come. She tosses hers into the air and snatches it as it begins to descend, cracking the cookie shell open with hardly a thought to peer at the fortune inside.

    It's just about when she looks up that she sees the finger jabbed at her; eyes focus on it for a moment. "Volunteer work," she echoes Sarah's own answer succinctly. Also, technically, true. "Don't really do the job thing." Her eyes lift up, towards Hana directly. "You?"

Wu has posed:
    Alice looks over to Carol after gravely accepting Kae's card like she's been given a treasured relic. Her face a mask of neutrality she says, "I'm in Gotham, not Hong Kong. That should tell you how well things are going in the HKP for people like me," she says quietly. "It's OK though," she adds, an amused glance tossed over Kae's way like there's an inside joke. "I visit home frequently."
    The ritual with the fortune cookies is looked upon with uncomprehending bewilderment before she looks away, out the window, mouth closed, clenched even, muscles along the jawline working.

Rainmaker has posed:
America's fortune cookie reads: Watch for coming events; they cast their shadows beforehand.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana has to look at Marvel now, but she tries not to face her directly. "Nothing interesting, oba. Nothing interesting." She squeezes a block of firm tofu with her chopsticks, crushing it and it falls into two pieces.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae notices Rain's reaction and tugs the box back out of the backpack and hands it over... "Here, check it out if you like." Kae says with a big grin. If aything, Kae tries to be accomodating and hands the clockwork to Rain. "Enjoy it." she says with a slight smile and stands now.. "I'm going to have o go and get to those stores or my hotel room in and hit the stores int he morning. Ladies? It was a pleasure to meet you." She glances to Rain now curiously and grins once more "If ya like it maybe you'll visit my store when you're in Bludhaven..." She suggests and winks.. She pays her bill and shoulders her backpack... "Good day." she adds and with a wave he girl starts to wander toward the door.

Rainmaker has posed:
    Sarah smiles a bit at America. "Jobless unite." she says dryly, before she pushes back her chair. "Speaking of which, it's been lovely bumping into you. Maybe I'll catch you all here another time. She gets to her feet, digging in a pocket for a small bundle of bills that she sets on the table for the harried waitress, then looks suprised as Kae hands her the box. "What...really?" she says as the other woman heads out, then back at the box, looking a bit unsure. "Uh...okay." she says, very carefully setting it into her backpack so it's safe from being dropped, before she slides said minipack on. "Have a good evening.' she says cheerfully, waving a bit as she follows Kae towards the door.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Not my fault you made me laugh," Carol smirks at America, clearly not above rolling with a quip here and there. America certainly seemed like an interesting woman, or at the very least supremely confident. That was a good thing to see.

She doesn't make much of Hana Yoshida not taking interest in her or Kaelyn, after all, not everyone likes everyone in the world and that's just fine. She does, however, makes sure to pay for her meal once done, and give a bit of a bow, likely affected by the locale, at everyone at the table. "Thank you for letting me join you, I should be getting back to work now, still got a crisis on our hands...good day, ladies."

She does stall a moment at Alice's reply, adding, "I'd like to meet sometime, if you wouldn't mind sharing," she reaches into the pocket of her jacket and takes out a business card with her contact, slipping it towards Alice if she'd take it. Card reads: Col. Carol Danvers - Director of Alpha Flight.

Miss America has posed:
    "I bet," is America's lone response to Hana, looking back down at that fortune one last time before pocketing that slip of paper. A little, short-lived grin follows for both Carol's words, and then Sarah's, offering the girl beside her a sidelong look and a decisive nod.

    "Sisters in arms," she declares roundly, before Sarah gets up to leave, offering up, "Yeah. Wouldn't mind bumping into you again," to the departing woman, the words genuine if not short and sweet. As Captain Marvel rises to join the other two, America inclines her head the blonde's way. Brows furrow at the mention of crisis... but ultimately, the woman just offers a parting, "Watch your back out there, Captain. Kick some ass," to the superheroine before she, too, comes up to a stand.

    "Yeah. I'm gonna bounce." And with that, she leaves as simply as she came, stuffing one hand into her jacket pocket and lifting the other in the air to wave and give a simple, "Keep it real," before she makes her way out the door with that exiting jingle.