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Latest revision as of 21:24, 29 October 2017

The X-Scoop
Date of Scene: 22 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tendril, Boom-Boom

Tendril has posed:
    It's kind of boring in the infirmary, Alexia has decided.

    Sure, it's comfy and quiet, but you only can stand lying down so long before you want to move around. But she can't leave. And everyone else seems to have gone to this special meeting that she's not sure precisely what it's about. And you can only play the latest Super Mario Reboot so many times!

    On the other hand, she's been nibbling on her roses a bit, though she's really trying to savor them, and making happy use of her new backscratcher. She wonders how Tabby knew! She only told Yana, she thought. But she's carefully if a bit industriously scritches at those hard to reach places, as they're still not letting her use her tendrils to do it.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Hello, pretty girl!" Tabby exclaims, greeting Alexia as she bounces in. She seems happier somehow, recovered from the last few days. Even the beginning of classes doesn't seem to have brought her down.

    "I thought I would pop in before I have to shower and go to bed." and she tries to sit on the edge of the bed. "How're you feelin'?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi straightens. "Mousie!" she says cheerfully, and is not having this edge of the bed thing, scooting over to pull you more properly up on it so she can give you a firm hug back. "Thank ya for th' roses, an' the scratcher!" she says with a smile, then peers at you. "I'm okay. Just itchy, and they still won't let me grow any tendrils let, except really small ones ta test. How's yer leg?" AFter just a few days, she's looking remarkably better, really. Fast healer, apparently.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tab laughs blushing a touch at 'Mousie', she cuddles into the embrace for long as it lasts. "I was hopin' you'd like them." and she nods. "I figured you might be itchy... I always itch when I have somethin' healing. Like, my leg itches like a bitch." but she's not really complaining. "It's gettin' better."

    She leans to try and kiss Lexi's forehead. "I talked to Dani. She thought I should. I heard somethin'... oh, it doesn't matter." she says, dismissing the thought. "I wrote Yana a note. I kinda apologized. Maybe I was wrong, I dunno."

    She reaches up to scratch a spot on a pale eyebrow. "I might have to go somewhere, soon. With some of the others."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks pleased as you mention talking to Dani, and even more so when you mention writing Yana a note. "Oh, that's great! I'm glad ya worked things out..." she murmurs, giving her a little squeeze. Though she blinks a bit at the mention of hearing something. "....wait...what did you hear?" she says, slightly warily, and starts to press the point before you derail her firmly. "...what? Where? With who?" she says, frowning quietly.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Well, I don't actually know yet, who or when." Tabby says. She looks around for eavesdroppers, sees none, but lowers her voice anyway. "Some of us are goin' to cause a big noisy distraction while another team does some sneaky stuff. Don't know the team makeups yet, or when we'll go." and she reaches over to try and take one of Lexi's hands. "I jus' wanted you to know... I'm sure I'll get to say 'bye before we go... but it could be a big mess. If we get caught we might be spending a long time being an unwilling contestant on a crazy multidimensional TV producer's deadly reality shows." but, she shrugs. "It'll be fine, though."

Tendril has posed:
    The look on Lexi's face says 'What the hell are you talking about Mousie' without her having to say a word, really. "...wait, what?!?" she finally says, sounding a bit alarmed now. "What distraction? Where? Multidimensional producer?!?" Still, her mind is working as a moment later her eyes get wider. "YOU'RE GOING BACK THERE?!?!" she says, MUCH too loudly.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha puts a finger to her lips. "Shh... we shouldn't spread it around. But, I wanted you to know what happened if I didn't come back..." she starts to say. "...right away." she adds quickly. "But I will. We're jus' gonna make some noise and come home. Won't be anything. Probably won't even engage anything dangerous, but I'll get to blow stuff up and noone will complain!" she tries to bring the hand up, to brush her lips against. She doesn't seem to think this is odd at all.

Tendril has posed:
    It's good that Boom Boom thinks to add the 'right away', because Lexi's eyes are already widening in alarm...though it doesn't seem to mollify her much at all. "Are ya nuts!" she hisses, lowering her voice. "Why would ya go back to tha' crazy place! It nearly got us killed! Why are YOU going back?!? That's, like somethin' for one of those costumed capes that runs around fightin' dimensional monster thinges, -not- a, a...." She swallows. "...not someone like us! We're students!"

    Her eyes narrow a bit. "...wait, is someone makin' ya do this?! That's it, right, someone told ya yy had to or somethin'??" She's looking like she will now find this person. They may be punched. More than once possibly.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby shakes her head. "No, honey. Some of us... Dani, me, some of the others... we're on a team. Sorta a junior team. We..." and she looks at Lexi again. "Hey, you were in a gang, sorta. Right? You fought with your gang against other gangs.. maybe sometimes to punish gangs that got out of hand, like... like Calypso does." she hopes she got that name right. "We kinda do that. Why do you think this school is here for, anyway? Like some guy jus' decided to let muties come play together at his house?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi squints at you. "...I was NOT in a gang. I was a thief. A solo thief." she corrects, then adds. "An' it was Callisto." She starts to slide off the bed. "An' I'm gonna go too then if yer goin'." she finishes, getting a stubborn expression.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "It's not now! C'mon..." and Tab pats the bed again. "There's still a lot of plannin' to do. I don't know if they're even gonna let anyone else come. Yana wants to, and Red and the adults said they would think about it if she trained really hard between now and then." and she shrugs. "Someone's gotta stay here and protect the other kids, the ones who can't fight."

    She looks at Lexi, apologizing with her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you with the gang comment. I... I misunderstood stuff you said before."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi waves it off. "It's no big thing, don't worry 'bout it." she says absently, frowning as she turns to look at you, then leans in towards you between your legs as she scoots up, leanign close to your face, eyes on yours. "Who's gonna to protect them, me? Who's gonna protect YOU, Tabby?" she says, a little incredulously. "Wait, th' TEACHERS asked ya to do this?!? This is NUTS!" She throws up her hands, then lets out a faint wince. "You're not even HEALED yet! Your legs still fucked up!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Oh, it'll be fine. Don't worry." Tabitha says cheerfully. "They didn't really ask. I more or less volunteered." She returns the gaze. "Look, I hafta do this, like be on this team. What else'm I gonna do with my life? Rob banks? Run off with you and... well, I guess that wouldn't be so bad. But..." she rubs her forehead. "I'm sorry if I'm scarin' you, honey. It's good I'm doin' stuff like this so I don't get myself into more trouble. I know me."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi reaches up and grips your shoulders with her hands, her mouth working for a moment as she literally can't decide what to respond to first, a quick montage of anger, fear, frustration and shock crossing her face, before she drops her head, closing her eyes, her breathing a bit faster. "You, you...." she sputters, then spins around and pokes Boom Boom in her chest, looking furious now. "Ya ditzy blond, STOP saying things like that! I HATE that! Why do ya think you're worthless or, or, stupid or that you have to be terrible, or, or.." She takes in a big gulp of air, gasping out as as her eyes start to fill up with tears as she scrubs at her eyes furious as the first start to trail down her cheeks. "Yer NOT! And whoever told ya ya were is a JERK! An' an ASSHOLE! FUCK HIM! OR HER! WHOEVER!!!!!"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby puts her hands on Lexi's arms, holding on as if she expect to be shaken or something. "I... well, when you get told 'you'd better keep that sassy mouth shut' and then beaten or get told that he wishes you'd never been born, that you ruined his life... that your mom shoulda had an abortion.... well, it doesn't make you feel too good 'bout yourself as a kid, y'know?" and her throat works for a moment as she chokes down some memories. "I know I'm not worthless. My team thinks I'm useful." She smiles just a touch. "An' you like me. So, I guess I'm not all bad."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi sniffles loudly, then just leans into Tabby, since she's holding her arms, going a bit limp as she makes soft snuffling sounds, taking in great gasps of air as she tries clamp down on any more tears escaping. "...'m sorry...yer not ditzy..." she says miserably, letting out another deep sniff, before she tries to lift her arms and slide them around the blonde's neck, clinging to her a bit now, as her back shakes a bit.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha holds the other girl to her gently, so as not to squeeze anything still mending. "Thank you. You're biased." and she exhales loudly. "I'm glad I met you, Foxy. I... I think I was gonna do somethin' stupid with Sam. Probably somethin' self-destructive or like... I dunno, desperate? I hope not, but maybe part of me wanted to..." and she sighs. "I prob'ly would have been pregnant in a year and poppin' out his baby. I would've resented him the rest of my life, too. But probably part of me would be happy with bein' miserable."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi's breathing steadies, though she still inhales deeper than normal, then lets it out, then snorts at the biased comment, sniffling quietly. "...I'll keep sayin' it until ya believe me then." she says quietly, then breaths out as she squeezes you gently. "I don't want ya ta be miserable. I don't want ya ta go...you, or Dani, or Yana, or whoever they pulled into this...this..." She swallows.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "I don't want to leave you here, or... " she starts. She JUST said that she needed to do these things, to keep herself out of trouble. "... but I gotta. I mean, I have powers, right? Powers that are good for fightin' and stuff. Someone's gotta stop the people with powers that do bad things, right? Who else is there? Those Justice League people can't be everywhere all the time. And... maybe they don't understand mutants, not really. So we have to police ourselves."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl breathes in and out softly, then finally speaks, quietly.

    "But you do want to leave."

    There's no energy in her voice now...she knows she can't win this argument. Part of her is even a bit proud of the other girl, that she's willing to be that courageous. It makes her feel especially cowardly for wanting so badly to beg her not to regardless. But she can't bring herself to do it. She inhales again, then pulls away, sliding up on the bed, then stretching out a bit on her side. "...ya should go train then. Work with Dani....Yana.." She closes her eyes quietly, as she curls up on the bed. "...c-come back to me." Her voice almost breaks at the end, as she blinks rapidly for a moment, then closes her eyes again. "...I need to sleep Tabby." Well she might. But...she just...she doesn't know how to deal with this, and she needs time.